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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 768x872, CF1DB63C-E4E9-4722-B9C6-075BBBEFFBDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52916310 No.52916310 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52916445

lmao, even.
>What makes RLC worth buying into?
It has survived 2 bear markers, its company is growing quick, the technology behind it is sound. Essentially, they're set to become the uber of cloud based services. Their technology is open source and third parties can create dApps for sale on iExecs secure decentralized marketplace. Datasets and computing power can be rented out, all while using RLC as a means of exchange. Cloud computing is growing and will become a massive part of the IT industry over the next decade. iExec is a leader in this technology, and has been sought after and been used as a consultant for Microsoft and IBM. That recognition speaks volumes for their competency.
>If it has a moonshot in its future, what is the likely time frame
end of 2023 realistically. Their main service- the marketplace for computing resources - goes live in January. Whenever this token has upward pressure, the price tends to skyrocket. It did a 10x from $2 to $20 in less than a week from its coinbase listing, where most coins see a 50-200% bump at most. With the token becoming increasingly scarce due to the low fixed supply, and iexec inversely offering more products on their marketplace requiring more RLC tokens over time, this upward pressure will meet little resistance. Realistic targets are hard to pinpoint, but if iExecs marketplace captures 0.1% of the cloud computing market by EOY 2023, that will make their services worth just shy of $600 million, which will set RLC at $7 a token. This is a lowball, however, as iexec will be the first to offer a service of its kind. at 1% market share, it will be worth $70. RLC has been stable around 0.90-1.20 the last few months, for reference.
>What's the suicide stack, what's the make it stack
>t. Make it stack holding Gilles loving Chad

>> No.52916717


>> No.52917779

bullish writeup.
t. trubit sui + oil sui stacker

>> No.52917881

The only thing that caused it to moon like that was because all the exchange arbitrage.
Marketcap is way too high for it produce any lifechanging gains as well. If it went to a 1 billion marketcap youd still only get like.. an 11x.
An 11x that requires 1 billion $ in capital is insane

>> No.52918001

RLC will be a top 10 coin.

>> No.52918040


>> No.52919624
File: 61 KB, 1749x277, June 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid shill. Who else would write such an essay on 4chan? How can you look at yourself in the mirror?
There are people on this board who bought RLC in 2018 and are still down in USD, while the whole crypto space went 20x on average.

>> No.52920519


>> No.52920934

its a group of 5 pajeets that have been spamming biz for years for 100 rlc a month

>> No.52921575

I love how ironic pic related is. So many ropers after RLC surpasses as it was always destined to.
>nooo, but muh link adoption already happened
Ya, exactly

>> No.52922494

It is a scam

>> No.52922533

this is the token shkreli was touting right?