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File: 190 KB, 763x905, 271870558_257565739782010_4334513769955165637_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52910250 No.52910250 [Reply] [Original]

buy kadena

>> No.52910274

hows life going for you, bagholding tranny? suicidal thoughts getting stronger and stronger i hope?

>> No.52910306

>buy kadena
>anime bitch has a radix logo plastered on her chest
What does she/he mean by this?

>> No.52910328
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Really good thanks for asking, my bag is not doing as Great but I'm still up by a lot and once the bull comes back my bag will be cute again, not something I worry about.
I do say the phrase "I'm gonna kill myself" a few times a day whenever I think about something cringe I did but I don't really have any suicidal thoughts, it's just a filler sentence.
The only real complaint I have is the severe lack of a tomboy gf, if that's something that could be figure out asap that would be very nice.
Anyway thanks for checking in, hope your also happy with life, more happy posters makrdz this board a better place

>> No.52910456

What's your new shitcoin of the month now that K*S has died, Chud-kun?

>> No.52911887

babena dabena

>> No.52912552

The fact that this shitcoin is always shilled with a tranime pic makes me stay away from it

>> No.52912658

The fact that this shitcoin makes bigots seethe about anime pics makes me stay close to it.

>> No.52912666
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good for you cupcake

>> No.52912684

I can fix her

>> No.52912702

Don't cupcake me.

>> No.52913510
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(This is my last post, I won't reply to harassment.)
>she actually fell for my last bait
I-I don't mind healthy discussions on Discord if you need more info

>> No.52913522


>> No.52913529
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>The fact that this shitcoin makes bigots seethe about anime pics makes me stay close to it.

>> No.52913590
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>more info
on what? I would like to though sure

>> No.52913829
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checking in

>> No.52914381
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rember wen u said last yr avax would be died'd in a bear market
haha good ttimes
must feel horribl being wrong about everything all the time xd

>> No.52914502

>Also more than 90% down
Nothing is doing well at the moment.

>> No.52914513

kyspa scam

>> No.52914593
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das rite.

>> No.52914640
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>kikedena -96.7% relative to avax -91.8%
Just amusing to me how you would have made more shorting trannydena than antivax wen you boys so adamantly said it'd be worth $0 rn but somehow it's above $3.5B in a bear market ?!?? :3
Ava Chad Foundation is constantly building, onboarding Alibaba, Robinhood, Reinsurance Market, KKR, Mortgage backed securities,
What has the tranny foundation been up to ? partnering with fraudsters building a centralized dex ? cutting all contact with everyone ? Building absolutely nothing ?

>> No.52914690

AVAX chads win again

>> No.52914936

I didn't say any of that, and don't own either coin. Reading comprehension difficult for you?

>> No.52915063
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>must feel horribl
No I feel rather fine. Avax is silly, subnets are joke and now that we're in a bear it makes no sense to use EVM based chains since L2s on ETH make more sense.

>> No.52915106

I need more info, what do you have?

Basically you're saying AVAX did all those partnerships but you're still 90% down.
So partnerships don't actually do anything, huh, who would've thought.

>> No.52915160

There is nothing interesting about avax, prove me wrong.
(not even the consensu)

>> No.52915193

Bonus blocks are an interesting idea.

>> No.52915206

uh sweaty eth has them, they are called GHOST

>> No.52915359
File: 44 KB, 500x259, ywdbXiD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm then
i-info on what

>> No.52915379
File: 969 KB, 1024x1024, draw the rest of the car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no info
tfw no gf
tfw no avax

>> No.52915622
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>still doesn't understand avalanche consensus in the year of our lord and savior Jesus Christ 2022
>implying partnerships can out-perform a global recession
i'm highlighting the difference between real innovators and fraudsters
enlighten me on wot the tranny foundation has accomplished during this bear market
an AMA gloating about how hypothetically superior they are meanwhile their product is entirely nonexistent ? Worse than the matic jeets desu
Lol. Lmfao.
chainweb is spaghetti dogshit in the worst language possible which is the reason you have no devs or ecosystem

>> No.52915625

>I-I don't mind healthy discussions on Discord if you need more info
I haven't been following the recently threads so I have no idea what the context of this convo is.
But I remember you saying you didn't use Discord before...

>> No.52915637

>>still doesn't understand
Well you apparently do, so tell me what makes it interesting. I just want you to say speed.

>> No.52915792
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I-I can't talk about it because anones will think I'm accusing again or being provocative. I don't actually care anyway. In summary, from my perspective, people here are way scarier than they realize, such that they don't understand my reactions to certain things. I don't know if I'm over-reacting or being too sensitive, but I will keep myself contained to communities with stricter moderation.
Discord used to ban my accounts every time I created a new one, but they stopped doing so somehow. I'm glad.

>> No.52915867

Looks like AVAX-chan is a tranny.

You can't leave before you spill the info.

>> No.52916160

Oh my. I can see you're unbanned from the Kadena Discord now.
This is cause for celebration.
I can finally buy KDA again. Yay.
Does this officially mark the end of the bear market?

>> No.52916508
File: 39 KB, 248x248, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't leave before you spill the info.
It wasn't anything interesting
>Does this officially mark the end of the bear market?
U-uhm anone.. I'm some useless NEET irrelevant to anything who has never contributed in any way other than endless sadness and negative price movements. I'm not sure if this will help the market.

>> No.52916533
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>who has never contributed in any way
Chin up, you must have filtered countless retard anons from buying kda, that's something to be proud of.

>> No.52917117

Short term price movements are not important.
Truth is important in the long run.

>> No.52917672

why wont KDA communicate with Kevin anymore...

>> No.52917728

he questioned kaddex

>> No.52917929
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I-I’m mostly interested in metaphysical or spiritual Truth, understandings of material reality is only part of it. But I definitely consider technological accelerationism to be desirable since life expectancies of carbon-based construction are inappropriate for potent cognitive growth.
I want to melt in Love.

>> No.52917993

but we all love kevin and hate kaddex. does this mean KDA is not as good as we thought

>> No.52918012
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I'm in the, whatever thanos says is absolute truth gang, so tech is good and will be gooder but everyone besides the devs in the team are questionable.
The way I cope with this is telling myself that the same is going on with other chains but they are just better at hiding it.

>> No.52918172

Scam kadcex
Scam kevin
Hey, lets date, my penis is smal and practically unusable

>> No.52918204

Also my id is ftx and its pink

>> No.52918557

>Hey, lets date, my penis is smal and practically unusable
fite me irl

>> No.52918630

nah would rather buy Matic with that money, can't go wrong when you have meta, adobe, ebay, reddit, jp morgan, nike, starbucks, stripe, mercedes, flipkart building on polygon

>> No.52918958
File: 62 KB, 600x305, 2532123123215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maticjeet spam
oh no

>> No.52919417

Kill yourself.

>> No.52920152

You left out aikon. Created ore id which is making the transition from web2 to web3 seamless

>> No.52921257
File: 22 KB, 512x512, c2c0cd55e5757e961a225b33d7117887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Frogs were the first land animals with vocal cords. Male frogs have vocal sacs—pouches of skin that fill with air.

>> No.52921271

KASPA >>>> kadena

>> No.52921349

retard, sell, its over for kaspa, nobody is shilling it anymore, you're gonna get stuck bagholding

>> No.52921731
File: 521 KB, 1945x1094, 1610795587524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this song so much

>> No.52921773

wanted to dm you something nice but it failed, says need to be frens

>> No.52922382

Matic and Kaspa jeets getting annoying.

>> No.52922460

I would rather buy prifi tokens instead of that garbage

>> No.52922505

They always were.

>> No.52924564

Privacy projects are certainly where the future lies amidst the recent clamor for regulations, with high expectations on Alliance Block standing out with TIDV

>> No.52926063

Hello babeena sers. Very amazen project but have you seen the other proof of work coin kyspa? Is it any good?

>> No.52926113
File: 405 KB, 600x465, KASPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYSPA?? Sers I have many blocks SATOSHI and vishnu together in one chain!! It's really grate technologies

>> No.52926985

ZKP? RAIL? What else is worth buying?

>> No.52928668

True investors think long term anon. On of the reasons I'm in on low caps on the Elrond Network like Crt and Ride as they have shown potential for future profits

>> No.52928937

Sol got a partnership with google and they're down 90+%
No one's buying. No one's got any money left. Credit card borrowing is at all time high

>> No.52928983

based frog poster

>> No.52930227

could i retire off 3000 kda? I unironically think its the next eth, chart looks similar to eth when it was first out too.

>> No.52930242

kevin strongly believes it's a 3 figure coin. So probably not, but it's still a lot of money. Just gotta see how things pan out next bullrun (2024-2025)

>> No.52930407
File: 331 KB, 635x800, 1670593465579065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what prices do you guys have your buy orders set at?

>> No.52930966
File: 109 KB, 868x1048, 20221219_091843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my negro it's under €1 lol.
no such thing as limit orders needed, I just market buy every few days

>> No.52931169

based infoposter

>> No.52931785

Limit orders on the best exchange (Binance) are free.

>> No.52931943
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Sometimes you get what you pay for.