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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 291 KB, 1600x900, 1671301019399384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52914696 No.52914696 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we build like this?

>> No.52914704


>> No.52914753

Who would build it and why?

>> No.52914767

me and cuz

>> No.52914781

property taxes

>> No.52914794

If a certain person had won a certain war, we could be living in a world like that.

>> No.52914804

please stop with these anti-semitic questions

>> No.52914817

looks depressing, boring and stoic. Not a single tree or plant is sight. Nothing even to sit on. The air quality is probably shit too

>> No.52914829

Because public infrastructure is socialism.

>> No.52914834

i cannot believe the jews stopped reality from being 40k

>> No.52914835
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>looks depressing, boring and stoic. Not a single tree or plant is sight. Nothing even to sit on. The air quality is probably shit too

>> No.52914839

No we wouldn't, you cringe retard.

>> No.52914847

Because that's the only alternative, right? Retard.

>> No.52914849

Niggers, Jews and women.

That's basically it.

>> No.52914867

life would be exactly like my bong tabletop game, if only le hitlerino won

>> No.52914895

Think about how wildly inefficient that place is. How the hell are the people on the left platform supposed to reach the right platform? How did they get up there in the first place? The lack of guardrails on the right platform means someone can easily fall that 50 feet between the top and bottom section and die a gruesome death. Then the city workers would have to trek up and down all of those stairs to clean him up. Notice how the center building doesnt even connect to the walkways. If there was a fire in one of the disjointed chambers near the top of the impractically tall building everyone inside would die because there is no quick way out. How is a firetruck even supposed to reach it. Kys

>> No.52914897

Ain't how it works. Architecture is about creating a space for human activity to occur. It needs a concrete reason to exist, which also informs the way that it physically manifests.

>> No.52914906
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>> No.52914911

At least here there's plenty of wide open space so you can easily travel far away if you need to instead of being stuck in the same corner of le heckin fascist utopia for hours

>> No.52914916
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Because Brutalism and commie blocks are cheaper.
Trup signed an executive order stating all future government buildings had to be built in Roman style. Arches, columns etc like pic related. It was literally one of the first things Biden overturned

>> No.52914931

amerishit moment

>> No.52914930

Architecture that at least tries is miles better, even if there isn't a tree in sight
God forbid we do anything interesting if it isn't perfect for your very explicit (and highly malleable) sensibilities

>> No.52914942
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40k has shit aesthetics

>> No.52914974

White people. Because it would be inspiring. Why do white people do things?

>> No.52914979

If pic was real, there would be scaffolding everywhere attempting to maintain that shit

>> No.52914985

Stone, brick, lime, and mortar structure.

>> No.52914992
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At the end of the day, someone has to pay for it. In 9/10 cases it has to pay for itself.

Cathedrals made collecting taxes easier and monarchs donated because it helped their standing.

Castles controlled trade and kept out raid rape skeletons.


>> No.52914997

>Because Brutalism and commie blocks are cheaper
well not the commie blocks part.
the obliteration of urban architecture in the jewish half of the 20th century was brought about with an unlimited budget.
i used to have a folder of the vandalism thats been brought to europe post world war 2 with price labels for each work (this is a very very old topic thats had thousands of posts) and some of the sums dwarfed the historically accurate restorations.

>> No.52915015

>medieval and renaissance buildings are exactly like muh gay space falling empire getting murderfucked by chaotic gods
Accept that nobody builds like that anymore, faggot.

>> No.52915036

So we created these beautiful structures back in the day when there was 99.99% less wealth than now?

>> No.52915048

Because, the current elite of the world have zero class.

>> No.52915062

Not everything needs to be as efficient as it can be. Not always do we need to take the rabble and retards in consideration. It would also be wise to keep the mob away from the central structure. Stone does not catch fire.

>> No.52915086

Enjoy living in your concrete cube cuck shed, and remember to thank your masters!

>> No.52915102
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Because Tartaria got wiped out

>> No.52915141
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Castles weren't really all that beautiful in practice. They stood for generations and got expended though, BECAUSE THEY HAD A PRACTICAL PURPOSE. Now that money goes into aircraft carries, nuclear reactors, subs, hospitals, universities, and pregnantbutt coin.

>when there was 99.99% less wealth than now

Back then flaunting your wealth was looked up on. Now it's not, so rich people tend to hide their wealth rather than building a castle / pyramid. These projects aren't exactly great for the average person, though I would still like to see more of them. Though I would rather dump money into other semi-useless endeavors like becoming multi-planet monke.

>> No.52915182

go on..?

>> No.52915183

Where does your glass facades/sand come from?

>> No.52915188
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and we used to build train stations like this because they had a practical purpose too?

>> No.52915197

>Stone does not catch fire.
I know gas is cheap and efficient, but not everything needs to be as efficient as it can be. Don't make me break out the ultrasonic drills.

>> No.52915213


>> No.52915216

you have to go back
checked and true

>> No.52915224

pretty sure the practical purpose was support so it didn't collapse. nhps20

>> No.52915239
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post more pictures of the old world

>> No.52915245
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Yea it would basedfaggots

>> No.52915247
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>> No.52915252

Why the fuck would you do this, looks expensive as fuck

>> No.52915257
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like i say its been done to death andi cant be bothered getting into it on a shitty board like /biz/ where half the people here start crying if you start talking about jews, threads descend into a farce.
back in the mid to late 2010s the hungarians started massive rebuilding work to remove the old commie monstrosities from their capital through rebuilding and partially through building new facades (pic related cost about 8million euros, compare that to some of the costs of jewish building projects, its peanuts), the cost of the construction projects were all public and it wasnt that expensive.

>> No.52915259

There's only so many raw materials out there, and that'll never change. As the population grows, the available resources per human decline. A lot of the "wealth" you're referring to is imaginary paper money.
There has been massive technical progress over the decades and centuries of course, but in the end it's still a lot of effort and materials today to produce similar works of art. The reality is that those with the means to afford such things would rather put their money towards new dreams. If someone were to build a castle nowadays, without any history and purpose it would get laughed at and mocked as fake or impractical.

Still, the truly wealthy do continue to build some nice architecture occasionally, but most of it is hidden away on lonely mountains or islands, out of sight from the public eye.

>> No.52915262


I am not sure how true it is. If we go back in time, impressive pieces of architecture, etc, were a display of wealth. Because information didn't travel as well and because skilled craftsmen were much more valuable, it was a clear sign that one country / city / family / ideology is better than the other.

Because we live in a unipolar world, there is less competition, and so money doesn't get spent on displays of power / competence / beauty. Unless you can come up with a better reason. Ib4 4 letters that rhyme with lose.

>> No.52915265

how can anyone deny that america is a collapsing shithole

>> No.52915269
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I love when le architecture serves le purposerino!!

>> No.52915276
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Forgot image

>> No.52915318

Because in the past people valued beautifying public spaces and building up society.
Post WWII or so it's all about being as cheap as possible for anything public, and the hoarding of private wealth away from the eyes of the proles

>> No.52915323
File: 2.65 MB, 1562x926, san_fran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most of that is still there. Just doesn't look nearly as impressive irl.

>> No.52915340
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I think this post is pretty spot on too.

>> No.52915348

It would be more efficient to live in pods and eat bugs. It would also be more efficient to off all the unemployed and criminals.

>> No.52915352
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>> No.52915368

I like your theory but it doesn't hold up. Money is still being spent on art and architecture. It's just ugly art and architecture. Modernist and post modernist movements in the 20th century are to blame. Millennia of beauty standards and revered schools of thought were binned to explore new ideals. Sadly those ideals turned out to be shit, and as a lasting consequence artists are now taught that art needs to be ugly to be able to convey a message.

>> No.52915410
File: 121 KB, 836x488, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they partially destroyed it
not only in america, many european buildings have been bastardized

>> No.52915451

not feasible
just stick to your roleplaying fantasies you fat worthless faggot

>> No.52915462

>Ib4 4 letters that rhyme with lose.
Kek. Might want to pick a different rhyming word, since the first thing I thought of was "with jews you lose." Maybe try news... Oh wait, that's probably not good either. How bout shoes? That's pretty neutral. Oh wait, no, that brings up images of the Holocaust. What about screws? Misuse? Accuse?

No no no, I got it. Kangaroos. That's probably the most innocuous word. If we ever hope to stop antisemitism, we have to be smarter about our words.

>> No.52915463
File: 80 KB, 1000x625, miltiary-history-museum-via-studio-libeskind-1000x625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the museum of military history in dresden.
you can thank Daniel Libeskind for this deconstructivist masterpiece
>Early life and education
>Born in Łódź, Poland, Libeskind was the second child of Dora and Nachman Libeskind, both Polish Jews and Holocaust survivors.

>> No.52915469


I think there is a lot of truth to this too.


Would love to see the history of that - I am inclined to think of "it just started falling apart". For example, painting the pyramids made sense back when it was a sign of the pharoah's greatness (or helped the ayy lmao's signal to Alpha Centauri), but Egypt just can't maintain that shit (or at least has no interest).

So now we have:

> hiding wealth / not such a good status symbol anymore
> globalism
> shit modernist art tendencies

Seems like biz actually got to the bottom of something for once (other than their own asshole, of course).

>> No.52915507

Goose rhymes with loose

>> No.52915527

The price of skyscrapers increases non-linearly with their height.

>> No.52915541
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x980, 4540640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a a little more subtle but equally as beautiful fusion of modern and historic architecture brought to you in Prague by Frank Gehry
>Early life
>Gehry was born Frank Owen Goldberg[4] on February 28, 1929, in Toronto, Ontario,[5] to parents Sadie Thelma (née Kaplanski/Caplan) and Irving Goldberg.[6] His father was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Russian Jewish parents, and his mother was a Polish Jewish immigrant born in Łódź.[

>> No.52915584

I hate Gehry's work.

>> No.52915600

is the bastardization of white architecture worth eternal suffering in hell?

>> No.52915607
File: 1.95 MB, 3000x1688, 5406406540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good old frank has brought us some works of genius over the years
thatll be 100 million euros please

>> No.52915638


>> No.52915645

Imagine being the engineer tasked with calculating load bearing and stuff to actually build these monstrosities lmao

>> No.52915827

It's been largely accepted that Totalitarian Chic isn't so much impressive and inspiring as it is depressing and oppressive. We've already tried it, mostly in countries that are actually a bit more Eastern in character, and what ends up happening is that they build one big crazy building and then it's mostly giant roads to reach it (to dissuade protestors/rebels from approaching it, because wow we just made a giant target for violence against the state).

>> No.52915840
File: 32 KB, 600x655, IMG_0787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been largely accepted that Totalitarian Chic isn't so much impressive and inspiring as it is depressing and oppressive. We've already tried it, mostly in countries that are actually a bit more Eastern in character, and what ends up happening is that they build one big crazy building and then it's mostly giant roads to reach it (to dissuade protestors/rebels from approaching it, because wow we just made a giant target for violence against the state).

>> No.52915874

and jews

>> No.52915957
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A lot of those were basically made of cardboard and left to rot after the expositions were over because they didn't have a reason to exist. Same with many Olympic venues.

BTW the modern example of this kind of thing are sporting venues and skyscrapers. The technically impressive engineering and craft is mostly hidden away in the structure because the basic fact of building a monumental something-or-other designed by Zaha Hadid takes all of the expertise that would go into useless decoration (though there's plenty of that on the inside, too).

>> No.52915972
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Thank you.

>> No.52916018

I studied architecture and I can tell you it was all about religion. Old buildings, aesthetically wise, had a religious purpose. Every element it had on its facade had a religious meaning while modernism was more bland but it was the cost of true functionalism for the common folk. Turns out we prefered the idea of "architecture for the people rather than architecture for god".
That's it

>> No.52916022

Didn't you guys do that to yourselves by fighting a bunch of unnecessary wars?

>> No.52916044

>As long as the elite are willing to live in third world shitholes theres not much that can be done.

>> No.52916632

Because white man is no longer Catholic

>> No.52916727

Are you familiar with the theory that all art and architecture are reflections of the society that lived in and around them? Artists are stuck in the culture feedback loop and their designs essentially put a tangible face on it.
The bland, featureless "for the people" architecture is very indicative of the lack of purpose and flourish in modern life. There is nothing to honor and appreciate in the blandness of our collective deconstructed culture/society and our works on the whole reflect that
I mean look at this >>52915607 and tell me it doesn't look like a stylized pile of refuse carelessly strewn about. Whatever origin the designer has in his background, that's embarrassing

>> No.52916800

same person who posts trolleys same person who promotes car culture

>> No.52916840

Because its expensive also 'architects' lack the skill the design such buildings, and builders lack the skill to build such buildings.

>> No.52916846

Sam's reason YOU can't build like that.

>> No.52916865

Same *

>> No.52916893

Everything you see in this photo is likely valued around $10 billion dollars. The materials and logistics of building something like that require mass populations of "humans" to become dedicated to slave labor to make it cost effective.

>> No.52917047

>Plenty of wide open space
Great, now I can't go anywhere without a car. Walkable cities are so much better, and the people who live in them aren't obese like you Americans

>> No.52917377

cost effective to who? for what? these buildings arent designed to generate profit. its an display of wealth and power. "we do it because we can, dont fuck with us".

everything today is built to extract wealth. none of us do anything because we can. not even the wealthy. its pathetic.

>> No.52917785

thats not roman style and nobody builds brutalist anymore, not even the chinks, jeets or russians

>> No.52917868

If Hannibal would have won the Punic war against the degenerate Romans yes

>> No.52917883

We still don't really know why Hannibal gave up at the gates of Rome, but if the rumors of Carthage being the hub of moloch worship were true, maybe it could be worse

>> No.52917886

Nazi Germany if Hitler won

>> No.52918086

These represent metaphysical tumors growing on the collective European body.

>> No.52918259

what a great self-report as someone who has no knowledge of American history or the World Fairs

>> No.52918501

> an executive order stating all future government buildings had to be built in Roman style
wtf I'm gonna look that up, if it's true then Trump x100 more based than I thought

>> No.52918507

Western Society has lost all confidence, wait until the next civilizational cycle begins

>> No.52918511

i knew this would be first reply before i checked and its the only one you need to read

>> No.52918516

They're a massive waste of time and resources. They're hot cost effective to anyone for anything. They're worse than just a regular structure for almost any useful purpose. A small low ceiling building is easier to insulate and is easier to maintain. That's what we should focus our limited time and resources on. Not some wasteful monstrosity that doesn't improve anyone's life. Fuck people that go into debt for aesthetic cars an home and clothes etc. Wish the world was more practical and thoughtful and less materialistic, and focused on one upping their friends with a better and newer and shinier car.

>> No.52918527
File: 317 KB, 1600x914, detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its post 20th century urban decay in rust belt, crime, cold weather, spooky nights, and urban legends. Pure sovl and comfy ideal world for decentralized finance.

>> No.52918949

Based actually

>> No.52919030

>Why can't we build like this?
Leftists and Niggers.
The leftists mind needs to be surrounded by brutalist imagery and architecture, because they hate the world.

>> No.52919468

this is at least quirky
is fucking disgusting

>> No.52919517
File: 47 KB, 176x389, 0C242752-6B37-4D6E-BDE3-631875F0C3AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strictly this tell you h’what

>> No.52919583

Y’all realize “modernism” was just a way to come up with a universal singular modern style for the human race to unify itself with? No good since the actual architecture didn’t function.. that’s kinda it. Like an Italian villa in Tuscany doesn’t look like a Moroccan riad even tho they’re both pretty square and have courtyards, they’re in different climates and the nuances between them are vital. You guys are seriously overthinking this. Also old Gothic thru to late Baroque styles are just expensive to build compared to the early 1900s stick frames and/or steel superstructures we then hang walls and ceilings from. Like check out Art Nouveau it’s just time spent to make something look neat, time is labor and these days labor isn’t cheap, so we make do with the materials we have. If y’all want to sit here and get on your high horse about art and architecture well then go make art and then go fund a construction project, that’d shut you right up kek

>> No.52919759

Based, /biz/raelis seething over this

>> No.52920388
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>> No.52920409

because no one wants to talk about population control. The future is pods and bugs stupid goyim.

cant flood this world and have nice things. doesnt work.

>> No.52920419


>waste of time and resources

spoken like a flooder.

>> No.52920420

outdated zoning laws

>> No.52920450

Building nice shit is expensive now. People would rather beep boop on the latest shiz.

Like all those fucking house threads where people shit on plywood and drywall. Its not like brick, stone, and hand plaster doesn't exist.

You just have to pay for it.

>> No.52920460

left one looks unstable

>> No.52920463

No ifs in human history. Cope loser

>> No.52920523
File: 815 KB, 907x1172, E9D0CF76-9583-4F0B-893C-C7A10D14C718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a peer reviewed study which proves that this is a public humiliation ritual?

No? I thought so, Chudler

>> No.52920581

lol retard

>> No.52920600

Looks depressing and soulless. Atleast I can put signs to my own liking in modern settings. You are barely gonna experience any change of scenery in that kind of setting.

>> No.52920610

>resorting to whataboutism
wew lad

>> No.52921112


Yeah we all like Napoleon.

>> No.52921128

Because he literally lost 4/10 of his army and is a defeat away from a Total collapse.
Any reinforcements from Roman allies and Hannibal would have been drawn and quartered in the Public square.

>> No.52921205

That's Warhammer 40 000, you brainless retard. It's the literal peak on the top of another peak of shitholes.

>> No.52921536

there was also a 99% smaller population. If you were rich back then you were insanely rich.

>> No.52921576

i just know you aren't white

>> No.52922435

>No crosses but half moons on the tower tops

>> No.52922450

>living in anor Londo
Big nope for me

>> No.52922464

>That's Warhammer 40k
No retard that's Anor Londo from Dark Souls 3

>> No.52922465


>> No.52922482

Thank god samsung is on that board. I didnt know samsung before viewing this picture. Thanks

>> No.52922492

>flying balloons
Oops, seems that I'm the retard after all, it's not from Das3

>> No.52922502

We actually can
The reason why we don't is the same reason why Roman structures are still standing after +2000 years but a modern house collapses before a century passes without constant repairs

>> No.52922507
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Forgot the image

>> No.52922540

The dome appearing in so many U.S. buildings is based off Roman temples was directly caused by Thomas Jefferson. He thought that the Capitol Building would become the first “temple” dedicated to the sovereignty of the people. The style just stuck and is seen in a lot of U.S. federal/ state buildings since.

>> No.52922595

please fellow white person do not ask such anti-semitic and racist questions and be grateful that you live in the best time ever. remember, science determined that the mud caked pagan people of the past were always more stupid than people nowadays, all of us are essentially geniuses in comparison so be grateful for your hip city rental apartment surrounded by a vibrant colorful community full of strong women and nice men, it's a privilege. also please pay your rent on time because us landlords need to eat too. we are all in this together and together we can make the world an even better place. if you like this comment please donate to your local synagoge.

>> No.52922607

>you guys
My father nutted in my mother in [Country] and now I'm held liable for the actions of all people of [Country]'s descent through time and space indefinitely. I am incredibly involved in those plots.

>> No.52922627

Poignant post

>> No.52922642

Looks depressing, boring and dirty. Only a few trees or plants in sight. Nothing even to sit on except pavement. The air quality is probably shit too

>> No.52922665

Please explain to me how "whataboutism" isn't A) literally Venn Diagrams and B) always spoken from the mouths of cum-leaking-from-anus cocksucking faggots?

>> No.52922731

Literally looks like a graphical glitch

>> No.52922797

Back in the 1500s, people only had to work on average 14 weeks a year to survive. People's free time was used pursuing projects like building the Cathedrals. It was not until central banking took over that we became obsessed with working nonstop. Banks create inflation and taxes and this level of economic friction is what impoverishes you. Ever get scared to stop working because you will lose your health insurance? Yes, that is done on PURPOSE.
Banks essentially found a way to harness and direct human economic activity to their benefit. It is evil what they have done as we are now slaves to the system and they sit and eat at our expense.

>> No.52922883

Carthage partook in sacred prostitution, baby sacrifice, and their top general was named "The Grace of Baal". Rome, especially in the Republican period, didn't even come close in degeneracy

>> No.52922955

yeah whites are definitely the ones wasting their money on materialistic cars and clothes lmao

>> No.52922964

>People's free time was used pursuing projects like building the Cathedrals
holy fucking kek I bet you actually believe this too

>> No.52923030

I for one blame the government's instance on ugly.

>> No.52923092

spoken like a true lib

>> No.52923661

Had something to do with hannibals reinforcments being his brothers head
Carthago delende est

>> No.52923697

it takes time and money that no one wants to give
have you heard about sagrada familia?

>> No.52923753

Because we couldn’t afford it.
The current issue between infrastructure/Architecture is tax related.
Basiclly. We are building things and in ways we can’t afford and the local tax base doesn’t pay enough to break even on maintaining it. Bit of an issue.

>> No.52924120

you're a damn jew nigger if you have to ask this

>> No.52924339

Old world = nazi incel world
New world = loving tolerant diversity world of fun

>> No.52924357

It was because it was non functional and extremely expensive to maintain, not everything is a demoralization conspiracy theory you incel nazi

>> No.52924501

>kikely valued at $10 Billion

>> No.52924558
File: 642 KB, 228x340, 1670832723215049.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread ended right here
>Remainder of thread has been crying about jews and being pro-totalitarianism because le heckin (my political enemy) ruined society!


The present ruling economic class you loathe to this day are content with some of the most pathetic displays of architectural blathering because they only know of a few keywords for "expensive" rather than anything resembling aesthetic cohesion. The houses they spend nearly a billion dollars on are covered in glass and marble and well-edged chunks of ceramics because it looks "modern" when they don't even know what "modern architecture" is, they forego anything with a color scheme beyond the most faded and inoffensive colors because anything else is "gaudy", and any attempts to recreate classical architecture are immediately ignored because the style will be regarded as "dated". That's all it takes for contemporary architecture to become this monoculture where there is no actual variety in any structure you see unless it was made specifically by some retard who makes architectural "challenges" because it'll always be the "newest" and "most unique" among architectural designs. A failing to educate the populace on the actual value of art is the reason why we get this dogshit to this day. The worst you retards can do is assert that fascist paintings and video game concept art are representation of what better culture we could have if we just sacrificed all of our freedom in the hopes that we'd get a flashier building in the office sector.

>> No.52925039

jews need to be gassed

>> No.52925394
File: 36 KB, 597x418, 730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enter Chadadelphia

>> No.52925613

Fpbp. Literally the answer to every "Why is this like that?" Question there is.

>> No.52925656
File: 246 KB, 1000x650, 2-Funkturm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has literally no idea what Nazi architecture actually looked like
Picrel it's brutalist dogshit which ironically is what most modern Western cities are built out of.

>> No.52926046
File: 337 KB, 1024x768, 1653560751635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's stripped classicism

>> No.52926083
File: 260 KB, 2262x1131, 1670339198602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is brutalism

stripped classicism retains classical proportions, which look good, but simplifies the form. Brutalism is this hideous commie garbage, awkward geometric shapes made out of materials that are designed to look dirty when new

>> No.52926111
File: 70 KB, 340x254, Robinson_web (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52926116
File: 173 KB, 1280x1024, dykh89386eaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It was not impossible to build Rapture at the bottom of the sea. It was impossible to build it anywhere else."

It is unironically because most people think other people will build it. And therefore it never comes because they all believe someone else will build it. It is the same reason why there's a delayed response for helping people in public—because most people think other people will jump in and help—until it is too late.