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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52911119 No.52911119 [Reply] [Original]


>expects inflation to come down under feds target inflation rate of 2% sometime next year

>> No.52911157

this woman's fund financially destroyed my friend's dad. He was highly allocated to it, like a retard.

>> No.52911163

Dunno but it should almost certainly come down to the 3s which is much more comfy.
Under 2 would be a nice bonus.

>> No.52911171

no. inflation will double top in 2023, and it might hit 3% in late 2024.

>> No.52911173

Damn simps these days are getting pretty wild...

>> No.52911184
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oldest trick in the book goddamit
but seriously i heard he lost like 250k+ on a 750k portfolio.

>> No.52911306

>of 2% sometime next year
That's probably the first time I agree with her. Fed brainlets were predicting 1% at the end of the year in January. Next December the baseline will by way up. 2% next December sounds reasonable. If there is something weird, like rus-ukr piece treaty it could go negative

>> No.52911376

Inflation is never coming down. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle and the Fed can’t stop printing

>> No.52911391
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Are they related?

>> No.52911419

even if it does it will go back up again. inflation is going to be volatile for the rest of the 2020s

>> No.52911955

No way it goes under 2% without a massive economic crash.

>> No.52912031


>> No.52912188


>> No.52912211

inflation is counted year over year so for it to stay high you need more disaster ever month in the year
we are out of disasters and we are in a recession, so unless the war escalates and energy spirals out of control there is no real driver to keep inflation high
if you just put the numbers themselves into excel you can see that we reach sub 1% in may next year

probably however somewhere in the mean time powell will flip for real and we'll get another rise in inflation but it will be contained compared to last year
just remember this since right now all of fintwatter are inflation and rates experts and predicting endless disaster on both

>> No.52912309

Depends if they really want to crash the economy, with no survivors.

No inflation with no jobs is easy.

>> No.52912834

No she is not correct. The fed doubts this. The stock market doubts this. No one thinks inflation will be down to 2% until at least late 2024.

>> No.52912996

>is she right?
Even if she is right, she thought oil would be going down after 2020. She's a joke and you shouldn't condition any of your investments on her "ideas" except maybe to inverse

>> No.52913124

She is unironically retarded

>> No.52913144

Yes, inflation will most likely come down to these levels.
Yes, these levels are still positive which means prices will keep on increasing broadly, albeit more slowly.
Yes, this is what they will define transitory inflation as.
>first a lot
>then only a little more :^)
No, as long as inflation remains positive we won't be seeing broad reduction in prices.
Yes, the 8%+ inflation from the past 12 months will remain in the system.
Yes, people are braindead retarded and will cheer this as if prices came down to a pre-pandemic level.

>> No.52913190

inflation is also calculated comparing 2022 prices to 2020 for example

>> No.52913196

kek, no, Cathie is a scam artist

>> No.52913199

>if you just put the numbers themselves into excel you can see that we reach sub 1% in may next year
so why are we still at 7%?

>> No.52913307

she is gonna make it
we are living through unprecedented times
FED is trying to pull a 15G maneuver with an old F-16, while US debt is hitting the ceiling and multi trillion dollar bill is about to hit on Christmas holidays
hundreds of trillions pledged for the cLiMaTe ChAnGe
increasing cost to finance the old debt
soon enough it's gonna be risk-on time and Catie is going to do a 20X
if you think central banks can keep inflation at 2% while forced to do unprecedented stimulus and print trillions at accelerating pace...oh man

>> No.52913323


>> No.52913342

Powell could decide he'd like to be suicided and just let bond auctions fail, if no one buys the bonds the government can't run a deficit.

>> No.52914070

actual real inflation doesnt matter, only the manipulated official number the fed uses to base policy on
in a baseline effect inflation should be moderately bullish for stonks, its only the effect of government actions to curtail inflation that crashes the markets

inflation started to go out of control in april 2021 which further escalate because of the embargoes against russia
protip they were fucking with eu gas prices months before the first tank rolled over the border; so peak physical shortages inflation was early 2022
which means in Q1 2023 we will see steady decreases
its just numbers dont worry too much about it

>> No.52914579

It did really well for my uncle and mom. They dumped it back in early 2021 when it started tanking.

>> No.52916177

im skeptical they could lasso inflation with the funds rate barely under 4% for such a short time.

that would be too easy

>> No.52916200

A loser fund manager with a history of losing gets 5 minutes of fame by leaning into tech-shit leaded into COVID.

Now she's crashing 3x harder the general market.

>is she right... about anything

of course not

>> No.52916625

so do old fucks like her (who expected deflation for whatever reason) genuinely not get the connection between money supply and inflation?

it's as if the idea of printing money devaluating it is becoming a conspiracy theory

>> No.52916699


>> No.52916718
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>do old fucks like her (who expected deflation for whatever reason)

>> No.52916733
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>genuinely not get the connection between money supply and inflation?

>> No.52916751
File: 567 KB, 1820x368, Screenshot 2022-06-08 183624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's as if the idea of printing money devaluating it is becoming a conspiracy theory
deboonked in 3 simple steps

>> No.52916852

Anyone with a position in Bitcoin looks wrecked. Until they aren't. Friend's Dad should stick to mutual funds and ETF's if they can't handle volatility.

>> No.52916899
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>Yes, people are braindead retarded and will cheer this as if prices came down to a pre-pandemic level.

muh chicken wings

>> No.52916918

cathy is cute and im gonna marry her!

>> No.52916936
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>listening to women

>> No.52916980
File: 86 KB, 1925x1173, 6dot5 trillion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is she right
hell no
The system is super fucked like big time mate.
Turning up the rates doesn't really work in this situation.
The USA is insolvent.
My picture is out dated. It should say 8.5 trillion now.

You can make the interest rates 100000%.
It doesn't matter when the government prints money non-stop to secure budgets, interests, special aid, etc.

The inflation rate is much worse than the data is revealing.
November inflation was 7.1% IN COMPARISON to last years November.
November 2021 inflation was in full swing.
The reason why those numbers are decreasing is because it was already super bad in 2021.

Anyone who is paying attention knows that the next domino will be Bank of America
Let me give you a little hint:

>> No.52917012

>one item

>> No.52917045

>The inflation rate is much worse than the data is revealing.
>November inflation was 7.1% IN COMPARISON to last years November.
>November 2021 inflation was in full swing.
>The reason why those numbers are decreasing is because it was already super bad in 2021.
people (and most economists) are too stupid to realize this.

>> No.52917171

if you put money into any Ark ETF, and you withdrew it after less than five years, you a proper dumbass

>> No.52917189

did his Dad work at Nintendo ?

>> No.52917212

Mommy did say ARKK 5 year plan
listen to MOMMY >>52911119
diamond hand mommy bags for 5 years

>> No.52917410

>Cathy Wood
is this some sort of DEW psyop about the economy? are they related?

>> No.52918752

all in ARKKKKKK?

>> No.52918759
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was she hot when she was younger?

>> No.52918884

dude just trust him

>> No.52918999

ha, I randomly got recommended one of this guy's videos on youtube and he was talking about lumber futures