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52907838 No.52907838 [Reply] [Original]

Will Coffeezilla be the one who finally puts Logan Paul on the mat?


>> No.52907895

Who fucking cares? Holy shit.

>> No.52907950

After this video I can tell you that Logan Paul cares. Hopefully he ends up in jail.

>> No.52907981

Me, I invested

>> No.52907986

Can we get him to do an episode on Sergey?

>> No.52908011
File: 112 KB, 745x1024, AC611B22-4482-4DCD-8464-B41731A03D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was a big YouTuber and I was caught in coffeeniggers crosshairs, I would pay 3 women to falsely accuse him of sexual harassment.

>> No.52908022

tldr: what's the gist?

>> No.52908058
File: 158 KB, 386x544, 6F778598-007D-4785-82B0-9536BCFB8C6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be onto something. A men literally cannot defend himself from this

>> No.52908101

Yep it’s an extremely high risk high reward thing tho. If you get caught for doing that shit you’re 100 percent done for, reputation wise. And probably legally too (coffeehomo suing for slander or some shit).

>> No.52908155

Logan pail stiffed his NFT developers the money he owed them and then claimed they ran off with the code and held it hostage. I’m the mean time everyone who invested money in the scam lost it all and he totally ignored them. It’s a good video.

>> No.52908168

I'm glad Cockienigga is out there deboonking scams, maybe pajeet coins will finally die.

>> No.52908180

You could also pay some hookers to record a video for you of them accusing him. Just blur out their face or silhouette them

>> No.52908241

Any reason for non-zoomers with an IQ above 120 to watch the vid? I got 3 mins in but lost interest...

>> No.52908289

>1.69 million subscribers
This isn’t 2009, that’s not really a large amount for a viewer base.

>> No.52908300

Considering his huge normalfag audience he probably wouldn’t

>> No.52908305

I don't think he leaves his house.

>> No.52908307

Well I’m OP and I’m 42 with a 136 so….

>> No.52908323

uh huh

>> No.52908345
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>> No.52908414

This thread is just an advertisement for coffeezilla
Enjoy your ban OP

>> No.52908424

N word I have nothing to do with coffeezilla. I just watched the video and thought it was interesting.

>> No.52908440

Also I will watch and promote anything that puts logan paul in jail and/or ruins his career.

>> No.52908442

logan paul definitely does. coffeezilla is a heavy hitter in the scam-busting space with almost 2M subs
>ytuber edrama
fuck off, let me have fun

>> No.52908541

Now coffeefag is just straight up hating on those who are more successful than his pathetic ass

>> No.52908558

The game didn't work. They stole the money and abandoned it.

>> No.52908573


>> No.52908640

why do some of you fags hate coffee so much?
actually one of the few decent dudes on youtube

>> No.52908728

90% of 4chan has compulsive contrarian disorder.
Just look at how people suddenly started liking Musk as soon as the left realized he's an asshole just taking government money, sabotaging alternatives, and scamming investors. He's an irredeemable shitfuck, but since the left dislikes him they decided he owns the libs and is now based.

>> No.52908832

you aren't wrong. what annoys me is this shit isn't just on 4chan; hyper-contrarianism is starting to become widespread in the real world as well and it's fucking depressing
people cannot into nuance

>> No.52908856

why do rich millionaires intend on scamming people and risking prison, and at the absolute bare minimum, risk destroying their reputation. Is it malignant narcissism?

>> No.52908920

It's not contrarianism. Of course contrarianism is rampant here but this guy is just such a pathetic loser.
Honestly, if you like this guy or have an actual emotional reaction to whatever scammer of the week is on his show, you're just NGMI.

>> No.52908967

>this guy is just a pathetic loser
multiple anons have already tried getting this point across, i am asking for reasons why and you still aren't providing any
>emotional reaction to whatever scammer of the week is on his show
???????????? why would anybody get emotional about it, anon? it's entertainment
most of the victims from the scams he covered deserved it in the first place

>> No.52908979

>90% of 4chan has compulsive contrarian disorder.
no it doesn't

>> No.52908983


>> No.52908987
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