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52908038 No.52908038 [Reply] [Original]

I spent my 20's helping family, never had time for myself. now im 29, i wanted to be a musician or artist, but i think im too old. i've got crypto and stocks, never pursued what i wanted. had to turn down relationships and opportunities just to stay with family and help out.
what are things i can get into in my 30s that arent cringe for 30 year olds. i'll be able to go my own way december 2023.
>any opportunity
I just feel like i dont have anything to look forward to. maybe move to NY or Hawaii idk

>> No.52908086

Why do you care whether anything is cringe or not? Why do people you don't even know matter whatsoever. literally. If your basing what you would do in YOUR life, because you think others are gonna find it cringe, you're unironically ngmi.
Do whatever the hell you truly want to do

>> No.52908105

Moral of the story: never help anyone, least of all your family.

>> No.52908243

a musician makes music
an artist creates art
ur question is more about none of that stuff than it is the stuff you supposedly want to do

>> No.52908301
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I make music, got payed for it as well, also i draw and paint, sold some artwork, but family took over my whole life. people say family is a mans biggest asset, mine is my biggest liability .

>> No.52908371

do what u want man, i became an artist at 23, i did a little bit of school but i didnt have money to go to a really good one, so ive been living with my grandma for a few years painting full time, saving some money on the side. Going to europe next year for a few months to paint with my gf. Literally do whatever you want, everything you do will be hard though, nothing is easy that is rewarding.

>> No.52908419
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I went to europe alone last summer, it was great but i was still alone, I felt like a vagabond in each country, watching younger people, 20 year olds just starting their lives, maybe i just have a losers mentality. i just cant stop being envious

>> No.52908438

Boomers wont see any difference between you and a 25 year old.
Just be well groomed and dressed and get into whatever job you want.

>> No.52908492

Jeez that first sentence describes me to a T. I have a chance to get a good job but stuck in a shit city helping my family, or being a broke mf in a major city. I'm not at all a good musician though but I love making music so much

>> No.52908748

going to europe alone is super lonely, idc what anyone says, i get some people love being alone and embrace that and dont need anyone else, but when you travel alone for an extensive period its awesome but sad too. Anyway, follow your dreams.

>> No.52909718

>maybe i just have a losers mentality
Yes you do. You can't get your time back. If you feel like you missed out on fun just go bar hopping and you'll meet people in your age bracket who still have a good time. Most people today don't mature until 50.

>> No.52909722

wth did your families need you to do for them?

>> No.52909780

>be me
>reflecting on my past this year as I experience the final year of my 20s
>nerd as young teen, made a webpage before most people knew how to even get on the internet
>took different path, smoked weed, 85% of my hookups in high school were "hey i have weed wanna smoke?"
>dropped out at 17 and spent the last decade and then some partying, having lots of wild sex in the backs of cars and crazy one night stands, drug benders and lots of drinking and just all out fun
>worked odd jobs to keep the party going
>just last year decide to go to college
>start attending community college and pay out of pocket for a bunch of credits, took 5 classes per sem and took summer classes
>already accepted to a 4 year university next fall
>mfw I literally will get to live both lives and live to tell the tale

OP you are a faggot you are not old. You want 30 to be old to justify your boring life. I'm going to get a college degree and do something with my 30's. Sure, my peers will retire earlier than me, but I traded with them. I took my 20's instead.

>> No.52909797

have you considered just being yourself? ;)

>> No.52909908

Was it worth it?

>> No.52909992

Not OP or the other guy but I'm literally both of them
>disabled grandma
>aunt with all kinds of health issues
>underage female cousin still in highschool already on prescription pills
>old house slowly falling apart which i spent most of my money to repair and upgrade
They be pretty much all dead if not for my sacrifice. And now I'm im stuck in this spot where i can't decide whether i would be better off just letting them fade away or saving them and remain a broke loser. If you wonder why was this up to me the rest of the family lives over seas and cares very little.

>> No.52911203
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>wanted to go my own way at 18
>parents guilt trip me to stay
>use my name to take out credit cards
>now i have CC debt cuz of my dad
>at 27 make a million from crypto
>pay my debts and families debt
>start paying for my younger siblings tuition
>29 now, family accumulated debt again
>realize famiiy is hopeless
>try to explain, if my situation
>they just ignore me
>stupid family took away years from my life for nothing
I cant leave them, might as well accumulate debt than runaway somewhere or declare bankruptcy.

>> No.52911260

>I can’t leave them
Yes you can.
Family is not a license to treat anyone like shit.
If they’re not treating you well, no matter who they are, cut them out of your life. Otherwise you’re just enabling their shitty behavior, and they’ll never stop until you’re dead in the ground.

>> No.52911335

Your family sucks ass and you can 100% leave them. You wouldn't baghold a dying shitcoin so why would you baghold your family. Taking credit cards out in their childs name is subhuman nigger-tier behaviour and if you haven't already gotten the fuck out after that then I can't see you doing it next year either. Just get steady income coming in and try to do music on the side and get the hell away from them as soon as you can. You owe them fucking nothing.

>> No.52911395
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younger brother is finishing school late 2023, so im jumping ship as soon as he graduates. I have Xmr on the side to start a new life, but its hard to start at 30. I dont know where to go or live, guess i got a year to figure that shit out. >>52911335
>Taking credit cards out in their childs name is subhuman nigger-tier behaviour
what bothers me, my father had an excellent job that payed well, he retired at the time i was in high school, old man just sucks with money i guess, never learned to invest.

>> No.52911951

if your dad took out CC's in his name steal from him
I sacrificed alot for my family (my mom was very sick and is now dead). On my end I don't have any regrets, my parents have money so I was supported. I gave up my time for no ROI taking care of my mother and helping my dad with his business affairs.
While I feel resentment towards my siblings because they did nothing and only took from my parents, I made out well.
In your case you need to switch your frame of reference to only care about yourself anon.
It'd be one thing if they didn't treat you like shit, but they did.

>> No.52912060
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they only started using me when i got older, life just took a turn in my late teens to now.
I'm just venting right now, I dont know what im going to do next. future seems blank and bleak
I also feel resentment towards my siblings, the older ones just got lazy and decided not to work. I'm stuck with a family full of deadbeats.
I'm sorry for your loss Anon,

>> No.52912087
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here's the hard truth with OP's cry for attention in this thread. He's a useless, weak, spineless person who cannot stand up or think for himself.

None of this would've happened had you "man" up and do what YOU want to do. Ok you fucked up in the past, now what? Same shit is happening yet you ain't doing shit about it. You are destined to be a pushover it's in your blood.

Like your family, you and them will never learn and don't deserve any sympathy. 5 years later you will end up exactly where you are right now because you are quite useless. Mark my word

>pic somewhat related as you have all the traits

>> No.52912110

Oh here's a bit more for kicks

notice how he's looking for validation for his lifestyle choices and not an actual solution from the replies or lackof?

>> No.52912327

Thanks but my loss was also a happy moment, my mom was an addict who showed no sign of recovering. Alcohol ruined her body, though I believe the vax did her in (she died suddenly about a week or two later)
And for clairification when I say I made out well. I will get an equal inheritance from my parents that my siblings get. While not mad, its unfair that my siblings got to start their own life and build relationships and wealth while I did nothing but sacrifice and we will get rewarded the same. But I could've been born into the situation poor with no inheritance and I would've done the same. And there are millions of kids in the foster system who would kill for what I had.
With that said, at a minimum you owe your dad nothing. If he did what you say he was an outright bad father.
Further you owe your siblings nothing, while I appreciate the love you have for them, its time they started supporting themselves. IMO you should only support those still not passed college.
It doesn't seem any of my above advice will help with as you are looking for meaning.

>> No.52912336

To find the meaning you are looking for I'd recommend meditation
Also make money, go to miami or another fun city, fuck random 18-22's
youll find a wife, you arent that old.
sounds like you have some good karma heading your way.

>> No.52912642

24yo here, all I do is work, support my family and save up money (I'd rather not waste it on stuff I don't need)
Objectively I'm not doing too bad but I have no clue what to do with myself, I'm so bored and throw away all my free time because I just don't know what to do. I force myself to read but I'm not having fun.
What do?

>> No.52912727

I disagree with you. We don't know how OP was supporting his family. He could have a family member with needing assistance with end of life care or something dastic and he is heavily relied on. Leaving the situation would make him a nigger in my book, which if you say no then it is obvious what you are. Other than that I don't believe OP, he had free time in parts of his day which he could've honed a skill.

>> No.52912749

You will NEVER be a woman

>> No.52912751

Leave. My brother did the same to his kids. Identity theft. People like that never change. They would leave you to rot. Save yourself

>> No.52913334

Why is it faggot Op’s problem suddenly to baghold his family when his cuck dad failed to do his job?

Not his kids not his problem. If you think otherwise then you also have a duck mentality like op and should enjoy bagholding all the way to 0

Fucken npc and their mentality it’s unreal

>> No.52913382

Everything isn't so black and white Unless you are a nigger that would run the moment things get difficult.
If the dad were to die is it OP's problem then? If his dad became a vegetable? disabled? and what point mr. incel? And judging by your cognitive reasoning abilities it's clear to see your not well. If you were my retarded brother I'd at least chip in until you get your retard cheque.

>> No.52914475

I think so, in my mind, my peers spent their best years slaving away at uni for 5 years and then immediately spent 40 hours per week working. All to what? "Retire early", in the years where they are falling apart and on the other side of their youth? Maybe I'll shoot for both. I didn't wanna take any chances, you literally, only exist once.

>> No.52914658

You are Never too old, most musicians are lazy i had to help my family too.
Thank God i read a lot and have dozens of ideas

>> No.52914785

What do you mean by "stay and help out". I used to tell myself that's what I did, until I admitted it was a cope.

>> No.52915231

Typical cuck attitude
Enjoy being a faggot you poor uncle
Ywnbaw cope and dial 8

>> No.52916722
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>but family took over my whole life. people say family is a mans biggest asset, mine is my biggest liability .
Sounds like you let this happend.

You can explain yourself a hundred ways, but ultimately what you suffer is determined by how your choices. Attachment is the issue here, become detached so you find out as an individual what is right and wrong and not be caught in the vice of other peoples drama.

You seem like a slightly airheaded day dreamer type, so get some discipline through training in life, it provides you with focus.

>> No.52917007

Learn to trade and a little bit about real estate and crypto; this is what made me who I am today; I trade sometimes and use the profit to buy real estate properties, but I prefer to pay in crypto and hold them for a while, and then resell to impatient rich Asian dudes.

>> No.52917229

Your family doesn't deserve you

>> No.52917266

Not bad paying in crypto since it charges less, but not many real estate company accept payment in crypto, I only know of Kensington, Zome, Fortera, and a few others