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52906967 No.52906967 [Reply] [Original]

The charges, officer?

>> No.52906992

Murder, literally.

>> No.52907004

None, sir. Thanks for being a Freedom Fighter and Patriot.

>> No.52907024

technically wouldn't it be attmpeted murder if anything? nobody actually died, right?


>> No.52907112

Numerous children were fucked to death. He enabled videos of these horrific deaths to be sold to the highest bidder. Because he's a sociopath with zero conscience.

>> No.52907144

I don't think cp was allowed on TSR

>> No.52907156

>Create a road, the silk road
>Pedophiles use that road, it's the fault of the road owner / developer

>> No.52907186

that'll be 10,000 life sentences served consecutively.
what - you thought you could create a free market and get away with it? you thought you could just let people buy and sell things freely and not be held responsible for that heinous crime that is 100x worse than murder?

>> No.52907215

Lol, let me guess: you're an XMR aficionado.

>> No.52907239

>Oh the biggest pedophiles ring are governments / central branks / supra-national entities ?
>What do you mean the USA is the biggest drug dealer in the fucking world ?

>> No.52907272

^ sickening pedo cope

>> No.52907293
File: 196 KB, 340x568, 1644851779765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you support free-markets & liberty you're a pedo

>> No.52907302

His legacy and the idea of utilizing cryptography to enable free market will never die.

>> No.52907337

>'liberty' means you can pay to fuck children whenever you want, it's great
Go back.

>> No.52907339

leave my thread glownigger

>> No.52907366

What you did is pure evil.

>> No.52907373

Major cope, he never murdered anyone

>> No.52907380

Why should child porn even be illegal? Doesn't making it illegal create more of a market for it? It would have far more sense to have a government database of child porn uploaded to the internet which is publicly accessible and flags the IPs of any suspicious visitors automatically. Then child porn would become worthless, as opposed to people on dark net forums paying hefty sums for specific cp videos and collections. The idea that someone is being abused just by 1s and 0s existing on a hard drive or pictures being viewed (which is what law enforcement goons claim nowadays) is ridiculous. Even Vitalik Buterin said that child porn is less harmful than heroin.

>> No.52907389

You work for the most evil organization on the planet, the US government.

>> No.52907394

A completely free market always leads to murders. U need rules dumbass

>> No.52907420
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>> No.52907427
File: 985 KB, 1041x717, property.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you think is a free market is not a free market
the state guaranteeing the right of property is robbery and murder
that's not a free market
it's a mafia

>> No.52907434

>most evil organization on the planet, the US government.
You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.52907436

Is it a coincidence that countries like Japan who have strict laws are the most civilized and countries like most in Africa and south America are dog shit? Can't be full govt controlled like china or North Korea but you need rules and law to have some kind of structure. Fucking pedo

>> No.52907439

human will to murder is what leads to murder fucktard

>> No.52907447

who is worse than the federales?

>> No.52907448

Cope more fed.

>> No.52907457

Never happened. Nice job falling for glowie propaganda.

>> No.52907464

Thanks for the insight, Vitalik.

>You work for the most evil organization on the planet, the US government.
Your child pornography collection is making you paranoid. Your guilty conscience makes you assume that anyone who questions your sick predilection must be some sort of cop.

>> No.52907488

That's even more reason to have laws u fucking brainlet. To discourage people from mudering. Do people still murder? Yes but only the retards like you

>> No.52907497

>glowie propaganda
Only in your dreams, smoothbrain. The evidence is publicly available for all to see.

>> No.52907502

Plenty of Latin American countries have a huge amount of laws and red tape. You don't know what you're talking about. The reason some societies are shitholes and some aren't is because people in some societies are capable of trusting one another, cooperating and planning ahead long-term. In other societies people throw their garbage all over the side-walk, stealing is rife from the top to the bottom and nobody trusts anyone. You can't legislate your way out of being a third world shithole, there's other complex factors at play. Plus Asians don't have the same values as westerners so of course they will have more authoritarian states with stricter laws, look at China, China has the same and is a fucking shithole with paper mache buildings and rampant corruption.

>> No.52907517

>If I put words into your mouth I will be right !

>> No.52907522

You're glowing

>> No.52907524

That's why you need a governing body not run by the cartel. There's a fine line. Also low iqs play a role.

>> No.52907531

Off topic /Pol/cel thread

>> No.52907550

>Le heckin bad guys stalking me and my thread
>I'm a freedom fighter sticking up to them on 4chan
You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.52907552

Not an argument, pedo.

>> No.52907559

In old Germanic societies instead of jailing people for murder you had to pay a weregild (a fine to the victim's family) for killing someone. This worked because they valued oaths and trusted each other. Meanwhile you have nig nogs in the modern day in Chicago with medieval levels of homicide despite the DoJ and that beetlejuice looking nigger in charge of Chicago trying to confiscate all their guns because niggers just will not follow any laws or do anything prosocial, because they're stupid niggers. It's the same with "protecting children". You need strong communities with people who are willing to do it, not some fatass stupid cop with a badge and legislature he goes to enforce by catfishing some retard and saying he's done his job while abuse is rife in the streets and homes. People managing their own shit is infinitely more effective and preferrable to attempting to have omnipresent government oversight.

>> No.52907578

>calling you out for lying makes me a pedo
Ok Mr. Glowie.

>> No.52907594

You're retarded, he was never even charged with murder.

>> No.52907601

Your posts are pretty good anon, thank you.
>People managing their own shit is infinitely more effective and preferrable to attempting to have omnipresent government oversight.
Will have to wait a few centuries at least for the average person to understand this.

>> No.52907611

I'm not reading all that. Laws don't mean shit if you have no one to enforce them. Just look at California, those dindus are stealing in broad daylight cause they know they won't have to face consequences. Look at New York, people getting assaulted daily because laws are lax. I do agree about the homogenous countries though.

>> No.52907613

Feds are pedos you idiot. Look at the Twitter shit, they literally let pedo shit run wild while banning the president instead.

>> No.52907624

Fed cope. You will never ever be a good person.

>> No.52907635

You never provided a shred of evidence, dumbass.

>he was never even charged with murder.
Link to proof that I claimed he was? Exactly, mongoloid.

>they literally let pedo shit run wild
Only since Musk took over.

>> No.52907637

spamming laws and decrees on its own does nothing though. more laws != better society, usually the opposite (anarcho-tyrannical nanny state, like the USA where niggers are free to loot and riot while the USA arrests the law-abiding citizens who try to defend themselves). Did you know that in the Spanish Empire's colonisation of Latin America, over a million legal decrees were sent to the Americas? It didn't make the place any less of a shithole. U need institutions that actually work and that people will honestly trust and go through with first, with robust rule of law and due process.Literally the opposite of what these retard cops who protect elite pedos and then arrest random people for drawn lolis are doing, it's arbitrary and retarded

>> No.52907675

You idiots need to take Singapore as an example. They have Muslims, jeets, all kinds of brown people yet they are one of the safest and one of the more well run countries. You bring drugs in that country you die. Can you still make money by running a business in Singapore? Uh yea