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5290245 No.5290245 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else think Ethereum is due for a correction? it can't keep rising like this indefinitely

>> No.5290321

still undervalued.

>> No.5290352

Ethereum is the future OP. About time you learned that.

>> No.5290370

Why? It's the best crypto. BTC sucks. It should be number 1.

In the really real world no gives a shit if Vitalik is a weirdo. They care if he produces.

>> No.5290371

What makes it the future other than having really fast transaction times and a lot of shitcoins are based on it?

>> No.5290425

even if ETH is the future investing at $500 will make you a shitload more returns that investing at it's current $800

>> No.5290431
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Picture speaks for itself. I don't think crypto is for you mate.

>> No.5290467
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>Timing the market as a pleb.

>> No.5290554

what would you recommend?

>> No.5290606

Buying coins that you believe in and not selling. Also known as HODLing.

90 percent of people here should not be timing the market.

>> No.5290662

its over valued at .15. it is just NOW c limbing back to .05 against BTC shitcoin

>> No.5290677
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I'd let her use my lightsaber any day

>Eth is undervalued

>> No.5290690

holding and buying dips since cryptos are always going up- much harder to time sells compared to buys

>> No.5290805

ETH is hilariously undervalued

>> No.5290824

that's not how you spell bitcoin anon

>> No.5291129

I keep hearing this and I keep seeing the steady growth but nobody knows why or explains the tremendous value ETH holds

>> No.5291271
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of course, except everyone on here are mostly eth maximalists who shit post when other coins are due for a correction but will ignore their own investments because they dont wanna create FUD

that being said, anybody taking financial advice on an anonymous image board is literally fucking retarded.

>> No.5291325

are you retarded? it's the only functioning blockchain. runs more transactions than all other blockchains combined with low fees and fast transactions, has over 40 tokens on it that are in the top 100, has enterprises backing it that aren't fake partnerships, has the most dapp development going on and working products like decentralized exchanges, crypto kitties, the new pokemon one. you are either a bitcoin shill trying to fud or your brain isn't functioning.

>> No.5291388

eth was and still is gas for DApps primarly. nothing more nothing less. its value should be based on how much people are willing to use things built on the platform. so far there's nothing though except for maybe cryptokitties and that new mon stuff.

at $100 vitalik himself said it was overpriced, bitcoin uncensored grilled an eth dev about doing nothing to stop the massive FOMO that was driving the price up for no reason.

>> No.5291415

look at crypto kitties or etheremons as silly but recent examples.

Also if you look at the 3d and 1 week charts you might actually start cumming a bit

>> No.5291454

the problem is ETH is being forced into being a currency because of fucking ICOs, and the fact that the real "currency" bitcoin is completely broken and isn't being fixed.

>> No.5291594

isn't that why Bitcoin Cash is out? seems like technologies that aren't working in crypto get eventually replaced by better more updated ones in their own family

>> No.5291641

dapps and smart contracts are the future. If Ethereum can get to 100,000 transaction per second it'll be a trillion dollar market cap easy.

>> No.5291710

yes, but bitcoin cash is also being FUD'd into oblivion by core camp. normies still prefer BTC by vast majority because the corecucks have an army of shills. it's an upward battle for bcash, but you also can't really trust them completely because it's controlled by the chink mining cartel.

>> No.5291744

it is not now and will ever be a currency. it wasnt designed to be. the cryptokitties cluster fuck should prove that. the clog during ico's should prove that.

the fact that bitcoin gets spammed with fake transactions and everyone screams "eth is faster", "but they will implement raiden" should tell you the average person hasn't even bothered researching bitcoins development but instead are heavily invested in other coins that they would prefer to take over bitcoins position for the sole purpose of greed.

>institutional money will buy into ethmon and cryptokitties

>it's controlled by the chink mining cartel.

case in point.

>> No.5291799

>institutional money will buy into ethmon and cryptokitties

>> No.5291841

I think we are going to see a correction to $650.
The only thing holding this up is you people buying ether at highs and transferring to binance to buy your shit coins.

>> No.5291873

what is this based on?

>> No.5291891

Ethereum having no hard supply cap makes it actually usable as a currency, which drives adoption. The planned rate of inflation is targeted to match the rate of deflation due to people losing wallet keys etc, which should make net inflation roughly zero. At that point, the factor which makes it a good long-term investment is that you will be able to stake your eth to validate transactions on the network and thereby earn "dividends" on the eth you hold.

For now, though, there is still much room for growth in value of the asset due to the fact that it hasn't yet become the basis of internet commerce (but it will). Keep in mind also that each eth is divisible to 18 decimal places; this give it potential to rise to even greater heights than btc (only divisible to 8 decimals) while still remaining a viable transaction medium for small and microtransactions (i.e.: Internet of Things applications).

>> No.5291938
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>Everyone on here is an ETH Maximallist
Fuck you. Money skelly made us all filthy rich with his quirky ideas before you newfags showed up. Respect vitalik and his project please.

>> No.5291940

>18 decimals
I think you raise a good point there and for now, I believe I'll hodl onto my ethereum and not diversify into bitcoin

>> No.5291962

We had a correction over the last few days my man, and before that for fucking months
Anyone with massive amounts of eth to dump (old holders and crowdsale teams) did so at $300, thats why growth was suppressed for so long. No one would let it break $300 because they were dumping every time it got near.
We're in a new market cycle now.

>> No.5291988

Wait until magic the gathering gets put on the ethereum blockchain. People think CK was stupid but it was a prototype for a new revenue stream worth billions to many well known companies, you better believe they are paying attention.

>> No.5291994
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pretty much this. more features and it's becoming as much of a household name as BTC.

>> No.5292026

i only put $150 into ETH when it was $450 but i am becoming more and more convinced that it is the way to go. it's a sleeper, really. nobody notices it because it is a relatively expensive coin that nobody talks shit about so it's never in the spotlight. you can transfer eth quickly and easily, it's accepted everywhere that btc is, etc etc. i think i might start trading in eth if it is lucrative

>> No.5292034

>mfw devops single handedly triggered the alt bullrun with 2 lines of code.

>> No.5292055
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>> No.5292062

yeah, even if I sell out of all my BTC, i'm holding ETH for the long term.

>> No.5292168
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you are a moron.

>> No.5292188

we will see a correction across the market, but i believe that eth will stabilize and increase again

>> No.5292267

A piece of shit like dash is $1500 but Eth is still $800. You know its severely undervalued.

>> No.5292298
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I think a simpler coin like Bitbean is more for you mate.

>> No.5292357

Magic the gathering has a shitty client made with 10 year old software written by a consultancy (MTGO). They still continually fail to do anything interesting with it. Not bullish.

>> No.5292407

>Do you want morons to hand you tons of money?
>You need a blockchain

>> No.5292442
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>he didn't believe a college dropout who literally looks like an alien that is also a genius could make something so complex and make tons of money

I watched one conference and was convinced from this nerd, bought 4 @3 hundo. I also got ltc when I jumped in as well.

>> No.5292593
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>thinking this small

Wait until fucking property titles, wills, sports gambling contracts, S&P500 stocks, fucking everything gets put on the ethereum blockchain.

>> No.5292684


>> No.5292841

just what i've been seeing and hearing while involved in trading. i'm not shilling for eth. i recommend you hold some but it's up to you. read my previous posts but it is a solid crypto