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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52901362 No.52901362 [Reply] [Original]

Reading suck bro

>> No.52901374

Books are for midwits. Experience is the best teacher. Go out there and touch grass.

>> No.52901381

Winning through intimidation

>> No.52901413
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>> No.52902819

Do you have any books on where I could find grass?

>> No.52902886

source on the chicks?

>> No.52902910
File: 50 KB, 638x480, Jeopardy!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glengarry Glen Ross was a good one.
But I think that was a play, not a book.

Death of a Salesman maybe?
Wait, that's also a play.

OP maybe you should just look for plays about sales instead of books.

>> No.52903220


It took me literally less than 10 seconds to find the source.
I want to you fags to learn something, you can find that too!

>> No.52903285

Google reverse search doesnt work fag

>> No.52903324


then you did it wrong

>> No.52903452
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>> No.52903475

>TinEye searched over 57.5 billion images but didn't find any matches for your search image.

>> No.52903511

Yandex is usually way better in my experience

>> No.52903558
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>> No.52903573
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>> No.52903574

I love yandex, the other ones never work for me

>> No.52903630

Little birdie told me that you can get books on sale for free on a certain internet library. Not sure though, might be tripping.

>> No.52903639

if you've got it then tell the source. I need to know the source on these women.

>> No.52903661

you need to stop being a coomer and turn your brain on for 10 seconds.

>> No.52903682

get audible. listen to books on 1.5x-2x speed depending on how fast the narrator speaks.

>> No.52903855

Milada Moore is one, can't find other

>> No.52903892

no, I'm obsessed with beautiufl woman with big tits, I can't think of anything else and I see too many on /biz/. Anytime I see, I will ask for source

>> No.52903946

I'm in sales what do you want to know. Books are for faggots who are too dumb to know they've been sold a product by a sales guy.

>> No.52904001
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You're a fucking idiot

>> No.52904233

what is this a pic of?

>> No.52904462

Judging by the smut you’re posting, you should read the Bible first

>> No.52906006
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Listen to >>52901374. There are no good books on sales. I'll give you a 10 minute sales course.
1. Sell shit people want to buy. Most people floundering in sales are trying to sell shitty products.
2. Be attractive. You don't have to be a model, but make sure you diet, work out, and wear tailored clothing.
3. People are buying solutions. People want to pay for the hammer and have you come over and put up their fence for free. The people who don't want/expect that don't listen to sales people and know what they want.
4. People are buying relationships. Every industry is a small place. The way you make more money in sales is by mastering an industry and knowing everyone. Don't piss people off. Get over it and move on. Always Be Shaking Hands. Trust is the bread and butter of sales.
4a. Always follow up on customers after closing. Don't just get the close and dump them like pregnant side pieces. You need to maintain that relationship, ESPECIALLY after the negotiations are done. You will be the first one he calls when he needs something else.
5. You are going to be robbed by your boss. Good sales people on commissions very quickly make more than the CEO. This will piss him off. At some point he will start talking about how the can't afford to pay your commissions now but will get to you next quarter. This never happens. Don't throw a fit. Pick up a job at a competitor.

>> No.52906054

the challenger

>> No.52906076
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>> No.52906254

Please give sauce

>> No.52906332

>follow up after close
lol only to onboard then it's off to the account manager and csm. I wish it wasn't this way because I've been pretty invested in some of the prospects I've closed, mostly when I really like their industry, and i've had to lean on rapport more than solution, so I WANT to see their success because I'm invested in it too, but it doesn't work that way.
>good sales people make more than CEO
this is true for a start up but depends how high up we're talking in segment. Enterprise? Yeah an AE can make way more than a CEO. But if you count total comp the CEO probably makes more with stock options and stuff. If it's a start up that just got series A than yeah a good sales guy will make 10-20% commission on close and make more than the CEO. The c-suiters I've known would never get upset about that they'd just tell the sales manager to move quota up add more bonus to the accelerators and continue motivating the AE to bring in new business because when the AE makes tons of money on new sales commission it means the business is doing very well.

>> No.52906341

retarded. If you aren't setting proper expectations in the first place you're not gonna make it. Challenger is basically "lol here is how you set the expectations and outcome you both want".

That should be innate to you.

>> No.52906692

If you have to read a book about sales your ngmi
Either you got it or you don't.

>> No.52906727

6 million jews for real this time, but for chinks

>> No.52907614

Very nice. Is there a webm version?

>> No.52907654
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>> No.52907775

>Books are for midwits.

>> No.52907832

You know, if I had a pair of whores like this in my house right now I would probably tell them to get out. I am not in the mood.
I don't know anything about books on sales.

>> No.52907885

that's a man