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File: 673 KB, 1200x799, sbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52900982 No.52900982 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight

1.) Creepy Jewish guy w/ dubious [read: made up] history whacked out on Amphetamines gets placed at the helm of a giant ponzi scheme to enrich politicians (at home and abroad)

2.) CZ, crypto veteran with the #1 exchange in the world who has built a positive reputation by simply serving his customers in a half-decent way and not stealing their money - not fluff PR pieces bought with STOLEN MONEY or buying sports arenas with STOLEN MONEY

> CZ takes one look at FTX balance sheet, immediately brings attention to it, then isolates his business from possible contagion from FTT
> FTX fails due to its own FUCKED UP BALANCE SHEET, people betting on FTX w/o due diligence fail as well due to their piss-poor analytical skills
> Binance in the fallout experiences MASSIVE WITHDRAWALS, experiences zero delays

And somehow all this means...

That CZ, who called out the problem before it became a problem and made really solid business moves to AVOID ANY PROBLEMS - his business is now insolvent and he's going to be the next domino to fall? Is this whole space fucking retarded? Why would CZ even open this can of worms if he wasn't solvent?

I feel like every day I read the news and it's just Jews and beta-males screeching about CZ's absolutely normal business. Do I think CZ is a saint? No, I think he's an actual functional human being, unlike all these other pieces of fucking shit who have somehow convinced the world that everyone is as shitty as them.

Fuck SBF and fuck Fudders, and god bless everyone in this space just doing their job every day. I can't wait until everyone shuts the fuck up about all this, VCs and normies are cancer.

>> No.52901078

Fucking kikes man
They're pissed because now it'll take years before they can spin another Jewish exchange to take over the industry

>> No.52901108

based desu

>> No.52901164
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henlo? based department?

>> No.52901171

Congrats,you have the ability to think on your own anon

>> No.52901173


I put myself in the mind of this evil freakshow, tweeting "OK you Won" at CZ and completely laying all his cards on the table. He really thought everyone in this space was insolvent, tweaking on hard drugs, running the company like - oh wait there's nothing to compare it to because he didn't even run his company, it's a black hole with no paperwork and paid off politicians. God knows who or what put him in the position he and Caroline got into but it's disgusting.

I know crypto is Le Wild Wild West and probably everyone here has done dirt but I like to think that at the end of the day the fundamentals of this industry mean something. When people who don't believe that get put at the forefront, the results speak for themselves. The idea that someone like this is even allowed to project his sickness onto industry leaders and be treated like an equal disgusts me on a visceral level.

How does this make USA look when we elevate this type of personality? Embarrassing.

>> No.52901197

fuck kikes

>> No.52901367

>trusting a jew

>> No.52901415

imagine coping this hard. oh cz never came up with crazy amounts of money out of no where? where's his 1b insurance from from and why do they need it if they're 1:1? still no audit. lol chinks are desparate. binance collapse imminent

>> No.52901432
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Only post ITT if you didn't lose money on ftx, Celsius, bancor, or any other obvious Jewish scam.

>> No.52901637


Binance is still in the #1 spot doing over 5x the volume of the next largest exchange. That insurance is reserved for any instance of defrauding of Binance customers that may occur in the future - something that would have greatly benefitted other exchanges instead of cramming their logo into every fortune cookie in the western hemisphere. Go fuck yourself and take your sick mind into another industry instead of praying for bad things to happen here you sick glowie dick eater.

>> No.52901676

kys tranny fag pusher.
I said WHERE DID THE 1B FUND COME FROM. binance just had that sitting around and its not comingled? doubt it. they are next. you have a chance to withdraw now, but instead you attack me with gay agenda porn shit.

>> No.52901696

I guess you weren't here or was too lazy to get involved with shitcoins during the last bullrun but at that time most of the shitcoining was being done on the BSC chain,and it was a very lively ecosystem.It was contributing to the whole of crypto a lot while something like FTX and Solana was mainly involved in market manipulation and VC pump and dumps.That's why it collapsed like that,cause there was nothing holding it,while binance things are very different

>> No.52901744

Hey now, SBF is just a starry eyed all American boy with a dream in his heart to make the world a better place who accidentally lost a few billion. Are you seriously implying he’s the bad guy compared to a sneaky Chinese communist? Are you a Nazi or something?

>> No.52901746
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If you haven’t caught on by now you’re literally not going to make it. SBF was made to be the fall guy. The autistic shtick was the lure. He intentionally built a house of cards so it would purposefully collapse. He is going to “jail” but not without taking the crypto industry with him ie heavy regulations are coming and best of all it was all part of the plan.

I usually kikepost to sow discord and farm you’s on here. It’s the meme thing to do. Listen to me, get your shit off of exchanges as soon as possible and into cold storage.

>> No.52901809


> tranny
> fag
> chink
> Le 1BILLION!!!!

Nice shibboleths you fucking kike. Your pilpul won't work here. The 1B fund is comprised of $300,000,000 BUSD (backed 1:1 confirmed by Paxos), BTC, and BNB. Considering that just by selling his share of FTX for $500,000,000, I don't think it's too hard to imagine that the world's largest exchange has another $500,000,000 worth of assets (read: worth of ASSETS, not cash) on hand.

>> No.52902028

Bumping this thread. Well said OP

>> No.52902044

you push
>sucking dick
but I'm the jew. keep pushing your gay tranny agenda. enjoy rotting in hell chinkoid.
yes im sure the chink cz is up $1b on his bets. lol.

>> No.52902320
File: 40 KB, 505x174, letmewithdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically was one of the suckers who shilled SBF over CHINESE CZ in 2020-2021 and lost 6 figs because I couldn't withdraw.

>> No.52902361

I hope those 6 figs were 100% of your money, fucking retard.

>> No.52902438

fucking based.

>> No.52902643


Yeah bro if you keep saying chink you will convince people not to trade on Binance.

Who pays you? If no one - what exactly is your angle? Why are you posting here?

Explain to me, right now, what CZ actually did, what has occurred, in reality, to warrant your criticism? Do not rely on hypotheticals or imaginary scenarios in your head.

>> No.52902678
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who pays you is the real question

>> No.52902699



>> No.52902725

Fuck CZ
Fuck Binance
Fuck Binance shills

Imagine trusting a CCP funded CEX, take your crypto off your exchange you braindead retards

>> No.52902738

nobody should trade on centralized exchanges.
not your keys not your coins, you want to lose all your shit? stay on a CEX.
Crypto is about self custody.

>> No.52902806


I agree, this would all be a non-issue if people took their crypto off exchanges.

>> No.52902884
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As a long time polster and crypto anarchic semite skeptic when it comes to economics..... is this not a moment of positivity witnessing #OURGIRL calling Sam out for the obvious potato he is?

>> No.52902909

I hope to everything holy that not a single anon has fallen for the bullshit narrative that somehow CZ is the bad guy and Scam Bankrun Fraud is the good guy. That narrative is so bad I can't tell if it's just trolling or if Scam is really paying his old army of Bulgarians to spew it.

>> No.52902934
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Yeah, they control the press, so they are trying to push that narrative now.

>> No.52902945
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Imagine losing money on those ponzis, anon I'm not retarded.
I hope you're wrong but probably right, it's ogre.

>> No.52902985

Like this guy. You'd think it was a baiting troll, but the Bulgarians have learned that by simply being outrageous enough in their lies, they become ambiguous enough to go un-countered - because who wants to be the newb who replied to bait?

>> No.52903005
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>not being retarded
hope for your sake you're high IQ, midwits NGMI in clown world

>> No.52903025

>Explain to me, right now, what CZ actually did, what has occurred, in reality, to warrant your criticism? Do not rely on hypotheticals or imaginary scenarios in your head.
It is fascinating how similarly you have to formulate your queries when talking to Bulgarians and to a chat AI.

>> No.52903037

I got scam vibes from this faggot from day 0, I never had any doubt about binance and chad CZ

>> No.52903083
File: 41 KB, 498x376, 1671073449556852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for telling us the truth at least?
OP is still a faggot. Why won't the chink allow a full audit? Fucking red flag.

>> No.52903089

Propaganda always shoots the messenger in hopes to distract from the message.

>> No.52903098

No, who pays you is the real question.
Your picrel is the main risk for non-spot depositors, i.e. customers using leverage. For any customer simply depositing spot, none of that should matter, because their deposits should lie safe in its own, isolated system.
And exactly that is the big scandal with FTX, that spot depositor assets are gone, because Sam stole them in violation of his Terms of Service. There has never been any indication that CZ has committed that heinous crime of which we know Sam is guilty.

>> No.52903109

Hitler took methamphetamine as well.
What's it about meth that makes you think you are invincible and able to get away with literally anything?

>> No.52903140

Fuck you. If CZ is ever caught with having stole users' deposits, then I will agree, but until that day going "Fuck CZ" just means you are a paid pro-Sam shill. And Sam is the one that everyone in crypto should want to fuck with a bristly broom handle.

>> No.52903148

>I can't wait until everyone shuts the fuck up about all this
On the contrary, everyone needs to keep talking about this until the general public understands how corrupt and malevolent the establishment really is.

>> No.52903178

>God knows who or what put him in the position he and Caroline got into
Look up who their parents are.

>> No.52903223

there was no evidence Sam did it either until withdraws proved it. you unironically trust the chink. and biz is largely supporting you CCP shills. its hilarious. go pass an independent audit if youre so sure of your exchange. whats the excuse again, oh yea auditors arent good enough to audit binance, lol

>> No.52904082
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>w w w w we d d d d do h h hold everything 1:1 b b b but we didnt have your usdc to withdraw not a liquidity issue though because we used other customer funds to c c c cover it

>> No.52904130

funniest thing is those shills get all defensive just because customers are trying to withdraw their money. They're vilifying normal behaviour.
Funniest shit ever would be if binance can actually perform all those transactions and does have the means to do it but I really doubt that it's the caes

>> No.52904257

>there was no evidence Sam did it either until withdraws proved it
The difference is that FTX straight up shut down withdrawals BEFORE people started withdrawing. There was no attempted bank run like whats happening with Binance.
JIDF really isnt sending out their best today.

"Shills" get defensive because jewish shills such as yourself keep relentlessly fudding binance. Its not because people are withdrawing, its because of the reasons why people are withdrawing.
Do you remember how a couple of days ago /biz/ was flooded with fake screencaps of denied withdrawals from binance? I wonder why tehre were so many threads like that... Really joggins the noggin.

>> No.52904288

I didn't realize bancor was Jewish or I wouldn't have

>> No.52904337

Me, although having no crypto, no clue of it, and won't really care besides laugh at it, would have trusted my money CZ over SBF.


>> No.52904360

did you even read my newest post in this thread?
oh binance never stopped withdraws or proved they arent holding 1:1. you must be joking. chink ccp shills not sending their best, keep pretending im the jew though and not a blonde blue with no horse in the game just a concerned bystandered who loves arguing with you shills who hate people like me because I don't let you have the last word and thats part of your shill contract to get the last word.

>> No.52904401

Anyone on binance can get their money out. No one could with ftx. End of discussion.
KYS jidf nigger,

>> No.52904428

Pretty funny that Bitcoin "investors" were really just donating money to Biden

>> No.52904429

wrong. usdc was shut off for an extended period of time until the bank opened the next day for binance to swap BUSD for USDC and let people withdraw. this PROVES they arent holding YOUR assets 1:1, otherwise withdraws !> deposits
end of discussion chink boy

>> No.52904443

I do have a bit of money on binance and I can not withdraw it because the mail isn't coming. Binance themselves have admitted to it and shifted all responsibility on some unknown 3rd party mailing service. So yeah you just proved yourself that binance=ftx because they're not allowing withdrawals. I genuinely do not care about your ad hominem attacks because Im not poor/dumb enough to put >$1m on a chink website lmao

>> No.52904452

Surely it's safe for his backers to get rid of him instead of risking him blabbing

>> No.52904523

>jew shill lying through his crooked teeth

>I do have a bit of money on binance and I can not withdraw it because the mail isn't coming
Oh look, another lying jew.

>> No.52904543

Unfortunately for you I too am a blond blue with no horse in the race, who loves pointing out the shit you actual, paid shills do.
I have no funds on Binance. If I were to use a CEX, it would be Binance or Coinbase, I would never have deposited a cent to someone like Scam Bankrun Fraud.
I can't tell you CZ is honest, I have no idea. What I can tell you is that he continues to fail to trip my dishonesty sensors. SBF, on the other hand, ran afoul of every metric these sensors scanned for on a daily basis since the day he suddenly appeared from nowhere on the scene.
Being a *confirmed* criminal is a big distinguishing factor between SBF and CZ, whether you like it or not.

>> No.52904552

im the one lying hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. how can they run out of customer deposited usdc? CZ himself admitted to needing to convert to it for withdraws and focuses on banking hours.

>> No.52904558

lmao, i just withdrew halve an hour ago, nice fud though

>> No.52904570

>dishonesty sensors
get a load of think chink. its hilarious I've been characterized as pro sbf or a jew. i was just as anti ftx as I am binance. keep throwing ad hominem to anyone over the 120 top end chink iq can see who is who

>> No.52904588

He said they didn't run out of USDC, he said there was a bank involved in processing payouts and that they were waiting for this bank to complete their leg of the process.

>> No.52904611

WRONG. he said they needed the bank to open to convert TO usdc

>> No.52904618

>its hilarious I've been characterized as pro sbf or a jew.
Not by me. I'm sure you are not in fact pro sbf, you are only paid to spew pro sbf propaganda, so no lie ther. And of course you're not a jew, you are a Bulgarian Gypsy King, by which I mean the one paid twice as much as your colleagues and who are capable of keeping track of a thread. I congratulate you, King, I see car ownership in your future!

>> No.52904621

Fuck ftx and fuck jews but the cz shilling lately comes across as extremely forced and astroturfed, did this board forget what he did with link in the covid crash? Also fuck bnb, its literally just another component of the ponzi aspect of crypto, some of you just like it because its accessible for poorfags, its still a scam casino. Fuck this gay thread, centralized exchanges are for on and off ramps period.

>> No.52904631

idk kid kys. clearly you're paid.

>> No.52904649

Did he? You could be right, with no horse in the race I didn't pay that much attention. Do you have a link that clearly proves what you say is true? I'm rewatching the youtube link you posted, is it supposed to be in there?

>> No.52904667

I have had experience with coinbase, binance and kraken. Best was easily kraken if using it for what its meant for. Binance is a good trading (gambling) platform, coinbase worst overall but also probably safest if you were going to be retarded enough to leave funds on there. But actually not really cause they’ll fucking lock your account if you don’t show them where your money is coming from, fuck coinbase too.

>> No.52904674

>more lies from the jewish shill

>> No.52904683
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thats where he said it. he admitted NOT holding your assets 1:1.

>> No.52904689
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>> No.52904702

>t. down syndrome looking chink who you should trust

>> No.52904762

That matches my experiences and what I have heard

Yup, you're right. I watched the interview you linked and he clearly explains how USDC is converted into BUSD (I had apparently missed the first half). So you were definitely correct about that.
I'll also point out that personally I do accept CZ explanation for why they do so (in short, all stable coins are sold for USD that is kept in a bank, and then they buy back the stable coins on demand, to minimize the impact of volatility on the stable coins), and thinking about it it even seems like a good idea, but that would be up to everyone to be the judge of for themselves. Hopefully it is spelled out in the ToS, as long as it is transparent it could be seen as an argument in favor of CZ keeping your funds extra safu. But it is different from the idea that your crypto just sits in a wallet, ready to withdraw, so users should definitely be aware. (CZ also said that they only do this for stable coins, not for any other cryptos)

>> No.52904786

Replied to you here:
And to add to that, BUSD is apparently not the Binance exchange USD, but some kind of representation of the dollars they have in the bank account.

>> No.52904787

>14 posts by this ID

>> No.52904790


Just chiming in

You're a kike and you will never have a day of piece - twisted and wretched soul you are, you will never go to Israel where you belong

>> No.52904796

Fucking jew rats trying to spin the story on how sam the kike is a good boy and cz and binance is the bad evil guy. Fuck off kikes

With that said, don't use cex. Keep your shit in your own wallet, faggots.

>> No.52904869

Lol those shills literally cant provide any arguments, just empty personal attacks and strawmen
Opening short positions on BNB just to see you seethe

>> No.52904879

>I feel like every day I read the news and it's just Jews and beta-males screeching about CZ's absolutely normal business
This except every fucking market. It's all just jews trying to manipulate EVERYTHING all the way down. Literally what the fuck.

>> No.52904883

Lmao the inbred goblin is seething so hard

>> No.52904907

>How does this make USA look when we elevate this type of personality? Embarrassing.
You are right and other countries are starting to wake up to how fucking pathetic America really is.
Future will be interesting.

>> No.52904911

>How does this make USA look when we elevate this type of personality? Embarrassing.
I pity any and all people who are investing in anything even vaguely related to the USA markets at this point. We're just one gigantic steaming pile of jewish fucking fraud. Oh the humanity.

>> No.52904924

thanks for admitting that shill
busd is a separate company also run by a chink just like alameda was separate

>> No.52904941

Yup and it started with the blocking Russia assets at start of war. Idiots couldn't just leave the financial system alone and beat Russia's dumb ass the hard way, no we had to blow up the entire fucking financial system. Americans are going to suffer for decades now when the world no longer trusts us (and why would they)

>> No.52905170

I’m definitely not falling for it, but I also don’t have anything in binance or ever have. Kucoin is my preferred shady overseas exchange. I don’t have it on hand, but after this while FTX insanity they at least took some steps to be transparent about their solvency which is a good sign. Maybe some other anon has a link or two on hand.

>> No.52905212

bro what is this level of cope?
>why isn't binance audited
they said because auditors can't comprehend
>here we set up a 1b insurance fund instead
from what funds, makes it shadier

if you think BUSD isn't shadow printed at this point youre going to be as shocked as those people on ftx.us to find out their assets weren't 1:1.
>inb4 b b but muh usa regulated

>> No.52905230

Maybe the media is kind of evil and fucked up?

>> No.52905231

not to mention coinbase has an auditor, oh but they won't work with binance due to bad transparency. if youre being turned down by any legit auditor that's a sign in itself. and claiming the other ones aren't good enough, hmm maybe because you feed them fake documents.

>> No.52905258


Paxos keeps BUSD transparent you fucking duplicitous rat

>> No.52905288

>an excel + an attestation
yea ill opt for code is law level transparency for my trust (hint: self custody)

>> No.52905510


> moves the goalposts

Yeah, I agree, decentralized custody is ultimately the best option. This does not contradict my stance that CZ is the subject of a targeted smear campaign - normally I would not care, but in the greater context it is an attack on crypto itself - replace CZ with any other CEO and they would be saying the same shit, sending the same dogs to do the same barking, it's all so tiresome. Like any of these news anchors know shit but making smug Reddit faces for 10 second Gotcha clips.

What's the end goal? I'd imagine to delay the inevitable for 6 to 12 more months while the rats scatter into better positions. I don't even know, I don't have that vantage point on society, i don't pull those levers, but I can spot disingenuous activity when it's in front of me.

>> No.52905586
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>muh regulated and safe

>> No.52905632
File: 410 KB, 1080x2108, 20221216_202220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember ftx.us was regulated too. where's the proof busd is backed again?

>> No.52905636


say it with me breh
not your keys.....

>> No.52905740

Hi cz

>> No.52905764


As an Irishman, I resent the implied anti-irishism of your post. We crazy btw.

>> No.52905865

CZ fuddedy cdc bags so fuck him. He doesn’t believe in decentralization, he live streamed years ago saying if he was hacked he would bribe the largest btc miners to roll the chain back and get his money. He doesn’t embrace crypto ethos, he’s just another grifter.

>> No.52905874


Friendly reminder that in history there was this guy who noticed this kind of thing and wanted to put a stop to it...

>> No.52905899

i only lose money on uniswap shitcoins anon

>> No.52905916
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And on this day OP was not a faggot

>> No.52905927

>20 pbtid
and here i was thinking that bahamian prisons didn't have wifi samkike...

>> No.52906008

based 20pbid chad spreading profound wisdom vs facsimile chink rat with rudimentary education

>> No.52906033
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Your guess is as good as mine,
but if you smell it the way I am, grunty might have a one hit ko in her sleeve

>> No.52906044

>t. 20pbtid fag with a new ip
kek way to out yourself for samefagging you dumb nigger

>> No.52906059
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>> No.52906061
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eerily plausible
certainly occurred to me, the sloppy, lazy intentional train wreck of it all

>> No.52906077




>> No.52906130

tfw u screech FUD but aren't able to defend against it because you're a scammer that can't even present a balance sheet :((

>> No.52906389
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sorry, but the use of the acronym ccp relegates you to a very low tier
studies have been done at Stanford and Yale
just try and avoid it

>> No.52906464
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>"Black dicks could be here", he thought to himself. "I've never been raped before". The warm tropical breeze wafting through the concrete slit in his cell felt sticky against his hooked nose. "I HATE black dicks", he thought. The sound of hooting niggers and drunk American tourists reverberated through the cell block even as the two packs of cigarettes worth of guava toilet wine flowed through his thick veins reinforcing his (merited) fear of black dicks after lights out. "Sometimes you pin the weasel...other times... the weasel pins you", he whispered to himself out loud

>> No.52906549

Don't financial crooks like him get put into comfy low security jails where he doesn't have to fear getting his rectum turned inside and out? I honestly think white collar criminals should be put together with violent offenders and sexual deviants for the entire length of their stay, but it doesn't look to be that way irl.

>> No.52906890

>How does this make USA look when we elevate this type of personality?
Anon, the US is a toilet where a man who just got out of prison for a home invasion/double murder after 11 years and executed three people in the street including a woman trying to help her father who had just been shot too. The whole world saw the almighty military collapse in Afghanistan and is divesting itself of the dollar, when that happens you'll be paying for all that inflation you exported for 80 years

>> No.52907792

of all the stupid shit fried-brainman did, not shutting the fuck up after the collapse is high on the list

>> No.52907917

this thread was made to convince me to let some chink hold my coins
nice try but the main character (me) never loses

>> No.52907947

>y-you'll pay soon enough, mark my words america!!

our strength only grows, and yours only weakens.
we're in a new cold war and you're on the wrong side of the curtain.

>> No.52908722


Nah just to try to stop the ridiculous FUD. Nobody should hold your assets but you.

>> No.52908785
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>> No.52909407

>t. Down syndrome kikeoid shoving kike coin usdc up his ass


>> No.52909425


>> No.52909438


You know every person reading thinks you are a retard because of the way you speak right? Your another pol/doom fag who aren literally always wrong, and have never ever been right. In fact when people like you speak about something like this it is a pretty good symbol that whatever your virgin fingers are typing is completely wrong

>> No.52909495

Binance is not based in China retard.

>> No.52909816

binance will be fine. we probably won't even see $180 low again. but yeah, the amount of people who now feel smug surpiror for buying their first hardware wallet shows how immature the crypto space still is. everyone just does whatever the latest news article tells them to do.

>> No.52909858

Still is a good thing that they take their property in their own hands, hopefully this shitshow will end in defi thriving.

>> No.52910995

why the fuck do you care about any exchanges at all? youre not keeping your coins there, are you? do you have binance store credit tokens? literally, why do you care? just let all exchanges die, it doesnt affect the blockchain

>> No.52911017

>buy on Coinbase
>immediately move to hardware wallet
Simple as.

>> No.52911034

It's pretty crazy how everyone is going after CZ now. This is definitely a case of vengeful kikes seeing retribution. There's a reason why to this day they still hate the Spaniards and Germans. They never forget and will do everything in their black hearts to get revenge even if its not justified from any moral standpoint.

>> No.52911035
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