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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52893919 No.52893919 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it always have to be like this

>> No.52894300

Just sleep through it, we will be fine.

>> No.52894355

It's supposed to make you die poor!

>> No.52894359

It's all going to hell

>> No.52894380

Go back to work pajeet.

>> No.52894404

Kucoin stopped withdrawals. Its all over.

>> No.52894427

with jews you lose

>> No.52894459

Quit fudding you retard asshole

>> No.52894463

I guess we wont be getting any sleep after binance goes public with its insolvency too.

>> No.52894469
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It's not a jew problem.

>> No.52894492

Crypto is all a scam, invest in real assets next time

>> No.52894577

There is no chance in hell that Binance will become insolvent

>> No.52894582

Hard to invest in anything with the recession looming big time

>> No.52894648

Exactly how you feel when you leave your funds on a centralized platform. Self custody desu, self custody.

>> No.52894668

Never trust the chinks,kek!.

>> No.52894733

My wife just left me, I lost our home, I'm living in my car since last Friday, all because I invested in a scam coin called Safex from belonging to the fraudster Daniel Dabek.

>> No.52894765

Did you go all in?

>> No.52894776
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>> No.52894927
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Self custody is perfect until you need to manage several wallets and private keys.

>> No.52894981

Who cares, they do jew shit all the time.

>> No.52894986

I just googled Daniel Dabek and he is a big scammer in crypto, he created Dascoin that is a copy of Omecoin and was involved with Safemoon scammers.

I am sorry for your loss, I hope you recover from this.

>> No.52894999
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>> No.52895465

Nothing close to what SBF did to thousands of people

>> No.52895472
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>Waking up with 10 margin calls and 2 liquidation notice.
Nothing gives me adrenaline rush anymore after experiencing this.

>> No.52895477

It's an empty rumour

>> No.52895563
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That's how insecure the space can leave if you if you are not in control of your identities and assets

>> No.52895590

might as well be the best time to go fully decentralized

>> No.52895594

Decentralised identity tools can solve this, Dyor dont be a lazy fag.

>> No.52895682

There's no better choice. Unfortunately DEXs are quite complicated for noobs to understand.

>> No.52895723

SBF is just a little part of a bigger plan, stay safe anons.

>> No.52895774
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An average user often gets pissed off by the UX.

>> No.52895860

You can only achieve this in a well interoperable environment with seamless multichain access.

>> No.52896036

Crypto is the future you retarded ass.

>> No.52896068

you can use key management tools. Keeping your assets in centralized exchanges is not an option

>> No.52896649

I dont know about any key management tool I use ORE ID to manage my password and private keys without having to expose them.

>> No.52897380

If you have your assets in a non-custodial wallet, it won't be like that

>> No.52897405

Anon I bought 1 bit and I'm now drowning in bitches. what are you talking about.

>> No.52897465

Crypto belongs to the jews. Sorry shibaggie, but you deserved to lose it all.

>> No.52898074

Web3 auth systems might fix this

>> No.52898099

>Down 3 percent.
Oh boo hoo.

>> No.52898116

Gonna keep coinbase, they're fine.

>> No.52898138

Still upset about being wrong? Fucking fat people.
See you at 1$.

>> No.52898266

If it all goes to shit, even in the safety place it will all be worth nothing.

>> No.52898573

That feature will be best for Dapp owners for users to easily onboard them in web3.

>> No.52898855

This. I've been DCAing in the same old ones I've had that survived the 2018 bear. BTC, QNT, ALBT

>> No.52900840
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>> No.52901085


No it's not. Bitcoin is hot air and Ethereum has nothing worthwhile going on. The rest isn't even worth mentioning.

>> No.52901127


Stocks keep their fundamentals even if hell breaks loose (plus a little dividend). Crypto on the other hand could crash and burn at any given moment in time.

>> No.52901702

Why are they not worth mentioning? Do you think BTC will rise with all other blockchains amounting to nothing

>> No.52901715

ORE network is really big on that