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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 520x520, washlet-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52897421 No.52897421 [Reply] [Original]

>he still wastes his money on toilet paper
>he goes around with an itchy ass caused by poop and paper remnants
>he doesnt have a heated seat waiting for him in the cold mornings
>he doesnt get his ass washed with warm water each morning, warming the soul from the inside
>he doesnt get his ass dried off with a warm dryer each morning
It seems some of you guys don't even want to make it.

>> No.52897447

There's a thing called bidet, it was invented 140 years ago

>> No.52897451
File: 5 KB, 249x202, 1663078043621377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't know about our shattafe and our bags of big muslim bros. praise be allah.

>> No.52897767

Living in the west, and having no choice but to use public bathrooms is the worst. I once had to use a public bathroom without having access to water bottles or shataff just toilet paper. it was hell. ass started burning one hour in, i dont know how the westoids do it.

>> No.52897931

It's only like $20 for a bidet attachment. Best money you could ever spend.

>> No.52898003

By not scrubbing my asshole like it's a burnt pot in the sink. It's not hard to just wipe your fucking asshole and move on.

>> No.52898032

Lmao, after not being able to buy toiletpaper during the covid rush I got one almost exactly like pic rel. It's fucking amazing and shit like a king every time. To everyone that's still smothering shit around their asshole and inner cheeks until youre bleeding buy the bidetcoin now

>> No.52898085

thats awesome, is it easy to fit? i just use flushable wet wipes for now. i cant ever imagine going back to just regular toilet paper

>> No.52898093

do people really think spraying water will clean your ass?
spread some peanut butter on a plate and use a squirt bottle on it see what happens
bonus: blow on it and see if you can dry it off

>> No.52898188

Very easy. Takes 5 minutes tops.

>> No.52898306

If you have shit like peanut butter you are eating greasy fatty process shit already and likely too poor to afford one. Continue living in squalor you shit rash subhuman. Btw if you can smell yourself so can someone else. Think about that when you are wiping your asshole with an entire roll of toilet paper.

>> No.52898323

based bidet thread
i have them on both my toilets, extremely comfy

>> No.52898358

this is just a sign of extreme decadence i.e. the downfall of society

>> No.52898365


Detachable shower head. I spread cheeks and spray with warm water right after taking my morning shit

>> No.52898374

my incomes at least in the top 10%, try again

>> No.52898397
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>If you have shit like peanut butter you are eating greasy fatty process shit already and likely too poor to afford one. Continue living in squalor you shit rash subhuman. Btw if you can smell yourself so can someone else. Think about that when you are wiping your asshole with an entire roll of toilet paper.

>> No.52898436
File: 8 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a bidet
take the fiberpill and be transported to the mythical land of the no-wiper

>> No.52898450

this is the one true solution

>> No.52898486

>he doesn't wash his ass after every shit

This is how I knew the majority of the world aka you are disgusting subhuman NPC's who aren't even bothered by remnants of shit in their asshole

Absolutely disgusting. I bet you also have no problem shitting around other people. Peak NPC behaviour

>> No.52898538

Washlet has a high enough power setting it would take the paint off the wall. You just exposed yourself.

>> No.52898544

Going to 5 star hotels without a bidet feels like a downgrade. All the odors you assumed were a fact of life are gone.

>> No.52898572

But you need a separate water and electricity source in your toilet which I don't have

>> No.52898600

what odors are you talking about
do you people really walk around smelling like shit

>> No.52898606
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, FYvDyYOWIAEuTRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wearing diapers 24/7

Massive L poor fags, massive L

>> No.52898644

Bidet almost spells Biden
Hmmmm, I dont think this is an accident

>> No.52898975
File: 126 KB, 695x1024, rimming_rimjob_eat_ass_parasite_booty_gastrointestinal_ecoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gayddit fags go on about enemas and shit because they think washing your ass without soap kills bacteria
can't wait until they latch on to this and start sticking soapbars up their cacaholes

>> No.52899012

If I didn't wipe my pots and pans clean they would be covered with mold in a few weeks. I shudder to think what your asses looks like

>> No.52899103

business? finance?

>> No.52899456

No you don't.

>> No.52899545

I have a bidet attachment on my toilet. The water line just tees off of the existing line that goes to your toilet.
Mine isn't electric though, and the water is just cold but it doesn't bother me. It's worth a cold squirt in the ass to get nice and clean.

>> No.52899578

I did an experiment of trying to eat fiber and nothing else to see if it would have an effect and I noticed zero different to my normal diet.

fiber is a jewish trick to get you to buy certain foods, its not rea

>> No.52899618

you're not supposed to kill YOUR bacteria, they're yours, they're part of your digestive system and everyone has them
if you're a faggot licking other men's assholes that's a different problem. try not doing that.

>> No.52899623

I use this AND a bidet and it’s a game changer

>> No.52899634
File: 341 KB, 1155x534, 8022E9B5-440B-46FF-9117-517F7C18255D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wastes his money on a toilet

>> No.52899677

If you don't use wet wipes you are a barbarian and your put smells bad.

>> No.52900551

Wet wipes are poverty tier. You either flush them and end up with a clogged mainline or you put them in the trash and literally have poop in your trash. That’s not to mention that they don’t get you as clean as a bidet and they also allow shit to get on your hands.

>> No.52900596

nah theyre flushable these days. even if i had a bidet i'd still use the wipes too.

>> No.52900847

not now ser

>> No.52900907

maybe get your diet straight instead of relying on potato chips, coffee and mountain dew you fucking piece of shit and you won't need to use so much toilet paper because your poop will be normal consistency

>> No.52900935
File: 112 KB, 864x1280, 234983729837352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still falling for the indoor plumbing meme
>not just going outside and making a mess wherever the fuck you want and carrying it around with you so nobody will bother you


>> No.52900960

based retard

>> No.52901013

What does this have to do with business and finance?

>> No.52901045

>they don't know about costco/sam'sclub wet wipes
all ngmis ngl

>> No.52901191

>he flushes and sprays his anus washing away his precious fecal matter
>he enjoys the ass penetration that the water provides
>he doesn't compost all of his shit and use it in a garden where he can then sell the vegetables at the local farmers markets and watch the masses feast on his shit byproduct

>> No.52901196

My toilet comes out of the wall, I'd need to break it down and redo the tiling

>> No.52901565

>he doesnt work on the toilet

>> No.52902492

How did you do obtain this photo of the MATIC offices shitting street. Please do the needful delete ser

>> No.52902570
File: 62 KB, 719x832, 1646777750905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this lifestyle change saves you money
>thread discusses the lifestyle change to ascertain value against cost
>is this business and finance???

>> No.52902599

Bidets are for homosexuals who enjoy anal stimulation

>> No.52902960

Could be worse, I've literally shat into trash bags because the toilet was clogged and I didn't want to unclog it with my hands. What makes this inconvenient is that when I shit I also pee at the same time but only after having dumped the first big log. This would get quite troublesome if I didn't take care.

>> No.52903310

>He doesn't use the three seashells.

>> No.52903336

just use the massage function

>> No.52903357

>clogged mainline
i live in an apartment, not my problem

>> No.52903360

try 300 years ago mate

also I dont need bidet, I make perfect poop every single time because I dont eat like a fat fuck, my poop is not greasy and liquid

>> No.52903597

>he doesn't time his shits so he takes a shower just after


>> No.52904418

Apartments have the same line for all the units. One clogs they all clog.

>> No.52904806

How does a bidet work?
Wouldn’t it just remove some waste, but leave and thin layer ?
How could the poop be removed without wiping ?

>> No.52905904

shut up retard
it's all bullshit. you would need soup for the water to remove any oil effectively. Oil resists water after all, and soap would make oils water soluble.
No soap, no clean asshole.
Wiping however just scrapes shit away. It just works.

Don't believe the bidet fags. Why are they so proselytizing? It's suspicious isn't it...

>> No.52905921
File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, 921bc4ac10d7fdf8aaaf2014df13ff08835be1ee_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get a normal bidet instead of this weird japanese shit
i love my clean ass bros

>> No.52906323


>> No.52906424

Just start tickling your asshole goy, it won't turn into a thing.

>> No.52906481

White people shit like primitive barnyard animals, it's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.52906511

The fuck are you eating that causes such monumental nurglite turds that stick the paper to your hole? Or are you just a backwards retard that doesn't know how to wipe? Maybe you can get a tranny to scrape your insides out if that's what you need, pussy. Who the fuck are you cleaning your ass for your bf?

>> No.52906564

>he doesn't have niggers tongue his anus

>> No.52906786

mfw comfy bidet with a warm seat
I've had my ass eaten before and it feels the exact same way

>> No.52907452

thats a scam bro i got one of those and it makes a huge mess.
ok Raj
Its called ass hair but you dont have any cause you are a homo and got it laser removed.

>> No.52907499

Doesn't poopy water just fall back on the little fountain stick?
I don't want to take this apart every week to clean it.

>> No.52907575

You still need to use toilet paper after.

>> No.52907687

Swefag here, bidets are great. Sad that they aren't a thing in Sweden

Took me some time to get into the habit so I empathize with people who are thinking "wtf what's the point". Here's the point, friends. You wipe your ass, get the worst. Then you use the bidet, give your crack a good wash with warm water. Then you give one last wipe to get rid of the water. Now you're far cleaner than you could ever get just using paper, and it's a more comfortable process.

>> No.52907830

I live in Japan and have one.
Not as good as you think.
Requires electricity so adds to the bill.
Additionally cleaning it is a little annoying. There definitely is shit spec build up visible around the nozzle after a while.

But more Importantly, it doesn’t clean as well as you think it might unless you have taken a shit that is an extremely easy to clean even more toilet paper. You often have to spray the water on your arse for quite a long time for it to actually get all of the shit off, and often times you’ll have to fire it up twice to make sure its all gone which is kinda time consuming.

Although it feels really good it be that clean sometimes it does annoy me how long it takes. I sometimes just use paper alone.

I think like most of Japan, its just a stupid gadget that isnt all that useful or productive. The stupid and incorrect facade of technologically advanced.
The heated seat is the best part, however, in the winter when it’s probably the most important aspect, it ends up costing you a lot of money in electricity.

>> No.52907855

This. If your diet is not shit, you don't need a bidet. Just wipe your ass with a couple sheets of toilet paper to make sure it comes out clean, and you're golden.
In months where I have the discipline to eat well, I don't even bother wiping after a few weeks because it's just a waste of time and toilet paper.

>> No.52908052
File: 8 KB, 168x300, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52908073

gay fag likes high pressure water stream penetrating his asshole
