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52895599 No.52895599 [Reply] [Original]

Instead you get NFT games, blogs about why coding is fun, and silence on anything Sergey promises end of last year. Gee, I wonder why LINK continues to crater. The ironic thing is if they had kept any promises about enterprise abstraction or CCIP, they'd have to sell less tokens for more runway. Firing Adelyn didn't work, pumping some digital pog partnership with Coinbase didn't work, beta beta staking didn't work. The walls are closing in on Sergey

>> No.52895653

Checked. It's not that the walls are closing in on Sergey though, he's just getting fatter, the obese mongoloid. Jonny from Linkpool is following a similar arc, the fat scammer.

>> No.52895654
File: 134 KB, 1745x982, sergmashin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Sergey
>Shill partnerships with nothing but scams like Celsius, Bancor, FTX
>Shill a truth machine while muh-reens get rugged over and over through Celsius, Bancor, BlockFi, Gemini, all who LINK partnered with in some capacity
>Invites Bernie Madoff Jr. to SmartCon weeks before he rugs the entire crypto industry
>Remains silent on CCIP and legit enterprises that would pump the price
>Still desperate to make sure 50M tokens are dumped asap
>Anons who bought in year 1 for $0.60 are only up 10x

I've never seen a slow con like this. Usually it's over quick, but this man is obsessed with death by 1000 cuts

>> No.52895691

>You expected Chainlink to start rattling off enterprises and integrations
Which we got.
Swift, T-Mobile, ... and on average like four-five integrations per day.

>Instead you get NFT games, blogs about why coding is fun
That too.

>> No.52895710

You keep touting this swift partnership but what exactly is the nature of their involvement with chainlink?

>> No.52895738
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Will you fags panic if it goes under 5$?

>> No.52895771

Nothing, I made it up lol

>> No.52895780

It's guaranteed at this point.

>> No.52895789

Chainlink had their chance with proof of reserves and every exchange are ignoring them

>> No.52895807

based on what

>> No.52895816

The current market conditions.

>> No.52895825


OH NO NO NO, anon don't tell me you think that is an enterprise partnership. Their node is no different from Jonnay's scammer node which Sergey also endorsed. Everything he touches turns to coal

A literal lab monkey experiment turned vaporware

>> No.52895838

well I dont know why I expected anything more than generalities, but thanks for a reply.

>> No.52895859

>th-they're just running a node!
Yes they are.

>> No.52895995

That's the gist of it, no one wants to actually tell the truth. Including Sergey

>T-Mobile subsidiary is running a Chainlink node!

Hmm interesting, market isn't responding to this most bullish news

>> No.52896013
File: 392 KB, 1970x1970, 1659122197158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market isn't responding to this most bullish news
Pic is how the market responds to most bullish Link news.

>> No.52896050


>> No.52896144

>You keep touting this swift partnership but what exactly is the nature of their involvement with chainlink?

they probably hosted a Swift employee at a link conference a few years ago or something.

that's what all these 'partnerships' end up being

>> No.52896153

lel yeah that must be it. Don't look into it btw, haha just don't.

>> No.52896225

Cope. Thought LINK was a bear market beater? No, is that cope put to bed?

SWIFT's mere involvement with this shitcoin would cause insiders to be buying on the side en masse. Someone, somewhere, would be pulling a Bobby Axelrod and buying everything he could. That we have never had a whale or billionaire pump this shit properly tells you all you need to know

>> No.52896275

>SWIFT's mere involvement with this shitcoin would cause insiders to be buying on the side en masse
yeah you're right, I made it up

>> No.52896361

it's just not as important as you think it is clg
you can stop seething now

>> No.52896451
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Sergey and Chainlink Labs employees should be beaten in the streets

>> No.52896489

Yeah you're right, Swift is nothing. They're probably dying anyway haha

>> No.52896726

Obsessed. Kek

>> No.52896748
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>obsessed kek

>> No.52897210

If you want to FUD, FUD the LPL bullshit. Sergey approving the hiring of those people is legit the first really wrong move I've seen him make.

Celsius featuring as an user of CCIP is understandable since you've got to work with companies willing to use your stuff and newer companies take more risks and the nature of an open system like Chainlink aspires to be means you'll get bad actors using the system. But Sergey could have just looked at the Linkpool fiasco and just refused to hire those people.

>> No.52897306

yeah you're right, complete nothingburger, otherwise billionaires would be eating it up, as that other anon said. Chainlink is nothing.

>> No.52897383

>can't not reply to positive LINK sentiment
>can't not mention Twitter e-celeb

>> No.52899033

>He continues coping as his shitcoin approaches 0

Sure thing bud, you're totally not dying on the inside KEK