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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 422x744, wagie cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52894899 No.52894899 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52894915

nobody does that

>> No.52894918

why are you trying to bait me with a picture when you should be trying to bait me with a webm?

>> No.52894936

yeah wtf op you dun goofed

>> No.52894963

Day in the life of a goth girl Latina that’s about to get raped (by me)

>> No.52894984
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It's just zoomer NPCs that still haven't been ground into dust by Mr. Shekelsteins Globohomo Corp. I had the same sort of enthusiasm when I started college 12 years ago. I'm 32 and a shell of my former self. They don't have the faculties necessary to see and realize that corporate work is satanic and evil and so they act like Spring chickens before the slaughter. I want to see people like pic related come back to me when they're 30 and realize that slaving away for corporate gives you ZERO meaning in life and that you should have found a rich man to give yourself to and be a stay at home wife for and raised his children instead.

>> No.52894990

*Am 30, and turn 31 in 2 months.

>> No.52895005

Not everyone is a miserable incel like you, most people are genuinely happy and engaged with their work

>> No.52895010

I'm 30, marry with kids and have my own business. By all means, give your life to your corporate job. Go extra hard in my absence and don't forget to tip your boss.

>> No.52895011

This but I would still take a shit on this pajeets’s titties

>> No.52895039

You're a good guy—don't listen to him. I want you to work for me (while I'm drinking and snorting in Saint-Tropez); weekends included. What do you say?

>> No.52895110

Yes, why would someone be sad on doing 9-5 job for the rest of their life? Working on the big tall tower, my co-workers are all ass licking piece of shit, i am paying for overpriced coffee starbucks to keep me awake while my boss is scolding me for missing 0,1% off my target

>> No.52895142

It's marketing by (((Big 4))) companies who pay slave wages, so all the money can flow up to the partners.


Retarded zoomers who think consulting is a sexy career and have drunk the cool aid.

>> No.52895165

9-5 Is modern day slavery. White collar work is soul-destroying and adds zero value to society in 90% of cases.

Heck, I think I'd be happier serving customers in Starbucks than my office cubicle job pushing papers that no one reads and fiddling with Excel. Unfortunately, the most bullshit jobs get paid the most.

>> No.52895179

>consulting is a sexy career
I mean it kind of is
it's basically what bateman did

>> No.52895182

I make high six figs and many days I sleep in and do nothing. Occasionally I go to the office for a change of pace.

Best part is I get a comfy work/life balance without having to take on the risk/stress of a (((business))). Self employment is a cope.

>> No.52895192

Maybe back in the day, not anymore.

>t former Deloitte employee (UK)

They've clamped down hard on expenses, and you don't even get to travel now because everyone works remote and clients don't want to pay travel costs.

>> No.52895195

I used le incel word, that means your argument is automatically invalid. Kys, people that work in corporate unironically have no souls.

>> No.52895244
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>they don't know that service is joy

>> No.52895277

This is true but fiddling with excel can be fun. I still don’t know how I’m paid $50 an hour to sit here and touch my cock.

>> No.52895312

Lmao same. I'm a tech manager in charge of help desk and DevOps projects. I don't know DevOps, but apparently the fact that I can sit down with a group of product managers and use boiler plate email responses to move a project forward means I get paid 6 figures.

>> No.52895332

do you work as a consultant

>> No.52895361

>genuinely happy and engaged with their work
I would argue they aren't working hard enough then. Room for more work

>> No.52895363

I like going to the office because when I wfh I get trapped in anxious thoughts.

>> No.52895364

No just a dev at a small business

>> No.52895368

Self employment offers a ton of benefits. Just ask anyone who writes off every cup of coffee, travel expenses, and utilities off as a business expense and then has a take hom taxable income so low they get money back.

>> No.52895408

Because mutts have no culture

>> No.52895439

and with high six figs do you mean 100k?

>> No.52895503

>why are women romanticising getting paid to be socialites

>> No.52895521

why do females always hold the phone like some weird japanese weapon technique?

>> No.52895531

>most people are genuinely happy and engaged with their work
this is wildly untrue, and the other poster is partially correct; by the time these kids sell their 20's to corporate america they will be entirely different people and not in a good way

>> No.52895570

That's because techies are bad at communication.
The better they are technically the more likely they are to be retarded.
That said, as a PM you are more disposable, your skillset is common and that makes it hard to get paid much more vs someone shit hot at tech

>> No.52895578

it's not only women, go to linkedin or anything wage cuck related, and you'd see this type of person on every spectrum

>> No.52895639

Every single employment survey I have ever seen puts the amount of disengaged and activity disengaged workers at 70%. So no retard, they actually aren’t happy at their jobs.

>> No.52895660

LinkedIn is fucking embarrassing. Somebody post the screencaps of the guy traveling for work and boiling hot dogs in the hotel coffee pot lol

>> No.52895676

Bro you know even Linkedin has shitposters right?

>> No.52895706

He was cooking raw chicken in the coffee maker lol

>> No.52895714
File: 179 KB, 827x1229, B92C388E-8368-4B7B-B39D-84564A0C68A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s surreal. They built it up their entire lives thinking becoming a software developer is impossible. I’ve never seen a monkey this happy to gain employment. Jump for joy for $60K a year!! Comments filled with dumb cunts throwing themselves at him. What a clown world

>> No.52895739

>slavery is freedom
this is the most jewish thing ive ever read

>> No.52895757

It's only white women who does that

>> No.52895768

i worked at a big 4 accounting firm. no one is happy working there, not even the partners making $1 million a year.

>> No.52895770

Service to yourself is joy. Work sets you spiritually free if it is the work you are meant to do. I feel sorry for anyone who hasn't felt this liberation.

>> No.52895842

I was made to fuck prostitute

>> No.52895870

You're likely non-white, meaning this society is like an alien world to you. You can probably barely read. My advice is kill yourself.

>> No.52895876

Why are women narcissists that have to show off every aspect of their life? Nobody knows.

>> No.52895878

>being 22 and not already stuck with kids, with what looks like at least an 80k+ job and benefits means theyre wasting their life

>> No.52895880

>falling for the pr*testant work ethic meme in the year 2022
subservient goycattle make the world go round, i suppose.

>> No.52895903

it's a cope. busy season means she's working 9 am to 9 pm in a tiny, windowless audit room with half a dozen other neurotic faggots for $70k/year.

>> No.52895913

I haven't paid tax since 2019. all I do is work on my personal projects

>> No.52895915

>i am a tax cattle
>i am angry at other tax cattle for not wasting away in a home because pax americana duped me

>> No.52895936

Why do they always do this stupid ass pose

>> No.52895953

Lesbian power stance.

>> No.52895979

>conflating work with hobbies
shut up nigger

>> No.52896043

yes this is absolutely the arrangement 99% of people who work for corporate have, you're not at all an exception

>> No.52896044

just because i have fun doesnt make it any less exhausting. its full-time building complex systems. i do it until i cant think anymore. 14 hours a day sometimes.

>> No.52896081
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>> No.52896094
File: 8 KB, 232x217, 7D52E9E1-B3F0-4FF4-8BE3-D40244B9B695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>high six figs

You don’t make high six figs as a consultant

>> No.52896121

again, shut up nigger.

>> No.52896464

Eh, it's a tradeoff I am willing to take. We all have our strengths and skills that we play up to. I mainly focus on being value and quantifying my work so I can have pretty graphs and data to show the higher ups. Helps make me a lil less disposable but no one is safe.

>> No.52896483

Bingo. That's what the quote means. Not "I'll happily slave away at the office". It means living a life of purpose where the work you do towards a goal is just as enjoyable and enriching as the goal.

>> No.52896497
File: 302 KB, 1204x854, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called:

Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.52896518
File: 338 KB, 1095x626, Trevor_Moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Trevor?

>> No.52896520

Eh. I chose this line of work because I thought it was the most straightforward way to understand money/the system, while also making as much money as possible. I still feel like I'm on the right track, and even though I'm in my 30s, soul remains active although I'm a much bigger asshole in the grand scheme of things

You just have to want to be the bad guy. That's what I want. To be excessively selfish in this bullshit system

>> No.52896536

It's all a game anon. If you get dealt a winning hand and don't play it, someone else will, and they'll do so without hesitation.

>> No.52896565


>> No.52896579

that's because you take your work seriously. i don't and ironically enough i'm doing pretty well at shekhelstein's company. that said you're not wrong but neither is >>52895005. i can finally see it now. if you want to work then work. if you don't then don't. it's all zero sum game anyway.

>> No.52896675

This cope lmao, empty life.

>> No.52896693

Yeah right. That bitch is hitting 40

>> No.52897289

very nice of you to take care of your wife's kids anon!

>> No.52897343

No, that's the Grapist.
He grapes kids in the mouth.

>> No.52897371

I'd romantecize it all too if I worked for bitDAO or any place doing shit worth fucking doing.

>> No.52897407

Call me gay if you will, but i find it far more appealing when women wear pants that don't fit tightly onto their pelvises and thighs.

>> No.52897459

> I want to see people like pic related come back to me when they're 30 and realize that slaving away for corporate
>slaving away
But they don't do anything

>> No.52897909

It's cope

>> No.52897926

They got nothing else to live or show for. Work is their identity

>> No.52898083

>many days I sleep in and do nothing
you may as well be retired then no need to have a job you can make the same amount and you personally are contributing nothing to society so may as well live the life you actually want to

>> No.52898140

There's nothing proud about being in the rat race my guy, unless you own and operate your very own conglomerate, yourself.

>> No.52898292

Bc the normie works like this:

>you go to elementary school
>you go to middle school which is a extension of elementary school
>you go to high school where it is a extension of middle school
>you go to college where it’s a (somewhat) extension of high school (freshman and soph year speaking)
>you get a job (extension of school environment)
People like this shit bc it feels normal to them, give someone means to be comfortable and comfort as well as complacency sets in bc why would you leave some where that’s a familiar substance to you? Those who lived their lives surrounded by in group cliques and social hierarchies as well as having everything you need- why risk leaving that? That’s the disconnect I have. I don’t understand it as I’m trying to start my company while stuck at a 9-5, don’t know when, but I know how I’ll make it out. This thing I’m building either works or I sudoku at 30 (I’m 24). Clocks ticking for me cunts

>> No.52898440

I'm happy with my job and I promise you anyone who genuinely uses the term incel is not

>> No.52898455

I hate women

>> No.52898630

Best of luck, friend. What thing are you building?

>> No.52898643

i would rather be shot and killed than work in an office

>> No.52898663

>slaving away
But she appears not to be doing anything at all

>> No.52899143

>or I sudoku at 30
Ye sure, so many fags think shit like this. Instead you'll just keep going success or no. Where do you think all the mid-life losers come from?

>> No.52899244

Unironically being a wagie is fine if you understand how you contribute to the Company. I've worked as a BA, had two placements one was amazing, basically giving up dates on the business and how the business is affected by apps, the other was a BA helping bring about a banks new cloud storage system and I had no idea the technicalities of it to the point when my contract came to an end they didn't renew unlike the other company.

>> No.52899302

Speak for yourself, anon. I've been working tirelessly to ensure I dont have to work a corporate job. Assets like stocks, crypto. VTI, BTC, ALBT, QNT etc. It takes effort

>> No.52899581

She's just eating all day