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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52892528 No.52892528 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52892783

why would it be?

>> No.52892908

Still not licensed.
Still not profitable.
Still no real users.
Still hundreds of millions on debt.
Still won't post liabilities.
Still deleted all evidence of the results of their """audit"""

>> No.52893075

It’s funny how fudders post in this thread and continue to bump it

>> No.52893171

ehh, they'll be alright. FTX was too late getting in the game. crypto.com is lucky they weren't last in line like FTX. if they survived the LUNA crash and being trillions of dollars in marketing debt, they're likely just as good as coinbase at least kek

>> No.52893185

>as good as coinbase
In few words, complete shit

>> No.52893388

if you are happy about your billion mkt cap Investment not being bankrupt you need higher standards. Also they probably are bankrupt

>> No.52893412

shmased fpbp nigger dies

>> No.52893443


>> No.52893496
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> Everything is FUD
> All of CEOs previous scams were mistakes
> We don't give a fuck that CRO price is headed to zero, every leg down is a buying opportunity
> We don't give a fuck that APY has been slashed to nothing
> We don't give a fuck that Netflix and Spotifiy perks are ending
> We don't care that Crypto.com has the worst spreads among exchanges when buying
> We don't care that Crypto.com has largest fees when transferring out
> A $0.50, we bought more CRO because it was super cheap
> At $0.35, we kept buying more CRO because it was free money
> At $0.15 we bought more CRO because it was a fucking firesale, this was how you get rich
> At $0.06, we're comfy as fuck because we know we're hitting $0.10 EOY

>> No.52893502
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>people bought CRO at $1

>> No.52893699

People bought bitcoin at 60k

>> No.52893747
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Not yet declared bankruptcy*
No bankrupt crypto company declares early, they buy time by waiting.

>They exit scammed all their customers with Ensogo.
>They lied about having a VISA deal.
>They partnered with wirecard issuer of VISA, who is also dealing with fraud false accounting and lacking funds
>They defrauded all their ICO investors with Monaco
>They defrauded all their early investors with MCO to CRO token swap
>They have no way to profit off of their business model
>14% APY on CDC, don't ask where the money comes from. It is definitely sustainable in the long term. Crypto.com is surely a profitable venue.
>but the volume?! That's their profit!
Washtrading and 0% maker/taker fees on maximum Cro stake.
Pretty much all big exchanges washtrade, but that's not the point. The point is that the alleged profit they have to sustain all these ridiculous perks does not exist and they are not profitable and when the hype dies down and they can no longer pump and dump their token they are in deep shit.

There is no more fraudulent exchange than Crypto.com.
There will be blood.

>> No.52893769


>> No.52893790
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most people did, dipshit

>> No.52893870

Don’t be angry and fud my coin because you bought the bitcoin top baggie

>> No.52894372
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2 American Dollars EOY 2023, Few Understand.

>> No.52894376
File: 139 KB, 508x424, cnbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> muh, my scam token is down but Bitcoin is also down faggot
Bitcoin does not have a CEO who is a serial scammer who has banrkupted and exit scammed multiple companies and has offshore holdings in multiple tax haven countries.
Bitcoin was not a token created out of thin air 2 years ago with billions of it into the market. 99.9% of these scam cryptos are dead within 5 years and bagholder retards like you are left holding bags you cannot sell.

>> No.52894382

But Craig white aka the creator of bitcoin a fraud

>> No.52894491

CROfags are really reaching.

>> No.52895020
File: 456 KB, 720x837, crohands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> buys SHIB
> buys CRO
> locks shitcoins staking on CDC
> thinks Craig Wright is creator of Bitcoin
now it all makes sense

>> No.52895240
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who else is accumulating? I cannot be the only one here right?

>> No.52895264

Imagine all the faggots that KYC’d for this trash. I’m sure they’re selling their data to stay afloat

>> No.52896633
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you and the few retards who don't understand that this shitcoin is trending to ZERO

>> No.52896836


>> No.52897807

I thought CDC would be the first to fall. Sold everything I had on CDC at the beginning of the year but only sold a little on Celsius and Voyager.


>> No.52899171
File: 43 KB, 333x250, 1646350998984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was only the legit exchange and has the best token. Just got to wait for the normies and dumb money to realize