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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52884197 No.52884197 [Reply] [Original]

Give me one good reason you don't have a large BAT stack. You crayon chewers are constantly bitching about use case and utility, then when it's presented to you, you just fud like the fart sniffers you are. I'm sitting pretty on 10k BAT at the moment and you'll all neck in 2025 when this shit makes me a millionaire.

>> No.52884275

Just BAT to keyword stake the word “crypto” on their search engine. This is going to be better than buying land in the metaverse

>> No.52884306

I've held BAT here and there and made decent profits, last I checked though it appeared that the team still had a fat stack that they constantly sell. I don't remember the name of portion they are constantly selling. All in all, until there is enough utility to increase its demand, I won't be buying. I am excited about the project though. I love Brendan and love Brave.

>> No.52884379

You heard it here first. This shit is the future of advertising and Brave is literally Amazon when they were just selling books.

>> No.52884416

They want to keep the price low so it's more accessible, and they need capital to incentivize creators and advertisers to join their program. These types of professional business tactics coming from an extremely experienced CEO is what's gonna make BAT the next Amazon.

>> No.52884437

>You heard it here first. This shit is the future of advertising and Brave is literally Amazon when they were just selling books.

people still believe the fairy tales about crypto being adopted by mainstream finance?

>> No.52886150

Literally learn anything at all about the project outside of what's spoon fed to you here

>> No.52886693
File: 34 KB, 485x653, DE118670-3259-452A-A8AE-276F921754C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn’t matter if crypto gains mainstream financial adoption. Brave uses the USD and purchases BAT for them.

>> No.52886705

I can’t. I have 100k and it will make me a multimillionaire.

>> No.52886744

you are the equivalent of a homeless guy saying the same as he struggles to buy a powerball ticket. dream big, thats the only reason why youre not roping in regret; dont think and stay ignorant.

>> No.52886763

I own 50k BAT. I have yet to make any money from my stack. I'm thinking about dumping my stack by EOY if it doesn't pump.

>> No.52886853

every time i sold any bat i ended up losing in the new projects i bought. Bat is the safest play in crypto.

>> No.52886879

100k is only ~$26k, who's struggling? Sounds like poor man cope.

>> No.52886891

That's retarded, why would you dump your stack at the bottom? Investing is all about patience, don't be a chump.
Hasn't even begun to start.

>> No.52887415

You got paper hands. I’m diamond handing this shit until we squeeze the supply. Hodl

>> No.52887639
File: 39 KB, 547x456, 1668659589691336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have billions of BAT

>> No.52887663

No need to lie. It can support itself with facts.

>> No.52887682

>Give me one good reason you don't have a large BAT stack.
I'm not brain damaged.

>> No.52887699

Sounds like something someone with brain damage would say. Part of mental illness is not knowing you're mentally ill.

>> No.52887986

Checked. That guy has brain damage.

>> No.52889975
File: 1.53 MB, 1700x2498, Brave Pixel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what this means but it sounds really bullish.

Sadly I think a lot of money/projects that could've really helped BAT and pump BAT to the moon were tied up in SOL/FTX and I think that really hamstrung BAT as a whole

>> No.52890063

Where's this from? Is it fake?

>> No.52890351

What does the token do? Why do people need to buy it?

>> No.52890463

>What does the token do?
Right now, you can earn it from using the Brave browser. You can use it to support your favorite online content creators. You can also use it to buy gift cards on TAP rewards although literally nobody does that

>Why do people need to buy it?
You don't, really. But why do people need to buy Bitcoin either? ETH or SOL I get if you're into buying/minting/selling NFTs.

Most crypto currencies share the same reasons for buying them: so you can sell them at a higher USD price. Sad but true.

>> No.52890813

OK that's what I assumed but since I still see these threads I thought maybe there was a good reason to buy BAT but it's just desperate baghilders trying to push their ponzi.

>> No.52891077

BAT's unique though in the same way LINK is. It has had a /biz/ following since 2017 and has a working product. Plus is hasn't flatlined like most 2017 shitcoins

but yeah otherwise you're correct

>> No.52891666

because i would rather put that money into Matic that's leading the way for mainstream adoption, especially with polygon's partnerships this year

>> No.52891817

Yes you dumb bitch. Look at the senders name.

>> No.52891836

That's a good ass joke Ranjesh

>> No.52891839

It's not a Ponzi since you literally get the token without spending money, if you choose. Instead of being advertised to for free, Brave gives you the option of either getting paid for seeing adverts or blocking them all together. You do know what a Ponzi scheme is right?

>> No.52891857
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>> No.52891861

Don't you dare fucking compare BAT to Link, you schizo faggot.
I absolutely have a fatter stack of Matic, only retards go all in on one project. Diversity is the key to success.

>> No.52891914

>Tell 4chan
Yes, the multimillionaire CEO and creater of Firefox and JavaScript is telling some nobody to inform some backwater Taiwanese ass eating discussion forum, that contributes an entire .001% to the entire market, of his exclusive business dealings, so that a bunch of autistic basement dwelling panty shitters can support his project with the credit card they snuck from mommy's purse. Absolutely legit.

>> No.52892202
File: 238 KB, 828x1435, 7F28B981-BF7E-4A8C-AE1B-1BCE054EB2DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think he doesn’t know about us you fucking buffoon. The man’s head is so large that a major portion of the internet runs inside it. He reads the archived BAT threads. Hi Brendan

>> No.52892325

Brendan has mentioned 4chan on the weekly calls before. He said something to the effect of "seems like 4chan is the only place that has real news these days." He's definitely aware of biz and probably does lurk here occasionally.

>> No.52892545


>> No.52892603

ive lost enough on fake crypto projects

>> No.52892804

Stop buying pajeet scamcoins desu, privacy focused projects like ZEC,RAIL or MINA are solid picks.