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File: 108 KB, 984x686, 1669147427861971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52888250 No.52888250 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52888271
File: 203 KB, 1024x768, 818350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a fat Russian scammer named Sergay who founded a cult called Chainlink. Sergay was a master manipulator and convinced a board of incels, who were desperate for meaning and belonging, to join his cult.
Sergay promised the incels that if they followed his teachings and performed certain rituals, they would be rewarded with wealth and power beyond their wildest dreams. The incels, desperate for any sense of purpose, eagerly embraced Sergay's teachings.
But little did they know, Sergay's true goal was to bamboozle them into engaging in bizarre and depraved activities, such as scat eating and gay sex. He convinced the incels that these practices were necessary in order to achieve the promised rewards, and the incels, blinded by their desire for success, complied.
As time went on, more and more incels joined the cult, and Sergay grew richer and more powerful. But eventually, his deceit was uncovered, and the incels realized they had been duped.
In the end, the cult of Chainlink was disbanded, and Sergay was exposed as a fraud and a scammer. But for many of the incels, the damage had been done, and they were left to pick up the pieces of their lives and try to move on from the trauma they had endured.

>> No.52888318

I am collecting these copypastas and putting them in an encrypted folder.

>> No.52888327

Link is still one of the best shitcoins to hold despite the poor price action
Imagine how depressed you’d be if you bought literally any other alt last year.
Once again, Link is going to survive a bear market and continue to increase adoption.
Meanwhile everything else that’s been shilled here is deader than a door nail.

>> No.52888344

Sn = Sn
In hindsight, sergay was manipulating asshole.

>> No.52888356


>> No.52888367

ChainLinkGod: (stuttering) "W-When I-I-I am r-r-right..."
(ChainLinkGod removes a revolver from a manilla envelope, Crypto Twitter panics)
ChainLinkGod: "This will only take a moment."
Finrekt: "Zach, no, please, please! Don't shoot it! Don't shoot it!"
ChainLinkGod: "Stay back, don't, don't! This will hurt someone!"
(ChainLinkGod puts the barrel of the revolver into his mouth and fires upwards into his skull)
Null Packets: "No, oh my fucking god! Oh my god! (crying) Oh, shit, no!"
(Blood gushes from the open wound and runs down Zach's lifeless face, ChainLinkGod falls backwards, the chunks of his skull strike an innocent bystander from Crypto Twitter and leave a bloody mark)
The_Crypto_Oracle: "Alright, settle down! Don't panic, don't panic. Someone call a doctor! Somebody call an ambulance, a doctor, and the police!"

>> No.52888378

I promise you anons im gonna feed all of this into an AI, we will get unlimited number of sir gay fanfics

>> No.52888436

Don't miss >>52884654

>> No.52888461
File: 41 KB, 673x460, 1671067146020941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good, thank you anon. This will be kept for important times forever.

>> No.52888479

And of course >>52879821

>> No.52888491

Okay I don't know why this one made me laugh so hard. holy kek

>> No.52888527

>Truth generates sincere laughs.

The last one was >>52880775

>> No.52888533

You literally scared of clg kek

>> No.52888559
File: 526 KB, 1024x1024, 1669156047056504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iHIS04eS continues to deliver after delivery, solidifying the eternal ledger of sergey's chainlink misadventures and exploits. blessed.

>> No.52888564

Missed this one >>52880607

>> No.52888584

this thread is now a sergey copypasta blockchain

>> No.52888605

I can't believe I spent hours of my life like this, kek

>> No.52888630

you spent hours of your life not in vain, if you can't believe that then believe that history has been written and you were the scribe, rest easy fren.

>> No.52888743

what happened to the community advocates circle jerking anons around you fucking nigger scum

>> No.52889388


>> No.52889856
