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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52888478 No.52888478 [Reply] [Original]

Is hustler’s university legit or a scam? I’ve seen tons of people claiming both sides

>> No.52888493
File: 54 KB, 600x600, 1667079482383742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Tate is a Link marine

>> No.52888511

>big bustler's guniverbisity begit or a sgam? Bi've geen bons of beoble blaiming both gides

>> No.52888517

This does not answer my question

>> No.52888523

It is a legit scam.

>> No.52888526

nice ass

>> No.52888528
File: 763 KB, 728x710, 439826423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Andrew and Tristan hold Chainlink

>> No.52888730

It's a Scam
Fuckin retard!
The only one who makrs money is he/himself

>> No.52888742

>Gis goes bot banswer guy guestion

>> No.52888767

It's just shit you can find for free online compiled into one place

>> No.52888807

Why are you like this

>> No.52888826

But what about the all the people in the server saying how much money they made?

>> No.52888849
File: 9 KB, 203x249, 585AEC74-742B-4F52-B6C6-73B484FD1255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like him in this picture, he looks so proud.

>> No.52888958

Grifters trying to get people to listen to them so they can make money off the system by convincing others to join. It's just a glorified ponzi scheme, the product being sold is you, not the course.

>> No.52888972


nigga kill yourself faggot

>> No.52888974
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>Bhy gare bou bike ghis

>> No.52888997

for you OP

>> No.52889045

It’s legit, Stop listening to Zoomers on YouTube trying to get views by calling everything a scam. The 100 business lectures he gave from Hustlers University 1.0 are gold. As well as the lessons on networking and body language.

He gives practical examples from his own ventures successful and failed everything from how to get handle getting funding, how to start, testing your idea in the market with minimal risk, how to manage staff, when to even get staff, customer service covers everything.

You don’t need the crap on Forex, Copywriting, Crypto, SMMA crap that’s for idiots who can’t think and apply things.

Just watch the 100 lecturers for free on YouTube

>> No.52889110

is this the fake guru scam course where when if you don't pay for next month you are put in a 'jail' discord channel unable to access the course material and only able to see notifications about people who 'made it' ? or was it some other scam ?

>> No.52889259

That's funny ngl

>> No.52889299

What did he mean about the sparkling water?

>> No.52889310

it actually does

>> No.52889313

look at this dork's legs

>> No.52889320


>> No.52889418


>> No.52889487

Hustler U will give you the tools needed to succeed in sucking homeless dick behind a Walmart to feed your pill habit.

>> No.52889505

cunts who buy this shit are retarded

>> No.52889627

I don't listen to anyone who doesn't do legs

>> No.52889875
File: 119 KB, 900x600, Joe-Rogan-Workout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers are growing up with this retard as their role model
Even Joe Rogan would be the better pick

>> No.52889928

You're shilling is too obvious shlomo

>> No.52889963
File: 8 KB, 192x189, A479680E-10E7-4A0D-B91C-43158F371209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can’t unsee it in every picture of him. He literally has the Chud phenotype. I’m like 90% sure physiognomy is real now. Just hate women and blame all your problems on everything but yourself your face contorts into a Chud.

>> No.52889994

>Is hustler’s university legit or a scam?
you're a massive dumbass and should get off the internet before you lose everything

>> No.52890015

Honestly, he was every millennials male’s role model, but he sucks just as much. None of these assholes will help you. The secret is just lift, have a good diet, be disciplined, be an honorable man, and keep making progress even when you fail. And you’re going to fail, a lot. The character of a man isn’t how many times you fail, but how many times you get back up. That’s it, that’s all you need. Not some grifter selling you bullshit self help and PUA shit.

>> No.52890033

Lol he doesn't do legs

>> No.52890074

You sound like a very smart AI

>> No.52890100

>should i give this rich guy money for vague advice on starting a non-specific business and/or buying low and selling high, while this same information is available to me for free?

>> No.52890123

>Honestly, he was every millennials male’s role model
no he fucking wasnt, he was the fear factor guy and thats it. and probably the MMA guy to MMAfags

>> No.52891770

The fact you even need to ask means you're NGMI, unironically.

>> No.52891789

Alleged shoop

>> No.52891805

He was pretty funny in The League

>> No.52891823

Dude, the guy is a kick boxing champ. Is his course about becoming a kick boxing champ? No? Then it’s a scam, for fuck sakes- talk about an appeal to authority- what does this fucking faggot know about business? And if his business hinges on being a kickboxing champ how does that translate to your success?

>> No.52892162


I got a business off the ground at low cost with just a laptop and minimal investment listening to those lectures dumb cunt. Stay poor. You don’t need to buy the course the good lectures are free. Bootleg them

>> No.52892175


He’s had multiple businesses some have failed some went well. What do YOU know? You guys shit on everything and give zero practical examples. Your advice is for people not to even try


>> No.52892180

if youtube intimidates people with [OBJ] every time you search Andrew Tate he is either a deep cover controlled opposition(like all of 4chan), or he is all right.

>> No.52892190

I'm on a watchlist and if I make too much money they'll come and kill me. Same for a lot of people these days.

>> No.52892207

I like Tate but as a rule I don't pay more than 20$ for an online course. Learn from him, learn to run your own scam. This shit is a zero sum game so I'd you pay him, you are the sucker.

>> No.52892217

im flagging your low quality shitty ass post faggot


>> No.52892218

Fellow millenialfag here, and this anon is spot-on. It was only a few years ago that I learned the Fear Factor guy had a podcast, because of some early-twenties kids at my work talking about it.

>> No.52892232

his dad is cia you're a faggot you fucking idiot go sign up for dan pena's school too, grant cardone and all the other larping business kikes

>> No.52892235

Are you scared of bubbles? Pussy

>> No.52892239
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It's good but not worth 50$/month
Just pirate everything since Tate is quite a competent lecturer.

Now, the real money-making question is: who do i bet on the upcoming bout?

>> No.52892244

It's a scam. He's having them pay to learn how to sell things on Amazon and day trade on robinhood.

>> No.52892262


What does that have to do with anything? Is the advice on business that’s free of charge right now practical and useful or not?

If we shouldn’t listen to him what’s YOUR fucking advice to someone looking to start their own business?

What is it...don’t tell me your Pol Jew conspiracies what is your business advice? Where’s your 4 hour lecture and what fucking colour is your Bugatti anyway?

>> No.52892267

btw what is [OBJ]?

>> No.52892279
File: 33 KB, 345x371, PhotoFunia-1671054474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a community college in ABET accredited STEM.

All college is is a piece of paper after 4-5 years to congradulate you on reading a bunch of text books you could have rented from a library, but jobs *mandate* it nowadays so spend as little as possible

Just realized you were actually talking about the male version of an onlyfans. Yes it's a fucking scam you fucking idiot, just read any self help book or 12 rules for life

>> No.52892278

>what’s YOUR fucking advice to someone looking to start their own business?
crime or join the police/private security.

>> No.52892284

Andrew Taint's vag is as wide as the Queen was old.

>> No.52892297

it's this
See now that automation does all the real work in society and everyone is being kept busy with adult day care service industry bullshit like mcdonalds the only real job is to fight over the spoils of machine automated production, as in, the only real job is joining a gang or police or security and fighting people for tax money, customer protection money (whether as a legitimate security provider or criminal entity)

That's reality.
They destroyed humanities ability to work, so now we just fight for the spoils of automation until AI is so good it can replace war fighters and kill everyone.

>> No.52892351

There's still some "real" jobs, but there all about fixing houses and building houses, that or trucking.

>> No.52892354

He and his brother made their fortune with a camgirl business, which they started with the money they got from being kickboxing champions and selling drugs.
You can't replicate what he did, so his business experience is mostly irrelevant, that's why what he teaches has nothing to do with how he made his firsr million.

>> No.52892368

killed all the crypto billionares, just sayin.
cyrpto mafia is soft mafia. bad look.

>> No.52892400

Lmfao seething

>> No.52892475


This is how I know you’ve never listened to him speak at all. I replicated what he said. First point of the entire lecture is sell without having a product to test the market that’s exactly what I did and it worked people expect lengthy delivery times any way so it’s no problem... Removed the excuse of no funding the customer pays

Test your idea in the market by selling, do everything as fast as possible, always pivot your marketing or change your service or product up to create sales, scale quickly , focus on your marketing, give great customer service always pick up the phone even if a customer is wants leave a bad review, hire cheap by getting people on Fivver or young people to do things,

Many other things he gives actual examples of how to execute . You can’t replicate this?

>> No.52892481

if you don't take his course, fuck you!

>> No.52892499

I'm not allowed to make too much money or they'll kill me.

>> No.52892506

>You can’t replicate this?
I said you can't replicated what HE DID to make his first million.

>> No.52892526

if the person is bald, i won't listen to him.

>> No.52892541
File: 79 KB, 1000x1500, Good_comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52892587


You can replicate it you moron. Ofcourse you can’t sell drugs and run a cam girl businesses but the same fucking principles are transferable. I started an online store selling women’s fucking weaves with the same advice

You’re gonna die poor I sweartogod

>> No.52892621

I can't make too much money or they'll kill me.
I can't do business privately because private business ownership is illegal and if they know I have a successful business they will kill me.

>> No.52892623

Is this Tate fellow some sort of Barbara Streisand effect?
I have never heard of this person until a week ago.
It's being spammed everywhere.

Glowies and shitposties, why are you talking about this person?
What's the catch?

>> No.52892697

the most schizo loser excuses I've ever seen

>> No.52892721

fuck this dweeb, anyone can juice

>> No.52892740

If you say the wrong things online they'll elevate your threat level and if your threat level gets too high AND you have too much power and/or money the threat matrix yields a termination flag and they come for you.
I've said too much of the wrong things, so I can't make too much money or they'll come kill me.
They'll come for all of you eventually.

>> No.52892759

>The secret is just lift
Lmfao what is it with people and 'lifting'? Lifting is such a vain and homo activity. Its entirely pointless. Go for a 30 minute run instead.

>> No.52892776
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It is a "scam" for 95% or more because those people have no discipline or conviction. You really ought to be at extremely commited for these things to work out. All the fags who say its a scam are lazy no talent normies. Really that simple.

>> No.52892777
File: 8 KB, 292x173, FightClubTyler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmfao what is it with people and 'lifting'?
By-products of a life style obsession. Like cargo-cults or children playing dress up. They see super heros with buff guys and they think "that's real power". Lifting and size helps, but it's not really that great for actual fighting. Cardio and experience/skill is more important

>> No.52892787

Spoken like a true fatty

>> No.52892803

True to an extent, but the testosterone boost and health benefits that come from natty weightlifting and how it affects brain chemistry cannot be underestimated.

>> No.52892809

People who make an identity out of lifting are literally overweight. Just because they can lift however much doesnt make them not overweight.
Go continue your endless dirty bulk, fatty.

>> No.52892818

I’m on water-fasting right now, skinnyfat

>> No.52892820

yeah but cardio yields better benefits.
cardio measurably boosts your IQ and adds years to your life span.
Lifting weights does make your bones dense though.

>> No.52892855

You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.52893206

Jack Paul. My friend won 2nd European Championship in some mini org just as a tourist who had 1 year MMA and some boxing experience. Which org belts does Tate have? Not saying that he isn't legit but Jack beat ex-UFC champion. Tate is champion of which orgs?

>> No.52893729

you tell me