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52888058 No.52888058 [Reply] [Original]

I used to work as a developer for a company that was led by a CEO named Sergey. At first, I thought he was a competent and professional leader, but over time I came to realize that he was anything but.
One of the biggest issues I had with Sergey was the fact that he would come into the developers' room on a daily basis and let out huge, rancid farts. It was clear that he had an addiction to Big Macs, and the smell of his farts was absolutely disgusting.
But that wasn't the worst part. One day, while we were in the elevator together, Sergey actually admitted to me that he didn't even know what a blockchain was. He said that he was just trying to impress people by - and I'm quoting here - "farting into the code, hoping that no one would notice".
I was horrified by this revelation. Not only was Sergey unprofessional and gross, but he was also completely clueless when it came to the technology we were working on. I knew then that I had to get out of there, and I left the company as soon as I could.
Looking back on it now, I can't believe I ever worked for someone like Sergey Nazarov. His gross habits and lack of knowledge about the industry were a recipe for disaster, and I'm glad I got out before things got even worse.

>> No.52888077
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>> No.52888102

Can someone explain why Jews are obsessed with toilet humour?