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52886557 No.52886557 [Reply] [Original]

I have made so many posts warning you dumb nazi meth heads that the markets weren't gonna go up. All year. I posted all year warning you all. What do I get in response. "Fuck off commie". "Fuck off libtard". "Fuck off faggot".

Stupid people, man.

I further made posts explaining to you that by being rightwingers, and thus inevitably supporting the higher rates, you were fucking yourselves over. I tried to explain that YOU were the ones that were gonna be hurt by the high rates. And that you should instead lobby for low rates + price controls instead. But you didn't wanna do that because your beloved GOP brainwashed you to believe retarded things like "high rates are good" and "le money printing is making le inflation" and other such uneducated, GED-tier stupidities.

And what did I get for it? "Fuck off commie". "Fuck off libtard". "Fuck off faggot".


And where are you now? Fuckin broke.
And where am I? Well, I'm still quite wealthy and still managed to add to my portfolio somewhat even during a downturn. So that's the difference between us. Me > You. Communists > Rightwingers.

Now I will try to explain to you again that both the federal reserve and congress exists to serve YOUR interests as voters. If YOU as the voting public lobby for lower rates, YOU can get lower rates. If YOU as the voting public lobby for price controls (instead of stupidly opposing them as rightwingers do) then YOU can get them. And YOU can have an economy that works more for yourself rather than for the rich.

But the catch is you gotta stop being a dumb, paranoid, fearful, uneducated rightwing hillbilly. And start actually learning how shit works in the real world, outside of your 4chan autismo fever dreams.

And what will I get in return for this thread? "Fuck off commie". "Fuck off libtard". "Fuck off faggot"

>> No.52886583

Fuck off faggot I'm not reading all that.
>Verification not required.

>> No.52886623
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giga based

>> No.52886624
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>> No.52886796

but raising the interest rates is needed, this is what it's supposed to do.
>commies larping as bobos

>> No.52886823

Hello bolshevist.

I am a national socialist and on one of the 2% successful retail swing traders.

I warned all year that prices go down too but unlike you scum i know that high rates are the path of least pain for the common folk. Get it in your tiny brain, commie: a recession is inevitable. either right now, relatively short and painless, or after a decade of statflation. either way, a recession WILL COME. and a recession is the ONLY cure for the inflation created by the greatest liquidity tsunami in human history created by the FED. Lower rates would mean a catastrophic, society ending inflation - stagflation - mega recession cycle. there is no way out without pain but a recession now is the easiest

>> No.52888707

>Communist doesn't understand the purpose of rate rises
I'm not surprised

>> No.52888822

>bragging about making money

>> No.52889315

>plummet for an entire year straight into the next
When is this shit gonna get better?