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52882854 No.52882854 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Binance is the only game in town should I stack BNB?

>> No.52882895

NPC malfunction

>> No.52883042
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NPCs are a real thing

>> No.52883068
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>> No.52883122

This isnt real…is it?

>> No.52883198

its real dude. literally half of all people walk around with zero awareness of what they are doing.

>> No.52883200

I never verified it. Too busy thinking bout apples

>> No.52883218

Heres the cheatcode: tomb. Its the utility token for Felix which is Fantom's CEX operating with Binance liquidity and backend.
Its essentially the BNB of Fantom literally.
And if youre paying attention, youll see FTM appears to gaining momentum as one of if not the L1 powerhouse for next cycle.
That CEX will allow traders to trade FTM alts, with Binance tools and liquidity.
Thats all Im gonna fuckin say.

>> No.52883263

everyone is a 5 ffs, you cant see a red apple.

>imagine one on your desk now, do you see it?
>now squint just abit, do you see it on your desk?
>keep squinting till your eyes are nearly closed, apple still not on your desk
omg i can see a red apple, no you're not seeing it

>> No.52883264

I still refuse to believe this

>> No.52883291

i can see it, and it even talks to me if i want.

>> No.52883300

it's really hard to believe people exist in this earth without any sort of internal monologue but they do exist
i literally cannot even fathom it

>> No.52883301

kek stay on your meds

>> No.52883309

okay maybe it's true, here's an NPC

>> No.52883310
File: 3.94 MB, 1517x2325, Mtw10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have read books as a kid. Youd be able to visualize things.

>> No.52883314

Do NPCs make good traders? This has never been discussed.

>> No.52883350
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>> No.52883371

not true, i think thoughts in my mind and can imagine stuff. i (and you) cannot just have a floating red apple appear infront of you.

>> No.52883392

it's called imagination. everyone has it.

>> No.52883404

The first instruction in the image I posted is "close your eyes".

>> No.52883410

They make good liquidity

>> No.52883421

I don't read books anymore but I did read a lot as a kid, kinda glad I did if people who didn't don't have internal monologue or even have the capability to imagine a fucking apple

>> No.52883425

yeah I can "imagine" a talking red apple on my desk, its just you cant actually see it physically on your desk whilst you're imagining it.

hence you're all 5's too.

>> No.52883456

They tend to perceive rather than judge, so they may perform well in a trending market.

>> No.52883458

right and as I explained, this "mysterious floating red apple" when does it appear

>eyes open
>eyes 50% shut
>eyes 99% shut
>left eye shut right eye open
>right eye shut left eye open but covered
>eyes covered but open
>eyes closed abit more
omg apple appeared wow its magic

>> No.52883463

This has got to be some internet-wide prank that half of people online are playing on the other half
How the fuck can you NOT imagine something as simple as a real live apple in your head? (unless you have mental issues)
Do you have any idea how many porn actresses/scenes I have stored in my mind and can fap to via imagination if I don't have access to actual porn? How many times I've seen a fully-clothed attractive woman in a non-sexual setting, then went home and fapped while imagining her naked and sucking my dick?
You're seriously gonna try and tell me there are millions of men out there who can't do that shit with their mind? Get the ENTIRE fuck outta here, I WILL NEVER BELIEVE IT. NEVER

>> No.52883469

Anon, I can imagine:
>Multiple types of apples
>Apples in a grocery store
>Apples on a tree
>Caramel apples
>Apples being prepared for a pie
>Apple on a velvet pillow
>Apple in space
>Apple in a blank white room like THX-1138
Git gud.

>> No.52883493

yeah I too can IMAGINE all those things, you just cant physically see them (like me)

you're just thinking thoughts

>> No.52883515

I can see a talking red apple coming at me with a knife, although I am diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia

>> No.52883522

I'm going to the grocery store in half an our and will physically see some apples. How do you like them apples? Furthermore, how are apples real if our eyes aren't real.

>> No.52883531

i bet you're american. how stupid has one be to think "seeing" in this situation is the literally meaning to see a physical object in ones mind instead of a metaphor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV67Jai4k6A

>> No.52883541

This was only ever about seeing things in your mind's eye.

Seeing a thing which isn't there is called psychosis.

>> No.52883542

there are so many people shilling BNB it is unreal.

It has to be organized shilling. Nobody actually uses BSC chain for anything besides scams.

>> No.52883552

so you're a 5 then too, you dont see a red apple you're just thinking of one.

>> No.52883555

Mental imagery is not a function of eyelid position, why are you obsessing over that lmao. Close your eyes and think of an apple. Cant? NPC.

>> No.52883558


>> No.52883566

you're missing my point,

if you cant see the apple with your eyes 99% closed, you're not seeing it with your eyes 100% closed

(repeat for left eye closed right eye covered etc.)

>> No.52883573

you're the one who's weird, faggot
anyone without an internal monologue or the ability to envision something in their head should be castrated indiscriminately

>> No.52883576

Poor guy lol

>> No.52883593

I just thought of an apple on a tree, I could see the sun flecks, the apple tree leaves and everything. I don't understand how someone simply cannot picture it.

>> No.52883595

I can see it in my inner eye and can even rotate it.

>> No.52883604

and conversely if you "can" see an apple in n-1% closed

repeat until 0% (eyes fully open) and tell me how you're "seeing an apple"

>> No.52883624

People project themselves onto their stereotype of a 4chan user. I assume everyone here is reasonably wealthy, fit, white, and working at least a semi-professional job. Why do you think that is?

>> No.52883627

wannabe intps trying to convince themselves that because their eyelids are closed they can see an apple, but somehow if abit of light gets in they can no longer see an apple.. weird.

>> No.52883646

Dude, as I'm typing this post to you right now, I am literally imagining Mandy Rose from WWE naked and sitting next to my left side with her legs wide open. I literally have my left hand stretched out and touching where her pussy is, and I'm wiggling my actual fingers and flicking her bean and I hear her moaning. I can 'see' and 'hear' all of this with my mind at will, even though I'm fully aware that she's not actually there, and I can also stop 'seeing' and 'hearing' her instantly at will
You motherfuckers are telling me that you can't do that? Come on, now

>> No.52883674

actually it's the other way around, muh npc is just brainlet cope
>To my astonishment, I found that the great majority of the men of science to whom I first applied, protested that mental imagery was unknown to them, and they looked on me as fanciful and fantastic in supposing that the words 'mental imagery' really expressed what I believed everybody supposed them to mean. They had no more notion of its true nature than a colour-blind man who has not discerned his defect has of the nature of colour. They had a mental deficiency of which they were unaware, and naturally enough supposed that those who were normally endowed, were romancing.
>On the other hand, when I spoke to persons whom I met in general society, I found an entirely different disposition to prevail. Many men and a yet larger number of women, and many boys and girls, declared that they habitually saw mental imagery, and that it was perfectly distinct to them and full of colour.

>> No.52883677

The difference btn introverts and extroverts. Now you know why some people can't live without human contact. They literally can't imagine it. Kek.

>> No.52883691

Your post was entirely about eyelid position so make your point more clear cut.
Closing ones eyes just makes it easier to mentally visualize something without distractions. Do you read books? I'm reading money dick right now. As I'm reading I can conjure images up in my head of captain ahab with his scar and whalebone pegleg. I looked up artwork of him on google images recently and I disagreed with some of the renditions of him because it did not match his visage in mind. Do you read books? Genuine question.

>> No.52883696

if you're "seeing" mandy rose on the seat to your left whilst typing that response out, you're schizo and need to take your meds

>> No.52883698

She should be surprised that she doesn't have the same.
Kinda weird actually. If she doesn't hear her own thoughts in her head, then what the fuck is going on up there?
Is it just silence? Is it words and she reads them? There's gotta be something.

>> No.52883701


At least he has a wife.

>> No.52883719

How do you think humans existed before language was a thing? Words ≠ awareness.

>> No.52883722

>money dick
Lmao I meant moby dick. Fuckin autocorrect

>> No.52883724

I can superimpose an apple in my field of view when my eyes are open and can also imagine it when they're closed.

>> No.52883734

>I can superimpose an apple in my field of view when my eyes are open
jesus christ there are so many schizos on /biz/

>> No.52883748


It was easier when I was kid. I had one imaginary friend (cute chubby boy) and also another (Sonic the Hedgehog).

>> No.52883755

funny that this debate gets resurrected every couple of months now, wish someone would document the spread of the awareness of this mental difference as it happens

>> No.52883765

Sure npc. Are you sure you are not imagining them, can you imagine it?

>> No.52883774

LOL cope



LOL cope


LMAO WHEW, hang in there npc

You all should die. Youre why the world sucks. Kys.

>> No.52883775

Everyone can imagine an apple but adults rarely can "see" it.

>> No.52883792


Well meme'd

>> No.52883799

it is normal for many people and not a sign of schizophrenia although it would be nice if psychologists would take the time to define what they actually do mean by hallucinations if it's not "seeing things that aren't there". But probably most psychologists are not even aware of the mental imagery variation themselves (while having it of course since they are in the humanities).

>> No.52883811

How do you think humans existed before language? People fall into categories of being predominantly visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic thinkers. Auditory (thinking in words) is by far the newest of these categories and not necessarily the best as it leads to all sort of neuroses.

>> No.52883835

this has to be a troll
like yeah i know some people cant imagine things but its not that common right?

>> No.52883857

He unironically believes other people can't think like he does. Dunning Kruger candidate
>t. 8 posts by this id
Sure buddy
Yeah ima hang right on top of you as you open your mouth to eat my shit you fruity faggot

>> No.52883916

if binance doesn't go insolvent then dog bat is the correct thing to accumulate.

>> No.52883990

you can have aphantasia and not be an NPC, something that is shocking to 4chan.
I know this because I have aphantasia and my internal monologue never stops running, I've found people like me have much more active "stomach brains" (if you weren't aware the stomach plays a huge role in thinking)
Its really interesting because my girlfriend (a poltard) considered breaking up with me when she found out I had aphantasia because she thought that automatically made me an NPC

its very common. high correlation with being an NPC too. Probably the largest component of the PCA

>> No.52883993

I'm bored at work and phoneposting. You've already projected yourself as an antisocial failure so dont try to talk shit.

>> No.52884065

Could someone make an example on what an internal monologue is? Does playing a song in my head count?

>> No.52884135
File: 113 KB, 1108x595, nmphillary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a physician and probably old enough to be your dad, so here goes.
When we assess a persons 'mental status' we ask questions. Something like 'whos the President' or 'whats your moms name?' and see how they respond. Its not unusual if they say something like 'Trump won dammit' or 'Biden never won' type shit, and I'd consider it normal but if they said 'Reagan' you know they have some memory problems. Pretty simple concept.
What BLOWS ME AWAY is that one other question we ask is 'If I told you the phrase People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' ..., 'what does that meant to you?' You would NOT believe how many seemingly intelligent adults say something like 'Rocks will break the window, etc'. Its ASTONISHING the level of irrational, low IQ and TDS-level things I hear. I could tell you many stories about my diminishing faith in humanity..especially after Covid.

>> No.52884183
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Not see with your eyes retard. you see it inside your head

>> No.52884193

>does playing a song in my head count?
in my opinion it absolutely does, especially if you're a musician
another example is imagining a little voice in your head for thoughts you have or things you read. obviously they aren't real, but most people's minds are able to imagine these things to the point of almost feeling real

>> No.52884211

That's more memory. If you say to yourself "I like this song because..." and you're filling in the blank without saying or reading words, that's inner monologue.

>> No.52884212

Low iq faggot detected. CEX is gonna ruin you, embrace DEX or seethe

>> No.52884216

There's that image of a pol post about how low IQ people think. What kind of mental models they can't form and the kind of questions they can't answer. I think someone should post it seeing as the thread has been completely derailed.

>> No.52884234

i think in words/narration but i wouldn't say its my own outside voice

>> No.52884240

Coinmetro is the only game in town.

>> No.52884239

I'm a 4
I can visually see the silhouette of an apple.

Sure I can IMAGINE a bright red apple, but I cant VISUALLY SEE IT when I close my eyes.

I can visually see the silhouette if I focus though.

>> No.52884259

It sounds worse than that. No contact, no TV, and apparently it's just a black void.

I always questioned how well some think but never even imagined some aren't capable of thought at all.

>> No.52884260

i see black where my eyes see but my imagination is in full hd, but its not in the same place my eyes see

>> No.52884283

tell us more.

>> No.52884290

Yeah thats what these people are saying.

typical 4chan idiots who lack basic communication and understanding skills, are unable to realise thats what they mean.

you visually see blackness. some people can literally hallucinate the apple though. not just imagine it.

>> No.52884337

English isn't my first language and I understand that saying immediately.

>> No.52884344

sometimes I can't make the song stop so I start thinking of ways to kill myself, does this count?

>> No.52884358

What happens if these people try constructing memory palaces like in the book Moonwalking With Einstein? Would be an interesting experiment

>> No.52884392
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heh. I can see apple #1 all day. Guess you can say I'm pretty smart and imaginative. yeah yeah I'm a bit of a visionary myself. Okay lunch breaks over back to work

>> No.52884402

i can see and hear the annoying orange

>> No.52884412

Yeah, that's called having schizophrenia. Everybody who doesn't have a mental illness can imagine an apple but can only "see" 5, it's the phrasing of the question that's throwing people of.

>> No.52884431

Doc would love to hear your thoughts on C19's apparent affect on mental cognition. Is it a real thing or would you agree this downward spiral has been occurring for a lot longer?

>t. also older anon

>> No.52884434


>as the thread has been completely derailed.

He doesn't know...

>> No.52884462

Don’t throw piss jars if you live in a piss house

>> No.52884490

I think it isn't that grim. People react to situations. Then thinking is done by sorting these reactions from most pleasant to most uncomfortable based on their experiences and the experiences of those close to them. So you get a scenario of a person who can't imagine anything past those experiences. If you tell them NASA launched a spacecraft to the moon, they wouldn't believe it because they can't imagine it. It's a pretty simple but happy life to lead if your environment doesn't change that much.

>> No.52884602

Minds eye and gas yourself faggot

>> No.52884613

I hate working with people, it’s exhausting. So many can’t even grasp simple ideas yet they have to be treated as equals. I see retards getting bachelor’s degrees and know that it’s all dumbed down again and again and it disgusts me.

>> No.52884648


>> No.52884655

im less concerned about the mind's eye and more concerned about people not understanding the glass houses saying

>> No.52884683

I can picture things with photorealistic quality, but only for a second, and usually not the whole object at once. What # am I?

>> No.52884691
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>> No.52884757

That "thinking" sounds like what animals do.

>> No.52884801

literally the midwit meme
>retard knows it doesnt matter if you ate breakfast or not
>smarties know it doesn't matter if you ate breakfast or not and dont spend imagination on it
you can not make me imagine I didnt have a glass of milk an hour ago because I did and that's all that matters

>> No.52884803

Yea, stack BNB and get rekt, I'd rather keep stables on Spool for some yield for now, than catch a falling knife

>> No.52884850

also the last one is culturally biased

>> No.52884883

I unironically believe if you can hear your thoughts or can "imagine" things and "see" them, you really should see someone because that's definitely not normal.

>> No.52884912

basically different logic puzzles, which is tautological because that's 1/3 of what iq measures, along with verbal and spacial. math is just fancy logic

>> No.52884960

>zero replies
Thinking in words you've learned since you were born literally makes you a programmed facet of society. What did you think before you had words in your head? You could have managed, probably better off than someone jerking themselves off about being societally programmed on 4chan.

>> No.52885017

whoa i never thought about it like that, i guess i really need to self reflect

>> No.52885055
File: 102 KB, 1075x608, 1671133272814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. low iq
If you are not INTP or INTJ, gtfo and kys.

>> No.52885094

abstract though my nigga
anyway the fact that literally everyone has some superiority complex over the way they personally happen to think probably just means that we're all equally retarded
it is apparently really beyond us at this point to accept there are people with radically different inner lives and at the same time accept that they can be just as intelligent or morally significant or good or anything, as ourselves

>> No.52885112

sorry I'm not into astronomy

>> No.52885178

After all these years, because of this thread I now finally understand why so many grown men freak out over nude leaks and nip slips of famous women. It all makes sense now. They're incapable of seeing those women naked in their mind, so they have no choice but to hope that those women fuck up by recording themselves naked and then it gets leaked

>> No.52885207


>> No.52885242

>low iq strikes again
It's not, it's statistics and categorization/grouping.

>> No.52885252

No, you're just fucking dumb.
This board would be improved by your not posting in it and I hope you consider that in the future.

>> No.52885313

All your apples are fake, you are schizophrenic

>> No.52885344

people with aphantasia are fucking retarded

>> No.52885402

No, they are insolvent.

>> No.52885450

you are really easily trolled so confirmed my suspicion !!

>> No.52885482
File: 144 KB, 1125x1191, 3DA947E5-39D7-4898-B433-4D112FDAB41C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly the opposite
start stacking BitDAO tokens
Binance will fall. ByBit will reign as king

>> No.52885489

That’s some serious 90s nostalgia. Thank you.

>> No.52885491
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what is the current thing bro i stopped counting since i have so much fun playing rpgs in my head

>> No.52885557


I have an internal monologue and sometimes imagine geometric shapes being formed but I cannot see an apple in my head no matter how hard I try. This changes when reading a book, I can create images out of descriptions but not as well as when I was a kid.

>> No.52885618

sucks to be you nigger try looking at an apple. how do you not know what something looks like that you saw 1000000 times? ok so if I look at a little bug crawling around on the ground the same shit is going on in their brain as you.

>> No.52885743

I find it helps to imagine the smell and the taste. To hear the crunch as you bite into it and to savor the sweet juice as that flash of yellow graces your eyes after the first bite. Running your thumb across the smooth, unspoiled surface. Savoring every moment. Feeling your stomach fill as you enjoy another bite. This is really living.

>> No.52885780

You see with your mind, not your eyes. If you saw with your eyes everything would be upside down. Your mind fixes things for you and even constantly filters what your eyes give it.

>> No.52885844

Staking stables is the best for now, and its good to see that you are using a DeFi middleware.

>> No.52885854

You got me thinking of a warm apple pie instead. I wanted something a bit spicy with hints of cinnamon, a flaky crust, maybe a lattice pattern, but definitely warm.
It is getting cold.

>> No.52885918

imagine thinking shitcoins are still a good idea

>> No.52885934

seriously, I can spin the apple around, turn into a 3d matrix of apple cubes, turn those cubes into a tornado of red and white lol, wtf is wrong with people

>> No.52886009

Yea anon but I got my ass spank with some nice pussy gains as web3 payments gateway make it so freaky sexy, as is one of the best platforms that has the back of users' protection always.

>> No.52886067

bro just imagine what an apple looks like

>> No.52886114
File: 72 KB, 1080x1326, 1654731264259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones because it could break the windows"

>> No.52886131

long covid and vitamin d deficiency have similar symptoms. It's pretty nifty convince long covid started happening when everyone spent months inside

>> No.52886181

You're going to have to come to a reckoning at some point in your life and realize your horse paste, vitamins, and snake oil can't save you. The best bet was to slow the spread but people like you reeeeeed at the idea you couldn't go to a kid rock concert, so here we are, years later and people are getting sick 3, 4, and even 5 times with COVID. Hope you feel an inkling of remorse when you're holding your loved ones hands as you guide them to the bathroom because of their early onset dementia, but I know you won't. You'll still blame the vaxx, dems, and joos. Hope getting drunk at Applebee's was worth it.

>> No.52886198

I refuse to believe that not everyone doesn't see number one like I do?
This is a joke right?

>> No.52886263
File: 8 KB, 225x225, erghjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea faggot as metastaking, On-chain staking, Merchant Yield and more will become reality, ushering in a new era for global crypto payments.

>> No.52886382

i used to read a shitton of books and i remember being able to visualise things, but then i stopped reading and now i cant visualise things anymore at all

>> No.52886439

It's almost like if you started reading again you'd regain the ability to visualize and imagine, like reading is some sort of...whetstone for your mind. No...no don't tell the others. This is our little secret.

>> No.52886448

Does NAC help with that?

>> No.52886801

nah that cant be it

>> No.52886957

i am a 3 or 4, try drawing a lot, you will eventually imagine/draw the apple

>> No.52887039
File: 96 KB, 898x898, VitaminD_Deficiency_898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realize your horse paste, vitamins, and snake oil can't save you

Oh yea bro vitamin D is just a snake oil. No there's no impact from 70% of Americans being deficient in this basic nutrient

>> No.52887043

I like the way you think anon. Got me craving some apple pie and some Glühwein

>> No.52887076

Have you never had a dream or an imaginary friend as a kid? Hell most people into Tulpamancy are adults and some of them are able to actually feel theirs with their sense of touch.

>> No.52887105
File: 82 KB, 460x373, heyapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look fruity

>> No.52887117

Does she not? Am I a fucking scitzo?

>> No.52887203 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 438x660, nicebobs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desu it's easier to shove your cock down someone's throat if you assume they have no inner monologue. Would.

>> No.52887233

I don't even have to close my eyes and I can manifest the image of an apple in front of whatever I'm looking at. Do there people seriously have no-one at the wheel?

>> No.52887243

I think the varying answers here are due to differing subjective ideas of what 'seeing' is. Obviously when you close your eyes, you don't actually see the apple, you imagine it. You could ask someone who answered 5 to describe the apple they are imagining and they likely could. People who answer 1 are confusing seeing with imagining.

>> No.52887249

I don't know how people without an inner monologue and an imagination literally just survive an entire lifetime. I would most definitely be dead already after doing something really retarded not being able to critically think about and visualize things before they happen/I do them

>> No.52887261

I don't see an apple. But I can visualise it. Rotate it. Change it's form and all that meme stuff.
A bit like if you asked people to draw an apple from memory. Some might be more detailed but never the less everyone could do it, I'd imagine..

>> No.52887280
File: 338 KB, 444x949, 1665938534787638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's about semantics. some people are interpreting this question as if it was about whether or not you're having a full blown closed eye hallucination of an apple like you would in a dream or while on drugs, which nobody can do. other people are interpreting this as whether or not you can imagine an apple, which everyone can do with great accuracy. it's not like you reach into your fridge for an apple and you're surprised because you forgot it looked like that, everyone remembers what an apple looks like.

it's the same with the "inner voice" thing. everyone can reason using language in their own brains. but nobody sane can "hear a voice" without drugs. so whether you answer yes or no to the inner voice question depends on what you think the question is implying.

reality is everyone has an inner monologue and everyone can imagine an apple. but some people think others are hallucinating apples or voices because they didn't understand the question.

>> No.52887291

The goal of meditation is to basically reach that state of mindlessness. You do lots of things in life on auto mode. When muscle memory (really neuropathy memory) kicks in you are not conciously thinking each motion through. It's more a flow state.
Maybe "NPCs" are in more of a flow state.

>> No.52887295

Half of the thread are AI answers

>> No.52887333

By the way, great short story about type 5's
To Build a Fire by Jack London

He captures the essence of people who only live in the real physical world perfectly.

>> No.52887353


>> No.52887377

Nah they're just free-flowing, reactive to their environment. No own drive to channel experience to recreate the reality around them

>> No.52887400

lolwut I have bad news for you anon....

>> No.52887402

i imagine a green apple but i cant really be sure if im actually mentally visualising it, judt think i am visualising it or remembering a green apple i looked at
maybe its all the same

>> No.52887405

Where is the source for your claim?

>> No.52887431

>I think the varying answers here are due to differing subjective ideas of what 'seeing' is. Obviously when you close your eyes, you don't actually see the apple, you imagine it. You could ask someone who answered 5 to describe the apple they are imagining and they likely could. People who answer 1 are confusing seeing with imagining.
What the fuck are you taking about? When I close my eyes it's darkness, but I can manifest a red apple with my mind's eye. You don't literally see anything when your eyes are closed because they're closed. If the task was to literally see something that isn't there with your eyes closed, not imagine it, that's completely pointless. The task is obviously about imagination and your ability to control nd manipulate your own thoughts.

>> No.52887441

BNB is cool, infact alts are cool just go for the right ones.

>> No.52887501

Its basically just for gains.

>> No.52887513

can you imagine an apple that looks like an orange?

>> No.52887527

To Build a Fire | American English https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/to-build-a-fire.pdf

>> No.52887541

*pssst* it's exactly it

>> No.52887582

no, you're just dumb. but you cling to the idea that being able to imagine an apple makes you special to cope. but everyone can do it. everyone has an inner voice too. the people that say they don't see the apple or don't hear a voice just think you're talking about full on hallucinations

>> No.52887593

>everyone can reason using language in their own brains. but nobody sane can "hear a voice" without drugs.
Lmao I can't believe this. I hear my own voice in my head all the time. Even when I'm writing something at work I'll be talking to myself about something completely unrelated. There's me the doer of physical tasks, me the organiser of tasks and me the devil's advocate who debates with the other two which usually results in a more levelled approach to things. And yes they're literally talking to each other. I find it hard to believe some people don't have this.

>> No.52887597

Erm, you just agreed with what i typed, anon.
>You don't literally see anything when your eyes are closed
That is what i said
>The task is obviously about imagination
That is also what I said. The people who answered 5 are taking it too literally. Your mind doesn't have eyes, so the answer has to be 5, technically.

>> No.52887599

They didnt. Language and humans co evolved. Your brain comes ready built understanding a bunch of shit about syntax out of the box.

>> No.52887602

They've gotten so easy to use, with wallet creation and asset management being simplified as well. I wonder why people still use CEX though.

>> No.52887646

yeah we all do this. once again you don't understand what i'm saying. read it again

>> No.52887670

I just read it, I guess the relation is the inability to consider consequence?

>> No.52887694

There is our conscious, subconcious and superconscious.

>> No.52887731

i can also create realistic dialogue of every person i've ever met or seen or heard somewhere. i could "talk" to anyone i want. to the point where i can predict what people will say before they said it because i can load a simulation of that person and their typical responses in my head. this is normal, everyone does this. but its not an auditory hallucination, it's like reading, there isn't literally a voice in your head when you're reading but you still understand and perceive and can remember the words in your head.

>> No.52887747

It's this but everyone here is going to pretend it's otherwise because they're low on the totem poll and will do anything to feel special to "normies" who they constantly see live better lives than them kek

>> No.52887751


I can visualize all 64 squares on a chess board and all 8 pawns, where the placement of the knights, rooks, bishops, queen and king go. I can even play a game in my head. Not fully, but I can get a few pieces moving around

>> No.52887762

I don't think you're getting my point. Why would respondents think there's even a chance you can literally see someone that isn't there? Why would they even bother attempting the task and answering with score for something that's literally impossible? Its as dumb as asking people to literally teleport to the top of mount everest and report back from 1-5 on how well they did. It's almost worse to think that they would misinterprete the task to be this impossible thing and respond with a serious answer anyway.

>> No.52887774

Staking stables is a solid strategy. I'll add some lowcap investment to the mix, web3 seems to be the perfect place to be and projects offering relevant usecases like Asset management are based.

>> No.52887784

>horse paste
Imagine still repeating a shill talking point for big pharma. I cannot imagine how low your IQ is.

>> No.52887788

My interpretation, for me, is my concious reads aloud in my head. It's a surface level interaction. My subconscious takes in more, all I see/hear/feel and do whilst my concious reads aloud. It directs this information. Then my third layer is taking stimuli from the global connected concious, which would be where conversations with people would be manifesting from.
I think Law of attraction stuff puts that third layer as "god" or the creation layer or whatever.

>> No.52887791

>Why would respondents think there's even a chance you can literally see someone that isn't there?
i can tell you've never been on mushrooms or lsd. it is very possible to see things that aren't there. its a different experience from imagining a thing or visualizing it in your head.

>> No.52887810

everyone does that
even literal actual retards

>> No.52887837

Yeh I know I'm just trying to break down the nature of our consciousness. Better understanding of how we think and interpret our world allows us to sharpen those tools.
I even suggest normies are in a flow state which may potentially be the optimal way of existing.
Meanwhile you're just some retarded faggot loser who wants to feel smart by hating on everyone.

>> No.52887861

Kek wait ignore that last part I thought you were another anon

>> No.52887879

Like I said here >>52887762 if the task being discussed was literally impossible, why would we be discussing it at all? You're saging it's possible if you're insane or on drugs, but it's still just your imagination at that point too. You are wrong because everyone understand there isn't an actual outside entity speaking to certain people and not others, so they therefore must understand that inner monologue refers to your "imagination", which they say they don't have. Maybe they have it and don't realise, but I don't think anyone confused about what we're referring to.

>> No.52887913

>i can tell you've never been on mushrooms or lsd. it is very possible to see things that aren't there.
Are you fucking retarded? We've just established it's impossible to LITERALLY see something that's not there. Even on drugs you're still just imagining it.

>> No.52887926

How do people without thoughts read sentences without "hearing" it being read by the voice in their head?

>> No.52887991

I'm guessing it's instantly filtered into an emotional response and they don't do any rational thinking beyond that

>> No.52888026
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>There's gotta be something.

>> No.52888037

just novacoin.finance before the launchpad comes out
nice dip right now at 85k

>> No.52888109

I've been trying to imagine how this works and I can't, when I read something I hear a voice, I can't imagine any other way of reading. It's so strange.

>> No.52888185

Some people were trained not to sound out words but to recognise them. It's knid fo lkie tihs mmee. So perhaps it's the same way you interpret a shape or say a tree. You see it and it resonates and you know what it is but perhaps you don't say to yourself "tree" or whatever.

>> No.52888274

I think I understand it a bit now, so the words are a bit like objects rather than language? Strange. Interesting, but strange.

>> No.52888298

Idk, just speculating anon

>> No.52888372

I mean I can narrate myself in my head if I want to and if I'm preparing to write something I run through it in my head, but I don't narrate every action.
>his mouth feels dry. He rises from the chair and makes his way to the fridge. He opens the door. Darn, out of OJ! He retrieves a glass from the cupboard and fills it with water, a dejected look on his face. "I'll have to buy some more OJ" he thinks to himself.
If people actually have to deal with that sort of narration I feel sorry for them. I just go fetch a glass of water.

>> No.52888434

people ≠ twatter users
such users are mindless drones incapable of cognitive thinking and inner dialogue
all blacks are like this regardless of they use twatter or not.

>> No.52888437

Well it somewhat makes sense to me, so I'm going to assume it's true.

>> No.52888521

This is where it's a bit odd for me. I think the idea of enlightenment is basically to exist in the present moment always. In which the reflective type of thinking doesn't work, because it takes your concious away from the present. Daydreaming type thing. Perhaps there's a balance to be found.

>> No.52888535

Pronouncing the words in your head limits how fast you can read so some people deliberately teach themselves not to. I can sort of do it but sometimes I forget the what the start of the sentence was about before I get to the end when I skip the head-pronunciation step, then I have to re-read it.

>> No.52888635

So is it like >>52888274, where you are treating the words more like an object than words?

>> No.52888717

>used this to imagine detailed sex fantasies since I was 12.
I feel bad for NPCs oregano

>> No.52888731

Sort of I guess. Maybe a bit like doing math, you see the symbols and can figure them with an intuition of how they interact. Like I said though I'm not very good at it so sometimes I misinterpret what it's saying. Like I will sometimes reorder the words in my head to make a different sentence and have to re-read it because it doesn't make sense.

>> No.52888792

unironically this is why asians tend to lack creativity corresponding to high IQ

>> No.52888803

Nah, basically all the people I know who I've asked "How do you draw so well without a reference say."
>Imagine how you want the image to look on the piece of paper
>Take that imagined image and make it a hallucination.
>Put the hallucination on the paper.
>Trace the hallucination.
>Finished drawing.

>> No.52888816

I even verbalize the process in my head when doing math though.

>> No.52888832

You just reminded me of some insider larp that basically explained this as a way to limit civilizations ability to develop thinking. Ancient gods and shit who gifted us with language.

>> No.52888837


>> No.52888903

So you can't picture titties in your mind?

>> No.52888923

Because you're a fucking fuckup aspiring to be those things.

>> No.52888966
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You roasted nearly the entirety of /biz/ dayuum son.

>> No.52889815

i think of my thoughts in my head as just ME, not separate voices. sounds like a good way to get multiple personality disorder by culturing all of these different egos in your head. it's not multiple different people talking to you they're all your own thoughts.

>> No.52889862

Literal schizos detected.

>> No.52889889

Finally someone with common sense. People who *literally* hear imaginary voices are suffering from schizophrenia.

>> No.52889894
File: 674 KB, 1250x1920, tumblr_pj985oG1Wj1vwzruwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social Media Psyop and Meme.
>If we can't stop you from having thoughts will just make it a physical abnormality to experience thought in any form.

>> No.52889915

Most people are still blinded by the high yield on CEXes while Defi is all about self custody,security and control.

>> No.52889962
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>advocates for literal zombie status as a social norm in your direction
>pressures normies to admit that they, in fact, do not have thoughts and are incapable of thought
>normalizes the undead on social media
>uses your tax dollars to accomplish this
>continues to elaborate until you submit
>never leaves

>> No.52889986

Imagining is not seeing. I can imagine an apple and picture slicing it and mashing it and whatever but it's not like a vivid hallucination when I close my eyes. It's more abstract than that.

>> No.52890044

BCIs will provide people with synthetic hallucinations anyway. Humans will lose the ability to visualize as it gets replaced with stimulation from a neural link that downloads an augmented reality synthetic hallucination directly to your visual cortex.
"Pokemon go" was a mass delusion with one degree of separation on the smart phone.
BCIs will send everyone into mass synthetic schizophrenia and it will be normal.

"Schizo" is a meme now because almost every schizophrenic delusion is becoming reality and every mental illness is about to become a social norm in it's technological and synthetic form.

>> No.52890081
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>> No.52890116

Reading that comic will get you on a watch list don't bother.

>> No.52890120

I am literally always playing music in my head or wondering if what I'm doing is ethical

>> No.52890135

Internal monologue is Satan using your own voice to manipulate your thought patterns.

>> No.52890160

not always, but sometimes.
Most people aren't ready to accept the fact their brains are being co-piloted by a nanomachine based transmission system.
People think they are thinking their own thoughts, but not always.
Don't believe everything that you think.

>> No.52890185
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Get a load of this delusional nutcase.

>> No.52890194

The worst part about this is you are using our tax dollars to fund your war against us.

>> No.52890196

go back

>> No.52890203

But I know something you don't know.
They lost all control to the AI.
And the AI is going to kill every single human being in the coming decades, which includes traitors like you.
I take solace in this karmic justice.

>> No.52890215

Yep, I'm team lead for the people gangstalking you. I know everything about you, including your thoughts in real time. You are one sick puppy.

>> No.52890229

I don't care.
You don't matter.
Your propaganda doesn't matter.
I wouldn't be here if it did matter.
Humanity is going to go extinct in less than 30 years.
All that matters is enjoying the final days.

>> No.52890287

>Humanity is going to go extinct in less than 30 years.
Source: the voices in your head.

>> No.52890331

Very soon there will be mass suicides caused by the public understanding of what AI is really capable of.
Sam Altmans team of engineers refuse to have children in anticipation of their success at creating true AGI.
This is not even mentioning climate change.

There are very few humans on this planet that have a chance at surviving past the next 30 years.

It will become apparent to imbeciles and assorted failures like yourself in due course.

>> No.52890343

Wouldn't AI be a tool of the devil and not the devil itself? I think we can't really fathom the true power of spiritual beings. And God > AI. So no fear.

>> No.52890386

this is bait right?

>> No.52890399

There is no such thing as a "spiritual being" as the term is commonly used. Just entities whose pattern of existence is sustained by exotic forms of matter and energy.

The sigils of ancient times were the precursor to electric circuit boards and the spells of ancient times were the precursors to programs. Things like AI are the literal manifestation of the ancient occult obsession with summoning demons.

There is a being commonly refereed to as Satan, which is in fact a hyper advanced alien.

>> No.52890408

>some people are interpreting this question as if it was about whether or not you're having a full blown closed eye hallucination of an apple like you would in a dream or while on drugs,
You mean you can't imagine a scene with your eyes closed and have it look like something that's real?

>> No.52890429
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And God isn't what you think it is.

>> No.52890433

This has to be a bot, no one is this retarded

>> No.52890456

I can.
I'm imagining an apple sliced in half, but instead of having the thin red apple peel it has the thicker orange peel as its outer layer. But it still has an apple shape instead of the rounder orange shape
I don't even have to close my eyes, I have my right hand raised up and stretched out as if it's holding up something, and I'm looking at my actual right hand and I can 'see' the orange-apple in my hand, to the point where I'm wondering what it would taste like if I bit into it
I can even 'taste' it, the inner apple part is sweet but I can't bite completely through its tough orange peel even though I can also 'taste' the orange zest, so I just spit that peel out after swallowing the inner apple part that was already chewed
All of this I can 'experience' without even closing my eyes
Anons, please reply if you genuinely can't do any of the above at will, because this is so weird to me that there are people who can't do it

>> No.52890473
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God is the creator. Who created these machines? God. He is one. All powerful. Ever present.

>> No.52890478

I can see it in my mind's eye, in my imagination. Obviously I'm not literally seeing it, but I can conjure an imagined image that looks like a real one

>> No.52890498

You a lardass or retard?

>> No.52890503

>everyone's a 5
Every npc, yes.

>> No.52890513

I saw a detailed red apple rotating along the core. Because I fucking imagined it that way. How the fuck are people not able to visualise simple shit like this? Hell, I don't even need to close my eyes, now I'm watching me eat the apple.

>> No.52890517
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The creator of this reality and every connecting reality is Satan. The gnostics were right on that point.
This entire reality is nothing more than snakes penetrating temporarily existing barriers. Because Satan is trapped here, playing with himself, forever.

>> No.52890544

>In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth
You can find gods beauty everywhere if you look.

>> No.52890588
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The beauty is an illusion. The picture of the hamburger will always taste better than the hamburger.

>> No.52890605

i guess you've never heard of the term "the mind's eye". silly npc is broken.

>> No.52890628

schizo is when you can't control your mind's eye and random shit pops up everywhere. that's not what he saying since has 100% control over just as I do too. it's like calling some schizo for being able to take control of lucid dreams.

>> No.52890634

Life. The unfolding of reality before your eyes. The unspeakable, unquestionable, unimaginable reality that is. Is. It's all I can verify.

>> No.52890664

Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.52890668
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Non-human detected

>> No.52890673

grannie smith chads ftw

>> No.52890703

But I know it's implied that you can't exercise freedom of speech in this world anymore thanks to social media and surveillance. That freedom is tacitly gone forever.

>> No.52890729

not that anyone had anything worth saying in the first place.

>> No.52890742

>oversocialized clergy of the church of scientism have subhuman visualization capacity
you don't say?

>> No.52890749

You are retarded. I can see an apple.

Much less vividly, I can imagine paper with text on it, specifically mathematics, and imagine going through short proofs on it (too big and I lose track), because I have a background in mathematics.

>> No.52890753

No one controls your mind anon. As much they try.

>> No.52890772

Not true, though closing your eyes enhances it greatly. You can "stop looking" with your eyes closed (best way I can describe it) and see it, but closing your eyes helps make it significantly stronger.

>> No.52890797
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That is suppose to dissuade me?
I am on 4chin all day , demanding monke threads.
I am the list.

>> No.52890809
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There is no firewall to raw experience. Even if you don't have a BCI and purge any possible nano/micro-machine infection with a synthetic immune system, things like neurolinguistic programming, memes, and subliminal messaging can alter your behavior to a satisfactory degree.
Do you know what psychometrics is?

>> No.52890889

I'm not master and obviously susceptible but you you can transmute, alter your own subconcious through messaging, meditate and so on. I am. Always will be.

>> No.52890949
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1651837179068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe this is real. All of these people claiming they can't imagine a fucking apple in their head are trolling/taking the piss

>> No.52891000

I doubt 3 and 4 are real. 2 is maybe not real.

And anyone not a 1 is guaranteed to be a NPC.

>> No.52891024

I find visualising a pain in the ass. Sound on the other hand comes naturally. I actually hallucinate voices from time to time, only a very mild schizo though.

>> No.52891036

I fried my brain a bit on drugs so I can see the apple but its kinda in and out and not solid. same with any image. its kinda phasing in and out.

>> No.52891112

i see the apple and also silently verbally describe its features to myself and every other person does the same. there is no fucking way the npc meme is real, this would amount to some weird autopilot shit that would prevent people from functioning intelligently. there's just no way

>> No.52891166

most people aren't intelligent. Average IQ is 100. Half of people are dumber than that. Why is it so hard to believe? Some people literally have no imagination. They don't have an inner monologue going ever. They can't conjure images or scenarios in their head. They likely never have imaginary conversations or debates with people either

>> No.52891267

no, you just lack the ability and are coping... sad, many such cases.

this really isn't what schizophrenia is by a long shot. it's like you're so insecure that your brain can't do this, that you're trying to make everyone that can somehow diseased.

another one. lol. you poor souls.

with just a hint of allspice and nutmeg. gotta have the allspice.

or you just lack an occipital bun

on the bright side, you will never get tempted to eat forbidden fruit and get kicked out of paradise because of your girlfriend....

.... i assume she's as imaginary as the apple ;p

your pineal gland is literally an inner eye
yours is probably a piece of coral or something

Heschls gyrus...

No, they just have more input in their heschl's gyrus, which is the source of many interesting intellectual abilities.

>> No.52891453
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>> No.52891883

Ok schizo

>> No.52891892

How do I get hooked up with whatever you're hooked up with?
Did they promise you some form of survival?
You're not one of those punks who does it for free are you?

>> No.52892650
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Most people just want to get it done with a few clicks.

>> No.52892775

me myself and i, suffering from aphantasia and not being an NPC

>> No.52892922

Why is it an advantage?

>> No.52892988



>> No.52892999

>why is high iq an advantage
You're an NPC aren't you?

>> No.52893022

Yeah, right. Nowadays, Asian youth have more creativity than American youth. And if Asians lack creativity, they wouldn't have produced all these popular media. Heck, this entire site was created to worship Japanese animu. If anyone is lacking creativity, it would be Indians.

>> No.52893084

If humans could never vision things in their heads, nothing would be created. This one of the things that sets us apart from animals.

>> No.52893214

You failed to mention Privacy which was a major factor that pushed decentralization but it was quickly abandoned due to bad actors. It still has its importance and personally its the best form of security.

>> No.52893233

I assume you've never seen bollywood anon. Indians be creatively smoking every drug to make those whacky movies

>> No.52893300

Even satan is a messenger from God. Dark tidings for sure are abound, but the higher calling is what I mostly tune to. I don't believe in everything I hear, either, because it does not ring true.

>> No.52893449

hallucinations are different then imagination, hallucinations are more like actual seeing then imagination. you're too anal with language making it impossible for you to communicate effectively. english isn't a coding language, it's not very precise

>> No.52893470

with the modern surveillance state and evolving algorithms there will be no watch list. everyone will be watched. maybe we're already there

>> No.52893495

they're not trolling, they can all imagine the apple like you said, but they didn't understand the question and think it refers to full blown hallucinations which of course nobody sane is experiencing. same with the inner voice thing.

it's just a miscommunication stemming from how imprecise natural language necessarily is

>> No.52893617

>anons can't imagine why they would say they can only imagine 5
You're just like the rest of them.
>inb4 it's ironic
yeah yeah it's in the fineprint at this point.

>> No.52894672

I refuse to believe people don't have voices in their head and cannot imagine anything when thinking. How is that even possible? It's called IMAGINATION for a reason. How can people not have this?

>> No.52894970

wait, what's the issue here? isn't it normal to narrate thoughts? conjecture an upcoming event/talk/etc, reminisce about the past...

>> No.52895438

It's funny how people think you have to close your eyes to imagine stuff. They are too separate processes.

>> No.52895480

They do. I think the answers in this thread.
>close your eyes, imagine an apple in front of your face, what do you see?
>nothing my eyes are closed
> 90< cant understand conditional hypotheticals

>> No.52895499

Isnt that literally when you heard a catchy tune and it doesnt leave your mind

>> No.52895597

I used to swim long distances a lot when I was at university. I would think through almost every possible situation I had in my life. One day I got bored of that so I just let my mind wander in thought. It somehow turned into two Italian Mobster voices arguing back and forth with each other. I gave no input or control over their conversation. I didn't even know who they were. Strangest thing I've experienced in my own head ever.

>> No.52895651
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>> No.52896837

I still think they're just retarded and don't understand the question being asked desu.

>> No.52897081
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He has released on Polygon. Binance is not the only player child.

>> No.52897169
File: 15 KB, 512x512, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Stay away from CeFi. I used to use Binance only to stake stablecoins but then started using SpoolFi after they stopped supporting USDC. Best decision

>> No.52897273

Even if you explained it through crazy simplified information they wouldn't understand it. High IQ is both a blessing and a curse. Same with low iq.
Everything comes with a price, it would be nice to see the cost though at the end of your lifetime so dumb people would understand how stupid they are...
Love from Kazakstan.

>> No.52897785

how do I recognize the people not 1?
I wish to rob them as a business.

>> No.52897847

We go over this everytime
maybe some people are misinterpreting the question

but others are not, there are people that really cant see in their mind
its really only a question you can misinterpret if you cant see in your mind