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52884654 No.52884654 [Reply] [Original]

Sergay had always dreamed of being a magician, but his performances never quite lived up to his ambitions. Frustrated and disillusioned, he turned to the world of fraud, starting out with small bar tricks and gradually moving on to bigger and bigger scams.
It wasn't long before Sergay realized that he had a real talent for deception, and he began to plot his next move. One night, while out at a bar, he overheard a developer talking excitedly about a new technology he was launching. Sergay listened intently, feigning interest and offering his congratulations.
But in truth, he was planning something far more sinister. The next day, he arranged to meet the developer at a secluded spot by the river, where he pushed him off the bridge and into the water below. Three months later, Sergay launched Chainlink, building a team of enthusiastic developers to help him with his scam.
At first, everything seemed to be going well. Chainlink was a success, and Sergay was hailed as a visionary. But as time went on, he became increasingly isolated and standoffish, spending whole nights alone in his office, gobbling down Big Macs and raving about "prestige" and farting in the developers' room. It was clear that Sergay still considered himself to be a wizard in some way, and that he was planning a parallel plan to Chainlink. He intended to commit the final betrayal when the public of participants in his scam, which had taken the form of a real religious cult, had reached its peak.
But Sergay's plan was doomed to failure. As the authorities closed in, he was left alone, isolated and abandoned by those he had once called his friends. In the end, his dreams of being a magician and a scam artist were nothing more than a fantasy, a mirage that had promised much but delivered nothing.