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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52882584 No.52882584 [Reply] [Original]

It's over
FTM I mean
We won you trannies lost because you wouldn't accept it kek

>> No.52882665
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>it's over
Yes, they're gone

>> No.52883963

who won anon?

>> No.52884004

What about all the times its crashed and then turbo mooned? Why is this time different lmao
It doesnt appear different at all.
30 years of runway, AC in full builder mode, grants program running full steam, other L1s cracking.
Like come the fuck on dude. Stop fudding ppl out of an opportunity that could literally be life changing.

>> No.52884036

I've made so much on this coin, that there is no feasible way for me to ever lose on this. Thanks for the trannies, still holding 20K for the road

>> No.52884054

what did you guys expect from a tranny ticker? of course it would be trannies. FTM to -$1 in the next 2 years inshallah

>> No.52884076

kek, why do all the bitter hbaggies on weapons grade cope always show up, make one post without one convincing argument and then disappear?


>> No.52884082

not tomb holders

>> No.52884096

yeah that's for sure, not sure why anons are still buying that. All halloween themes projects are on their way out.

>> No.52884638

$16EOY bro.

>> No.52885009
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>Trump won
>Trump chose MATIC!!!!!
Get mogged tranners kek

>> No.52885128
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Do you have any crumb of an idea how much money Tomb was printing during the entire bullmarket? Anyone who was remotely involved in Tomb made outrageous amounts of money.
Fast forward to now, Tomb is "dead" just like it was before it went to 20k per Tshare.
So historical data supports recovery. Now we have to look and find what could become a narrative for that.
And thats not fucking hard to find.
1) Harry manages 2B+ worth of assets, he is much more rich than ppl imagine.
2) Buying of Tbonds burns Tomb, which slashes supply and that money is sent to treasury. Its exactly what Harry did when he first took over, and what he'll probably do again when time is right.
3) Tomb is now the utility token for Felix, Binance CEX on FTM that will have options for users to LP tokens and receive DeFi tokens as reward. Holding Tomb will also grant make/take bonuses for traders.
4) Tomb is the gas token for Fantom's L2, L2 DeFi narrative itself looking stronger by the day.
5) literally everything else on pic related.

An entire infrastructure of usecases is being built before your eyes. CeFi, DeFi, L1, L2, direct Binance relationship with a rich billionaire that could moon it an any moment.
Tomb isn't even meant to peg anymore, Harry slipped and already explicitly said that. Next bullrun it's going to 3, 4, 5x the price of FTM and the only way it'll reach ratio is to expand that supply to something around 2B, looking at all the usecases and utility.
Fortunately though, a lot of people dont see any of this yet.
But its all right fucking there for anyone to see.

>> No.52885140


>> No.52885599

DAO's are dead bro, move on..

>> No.52886740

Trump won look >>52885009

Let that sink in tranny

>> No.52886773
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>Father, Is it... over?

>> No.52886783

>off by one

>> No.52887272

I missed the chance to grab tshares the first time it crashed. Still managed to pick up a few over time and they printed me $10k a month in tomb for a few months. Now that they’re at like $100 again I grabbed a stack just in case.

>> No.52887461


>> No.52888472
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>checks latest prices of BAYC and CP
uh, about those nfts you bough anon...