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52881459 No.52881459 [Reply] [Original]

How are millennials supposed to afford houses?

>> No.52881527

They aren't. The new living standard for young adults is rooming with their parents or roommates into their 30s and never starting families.

>> No.52881543

It's insane! If it's this bad for working class families making 400k, I can't imagine how bad it is for poorfags.

>> No.52881561

half the posts on biz are bitching about real estate just stfu
prices are stabilizing / going down in most areas
there's a few places like florida and i guess boulder colorado that arent
buy a house in a lesser desired area
not that difficult

>> No.52881588

>we can't afford to live here
>but we aren't moving away
>are other people going to move away?
>please move away so houses are cheaper for me
>We are not moving though
>Wen cheap houses?

>> No.52881596

Boulder is a tiny town that already priced out 99% of people two decades ago and then had a big tech boom with no additional housing built. Go live in Westminster you yuppy fag.

>> No.52881606

How can a homeless man afford a shower?

>> No.52881629

Just build your own house lmao

>> No.52881644
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He's also full of shit.

>> No.52881666

>Asbestos filled murder shack

>> No.52881678
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>> No.52881685

But those houses aren’t cool :(

>> No.52881693

They clean themselves using the sinks in public restrooms or if they're feeling really fancy they can panhandle $10 a month for a Planet Fitness gym membership

>> No.52881708

by killing the boomers.

>> No.52881742


>> No.52881950

the thing about boulder people is that everyone in the rest of the state makes fun of them because they are out-of-touch soi losers.

i hate them and their arrogance when they come to visit my funky little mountain town. so now i have a business which sells overpriced tourist crap to them. it's really helped with my resentment.

>> No.52882348


>> No.52882377

Boulder was expensive in the 1980s kek, it's like bitching about the price of real estate in San Fran. Like no shit dude.

>> No.52882521

just wait for our parents to die, duh

>> No.52882600

one million dollars for this shit? damn americans are fucked

>> No.52882762

You gonna listen to mommy's voicemail or nah?

>> No.52882811
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Boulder sucks and has insane building restrictions

t. CU alumnus

>> No.52882861

which is what covid was supposed to do

>> No.52882862

It's one of the most expensive places between the coasts. Similar houses forty minutes away are about half that price.

>> No.52882886

I don't want a house. I want as little responsibility as possible and to watch everyone else strive in vain like pack animals

>> No.52883363

it's hard for yuropoors to understand, but we're very wealthy here

>> No.52883390

>we take on a lot of debt here
fixed that for you

>> No.52883662

Fuck this lying cunt. He can afford a 2.25M dollar mortgage and not blink an eye. Here’s a 600K house, this guy in the post should kill himself along with ever other person who lives in colorado. Fucking faggots.

>> No.52883687

buy a smaller house, dumb
a family of four doesn't need 5k sq ft

>> No.52883706

>Natural disaster comes along to murder boomers
>Boomers murder two years of their children and grandchildren's careers and social life instead
Based boomers.

>> No.52883761

Nothing will happen. There will be no revolution. Nobody will fight for anything. At most, niggers will loot more stores in the downtown. White slaves will occupy themselves on their phones while homeless and sleeping on the streets, fighting for scraps, no showers, no regular meals, as if they were living in the post-apocalyptic Fallout video game universe. They will take being absolutely raped, but they will never fight back.

>> No.52883783

rich people land, who cares

>> No.52883823

So you're saying the city taxes I pay also pay for this homeless guys shower?

>> No.52883825

He doesn’t have to live in Boulder

>but what about their jobs!

I’m sure they can easily find new jobs for similar incomes in Denver, Dallas, or Vegas, they just don’t want to

>> No.52884001

They aren't. The elites are openly telling you that you're going to own nothing and be happy.

>> No.52884063

Boomers are retired and in their forever homes. You're blaming the wrong faction.

>> No.52884146


>> No.52884154

Niggers raise hordes kids on welfare and pay nothing. Spics raise even more kids in multigenerational homes putting four or more people in each room with nothing but hard work and some welfare. If this dumb motherfucker can't raise two brats while earning half a million a year he is either an idiot or a liar.

>> No.52884284


i've been shopping for condos and single family homes across the country (window shopping on redfin/zillow) a lot recently, and I will say Boulder looks unusually fucked for CO. But I do see homes on there for below 700k, or the dude could just live in Denver and commute. There's no reason a 1m mortgage shouldn't get him a place to live there.

>> No.52884323

>he doesn't know about the above asking cash offers

>> No.52884395

thank christ i live in an "affordable" part of the country
thinking about going in on a 218k condo on a lake

>> No.52884851


>> No.52884892

>above asking cash offers are still occurring
nope. the opposite is now the norm. most real estate transactions are now closing for less than asking.

>> No.52887115 [DELETED] 

We're not. We're supposed to rise up and murder the boomers and use them for fuel

>> No.52887266

>900k for 3 bed bungalow
Meanwhile here in UK you could buy a historic grade 2 listed mansion with acres of land for that much

>> No.52887864

The government needs to step in and put caps on housing prices. CEOs of real estate companies crying they won't be able to afford a third yacht can suck a fat one.

>> No.52887932

>average wage in UK is less than a janitor in California

>> No.52888084

>cost of living in California is 1000x anywhere in the UK but London

>> No.52888118

we don't have that here anymore

>> No.52888140

> How are millennials supposed to afford houses?
Who ever told you that they are supposed to?

>> No.52888146

1m for this dogshit?

>> No.52888316

> We're supposed to rise up and murder the boomers
70 + year olds. I know what you can do instead faggot, make your own money you entitled piece of nothing.

>> No.52888601

Partly, but private businesses like fast food joints often have public restrooms that anyone can use too.

>> No.52888650

Boulder is nowhere near that expensive by and large.
t. Lived in Colorado Springs for five years.

>> No.52888913

Boulder is a fucking shithole and has notoriously high real estate prices for 40 year old shacks. You're supposed to sign a lease in December or January if you want an apartment by late August in case you're a student (that's right, nine months in advance).

The only CU grads I find myself getting along with are the ones that think Boulder is a shithole too.
>t. fuck Boulder and fuck CU, there's no more of a kiked place outside of pissrael

>> No.52888968


Boulder is the epicenter of Nimby boomer shitlibs. You really don't want to live there.

>> No.52889951

>this is capitalism's fault
it literally is, unregulated usury, immigration, and international speculation are much bigger factors than "regulations".

>> No.52890001

Isn't Bolder a tax haven?

>> No.52890242
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True, but at the same time they also had the foresight to cripple all attempts at putting in a light rail linking to Denver and its Diversity (TM), and they aggressively gerrymandered their school districts back in the day to keep Juan Pablo out. At the very least, the older hippies in town are the sort that did a decade of peace corp work and got red pilled about how useless 3rd worlders are in creating their Eco-paradise.

The most accurate statement I ever heard about Boulder is that everyone there is an extremist about something.

>t. did 5 years as a PhD student there

>> No.52890292
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>400k income
>can't live in a town full of millionaires
Oh no?

>> No.52890291
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Also correct. For fucks sake the next town up the road toward Denver (Louisville/Superior) has 3 bed, 3 bath town homes with 2 car garages going for about 450k.

>> No.52890304


They bought a house 10 years ago with their gf. It was a push on the mortgage for a guy whose restaurants theme was messy burgers, beards and sailor tats but their parents helped out with the deposit.

You did have a gf 10 years ago...didn't you?

>> No.52890317


nearly 1 million for a house that 3 mexican guys could build in 6 months.

Oh and 7% interest on the mort.


>> No.52890326

Billionaires pushing out the millionaires

>> No.52890566

>having kids before being financially stable

>> No.52890624

You think having a bunch of cheap houses means your economy is strong?

>> No.52891169

Boulder sucks taint sweat anyway

>> No.52891178


>> No.52891187

400k average income they should be able to get a mortgage for way more than just a milly, right? bitch is probably deep in credit card debt and they live paycheck to paycheck because they both drive teslas and take 5 expensive vacations a year etc. or she has insane expectations and wants 5 million worth of house for 1 million price.

>> No.52891191

I miss living out rest brehs

>> No.52891251

worst part is it was mostly millennials and gen z onions addicts who were the most militant about sToP ThE sPrEaD dO yOu WaNt To KiLL gRaNdMa????

>> No.52891305

The policies to fix unaffordable housing are simple:

>End immigration.
>Ban non-citizens from buying homes.
>Ban corporations from purchasing homes for rentals or for speculation.
>Increase taxes on second homes.
>Increase taxes on landlords to discourage rent-seeking, and instead encourage investment into productive economic pursuits, like investing in small businesses in our communities.
>Decrease taxes on families purchasing homes.

These are simple policies that would crash home prices and lead to affordable housing for citizens who live and work in our communities, but they are politically difficult to implement. Too many people think housing is a way to get rich or earn passive income off the backs of renters.

>> No.52891324

Lol losers!

>> No.52891357

>unregulated usury, immigration, and international speculation
These are the so-called "regulations"

>> No.52891382

There shouldn't be any property tax on a single family home. Can't do that though, because about 40% of every state budget comes from shitting on the middle class through property tax.

>> No.52891413

It really sank in for me after graduation when they started asking for money with brochures showing how they built a buffalo shaped pool

>> No.52891422

yes unironically. you think people living in tents and renting is a sign of economic strength?

>> No.52891436

abolish 90% of U.S. federal government and its spending -> transfer that money into funding development of Boxabl warehouses being built all over the country

>> No.52891452

These are actually good ideas

>> No.52891626

>Wants to live in a big shity near California
God people create their own problems.

>> No.52891662

Every bubble in human history blew up eventually.

Ask yourself why cities that have been populated for thousands of years don't have houses worth billions or trillions of dollars. If you believed Boomer shilling about property growth rates that is where they should be today after thousands of years.

>> No.52891790

>afford houses
>boulder, co as an example
I mean yes houses are overpriced currently, and times are indeed getting more difficult. but dont use fucking boulder as an example. that place was always filled with multimillionaires, same with the rest of colorado. an oasis of rich yuppies with parental money. I've spoken to gen x colorado natives who say their home state has been ruined and is way too overpriced now. stay the fuck out of colorado, as beautiful as it is.

>> No.52891793

This will distort the labor market by making it more difficult to move. Just build more housing.

>> No.52891804

What do you mean "how can they own a house?"
Owning a house is illegal, you know that.

>> No.52891851
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This. Why do you faggots think the WEF says "you will own nothing"? Don't you get it?

>> No.52891882

owning a house or having money in your bank account is literally illegal.
if you have more than 600$ in your bank account the IRS will investigate you, as in, having money is now a suspected criminal offense. As in, you aren't supposed to have money.
As in, as soon as they repel the second amendment they are going to kill everybody.

>> No.52891979

Like it would be more difficult to move than now? Right. The labor market is distorted now by immigration, both legal and illegal. Immigration lowers wages and increase costs for the necessities of life, like shelter.

>> No.52892003

My wife and I make close to 400k cdn

In 2022, that’s just high middle class - it’s not wealthy at all

>> No.52892034


>> No.52892038

>can't afford to live in one of the most desirable cities in the country
>omg something has to change
i hate these faggots so much
posted from my shack in the boonies

>> No.52892044

this...so fucking pathetic what a faggot

zoomers are leftoids lets start there

>> No.52892055

>Like it would be more difficult to move than now?
Realtors take a big percentage and it's risky and difficult to time buying one house while selling another. Of course it can be more difficult.
There's hardly any immigration happening anyway so it's not going to help much even if it would help some. Build more houses.

>> No.52892065
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it boggles my mind that the same people who cry about the price of housing are the same who advocate for more immigration and open borders

>> No.52892103
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With 400k combined income you should easily be able to find a house in Boulder, this guy is probably only considering the truly wealthy old money part of Boulder as an option
t. boulderite fag

>> No.52892119

>As in, as soon as they repel the second amendment they are going to kill everybody.
You think people will just hand them over? Nah, lost it in the lake.

>> No.52892134

Wow. You're out of touch.

>> No.52892176
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I'm fully convinced the endgame is for housing to be tied to employment

With Healthcare you need it to be provided by your job or its insanely expensive. The powers that be want you to stay chained to your job for it, and soon I think jobs will start offering housing or a place to stay as a perk. This is all designed so that you don't act out against them since you would lose your Healthcare or housing

>> No.52892198

To add insult to injury, the open border crowd who supports migration into first world countries, also pretend to be the most concerned about climate change and the environment

>> No.52892212

what do you call someone whose job pays them with a place to live and they aren't allowed to quit?

>> No.52892221

A slave

>> No.52892224

bro i will kill to be able to have a house. im serious. everyone under 30 would actually murder to have a house. I'd kill you right now. bitch.

>> No.52892226

because human beings are still thinking culturally, politically, and with memes, which will no longer suffice to resist the system being built to destroy them

>> No.52892237

no, wrong.
you would not do that.

>> No.52892270

0.23% annual population increase is tiny so stopping that is objectively not a solution on its own.

>> No.52892394

A LOT of boomers and older milenials died (as well as some shitty genes in the zoomer and chinks)
There just wasn't enough loss.
For covid to really have worked there shouldn't have been a single person older than 65 left on the planet.
That would mean all that power and money would trickle down to who is next in line to those in their mid to late 50s

>> No.52892465

>raise taxes
stopped reading there

>> No.52892543
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>End immigration.
Wow, now we don't have an expanding labor force to construct new housing,
>Ban non-citizens from buying homes.
Now all the non-citizens trickle out of the US since they will not be able to call it home. I'm sure economic contraction is great for people's ability to afford homes.
>Ban corporations from purchasing homes for rentals or for speculation.
Want to live somewhere temporarily? Enjoy homelessness or enjoy paying huge commissions on buying and selling a home.
>Increase taxes on second homes.
I don't own a second home. My 10 LLCs own one home each.
>Increase taxes on landlords to discourage rent-seeking, and instead encourage investment into productive economic pursuits, like investing in small businesses in our communities.
Enjoy higher rents if you can't afford a home.
>Decrease taxes on families purchasing homes.
Now you want to give government stimulus to the housing market? Throw money at the problem and it increases house prices, just like government backed mortgages and down payment assistance.

>> No.52892614

>basing your economy on immigration is a good thing!

>> No.52892628

Imagine thinking you can chase infinite growth by importing an infinite amount of people, into a country with finite space and resources. Eventually, the charade becomes too much to keep up with. Maybe not in my lifetime specifically, but it can’t go on forever.

>> No.52892649

humanity is in the throws of its death shit. It will shit the bed perfectly and continuously until it annihilates itself sometime mid-century

>> No.52892660

>Similar houses forty minutes away
>forty minutes away
Spoken like someone who's never had to commute regularly for extended periods. It's fucking exhausting and you don't even have time to enjoy all the good shit in the city.

>> No.52892700
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The world population can't grow ad infinitum, but if your goal is cheaper housing, getting rid of all the people building it isn't a great idea.

Actual advice on how to make housing more affordable in a sustainable way:

>Build more housing of any type. Just increase supply as much as possible. Reduce time and cost to construct new housing as much as is reasonable.
>Remove draconian zoning laws.
>Reduce regulations around the realty industry of buying and selling homes. Removing the losses of 6% of each purchase due to lobbied superfluous regulation is an easy quick win.
>Stop having the government back mortgages. Let the fixed rates float.

>> No.52892708
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Kek I grew up down the street in Louisville, CO. I really don't understand what people are paying so much for here when the entire Denver metro is the same suburban block multiplied a few thousand times. I guess there's a pretty mountain backdrop, and a few congested highways to get to them.

>> No.52892713

As long as we have fiat money, people are going to convert it to real-estate to keep their wealth. Cancel fiat money and the price premium will go to the money itself, not the goods.

>> No.52892726

Am I the only one who just doesn't want a house? I really hate doing shit like mowing lawns. I can't imagine ever wanting anything larger than a 2 bedroom apartment.

>> No.52892771

you're not the only one. I'm a lazy fuck who doesn't want to spend the time to maintain a house. also never going to have kids so I don't need a big place.

>> No.52892846

Not true, I’m gonna take my skills and money with me to another country and never come back

>> No.52892879

>we have a lot of money to spend
Maybe millennials retards should learn how supply and demand work.

>> No.52892944


>> No.52892955

Boomer tards are getting fucked in the ass in property taxes. It's a good thing since I'll rape their daughters and then them

>> No.52893039
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>$400,000 a year
>"its a struggle guys"