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52881308 No.52881308 [Reply] [Original]

CZ got destroyed on CNBC


>> No.52881329

The more you FUD, the more we will rally when the dark clouds go away.

>> No.52881348

Didn't people say this in 2018

>> No.52881349

cringe, fuck off retard

>> No.52881356

Kevin is just racist towards asians. Just look up MeetKevin asian racist

>> No.52881363

Im ok. Only lost €200

>> No.52881412

The CZ bots working overtime

>> No.52881479

>look up MeetKevin asian racist
>nothing comes up

It's fucking over isn't it...

>> No.52881496

sorry, just look up MeetKevin Chicken

>> No.52881497

But he has to save lunc...

>> No.52881508

Fuck off with this schmuck. Anyone have a link to the full interview without any commentary bullshit?

>> No.52881510

>Meet Kevin

All these youtube faggots get the most views and clicks when they talk about crypto.

>> No.52881550


>> No.52881582

This is all *(co-ordinated)* fud to distract and deflect from Bankman-Fried's case. The goal is to paint CZ as a villain. The usual suspects are behind it. 95% of the other side of the fence are paid shills, manically euphoric Bobo's, and those praying for cheapies from the no. 1 exchange collapsing. Doubt it.

>> No.52881613

>deflect from Bankman-Fried's case
he's already arrested dumbass

>> No.52881795

If they got audited the media would just twist it and spin it into a click bait headline. Coinbase and Kraken get audited and no one in the media gives a fuck they still fud about bankruptcies and "exposure," and knit pick every complicated detail they don't understand. Crypto.com releases reserves and they get attacked for having shib, even though its the user's assets. Exchange get attacked for being transparent. And they get attacked for not not being transparent. They get attacked no matter what because the media has decided crypto gone down and its open season to attack it for views and click bait, just as they were praising it when digits were up.

>> No.52881828

Imagine defending a chink commie. Only newfags make posts defending CZ. Old fags know he’s shady as fuck.

>> No.52881840

but not convicted

>> No.52881852

>Multiple eye rolls by Becky

It’s over CZ bros… we got too cocky

>> No.52881853

He did say sorry.

>> No.52881865

It's time to purge the carnies from crypto. If you're not stacking real btc you're ngmi. The house of cards is coming down at last.

>> No.52881886

>assmad over based CZ
lol, lmao even

>> No.52881906

They're all villains, you imbecile. From tether to every other shitcoin that's rugged, it's all scams all the way down.

>> No.52881923

Gosh, why are people witch hunting the kid? It's not like what he did is rare or uncommon, these things happen all the time in finance. Sometimes I wonder if you people have sort of vendetta agaisnt him, I heard he's jewish so these critics agaisnt him makes me double think

>> No.52881971

I know right? Just a 30 year old kid who accidentally lost a few billion. We‘ve all made childhood mistakes, it’s part of growing up. And besides he said he was sorry.

>> No.52881996

This so called CZ stole my money, I lost big money trading after I converted my rupees to busd and borrowed more, now I need money for milk&food and rent but everytime I try to with draw they ban me from access? I accepted my loss but this guy need to go, preferably to prison

>> No.52882021
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go home sam

>> No.52882039

because of some TV show?

>> No.52882065

>mutt reporter asks stupid question
>see goy, its over
>heres a noseberg article explaining why

>> No.52882080


>> No.52882083

What's that got to do with what I said? Of course 90% of the space is non-productive, no-utility nonsense at this stage—it's a growing industry still in the speculative phase. Does that mean the top exchange that facilitates this 'industry' is a scam? Maybe, but only because most tokens traded provide zero value. How about when functionality past Bitcoin's store of value is here in five or ten years (and it certainly will be) and CBDC's and ISO20022 are implemented? Binance will likely still be here. It will likely still be the top exchange. See the woods for the fucking trees or fall victim to short-range emotionally-charged fud.

>> No.52882095

Man i LOVE being a linkie and see every fucking faggot kneel before us as we steady march to slave mankind and outjew the jews

>> No.52882230

link lost more than 4.75% in value since the staking

>> No.52882345

For how long has Binance been collapsing now ? 2 weeks ?

>> No.52882386

>binance shills ITT are all parroting the same bagholder cope as gme/bbby/lunc/deuxbeux etc etc
Yikes. Its time to dump my bnb so I dont get stuck with the baggies. Cant wait for the threads next week after binance folds and the bagholders are screaming that everyone is an indian shill and that they will reopen in 2 weeks

>> No.52882411

oy vey, fellow kike, don't be so obvious!

>> No.52882451

kikes out in full force

>> No.52882481
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Yeah... I don't think BTC will ever go back to 20k after this kek not even 10k. 3k local top for the next decade. Sell everything

>> No.52882654

>the retard that promoted blockfi
Go back

>> No.52882694
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>> No.52882728

You know someone posted here a couple days ago that Binance was going to get roasted by the media. Guess they really were an insider.

>> No.52882755

who is this illiterate umpa loompa?

>> No.52882899


exactly this.

The amount of FUD at an all time high only proves that most people sold. The same as when its FOMO, everyone has bought.

There simply aren't sellers anymore.

>> No.52882927

well CDC is actually insolvent though

>> No.52883015

becasue most people have a portfolio like Saylor's. They do not need the money so they just think fuck it and want to wait till it bounces back, But soon the bills will start coming and force selling will be back

>> No.52883375

You mean the company that shilled for FTX?
The company that tried to whitewash SBF crimes with fluff pieces?
I'm supposed to believe them why exactly?

>> No.52883831

My point isn't whether crypto.com is or is not safe. My point is that crypto.com got their reserves audited and found they had over 100% reserves and people shat on them because they had a lot of shitcoins like shib even though it was just that their user's holding. Then there was articles without headlines about how crypto.com's holdings were mostly shitcoins. The exchanges get ripped apart by the media for being transparent, and shit on in completely dishonest ways. The media isn't calling for transparency in good faith, they are just FUDing. If binance was more transparent they would use whatever binance provided and twist it and misrepresent it to be negative.

In the end one of the biggest advantages of crypto is that it is transparent and you can prove things like reserves without audits, so none of this shit even matters in the end.

>> No.52884616

Kevin shilled ftx signup bonus everyday and talked about how safe and regulated it is lol. everyone in this clown market is a scammer and only talk about whatever makes them money

>> No.52884677
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>Umm like, why can't you do this
>Well, it's complicated Becky


>> No.52884694

why cant we live in a real economy brehs

>> No.52884799
File: 140 KB, 1170x1267, 4DDB3F38-5F11-4E76-AD15-80EA1D82E97A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let’s be real both sbf and cz are colossal pieces of shit and both deserve to be behind bars

>> No.52884821

America is so pathetically desperate at this point. It's a real sad sight to behold.

>> No.52885019
File: 51 KB, 512x512, 8bf76590-7649-11ed-ba32-13fd4e70d985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm CZ paid me personally to reply to this post

>> No.52885210

>The exchanges get ripped apart by the media for being transparent
Liabilities not fully disclosed.
Large contractually obligated debt for stadium deals and other bullshit.
Barely 102% overcollat according to themselves. There is zero chance they pay their debts and contracts without being quickly reduced to undercollateralized.
They're fucked.

>> No.52885671

>Barely 102% overcollat according to themselves.
See you don't what the fuck you're talking about, and punishing and exchange for being transparent. If you give an exchange 10 BTC, they owe you 10 BTC, and they have 10 BTC reserves. That's 100%. There is zero way that gets fucked up if customer assets are not commingled and used as collateral.

That's why exchanges aren't doing audits and shit. Because retards like you who have no clue fall for media headlines that misrepresent what the audits or other disclosures are, and exchanges get more FUD for being transparent.

>> No.52885804

>See you don't what the fuck you're talking about,
Projection. I know exactly what mistake CDC is doing ad it has nothing to do with media headlines. I've been fudding CDC a very long time for good reason.

>> No.52886261

Was FTX audited?

>> No.52886307

>FTX collapses
>bobos go all in because it made sense the market was gonna implode
>the market doesn't implode and in fact it climbs the entire month of November despite the collapse
>panic ensues
>fud machine goes brrrrrr
This is the explanation. Kikes are probably involved too though.

>> No.52886374

I mean is there really any doubt this is just the media machine who propped up SBF doing his dirty vengeance work for him?

>> No.52886695

So you've been wrong a very long time? Two more weeks?

>> No.52886704

the amount of COPE in this thread of amazing

binance won't make it out alive of this shishow

>> No.52886711

imagine holding bitgaycoin in 2022

>> No.52886715

Kill yourself worthless faggot

>> No.52886721

It takes time. I'm not wrong, just warning before the post-mortem instead.

>> No.52886908

are you real? someone post that drunk driving cop cam video.

>> No.52887351
File: 5 KB, 501x585, I wonder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look another kevin tweet
I wonder if Kevin ever promoted FTX a bunch in the past
Oooh, oh, i see.
typical jew tricks.

>> No.52887368

Kill yourself you worthless jew.

>> No.52887382

Is that why Jim Kramer recommended Binance?

>> No.52887418
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Auditors can't audit though. The boomers can't figure out the FTX bankruptcy. They just want to liquidate everything and know nothing about keys.

>> No.52887435

Fuck off CZ

>> No.52887481


>> No.52887640

Why are the goyim angry at the chosen one? The goyim should just accept they lost! This is anodda shoah!

>> No.52888520
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mainstream vs cz, clasic, we know who is the bad actor here faggots

>> No.52888776

you guys are overreacting, as usual
binance has like a 90% chance of making it until next year

>> No.52888866

CZ saved crypto several times since 2017 but you can continue spreading FUD

>> No.52888937
File: 376 KB, 686x890, carlos ghosn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the denial in this thread is pretty substantial lol. i listened to the whole interview and tl;dr he sounds like he's lying

>> No.52891118


>> No.52891152

what book could handle a 2billion insta withdrawl??? none thats what you faggots

>> No.52891163


>> No.52891175

ok jews
just two more weeks until binance collapses just like ftx

>> No.52891231
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>"We dont issue BUSD"

Is there a redpill on this?

>> No.52893074

Everyone is shady as fuck, retard. You don’t become a billionaire by being altruistic. What matters is if CZ interests aligns with ours.

>> No.52893204

>Everyone is shady as fuck, retard. You don’t become a billionaire by being altruistic.
At least not for very long.

>> No.52893806

more like jews are seething
I have never seen this much Jewish seething since the Lolocaust.

>> No.52893841

>it's time to dump
No. It was time to dump a year ago. Now you're just making yourself look stupid at this time.

>> No.52893878

Sounds plausible. Kikes always double down, so when their crypto poster child goes down, they come back with a vengeance.

>> No.52893896
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>5g at the end of youtube link

>> No.52894294

You thought the Jews would take this quietly? Heh silly goy

>> No.52894321

Jews want to cause a panic sell so they can recoup the loss with shorts. It's a recipe for disaster if people catch on to it.

>> No.52895015

Look I get you might have lost some money. Maybe you invested in Luna, maybe you bought some shitcoin that was rugpulled straight after you invested. Maybe you couldn’t redeem funds my basterd.

Wishing there is some monumental ultimate crash, so everyone else can suffer with you is just retarded.

>> No.52895088

I don't use binance but CZ has enough personal funds to prop it up.

>> No.52895099

yeah what happened to the 5G scare?

>> No.52895155

The same normies that thought SBF was legitimate claim that CZ is a fraud. Lmaoooo

>> No.52895173

Your social credit score has increased by 0.0001, 1 Yuan has been deposited to your Digital Yuan wallet.

>> No.52895561
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she just needs to close with calling him a virgin to finish him for life

>> No.52895712

Bwahahaha. The jew media is so pissed their boy got rekt that they now think they can take on a legend like Cz.

>> No.52895785
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>> No.52895827


>> No.52896010


>They get attacked no matter what because ...

because what though
media doesn't attack purely for clickbait
there's always some sinister agenda

>> No.52896181

>yeah what happened to the 5G scare?
all the alarmists were targeted by the 5G antennas and murdered by the government

>> No.52896196

Look up MeetKevin DUI.

They own him now.

>> No.52896212

actually I am going to bet money this is CZ fudding himself to make weak hands sell the bottom

>> No.52896238

you can beat a DUI with a $5k lawyer you fucking retard

>> No.52896373

Assmad goldberg. Kys.

>> No.52896410

I fucking hate JEWS AND THEIR FUDS.

>> No.52897889
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They did but do we really want to take the fucking chance with CeFi. DeFi has solutions to almost every thing. Stables, DeFi middlewares like SpoolFi, alts, privacy like Monero, liquidity mining like Poptown

>> No.52897946

He literally looks liek a real life Megamind, why did we trust this guy?