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File: 162 KB, 1095x717, hedera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52879683 No.52879683 [Reply] [Original]

do you feel good about your investment?

>> No.52879716

Ever since derec you’ve been seethe shilling non stop. Sooner or later you’ll have to accept Leemon’s genius and the vast superiority of the hashgraph compared to anything in crypto.

>> No.52879842
File: 50 KB, 600x466, mance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not implying leemon isnt a genius, i am saying you will never make money off hbar

>> No.52880075

You didn’t say that actually. What I’m saying is your drawing of frowny faces on the project you don’t like is merely incel cognitive dissonance. You will lose.

>> No.52880130
File: 1.59 MB, 1497x1115, leemonlunchdate_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAUCE will mint millionaires before HBAR

>> No.52880645


>> No.52881232

Just got paid today nigga, I’m finna boutta stack my mufuckin hniggies

>> No.52881461

>Mance and Shayne Provide make fun of my small Penis

How indian were the hands that made this lmao...

Btw I feel great, and Ill keep buying hbar and sauce. Best investment other than holding cash or precious metals.

>> No.52881836

I recommend for you to kindly make investment of Lucky token too ser

>> No.52882594
File: 151 KB, 1000x1000, Leemon (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel amazing about my investment. Every time I look at the face of our lord and saviour Leemon of the Baird I feel calm, for I know that my future is in the hands of this legend and I will be handsomely rewarded

>> No.52882653

Could someone explain to me how derec is a big deal ? Compared to other l1 I mean.
Is it the goal to bring kyc and trust to other actors, like your bank, your insurance and your company could be your helpers ? Or would it be randos?

>> No.52882683

HBros, it looks like we lose again. DJT is launching his highly desirable and valuable superhero NFT collection on Polygon.
Sad day for Hedera

>> No.52882731

I have 7000 lucky sirs,

Imagine not thinking that being able to recover your wallet in crypto isnt a big deal...

>> No.52882789
File: 126 KB, 281x341, Leemon (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highly desirable and valuable superhero NFT collection
"artists" releasing NFT collections on your network is probably the biggest FUD imaginable for any self-respecting network

>> No.52883213

>compared to others l1 I mean
Why hibachis like this ? So on the defensive even when someone dares caring about the technical aspect of things ?
Does any lurker know if eth, Solana, polygon, avalanche or Algorand are dealing with that same issue ?

>> No.52883353

Every layer 1 deals with the issue of wallets being unrecoverable if you lose your private keys. It’s a huge problem, and there won’t be widespread adoption of crypto until it’s essentially impossible to lose your funds.

>> No.52883379

Bro are you retarded Derec just makes it possible to recover your keys IF YOU LOSE OR FORGET THEM...

Its an issue in all of crypto that IF you lose your private keys its bye bye money.

>> No.52885138


Ok so if crypto moves to kyc industry wide, it will be monumental.
But does that mean that for example if my bank and my town hall are my helpers, they know of my account and all my tinybars ? Or do you think they could be a “zero knowledge” type of derec ?

>> No.52885328

Make 2 wallets, one for the jews and one for yourself...

They wont know you by name but by acc IF you give up that info. As I see it, holding now BEFORE any regulations is the key to being able to hide wealth from jews.

Going to be much harder to do so once rules are in place, but hedera makes all transparent so wont be easy as all transactions can be traced. Just need someone autistic enough to go through info or an AI to catalog shit.

>> No.52885540
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, 22B3DE54-296D-4B7D-A16D-336186312807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Leemon, where are the dApps? You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now
Why are there precisely zero?

Why does Polygon have more than 53,000 dApps already? Why are you letting Polygon screw you like that Leemon?

>> No.52885573
File: 414 KB, 700x700, 1671135054105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noluckers will rope in 2023

>> No.52885589

I'm pretty sure Leemon has said that you don't have to use DeRec if you don't want to. If you want to make sure you can never lose your keys you'll probably have to KYC to some degree, but if you're fine with being wholly responsible for your private keys you don't have to worry about any of this. DeRec is just to make onboarding everyone (the retards, the old people, the non technically savvy) possible.

>> No.52885631

Daily reminder to stay healthy hbros. You want to be healthy when you make it

>> No.52885695
File: 591 KB, 1400x1200, 1671135512979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky here
I'm preparing for revelling in the degeneracy
You all can live vicariously through my exploits

>> No.52885777
File: 301 KB, 1124x1324, 2B33AE36-A9EA-480A-95A0-D1424DB9A4EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your best move right now would be swapping for MATIC
>Hedera: shit NFT marketplace
>Polygon: one of the most valuable and active NFT market places (Reddit NFTs alone got 5 million mints)

>Hedera: shit DeFi space
>Polygon: 5th highest DeFi TVL ($1 billion)

>Hedera: zero dApps
>Polygon: 53,000 dApps

>Hedera: no major partnerships
>Polygon: partnerships with fortune 100 companies

>> No.52885802

>Polygon: centralized L2
>HBAR: most decentralized L0
Calm down incel

>> No.52886625

Has anyone actually watched the video in the OP? At like 23 minutes Mances answer is kind of bearish, he says that basically a lot of companies were moving quickly to adopt crypto after Libra was launched but after it failed all of the enterprises have slowed down their pursuits in building applications. Nonetheless he says they’re still happening and coming, but the way he said it rubbed me the wrong way. I’m not fudding I have 75k hbar. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

>> No.52886639

can't scale validator set i.e. centralised shitcoin

>> No.52886684
File: 160 KB, 1644x1563, 1671139815614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SAUCE will mint millionaires before HBAR
lol kek. You fell for the buy the rumour sell the news meme. Sauce is dead. Defi on Hedera has failed.

>> No.52886703

>SAUCE will mint millionaires before HBAR
>lol kek. You fell for the buy the rumour sell the news meme. Sauce is dead. Defi on Hedera has failed.
I'm making more daily gains by farming daily than ever in the past two years
Get out

>> No.52886803

i will gladly buy more hbar if derec actually becomes a reality

>> No.52888562

Not Mances fault crypto is filled with usurious jews and retards... he also said this will cause regulations, to which Hedera is leagues above others in being compliant. Shane also mentioned that none of the 30+ potential council members backed out of talks of joining after FTX.

This crash amd accelerated exposure of the ponzi retardation was inevitable. What comes out of this is either a future built on crypto with real uses or a future where crypto dies and we continue playing the jews game.

The foundation is already built with Hedera whereas most other L1s and 2s are built on fluff and puff.

>> No.52888779

>What comes out of this is either a future built on crypto with real uses or a future where crypto dies and we continue playing the jews game.
This. There's no doubt Hedera is the best tech, so it's just a matter of how long it will take for actual adoption. Soon companies will realize that this project is the corpo wet dream (social credit score, tokenized assets/property etc.)

I truly believe that adoption is inevitable. In the early 2000s, things like constant video surveillance and personal data collection seemed like a breach of privacy and too dystopian to become a reality. Just image what Hedera will unleash in the next decade

>> No.52889252

Hedera is one of the few with multinationals catalyzing the tokenization of real estate and other shit.

Its a win for those wanting to enslave us and those wanting a way out. Im investing in it to be able to play the game whilst opting out...

>> No.52889716

Hey I used an app called BRD (Breadwallet? I think?) to buy HBAR last year. Checked a couple weeks ago and they shut the fuckin thing down. Anyone know how to get my back? I have a 13 word security phrase but I'm not sure if it was endemic to the wallet or HBAR's "chain"

Will swallow sausage for useful info

>> No.52889870

Listen faggot. If it was a wallet used to access hedera network then you should be able to link the account to any other wallet as long as you know your address and your seed. Sausage not required

>> No.52890688


>> No.52890896

There will be a trend with corporations wanting to prove their worth and trustworthiness. The good news is that their solution is already being crowdsourced by Hedera. The end game is living in a future where trust has been established and is the norm. The concepts of greed and suffering will eventually become artifacts of the past.

>> No.52891500
File: 138 KB, 548x650, Lord Leemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faith is strong with you, my child.

>> No.52891547

why is everyone in tech so fucking ugly

>> No.52891589

That one’s easy. When no one wants to fuck you and you’re smart you spend your time doing other things i.e. coding and math

>> No.52891612

nope, glad that i sold my hbar bag earlier this year and bought matic at 0.42 because at least polygon had an insane growth in 2022, and is currently powering over 53k dapps

>> No.52892559

good afternoon, sir

>> No.52893034

Gracias brochacho. Will provide update when I choose to stop being a lazy cunt and dig up the old app & password.


>> No.52894038

I feel like I’ve been kicked in the hbag.

>> No.52894400
File: 58 KB, 1024x575, 1670004133608934m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup well said, Christ is king.