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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52877698 No.52877698 [Reply] [Original]

>(((Humanist Association))):
>The Churches is asked to remove the cross from the chapel, because it seems "intrusive and threatening" to those who are not Christians

>> No.52877823

Why do people in (((organizations))) have special legal rights like inaccountability from their so-called free speech. It's like having an opinion is illegal unless you follow a certain doctrine, call it Judaism or Marxism.

>> No.52877828
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christsisters ASSEMBLE

>> No.52877833

jews and christcucks are like niggers gangs shooting each other

>> No.52877842

wrong board?

>> No.52877843

>«Fordi enhver har sine tanker om liv og død, bør
fellesarealene på gravplassene være livssynsnøytralt utformet (...) Symbolene bør demonteres for å gi et livssynsnøytralt preg.», skriver Magne Kvalbein leder av lokallaget til Human-Etisk Forbund, i brevet til de kirkelige fellesrådene.

Fucking nothingburger. This isn't an official statement of anything.
Some people nobody cares about are bitching. They will be ignored.
This isn't news, and it certainly isn't /biz/.
t. norwegian

>> No.52877854

>t. norwegian
openly admitting you are Norwegian, the absolute state of /biz/..

>> No.52877859

Go back to your containment board, you KrF loving closet faggot.

>> No.52877860

They are just trolling for attention and you gave it to them for free. Good job OP.

oh no what are you going to do, find me?

>> No.52878787

Based. Christianity is not Norwegian

>> No.52878846

and niggers are?

>> No.52878973

Er det du som la ut på jodel?

>> No.52879024

Nei jeg er ikke en jævla normalhomse med sosiale apper, dds

>> No.52879068
