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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52876284 No.52876284 [Reply] [Original]

I literally cannot even think straight anymore. Three years of wage slavery and I have become fatter, dumber, older, less capable in general. I cannot sleep at night anymore, I’m rolling around in my sleep, I feel restless at night, exhausted during the day.

I’m hardly aware of what day it is anymore. Every single cell in my body is completely repulsed by my situation in life. I feel completely and utterly disgusted by the fact that I have to have a “job” to survive, that I have not yet put myself in a situation to no longer have to work again. I feel so disconnected from my job and the people around me that some days I wonder if I’m in a dream or a coma and am simply hallucinating the whole thing.

Every day is unending humiliation. The other day I had to ask permission from my “manager”, who “manages” me for a living, if I could take a few days off around Christmas, I supposedly get ten paid days off each year. He sat there for a few seconds pondering whether he should “allow” me to not come into an office and fill a seat for a few days, as if the company would go under if I wasn’t there. He reluctantly gave me the days off. This was such a humiliating, degrading experience, that a primal part of my brain awoke and briefly I had an overwhelming urge to grab this faggot freak lunatic by his skull and shatter it into a million different pieces for even daring to not “allow” me to not come into the office for a few days. Yet I realize I am completely powerless, completely dependent on this humiliating and degrading arrangement to keep myself alive. I am absolutely disgusted with myself that I’ve allowed myself to get to this point, that I have another human being that I am completely subservient to. That’s what keeps me up at night.

>> No.52876305

Yeah life is becoming intensely more depressing by the day man

>> No.52876313

Simply work from home

>> No.52876322

And do what, be a customer service punching bag all day?

>> No.52876324

I have been waging for half a year and I already look 10 years older. I have constant insomnia and my IQ dropped 20 points. It's over for us

>> No.52876338
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are you me?

>> No.52876341 [DELETED] 


Just remember, you are free to start your own fusion or asteroid mining company. You just have to want it bad enough. You can sleep 4 hours and save money on food.

If Musk, Bezos, Gates, Trump could pull themselves up by their bootstraps out of poverty, so can you.

The only thing holding you back is your mindset, which is not that of abundance.

>> No.52876373

Same. When I resigned myself to the idea that I was going to make some changes and advance. When I really started making progress and allowing myself to let go, to relax, to stop prioritizing other people or even gay work and authority figures there did my body finally escape broken buck mode. I could finally start sleeping again. It surprised my manager too. Plus I tried the CDF protocol (not the maintenance routine tho I don't recommend this) from /x/ and some meditation techniques they recommended. God did it help.

Then, I got the news last month that we're being laid off. I was euphoric. I manifested this bros, not faggot Biden. So now look at you, you're not in great shape but consistent good sleep will unfuck that. Just make that happen, more so allow it to happen by letting go and you've got 3 solid years of showing up and doing a job that will help you be a good wagie somewhere else, for more money (this is actually what you're stressed about, it has always been money at base, it's why you're still at that company working for that cocksucker boomer piece of SHIT and didn't tell him to fuck himself and his job on the spot). Keep buying the dip and violin, you made it son.

>> No.52876377

you have just described my life, OP. Next month, I will complete 10 years in the wage cage. My salary might have gotten better, but let me tell you, I still feel the same way I did when I first started. I wish I were a farmer.

>> No.52876404

thats actually a good thing. heres why:

>> No.52876672

That’s rough. It’s a shame how we all have so much wasted potential and are forced to kowtow to lesser men just to keep jobs we hate.
I usually screw my life up through drugs, alcohol, or a failed business venture every few years because I can’t stand the monotonous wage grind day in and day out.
The odd thing is, if I had enough money to retire and live a middle class existence without waging, I’d live a very conservative and fulfilled life.
It’s something about waging that turns me into a lush

>> No.52876747

Just stop caring anon. It's all you can do. Today I spent 4+ hours of my 8 hours in the office wondering the streets. Just walking aimlessly. Secretly hoping a manager would tell me off so I could have an arguement. It never came. It never does. They pick on the weak and cower to the strong. These people are truly scum. Treat them as such. And treat yourself better.

>> No.52876760

Same, waking up at 6AM is making me seethe every morning and I don't even do anything at my job.
If I had to stack shelves or work construction early in the morning I'd blow my brains out.

>> No.52876787

>Yet I realize I am completely powerless, completely dependent on this humiliating and degrading arrangement to keep myself alive
Ehm, the industrial revolution and it's consequences
Just work for 5 years in service desk and you might get promoted to a position where you no longer have to take customer calls :^)
Just put in the work bro

>> No.52876799

I never sleep well on beds anymore. I should sleep on a blanket on the floor. Also 10x coffee probably.

>> No.52876814

I think it's funny people become vegans for the suffering of animals yet they consoom everything else in this society.

>> No.52876965

bump good thread

>> No.52877458

Give back to the thread, the bump will just postpone the inevitable, act you fool!

>> No.52877510

we need to kill extreme capitalism and to automate everything.
IMO we should automate the production and give free food to the People. it should have been done decades ago...

yup, this society is cognitive dissonance made a system. everything is a contradiction.

>> No.52877564

>fatter, dumber

>> No.52877574

Yeah that's totally realistic.

>> No.52877578

>I am weak, The Thread.

>> No.52877586

Just 50 more years!

>> No.52877597

hurrrrr if you don't like forcing yourself to wake up while it's still night outside you are le weak durrrrrrr

>> No.52877602

Agree 100% OP. I seriously wonder how not everyone thinks that way, I have yet to meet someine in real life with the same thoughts. Everyone around me just lives more or less happily, they don't even think about escaping this shit since it's not possible anyways.

My only hope is making it to around 800k-1mil next run. If that doesnt happen I guess it's over for me. Life is not really worth it when you're a slave. I'm more miserable than ever. Might be a personal bottom signal. I'm still accumulating crypto. Pray for me bros, I need it.

>> No.52877636

>three years
Stopped reading, come back in 30 years and tell me how you feel about waging or life in general anon. It's not done with you yet, not even close.
>Verification not required.

>> No.52877653

You know that with $200k you could move to an Eastern European country like Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia etc. and retire already right?
And those aren't even bad EE countries plus most of the population is white.
But you won't because you can't be bothered and prefer the comfort of the devil you know even if you have to slave away to survive.

>> No.52877699

I travelled to both Czech and Poland in the past (Austrian/German here) and fucking hated it. I'd consider SEA tho. Also 200k isn't enough. You will see once you get there. With 800k in a broad divi etf I could live cheaply in SEA or whereever really. Not in my dream country swiss but other than that... Thinking about a portuguese island like madeira maybe since I hate cold weather and love the sea. Fuck it, we'll see how it goes in around 3 years I suppose. Trying to not kms until then.

>> No.52877730
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Quit, get a part time job (preferably one that you are self employed for like a courier or uber driver or something) and move back in with your parent(s) to minimize overheads. Pay your parents a lil bit per month so you're not a complete parasite.

Work more hours when you feel up to it but keep it low at 4 or so per day to start. Save any spare money you can due to your low overheads and you can essentially have the same lifestyle as a full time wagie for half the hours. It will do wonders for your stress levels. You can do this for as long as you feel comfortable with it. If you feel like you need to 'man up' and go back to full time work for mr shekelstein in order to afford that $1000 p/m apartment to do nothing but watch films/tv/ browse the internet in go ahead.

>> No.52877750

yeah czechia is shit t. czechian
>200k isn't enough
isn't that 10x what a SEAmonkey makes in a lifetime?

>> No.52877782
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>> No.52877927


You're only having these thoughts because you come to this God forsaken website. Stop coming here and enjoy normie life. It's actually not that bad

>> No.52877940

>just turn off your brain dude

>> No.52877968

Well it's also about perspective and attitude. This place can cause a really negative attitude which isn't helpful


>> No.52877991

imagine believing you can go back

Not a guarantee "never having to work again" amount since shit can go down quickly. Also no guarantee you can stay in SEA, always possible to be forced back into the EU.

>> No.52878039

I feel exhausted every single day since I'm a wage slave

>> No.52878055

Thank god, please keep coasting so I can keep looking good for trying a little bit, thanks anon

>> No.52878217

>I feel so disconnected from my job and the people around me that some days I wonder if I’m in a dream or a coma and am simply hallucinating the whole thing
This is 100% me. Time seems like it’s flying and there’s hardly any gap between time off of work and working. I’m 10 years into my current job and everything is just a blur right now. Sometimes I’m not even doing the bare minimum but I’ve managed to keep my job. Outside of work I just want to be left alone but I can’t even do that.

>> No.52878438

You have to change something. Life is too short to be spent doing things you know aren't what you are made for. Quit your job and do something part time and try to start a business. It feels scary at first but after a while the thought of never escaping your current situation forces you to act

>> No.52878569

Until you run out of money and get tired of being poor

>> No.52878831

git gud

>> No.52878886

I’m in the HVAC trade and the techs that I know who’ve started their own business had to be married to their jobs, ie. be available 24/7 in order to be competitive. Few people have the personality for it while most end up flopping and end up working for someone else again. For me personally, I couldn’t do it. Too much liability, costs, customer bullshit, employee issues, etc.

Of course, the topic of self employment is all relative to personality / type of work so it all depends.

>> No.52878894

Perfect description of what I feel like these days.

I wish I could.

This. It's too risky in the midst of a recession. Maybe some day..

>> No.52878903

when did you realize that frog blogpost demoralization threads are literally made by glownigger intelligence agencies.

>> No.52880165

Men generally work too much to be themselves. Work is a curse which man has turned into pleasure. To work for work’s sake, to enjoy a fruitless endeavor, to imagine that you can fulfill yourself through assiduous labor — all that is disgusting and incomprehensible.

>> No.52880904

>This place can cause a really negative attitude
its reality and being immersed within that reality that causes a justifiably negative attitude.
the real source of the dissatisfaction many of us have is the sad fact we were raised on boomer lies and media fairytales, with the expectation of perpetual opportunity and happiness, with the expectation that one should at all costs try and live as long as possible as no matter what goes wrong in the moment, things will work out.
consider that for the regular pleb, the only generations in all of human history that were not unending miserable grinds trying to stave off starvation or being culled by your own authorities were the 2/3 generations post world war 2, these are the generations that raised us.
if anything we have just regressed to the historical mean, except this time with a spoonfed virtual reality of screens, goyslop and chemical stimulants to hide behind.

in the past, could you imagine having to grind all day for a few pieces of bread and some chicken broth, with nothing but the darkness, cold and silence of the night waiting for you. up until 150 years ago the world was lit by candles, there was no hiding place from your darkest thoughts and you had to raise yourself to overcome them. we dont even need to worry about those anymore, we are fucking zoo animals.

>> No.52881186

so now we're all miserable and defeated, whats the solution?