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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 992 KB, 1261x968, womenSpending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52874941 No.52874941 [Reply] [Original]

This is financial advice. Probably more important than all other pajeet shitcoin post here.... be careful when you share an account with a women

>> No.52874961

that woman has probably lived a happier more satisfied life by 30 than you ever will in your entire 80 years.

>> No.52874978

Well no shit, she's a women in the year 2022. Fucking beyond easy mode.

>> No.52874985

The only thing you should share with a woman is your cum.

>> No.52874993
File: 2.98 MB, 432x700, 1670243615531290.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i m sure she have

>> No.52875003

We make fun of women, but we're the ones that bought overpriced digital tulips with no utility...

>> No.52875005

Eh, I think a key takeaway from this that's kinda hidden is that she has that money to throw around in the first place without it negatively impacting her, and she is even able to comprehend that it's a 600% markup, a concept women are typically incapable of understanding.

>> No.52875007

you're a white dude, you can literally achieve anything she could and exceed it in 2022, but instead you choose to seethe. This isn't a woman vs man argument, this is a normal person vs seething lowlife chud argument

>> No.52875016

hope you get some help for your unresolved issues

>> No.52875038

>you're a white dude, you can literally achieve anything she could and exceed it in 2022

lol every single college and job application you will ever send out will immediately be sorted to the bottom regardless of your actual socioeconomic background. You will be judge as oppressors of women and minorities. Rich black people and Rich women with nepotism will be chosen over you simply because your genetics. if you ever speak ill of this you will be treated like a nazi

>> No.52875041
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>>>52874961 #
>>>52875007 (You) #
>hope you get some help for your unresolved issues

>> No.52875059

or your application just isn't good enough? I get good grades and have never had an issue finding work or getting into college. you're just a toxic seething incel who nobody wants to employ... seethe harder but you know it's true

>> No.52875068
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1438426495513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont need to read the second half of your post to know why three others replied. knowing who todays young men are and what they like shouldnt be a constant uphill battle for a gender esteemed for their communication and empathy

>> No.52875073

this might be the hardest-to-swallow pill I've ever seen in my life

>> No.52875166
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>you're just a toxic seething incel who nobody wants to employ... seethe harder but you know it's true

Lol not an argument I work in tech and make good money. Came from middle class no college household. Yet every female i knew in my classes came from an upper class educated family. Almost every female engineer will thank their dad for inspiring them to be an engineer just like them. They're all seen as overachieving and going against the grain while dad & mom pays their tuition and gets them a nice job recommendation. Knew one girl who's dad was literally an astronaut. Knew one girl who's dad has a school named after him. Yet they're both considered underprivileged in the workplace lmao

retarded system

>> No.52875208
File: 239 KB, 1092x1935, 1670962557852681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool blog post

>> No.52875229

a mans role has always been to suffer the most for the rest of the tribe. a man doesnt falter or whine when it comes to fulfilling his role; he exists above what suffering the others would deem unbearable.

this is his price for leadership, strength, domination, pride, ownership.

you cannot call yourself a man

>> No.52875240
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pic related by the way

>> No.52875245
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>> No.52875264

>you're a white dude
Projection, nobody hates Whites more than themselves.

>> No.52875269

We are being invaded by discord trannies. Every regular on /biz/ knows woman are retarded, this is a known fact.

>> No.52875292
File: 103 KB, 1222x658, 1667091058960805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do one commit...write the code.... https://www.digitalphablet.com/tech/katie-bouman-only-contributed-0-26-of-the-black-hole-image-code/

>> No.52875299


>> No.52875331

sure but never in history were men's achievements shit on for no reason. Not even a legit reason anymore. The wage gap under 30 has flipped in many cities. Asian completely outpace whites now. At some point people will realize we literally fudded all the men from actually trying to achieve anything and instead we have 50 million HR ladies and a dying population growth lol

>> No.52875345

I bought pngs of a dog coin in hopes of being rich. That's absolute madness. Women make more sense, more grounded in reality.

>> No.52875359

the hilarious part is they'll whine and bemoan white men to come back and fix things when it all goes up in flames. they'll use the same guilt/shame tactics they use now saying "you're not a real man unless you ____". I cant wait.

>> No.52875369

The collapse will be beautiful. I can't wait to profit off of my silver and gold while everyone else, and especially woman suffer.

>> No.52875384

>being happy ever
Post tits or gtfo

>> No.52875404

whine. complain. my achievements are never shit on, because i embody the image of a man. my achievements and ideas aren't always the best at the table; i am happy to be proven wrong, to be shown up. it doesnt even scratch my ego, because i am a man.

you sound like a child who has never developed fully. still reliant on others for the handout, for the higher wages. still feel entitled to things like a child to a chocolate bar at the checkout.

my genes aren't at risk of dying, it is your genes. a woman demands a real man, as society demands real men whether they are appreciated for it or not.

you need to grow up as fast as possible. you sound like you are miles behind, and nobody is going to wait around for you, unless you make it clear you are not a man and need constant aid, attention and confirmation

>> No.52875440

hey tranny, don't you have a discord to go back to? Also you will never be a real woman.

>> No.52875483

real men dont use discord. i dont use discord and havent come from some organized raid just to give you the truths your father should've given you at 16.

i will never be a real woman

>> No.52875502
File: 80 KB, 1024x769, 1665359675997735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did not read but here is a real women

>> No.52875505

>Using trackpad instead of mouse
Actually I'm glad I don't have her '''job'''

>> No.52875693

Kys Schlomo

>> No.52875706

((its your fault goy))

>> No.52875730

Holy shit fuck off with your psyop, you just want people to play a rigged game and not complain
Peak jew anglo mentality
What a "real man" would do is fight against this rigged thing, not playing a slave in it

>> No.52875735

imagine the smell
should get a cat desu

>> No.52875764
File: 2.14 MB, 1724x1325, 1651113149399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometime it s hard to find the good man...to take care of you (and kids from fun dick time)

>> No.52875822

Speak for yourself

>> No.52875850

Sad... I doubt you can fight. I doubt you take care of your body and mind. I doubt you are intelligent enough to stand to the people you imagine keep you down, and I know you aren't intelligent enough to understand why someone like yourself is constantly rejected from jobs and colleges

you are a low value male, and far from a man. I doubt you have truly suffered and I bet you avoid suffering and pain by weaseling away from the world.

you are nothing like me. You are still a boy. your role on this earth must be earned, not given, but you wouldn't have a clue.

Even if you don't believe it, you should act like you do for the sake of reproducing. you sound absolutely revolting and the last thing any sane woman would partner with

>> No.52875889

Kek, I have no sympathy for the guys that walk into these situations. Have some self-respect. Hope that chud gets milked for every penny.

>> No.52876058

There's demographic replacement you dumb mutt, it's unironically over, your children won't get raped because they willl be the darkies doing the raping. You don't see yourself losing anything because your genes are worthless and you cope by hustling and succeeding in the judeo-bolshevik prison that your too dumb to notice you're building.

>> No.52876090

A woman doing math is impressive

>> No.52876121

>reddit spacing
go back you larping nigger and stay there

>> No.52876127

above post directed to you

>> No.52876152
File: 46 KB, 625x1252, eac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52876178

What the fuck do these whores even do. I don't see anything productive. Women were never meant to be in the workforce.

>> No.52876215

It's funny the kinds of things that go "viral" among women, it's all makeup and expensive beauty products and shitty recipes or some decoration trend.
Women are god's hooooongriest consoooomers.

>> No.52876244

Now you know why brands do the female empowerment garbage. Its only because they are the consumers of such products

>> No.52876250

I only started hating white people after the faggot kneeler shit, especially zoomers. But more so, boomers.
t. white man

>> No.52876288

I know multiple HR roasties who've already gotten fired due to budget cuts. These office decorations are always the first thing to go when things start getting bad. .

Next is marketing roasties if this keeps up.

>> No.52876296

>profit off pm's

>> No.52876309

my company must be doing well, hr roasties are comfy af right now

>> No.52876335

Yet again a stomach-girl. Wake up, devour, drive to the feeding place, devour, devour, never leave your stomach empty, devour, late night meal, devour, driving home, going to bed with a feeling of slight hunger

>> No.52876349

As I recall she did some single digit percentage of the code on this thing. One guy, who did NOT receive a fancy congratulatory article, did the lion's share of it.

>> No.52876397

>neets with no experience in the industry dont know how anything works
Checks out. She designed the algorithm you absolute buffoons. Also the guy who did most of the commits was just doing pointless commits.

>> No.52876400

Wow someone living on EZ mode is happy no way retard

>> No.52876412

They don't do anything. They got hired cause the company has a quota for vaginas and it's easier to pay them to do nothing than deal with the PR drama.

>> No.52876532
File: 127 KB, 890x820, the-army-painter-speedpaint-mega-set-24-kleuren-18[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant comment since i am the same

>> No.52876541

Post more pls, I know you have them

>> No.52876908

40$ for 24 jars of (high quality) jam isn't all that much... High quality jam is expensive as fuck.

>> No.52877035

Is this a fucking racemixing fascility? All I see there are niggers and white women eating and playing.

>> No.52877049

this pretty much

>> No.52877064

Post more of those tiktok daily routine videos.