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52872948 No.52872948 [Reply] [Original]

History never lies. WAGMI:

>> No.52873097

jesus that pic

>> No.52873136

I get both
I'm too greedy for only one

>> No.52873221
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>I get both
Audi R8 is also looking nice but my TT mk2 felt like a boring Volkswagen.

>> No.52873335

I'll be moddest and get a model 3 long range

>> No.52873432
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why no gas guzzler? when do you do when they shut of the electricity grid?

>> No.52873495
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The only Youtubefag I care about is /ourguy/ Gongo.

>> No.52873507
File: 642 KB, 1280x800, Nissan_gt-rNight_Front_438761-2339475127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay quiet pussy car, i want to drive and feel torque; not go on fucking six flags. 0 - 60 speed =/= joy


>> No.52873597

Speaking of Ferraris, you can't just go out and buy a Ferrari, I mean you can but you can't just be rich and buy one. It's like a club and you need to prove your worth by fitting the image, maintaining an older Ferrari, and show you actually know how to handle such a knife edge sports car. There's like a weird gatekeeping interview process to acquire one. At least, that's what I've heard. Unlike Lamborghinis and McLarens, Ferrari doesn't want to devalue their brand by selling it to anyone with money.

>> No.52873642

this image is cursed

>> No.52873662
File: 177 KB, 1200x784, Lexus_LFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to drive and feel torque
>0 - 60 speed =/= joy
Idiot, electric cars are torque monsters. What they lack is horsepower. Also, good the GTR is such a soulless car with a boring AWD layout and even more boring 7k redline. If I was going for a Japanese car with pure sovl, that would be the LFA. Naturally aspirated high RPM 4.8l v10 horsepower = joy, who cares if it's "slower" than the GTR, it's crazier and more fun

>> No.52873701

>What they lack is horsepower.
Also, they lack a transmission (aka, a torque multiplier). That's why electric cars are boring af to drive. They also weigh like 5000lbs. There's just so much unseen drawbacks of electric cars in the sports category. No matter what you do, 5000lbs will feel like 5000lbs, longer braking, lower traction limits, worse handling, etc

>> No.52874012
File: 1.84 MB, 2287x2333, chrismmcrypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like a club
used ofc. only idiots buy new cars.
>maintaining an older Ferrari
work on your own fucking cars, it's fun and an achievement when done.

HAHAHA i even have a more HQ pic which didn't make it until post time. do you like it better?

you're correct but also wrong. those cars are fun to drive but still not the same like a good >4L V8 Porsche boxer engine or Lamborghini V12.

>> No.52874035

>GTR is such a soulless
technically I really like the GTR. visually not so anymore. desu never liked it visually. and I owned two asian/exotic cars before.

>> No.52874072

Not entirely true. There is a vetting process for the limited number models, like the La Ferrari, but normal production models are just like any other exotic.

>> No.52874403

is it possible to put a Ferrari engine into a golf cart?

>> No.52874423

dont care, no sound. you've cleared only driven automatics so there is little to discuss with you

>> No.52874428


>> No.52874461
File: 106 KB, 1268x810, ivon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is possible. you have to swap the transmission too though.

do you think he smashed?

>> No.52874468
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wrong reply actually, i haven't slept in 26 hours. let me rephrase; my apologies.
Electric cars do not give you the same feeling of torque at all, there is no shifting of the gears. Hence why I said "six flags", it's just a mere push like a rollercoaster which makes it unbelievably boring. And you know what, v6's still sound fucking sweet and especially with turbo so I have no idea what you're getting at with a "boring 7k redline"; but I actually do agree with you that the LFA would definitely be a joy to drive. We agree that speed does not correlate with fun. I think we're on the same team.

pic unrelated but also excellent automobile

>> No.52874485

that reply was misconstrued with false information in my head because I was and am retarded. whether he is sexually successful can be extrapolated by the fact that he thinks the GT-R is soulless so yes he has in fact never touched a pussy except at birth.

>> No.52874490
File: 125 KB, 1506x828, ivon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend, go to sleep.

he probably smashed but impregnated the other one.

>> No.52874506
File: 1.46 MB, 600x338, ivanwife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking about Mr. liljeqvist (picrel).

>> No.52874510

>my friend, go to sleep.
>he probably smashed but impregnated the other one.
is child support public record?

>> No.52874514

You’re not buying a Corolla. Crypto is dead. Stocks are dead. There will never be another bull run. It’s over.

>> No.52874520
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oh jeebus literally who

>> No.52874528
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>Crypto is dead

>> No.52874542

you must be new.

>> No.52874594

alright im going to sleep anyway

>> No.52874644

>wrong reply actually, i haven't slept in 26 hours. let me rephrase; my apologies
I was going to say, bitch please I used to daily an RX-7 through snowbelt winters for about 4 years and my first car was an S13, which also lived through 2-3 snowbelt winters. I know how to handle a manual and FR in snow.

>> No.52874652
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good night sweet prince

>> No.52874666

I owned an RX-8 for 2 years. ask me how much oil I've burned.

>> No.52874677

>those cars are fun to drive but still not the same like a good >4L V8 Porsche boxer engine or Lamborghini V12.
I mean yeah, they're fun to drive but they get boring really fast because going fast straight gets old quick. Going really fast through a corner though, that never gets old IMO because the skill ceiling is high enough where you know every time you do it, there's a chance to improve and corner faster. Those electric cars corner like tanks. I tried the Zero electric motorcycle too, it's fun but not the same kind of fun as a Yamaha R1.

>> No.52874688

lmao, 2 stroke or motor oil? I ran mine catless too, sorry for burning holes in the ozone, bros

>> No.52874717
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I feel you senpai.

>> No.52874724

Based. Both are incredibly rare cars, I think i've seen an S13 once in my entire life that wasn't in a car show. I've literally seen more mk4 supras than S13s. I would've been shitting myself driving that thinking some fuckwad was gonna plow right into it. Good shit mang.

I've owned my 6MT accord coupe for about 1.2 years now, haven't really driven it in the snow until now and im glad I have FWD. i drove a buddy's hyundai genny coupe and that was fun to drift in, but I will remain a Honda-fag for now because reliability. Once I obtain serious employment though im getting that fucking gtr.
thank you son

>> No.52874727

based twing/o/ brother

>> No.52874731

>catless too
how do you know I ran mine catless too after replacing the cat once and it clocking up soon after. those pops/flames where nice though. good times.

>> No.52874754
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how does it feel driving peoples' childhoods and buying more motor oil than food in liters

>> No.52874760

>motor oil
motor oil, always topped it up. never went premix despite most of them with high milage in the forum were.

>> No.52874765

>I've owned my 6MT accord coupe for about 1.2 years now
Honestly, now that I'm in my 30s I see the V6 accord coupe as the ideal daily driver car. The V6 accord coupe is not bad, might be short on hp compared to other modern v6s but it has an alright power to weight ratio, wide powerband, and isn't a cramped car like the RX-7 or S13

>> No.52874793

because we all eventually do when the oil and unburned gas kills the cats
how does it feel? It felt expensive, that's how it felt. It was a money pit and I was too young to properly care for it.
I got tired of topping the motor oil and OMP deleted mine and ran 2stroke oil. It still burned motor oil however. Rotaries... there's a reason they call us rotarded

>> No.52874797

>those pops/flames where nice though. good times.
oh yeah I miss that a lot, good times.

>> No.52874828

Honestly it's very sweet to drive. I got a borla catback on it with a vibrant resonator and it's not obnoxiously loud. However I do want it to make it louder and I can always just shift at 1.5k RPM if im in my neighborhood and dont want to get rocks thrown in it.

Solo driving is the best, so i actually wouldn't mind cramped. Also you had an excuse to not be a daily driver to parties.

Yeah the hp thing is exacerbated by the fact that it's just silly to expect to launch on a FWD, so much wheel spin; I do not care though because I bought it mostly for sound, reliability and 2 door.

Someone did a twin turbo accord coupe, actually clinically insane:

wayyy too much power though, definitely shaving off years of life if you're not exceptionally autistic on maintenance.

>how does it feel? It felt expensive, that's how it felt. It was a money pit and I was too young to properly care for it.
seems like you didn't regret it tho :) >>52874797

>> No.52874839

>there's a reason they call us rotarded
haha that's right. I was lucky someone crashed into mine after 2 years. insurance paid very good for it.

nfs carbon? Need for Speed II was the game of my childhood.

>> No.52874867

so many car enthusiasts given birth by NFS, truly beautiful

oh man, I played carbon when I was a wee lad; I didn't even know how to play properly I would just grind at the walls. im 21 now

>> No.52874886
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> I was lucky someone crashed into mine

>> No.52874889

that tt v6 accord is crazy stupid but I admire the work done to it. If I had one, I'd leave it stock just for reliability's sake.

But yeah, no ragrets, even after all I been through.
I crashed mine on a concrete barrier being stupid on a icy January day :(

>> No.52874920

>im 21 now
go out and fuck some girls. at least try and work on game. you are in the best years of your life.

keked and checked

>on a concrete barrier
rip. i felt that.

>> No.52874951

>I crashed mine on a concrete barrier being stupid on a icy January day :(
I've been driving ever since I could, and I think it's a healthy fear of mine. Dashcam can easily dispute accidents from others at fault, good brakes to stop and/or skill and maintenance to swerve the car the most it mechanically can with confidence to avoid some fucking brick on the road.

But ice? Like, you ahve to be extra schizo because you have no fucking clue what the road conditions are gonna give you; yeah it's easy to expect salt and just slick roads like common sense duy but again, that element of chaos will undeniably be there.

I'm thinking i'll be set if I get one of those plastic versions of chains & snow tires and drive like a granny even though I got fwd. I cannot crash my car at my own mistake, I can't forgive myself for that.

>> No.52874979

>go out and fuck some girls. at least try and work on game. you are in the best years of your life.
random but based advice, i appreciate you anon. as long as I can sleep at night with no regrets then I know I am in a great spot. ill be sure to bang a chick in your honor

>> No.52875049
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>ill be sure to bang a chick in your honor
please do, don't forget to wear protection and if you (accidentally) go down on a hoe use mouth wash to get rid of the bacteria before you brush your teeth.

>> No.52875082
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if I get child support payments I wont be able to get that GT-R, so no worries