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52873893 No.52873893 [Reply] [Original]

I'm probably going to unironically kill myself in the next 3 years if things dont get better. I have it all (materially and health wise), but this world is no longer a place I want to live in.

Give me a token to go all in with $100k so I can have one last massive $2mil hurrah before I pull the plug.

>> No.52873910

ocavu, its a dead shitcoin but its made by mormans lmao

>> No.52873912

Have you tried learning a new hobby

>> No.52873927

Atomic Habits, read it.

>> No.52873931
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i've tried it all anon, i've made every effort to find a way out, believe me. im proud to say i gave it all a fair shot and now i want to go home.

>> No.52873933

Imagine letting the world get the best of you.

>> No.52873950

well it did anon. i'm losing the battle and losing energy.

>> No.52873980

Be the change you wish you saw in others.

>> No.52873996

do a flip

>> No.52873998

What if there was no escape and you just forced back into this world again as a baby

lights go out then the lights come right back on

>> No.52874002

Sounds like you need purpose, anon. Is there anything that you care about deeply? Any cause that is worth fighting for? It can be as small as helping raise a kid, or as big as world peace.
For me, my causes are my family and wanting to protect old buildings, so my free time goes towards helping my nephew with school and learning /diy/ skills.

>> No.52874024

will do

or what if i enter an realm of eternal bliss and meet god

yes i do anon, im growing tired though because im failing here.

>> No.52874036
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There's so much the world has to offer, there's NO WAY you've tried it all. You could live 100 years and you'd still not be able to do everything, no bullshit. Is there nothing in life so far that gives even a glimmer of happiness?
If not, then fuck it. Make others happy, kill leftist politicians and trannies on your way out.

>> No.52874074

Failure happens. It's part of the process. What's important is that you don't let that failure define you, ESPECIALLY if you're young. You have so much opportunity ahead of you and you don't even realize it.
I'm not discounting the pain of that failure, because it's real and it hurts all of us, but it's not the end. Learn from it, grow from it, and do better next time. Put in the fucking work. It's worth it.

>> No.52874078

I think about reincarnation and sometimes I think that it is real
Maybe you just need to take a break from the internet or a vacation to make you feel better

>> No.52874093

vra will probably 10x for no reason, it has enough hype potential

>> No.52874101

Good advice.
Violence isn't the answer fren

>> No.52874201

im sorry anon. love u my fren. i hope you dont reincarnate if thats not what you want.

make sure all your family is set up with real hard assets from land to water purification and food stores to medicine to defensive capabilities. only things they can touch can be thought of as wealth.

how will you do it?

>> No.52874218

Huckleberry inu (eth)
BakedMono dev ab to drop alpha.
T . Me / monocommunity

>> No.52874220

Is this Sergey?

>> No.52874318

what is it that makes you so desillusioned with this world?

>> No.52874337

suicide is a waste of time

>> No.52874375

This shall pass. You can be dealing with depression for months or years and not realize it. I'm dealing with it now and grateful that I realize it and that we just have to push through. Good you are giving yourself time to push through.

>> No.52874383
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I would do anything to be completely healthy and have some wealth. Even if I make it there will still be struggles, we all fall victim to hardships and the monotony of it all in some form. That being said, I hope you press on and find the meaning and tranquility in life to make it all worthwhile.
Here's your 1000x: HEEL (Good Dog)

>> No.52874425

Nice demoralization attempt thread

>> No.52874456

lol why wait 3 years, do it today.

>> No.52874555

Suicide is for faggots

>> No.52874580

just kill yourself faggot no one cares

>> No.52874586

well then it's most definitely reserved for our special little edge-lord, Op, wouldn't you agree anon? OP! If you can hear me, KILL YOURSELF TODAY! Please! DO IT!

>> No.52874621

op is a massive faggot probs wont even do it
suck my cock faggot nigger

>> No.52875050

violence is human modus operandi. Especially when people realize they can't vote their way out of the current state of affairs.

>> No.52875117

>all these suicide posts lately
I’m thinking the bottom might be in

>> No.52875243

At least travel to tropical contries all blow all your money.

>> No.52875296

lol nope, it's just me and I'm telling dozens of anons to commit self-die because I legitimately want to have a better life personally and I think their self-deathing would help me achieve kino. I'm literally the one making every single suicide post.

>> No.52875421

You're an idiot

>> No.52875459

The way to happiness and the fastest way to spiritual enlightenment is to drink your urine. Not meme-ing. You’ll have to go down the rabbit hole yourself. Not spoon feeding you.

>> No.52875498

Hahahah oh the state of biz

>> No.52875529
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we're just broken and hurting inside but also numb sometimes, who are you to judge us? We are of enlightened disciplines you may not be aware of and yet we are humble servants at the same time, crazy! And we didn't even invent this game and we're better at it than you think!

>> No.52875709

I'm judging people drinking their own pee dummy

>> No.52875736

yea pee actually tastes pretty fucking bad, who knews lol.

>> No.52876266

you can always stack some Bit especially since Bitdao recently introduced mantle, a modular ethereum layer 2 network that has low fees and high security, and will be taking over the web3 industry

>> No.52876654


>> No.52876978

the virgin suicide vs the chad quantum immortality

OP should try to kill himself, if he fails maybe he'll realize there's no way off the ride. You play until the end.

>> No.52877151

>Violence isn't the answer fren
correct. Violence is the question. The answer is yes.

>> No.52877249

The only way is to completely detach from society and go live a quiet life. Mankind was not supposed to be so interconnected to this degree, it's not natural. We don't need to know the terrible and unjust things happening all over the world at any given time, or how stupid and aggravating most people are. I'm not a traditionalist but I do think easy access to the internet is a cancer on humanity. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.52877262

Imagine thinking that you have any control over how the world treats you or how you react to said treatment.

>> No.52877296

lmao this so much. dont even need to read the book. just track your habits and decide for yourself which ones you like and which ones you dislike.

been doing this since august and have been feeling way more grateful for the life i have (money and healthwise like OP)

>> No.52877338

>but this world is no longer a place I want to live in.

Get over yourself dude, do you think anyone has believed that they were truly "thriving" in the current year unless they were totally killing it due to generational wealth/pure (((coincidence)))?
You control the world you live in, so make it one you can tolerate. You can live in whatever world you desire, but the only judge here that matters is you. It mostly sounds like you don't know how to live. Best figure that out first. Find a father figure or something, don't go on 4chan crying about suicide, or maybe kill a politician, or try to improve the world somehow, you do you.

>> No.52877360

and you are a faggot

>> No.52877363

u buy the only 100x dog coin left @ ShiroinuETH

>> No.52877365

Get off internet and media. This world is awesome

>> No.52877417

can I have your health before you die? surely you won't be needing it anymore

>> No.52878945
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>> No.52879219
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before I say this, I'll make one request. send me your keys before you die. so, here goes. payment projects are the next cash cows. if you go in on a coin like xpress or coti, the ROI in the next bull run is just going to be crazy

>> No.52879268

Seek a simpler life.

You already did the hard part, might as well enjoy it.

>> No.52879290

Do a flip pussy

>> No.52879307 [DELETED] 

Donate $100k to me instead

>> No.52879482

Before you can conquer a beast you must first make it beautiful

Start doing deep meditations and you begin to see the beauty of suffering

look up zhan zhuang standing meditation

>> No.52879527

lol nah, op should rope. stop delaying the inevitable.

>> No.52880845
File: 20 KB, 300x451, 4E1EBD66-0A2A-4735-BA1B-6D167622C7C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victory has defeted you
Workout, get a wife and procreate. Go to a fighting gym

>> No.52882037

Shame on you anon, build people up, stop kicking people while they are lost. Pull people to your path.

>> No.52882066
File: 181 KB, 1108x1009, 1613106942554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if there was no escape and you just forced back into this world again as a baby

I independently discovered open individualism through the intuition that I will be reincarnated but with no order, karma, or souls whatsoever. I'm thoroughly convinced this is what happens after you die, and it's is a horrifying prospect, because it means we're doomed to suffer for all eternity.

Death is simply awakening into another life. You may wake up a dog, a person, something more. There is no such thing as nothing/non-existence, because that's what it is - nothing. Moreover, If you came from nothing to be born, and enter nothing after you die, then why do you think this can’t happen again? Reincarnation is real but it occurs across all beings and all times at once. You and "some other" conscious being are just different channels on a television of consciousness.

TL;DR Non-existence is literally impossible. There is no such thing as death even once your body dies of natural causes. Consciousness is eternal, you're here literally for eternity. Get used to it.

>> No.52882159
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>> No.52882190
File: 215 KB, 2428x678, regret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things will never get better

>> No.52882292

Fren if you survive next 3 years you can all in some magic internet coin and you will probably make it. But the time is not now. Why are you in such a rush? If you hate your life, change it. You have some monies and it should be enough to start a new life. Start studying something you are interested of, get a new job or a new hobby, stop drugs/alcohol, move to a new city or a country, learn a new language, travel (you can travel some time even with that money if you choose destinations carefully). There, I listed few ideas for you :)

>> No.52882397

>I need more money to try being happy
kys retard

>> No.52882427

>but this world is no longer a place I want to live in
And what have you done to change that?

>> No.52882447



read the whitepaper, and a 90% supply burn is coming as well.

>> No.52882500

>has 100k
>thinks its over
im still trying o make it with 3k

>> No.52882535

>the chad quantum immortality
This is why I would never attempt suicide. Because I know I would just wake up in the hospital but horrifically injured or paralyzed from the neck down or some shit.

>> No.52882558

just do drugs you retard

>> No.52882764

Anonymous wallets are fucking underrated. Just take a look at how miserable this faggot entire life is by his wallet history

>> No.52882931

>thinks it's over when he has 100k
>i went from 600k to 11k
>and I started with 40k that was borrowed

You're a fag anon.
That said, you need Islam in your life.

>> No.52883067
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>> No.52883142
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I just want to fall in love with a woman at least once in my life. Or at least have a woman want me, or want to be around me. But it really seems like I'm incapable of doing that. So yeah I'm planning on killing myself soon as well.
But I do want to do something wild before then I think. Blow my money on hookers and blow in SEA or something, since I can't have what I want.

>> No.52883161

ORE looks promising. Not a guaranteed 1000x though. If you're looking for a quick 1000x, you're on your way to getting rugged.

>> No.52883236
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Web3-based projects are promising. Might as well be among the next biggest thing

>> No.52883333


failure of imagination. only you can fix

>> No.52883804

I enjoy looking at your image

>> No.52884003
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Let me know how you plan on doing it I might unironically join

>> No.52884023

> it's is a horrifying prospect, because it means we're doomed to suffer for all eternity.

i'm scared man, i dont wanna do this for eternity, holy shit thats pretty fucking scary.

>> No.52885244

Get a woman pregnant, buy ALBT for your kid and wife, and then join the army.
Since you will die anyways, why not die fighting as top Gs will do.

>> No.52885686

I guess nothing, OP just wants to keep whining about it

>> No.52885694

what has this board become

>> No.52885782

That's a good coin btw, but its pointless to have himself killed.
Some are just heartless you know.

>> No.52886993
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pay me the 100k and i will change your life op, im serious. don't give up

>> No.52887160

I'll give you my honest thoughts OP. If I don't know you, then I don't care if you kill yourself

After reading what you wrote, I feel like the opposite of you. I have lots of of internal happiness, family, friends, girlfriends, technical skill and talent, but I have never had money, and I'm still struggling every day to feed myself and pay my bills

I probably can't do anything for you, but if I can, whatever it is, I'll do it for money

>> No.52887181

>I'm probably going to unironically kill myself
Do it, shut the fuck up and do it.
You 4chan nerds are pathetic.