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File: 2.35 MB, 700x394, Inside Nassau, Bahamas Jail Where Sam Bankman-Fried Reportedly Being Held-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52873135 No.52873135 [Reply] [Original]

SBF bros I don't feel so good...

>> No.52873145

real?? link

>> No.52873156
File: 59 KB, 700x467, sbf blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahahahah jew gets the diversity they preach about

>> No.52873165
File: 13 KB, 356x360, 1670035445599928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's his own fault, he could have come back to the states

>> No.52873169

bets on how long until sam "commits suicide" in prison?

>> No.52873171


>> No.52873176

if that's true I bet he's actually crying

>> No.52873202

50% chance this

>> No.52873211

He’s definitely not in this jail and is in some white collar glownigger asset jail
The media is telling you he’s not getting special treatment specifically because he is

>> No.52873218

Niggers can understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an under amphetamined SBF around the showers. Him squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your niggas build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the SBF-toy with soap socks if he tries to escape. Tyrone would be giggling and laughing as the waves of boypussy pleasure screams that seem to harmonize with the droning herbrew verses. He runs through the prison maze fat and portly, with his jew powered boypussy a pinning hole for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes Tyrone laughs and chortles until he gasps “Found you!” . The SBFweasel screeches defensively but Bankman's Spankman is upon him in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into his flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendipity finds his mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Tyrone’s dehydrated dick.

>> No.52873219

You really think he will sleep in a shithole like that? They have paid the guards already to keep him in a private cell

>> No.52873224

In this prison, they could just hire some nigs to murder him. Much more plausible.

>> No.52873229

That's what he gets for commiting crimes in a country that's 90% black.

>> No.52873250


does someone have that art where SBF is in a jail cell and he's licking a pickle as a Tryone Cellmate looked over his ass. I regret my life that I did not save that image in time.

>> No.52873266

Why lock up all the baha men then? They can't all be criminals, they made who let the the dogs out, woof, woof, woof, woof and the party was thumpin, yippy kie yo

>> No.52873272

i want this art too bumping for it

>> No.52873275
File: 763 KB, 1193x893, sam oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone edit sam into one of the cells sucking on a cucumber or some shit

>> No.52873293

this story too good to be real.

>> No.52873304

I very lucidly remember it being posted here, rough description from my memory:

SBF had his pants down, again the fucking pickle face over a bed (elbows on the bed) that had photos of him and Caroline, and Tyrone literally had "TYRONE" tattooed over his chest (or something, definitely tatooed letters) and it was in a jail cell. There was light in the hallway but not in the cell itself.

>> No.52873309

the scattered photos were polaroid and on the bed as well. somebody please fucking find this and I will promise you pussy for life

>> No.52873315
File: 605 KB, 766x582, 1668418196710967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking retard if you believe this

>> No.52873404

based af how these 3rd world countries treat criminals

>> No.52873526
File: 84 KB, 720x900, Fhfj89lXwAEmzRQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52873530


>> No.52873699

I thought anon was just rambling about some porn he thought sbf was in.

>> No.52873754

i feel so good about this

>bsv bag holder

>> No.52873767

KEK the irony is the conditions in this picture are better than his actual cell
>Maximum-security cells for men measured approximately six feet by 10 feet and held up to six persons with no mattresses or toilet facilities,” the report said. “Inmates removed human waste by bucket. Prisoners complained of the lack of beds and bedding. Some inmates developed bedsores from lying on bare ground. Sanitation was a general problem, and cells were infested with rats, maggots, and insects.”

>> No.52873782
File: 53 KB, 908x790, 403049830968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52873818

Oh yeah, this dude is straight up sobbing right now. Imagine the thoughts going through his head. Remembering the days wading in his luxurious private pool. Fucking squirrel girl on $1500 bean bags. The dinners and drinks and people fawning over him as if he was some special chosen one. Now it's just itchy blankets, hard beds, and think toilet paper that rips when he wipes his ass.

>> No.52873829
File: 226 KB, 1536x1626, 5C908D7C-FC7B-456D-907B-B922EBE9455C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52873837

Hot ngl

>> No.52873846


>> No.52873918

yeah i think you're probably right

>> No.52873952

it said hes being held in the sick bay in that prison. i wonder if theres any pictures of that part of it online

>> No.52873974
File: 35 KB, 340x463, 6875194_wojak-punished-wojak-transparent-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bahamas jail where Sam Bankman-Fried reportedly being held
they are telling you they are lying in the title.

>> No.52873984

Sam? How did you get internet access?

>> No.52874027

Jewish theatrics, he most probably went there for a couple minutes and left

>> No.52874310

Seek Christ>>52873952