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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52873123 No.52873123 [Reply] [Original]

I manage a $15 million dollar account for a company and make six figures. The company is less than a billion dollar company. This will be important later.

I thought I was hot shit at my company. I thought people actually cared about my account because I sell $15 million myself which is a big number, right?

Recently I had an epiphany and decided I wanted to talk to more interesting people about more interesting things. I thought about who I know that's really interesting, it's the high level people at my company. So I requested to meet with the highest ranking people who would see me and just ask them a bunch of honest questions with absolutely no BS, just whatever popped into my mind even if it was totally inappropriate (I don't care about being fired, I should probably mention that).

I opened up a massive fucking can of worms that has me questioning everything. I'm an ant and everything I do is basically irrelevant and all the people I thought cared do not even care at all. I thought I was important, but I was more like a pet. I learned more in about an hour than I have in five years of work about my company and how it works and understand now why I wasn't going anywhere. Just by asking whatever came to mind that I wanted to know with (close to zero) filter. Not trying to impress them or anything, totally willing to sever those connections for complete honesty. I told them exactly what I was doing and why.

>> No.52873128

But here's the wild thing, I'm not super familiar with this board but I interact with 4chan and many other associated internet communities and I would say that I'm better off than 95% of people here status-wise, and I realized that I've just graduated elementary school, in a status sense. And the problems of the people just a couple of levels above me, in a company that does not make even a billion dollars. In other words, the owners of this company report to somebody who reports to somebody who reports up about a thousand more levels of class, and each level has way bigger concerns that I can even fathom at this point. To put it into perspective, if you came to me, someone who manages a $15 million dollar account for a company, and told me that you were managing your $5 account well, I would probably just say good job and inwardly think that's cute, like a child. That's what the other people only a few levels away from me are doing from me.

I really don't know what to do with this information. It's the difference between learning about how sausage is made and seeing it yourself. For the less than 5% of you who have experienced this, what's next?

>> No.52873162

lol retard there's always a bigger fish than you what did you expect?

>> No.52873192

Let me guess, you are early 30s maybe late 20s? You have matured and realize you don’t know shit and must work harder and play the game better.

>> No.52873204

So ideally you graduate to the next level and have someone in the executive team be your advocate and pull you up the Corp ladder (think wagon grooming). If not, middle mgmt waive 4life.

>> No.52873216

So you learned that you're arrogant? Congratulations. What are you 19?

>> No.52873251

If you're looking for a caring, understanding, concerned, and thoughtful board, you've come to the right place, kek

>> No.52873294

Care to give descriptions of the levels above you? Are we talking just money? government influence? Epstein? Illuminati?

>> No.52873300

Either executive position or start up your own business. Once you realize how narrow your scope of thinking was, you can open yourself up to a wider world and conceive of things and do things you couldn't before. It's like the difference between swimming in a blow up pool and swimming in the ocean.

>> No.52873330
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i manage my $4m account everyday but nobody pays me shit

>> No.52873369

All of it to some extent, obviously I'm not an expert or anything but it now all seems very possible.
I guess now my question is what's the scope. I'm dissatisfied with my backyard pool that was previously comfy, but the ocean is freaking terrifying. But I can't look away.

>> No.52873401

>I would probably just say good job and inwardly think that's cute, like a child. That's what the other people only a few levels away from me are doing from me.

lol that's why you don't kiss ass and just talk to them like they're normal people. It totally fucks with their ego

>> No.52873449

Could you elucidate what kind of questions you asked (I'm curious what you even wanted to know) and what was exchanged for you to have this "epiphany"?

I'm aware that I'm basically, in the moving-and-shaking class, microscopic. But I'm deeply curious about the world and it seems most people I have access to communicate with have their heads aiming down. The people I have access to for, advice, mentorship, etc. are so low-down that they don't really have anything to offer me in terms of perspective. The more-aspirational people offering their advice, are mostly trying to sell me something.

I know there's so, so, so much more to know about the workings of the world, but the key problem is not really knowing what questions to ask. I have a meeting with a big client in January, about management of a building he built. Simple rote stuff, related to my day job. But I've never really had a conversation with someone who has their own wikipedia article. It's not a personal sit-down, or a mentorship opportunity. But it's something who does interviews on Bloomberg. Someone who has at least SOME idea of how the world works. I don't know enough to even know what to ask of a person, to learn from them in a way that matters.

Tell me more, tell me everything.

>> No.52873582

I'm glad someone finds this interesting. I've always claimed to be interested in the working of the world, but realized I rarely talked to people close enough to even begin to know anything about it.
I smoked a lot of weed recently, and it really helped me let go of some of my inhibitions. I began feeling a lot more confident in myself. I looked at the world around me and thought that I'm content, but there are some things I'd like to improve. I was intellectually bored. And I do want to make a little more money. So I naturally started talking to those people at my job because they are a possible path to what I want.
The first conversation was with a VP who is an older woman and she's the one who explained in no time at all why she didn't care about my account. I literally just asked "why don't you care about (thing I'm doing)? What else should I be doing?" and she just explained it. I didn't put on any formalities, which is the correct thing bc people at that level can see through them, and what I wanted to get from her was honesty. I kept prodding and prodding to try to understand why she is doing what she does. What does she value? This was my bosses bosses boss.
I then talked to somebody above her but the conversation was more tactical.
Then I later talked to someone above even them but who exited the company and pretty much just told him what I was going through, that I had this epiphany smoking weed and wanted to talk to more interesting people and that he was one of them. And it ended up being a 2 hour frank conversation about power where he told me it's a game and that he likes it and it's up for me to decide if I want to play the game or not.
So basically just saying whatever was on my mind to these people because I wanted 100% honesty from them so I could understand their thinking. That was my goal.

I did learn that each level the thinking is far more abstract. I would probably prepare for your interview with this person by 1/2

>> No.52873584

Ejaculate onto the bread

>> No.52873626

>I talked with rich fucks who are entirely disconnected from how normal people are
>also I smoked weed
Frankly all this shit sounds dull.

>> No.52873644

2/2 talking to successively higher ranking people, because the thinking at each level of society is more abstract than the one preceding it. There are also things that they say that you won't understand until you are ready for them. I still don't understand some of what they said, because I'm not ready for it. It's like a skill you have to practice it. So go to some store and ask to see the manager, supervisor, whatever find the highest rank people you can find and just start asking them about why they do what they do to prepare for this guy.

>> No.52874259
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Friend of friend manages single figure $ billions in USD equivalent for a government. A man behind the throne. More power you have the less freedom you have. There are exceptions:

The best proxy for power is individual liquid capital, unfortunately, Billionaires. Boring, yes, but they're more power than deep state types like friend of friend

The next tier up, the highest tier, are people who's wealth is indistinguishable from their country's Treasuries e.g. Saudi Arabia's King

I'll be answering no questions

>> No.52874284

Killing yourself obviously, no point in living anymore for you

>> No.52874345

Thank you fren

>> No.52874347

I do understand and yet a lot of it doesn't add up to much. If you were refining your rhetorical style to captivate zoomers while offering them nothing of real substance, you'd be doing a great job. Not that I'm a zoomer. But I still don't think that you're bullshitting. But I want to know some more about this conversation about power you had. I'll take any gleam of insight into it. I'm competent in myself (and prone to allegorical thinking, which is what my mind craves most when consuming THC) but not the most socially-adept person. Very capable of working in a one-on-one setting but not quite capable of managing perceptions among a crowd. I think that's my weakness. I don't know. Tell me more of this more-enlightening conversation. For better or worse, this is lighting up all the lights in my brain and I want to know more.

>> No.52874399

I want to clarify that I do know what you mean about abstract concepts meaning more the higher up you go and I do believe that accounts for a lot of what, to me at the moment, appears as "vague". But I've been at a point of not-understanding the abstractions of modern life and then transcending that inexperience to operate on a higher level in the world. You're a couple levels above me but I do know I started from just-about the rock bottom. In a proper world you're supposed to have a father initiate you into whatever level he's achieved, but mine died preternaturally young and before I became a man, so I know I'm a couple steps behind although supposedly equipped with the elementary foundation for more.

>> No.52874441
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You discovered pieces of The Gervais Principle, and are now questioning your chosen role in the hierarchy. Congrats on your newfound awareness.


>> No.52874654

I guess what specifically sounds vague? A lot of it was stuff I had heard before but just took on a different meaning as I actually understood it. For example, one thing we talked about what manifesting and what it actually is. It's something that sounds shady if you hear about it at the wrong level, but at the right level you accept that it exists and how to work with it. He pretty much acknowledged he was exactly where he wanted to be and knew exactly what he had sacrificed and why, and I tested him pretty hard on why he didn't have this or that and he gave reasonable answers, very specific answers, that I believed.

>> No.52874708

I'll read that. I remember as a young boy being told (in relation to Michael Scott in The Office) that "people are promoted to their level of incompetence". That a good assistant can be promoted to a good salesman, and a good salesman can be promoted to a bad manager, and then he'll stop being promoted. This simple triangle, "sociopaths > clueless > losers" makes sense. I spent 5 years in a dead-end job (building maintenance) as the "loser" category, telling myself it was fine on account of my Heart, my Ethics, my Politics. Horseshit. It is indeed because I was a Loser. I moved to the white-collar sphere for the first time in my life and now I'm probably in the-bottom-of-Clueless. My team-lead is certainly in the middle of Clueless, and what I mean by "the people I ask for advice, have nothing to offer me". It's clear that I'm dissatisfied with where I'm at. I think my mind has rearranged enough to become sociopath-level (though there's plenty of losers with that mindset, it's nothing special, but it's progress for me at least)but it's all brand new in terms of presenting myself as if I'm functional member of any organization, rather than someone to be forgotten.
I lost the thread of this post while writing it. Ho-hum.

>> No.52874756

I guess I just want to hear more details, advice, and.... Anything specifically that defied your expectations, or specifically turned what-you-thought-it-was on its head.

I spent a long time being complacent and now I am Hungry with a capital-H. Anything you can offer me, I value.

>> No.52874771

how does a loser become clueless?

>> No.52874790

It's because you don't know what the upper levels actually want. Your manager is interesting through the lens of what he wants and his manager is doing the same thing all the way up. You have to ask the higher ups what they want and they will put it to you in terms they think that you understand

>> No.52874798

Jim is the 'will he, won't he' loser/sociopath you describe yourself as. It's all laid out quite well in that read.

>> No.52874819


>> No.52874822

Another thing that might help is that at some point you have to ask people directly for the ideas you seek. Better ideas are not at your level or you would have found them already. That's why the weed and being honest helps.

>> No.52874850

I've read this in the past and the first thing that stands out is there are not three levels and you are on one or two. There are five hundred levels and you are on level one or two.

>> No.52874861

Read King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in terms of natural masculine energy.

Read The 48 Laws of Power. This will help you understand the 'game' the higher-ups are playing.

>> No.52874883

Welcome to hierarchies. Allow me to simplify what you are trying to communicate and help you understand. Everyone in the hierarchy is focused upwards. They only care about the level immediately below as much as the are responsible for their production/results. Very rarely does your boss’s boss give a shit about you, you are your boss’s problem/success. To that level in the hierarchy you didn’t produce a $15 mil account, your boss did because they are taking credit for your success. The more levels you climb the less opportunity exists so the more cut throat it gets. It’s not a meritocracy, it’s about power/manipulation/influence. Full stop, there’s no more too it

>> No.52874903

This thread is cringe and the people in it sound very pathetic.

>> No.52874919

>sociopaths > clueless > losers
OP I sat here and read all your shit and I still don't understand what the fuck it is you were told? You never get to the punchline.

>> No.52874940

This was obviously written by an AI

>> No.52874945

>nooooooo you can't better yourself by learning about power structures, hierarchies, and human nature within communities
Please return to shitposting booba with "Bitcoin is getting fucked"

>> No.52874970

truly this is a magnetic thread because, in all of "/Business and Finance/", this is among the only threads this week that are discussing business, and not just speculative digital assets.

I'm sorry I meant to say "HOW DO I MAKE IT IN CRYPTO?"

>> No.52874977

>retarded babble
If you couldn’t arrive to similar conclusions already and need “enlightenment”, you’re probably too stupid to function beyond rote action.

>> No.52874997

KWML is actually, dare-I-say, based. Although a lot of 48LoP is gay but I'm still aware of it because it's such a trope, you have to be conscious of anyone who has read it.

>> No.52875019

>if you can't conjure up the ideas presented in books before reading them then you're an NPC
U rly m8?

>> No.52875066

Another advice is ask people things you don't want an answer to if you want to broaden your sense of what is possible and why you are where you are at.

>> No.52875089

your not discussing business. Your discussing being a retard employee and the stupid games that you all play inside your wagie cagie. The only reason to work is to learn. The second reason to work is so you can do a side hustle at the same time. Only retards work for money the rest work for assets or equity.
Your basically asking about how to become the head wagie CEO. Nothing wrong with that but this pajeet gambling board pretends to be about business. At least read a book first or better yet go out and start a business crash and burn and learn from it.

>> No.52875096

It just sounds like you were impressed by them and you think of them in high regard. In reality it's not so different as they'd like you to believe.

>> No.52875119

Yes, literally, figuratively, abstractly, maybe even spiritually. The chances of any of you being cognitively abled is very low already. Reading is a meaningless and masturbatory pursuit without a meaningful mind.

>> No.52875159

participation in the wagie cage is business. middle-management politicking is business. this form of business-discussion is more-applicable to 80% of people than what typically goes down on this board.

>> No.52875164

>and I tested him pretty hard on why he didn't have this or that and he gave reasonable answers, very specific answers, that I believed.
>and I tested him pretty hard on why he didn't have this or that and he gave reasonable answers, very specific answers, that I believed.
>this or that

OP do you not see how this is vague as fuck? Literally what are you talking about? To me this sounds ridiculous. "Hello bossx4, why do you only drive a Mercedes instead of a MayBach? What went wrong?"

>> No.52875183

Probably my final advice is that even if you don't believe what I'm saying, take it as another piece of evidence that the path you are on is a lower level of the path i am on. And calling out my bullshit only helps us both.

>> No.52875200

interesting. Is there a book I can read about this?

>> No.52875256

I'm rotating the physical manifestation of your pride in my mind, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.52875275
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>work for multibillion dollar company
>get invited to meet with an executive out of state
>heard about me and wanted to see who I was and what I was like
>guy is literally a sixty year old reptilian avatar of greed that has been incarnated on this plane solely to drain all that is good from it

>> No.52875281

Now that’s funny.

>> No.52875302

Anon this is a gay buttsex thread; only high level homos have le knowledge to decipher OPs esoteric gobbledygook. If you desire enlightenment you must go to the third stall in the men’s room at midnight during the next full moon. There you will meet a fairy who will initiate you into the ancient mysteries.

>> No.52875322

does the fairy utilize crystals to accomplish this task?

>> No.52875338

It’s a secret.

>> No.52875342

When I brought in my first millions in crypto I thought I was hot shit. Than I got invited to a private whale discord thru some people. Talking to people with $800mil + in crypto just chilling and talking about shit going on in their life and what they worry about and their investments and parties and who they socialize with and its like yup I am irrelevant. Def motivates me to do my best and rise as high as I can in life.

>> No.52875376


This is why I’ve become a NEET and don’t give a fuck about anything. it’s all one bullshit game that doesn’t matter in the end. In high school it made sense because you were in your own little specialized small world to social climb. Nobody is going to get my energy. Fucking repitilians… suck my dick.

>> No.52875401

>Def motivates me to do my best and rise as high as I can in life.

It doesn’t matter bro. It’s all fucking gay.

>> No.52875417

Welcome to the real world. You aren't special. you are easily replaceable. Your 15m accounts mean nothing because people smarter than you have created well structured process so any person with half a brain can handle accounts like yours.
Now you know this, you can actually try.

>> No.52875432

>it’s all one bullshit game that doesn’t matter in the end.
No, it's more like, you play one bullshit game that doesn't matter, to the end, and then you find the next bullshit game. They get bigger every time. They always end but there's always another game.

>> No.52875464

desu this is true. if you've trained people who can train people you're worth a mint. If you were trained by someone to perform a function you're worth a portion of what they're worth.

Posting on 4chan? No. Posting on 4chan HIGH.

>> No.52875614


>> No.52875771

Aww babby thought he was a special snowflake and now realizes he's just a cog in the machine. Welcome to the real world. Why should they be thinking about you? They have their own lives, own problems, own responsibilities. Grow up kiddo

>> No.52875777

I think you are missing out on life or rather exiatance in other areas that you have not yet thought of or realised. You seem to be very ego driven and it blinds you from these things, that you might realise or never. Good luck tho.

>> No.52875987

And my advice to you is don't presume anything of the people you're speaking to on this board or those you interact with in person, regardless of how you gauge your own status within whatever boundaries these internal hierarchies of yours are built around.
Your advice is legitimatly worthless, your perspectives are small and your conclusions are a hell of a long way from being tested true. You did the right thing in approaching your wagie elites with an open mind and its great that you've found a new frame for your previous experience but you clearly haven't learned a fucking thing, you still view yourself, those people, all of us and the whole world with those same pathetic boundaries you start with.

>> No.52876064

It sounds like you believe your life had a purpose and your good work at work would help validate some kind of plan that someone higher up had and they would reward you.

What you need to realise is that there are no plans, no higher purpose people are working towards. People in power just find the means to get what they want and they get it. Other people play no part in their thinking, nobody cares about you and the only thing people care about is themselves.

You sound retarded dude not going to lie

>> No.52876078

So what do I do next? Who do I ask?

>> No.52876098

What even is it you're looking for? How to make more money or how to move up this hierarchy you're climbing?
as the aims may well be mutually exclusive

>> No.52876111

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?” (Luke 9:24-25)

>> No.52876154

You sound like you need an education my man. Go back to school and get an MBA, maybe that will help with your own validation issues and help you get some kind of big shot career you seem to think is out of reach

>> No.52876185

this reads like midtwit cope and you will never understand the people "thousands of classes higher" until you understand they are not higher or better, they just have scaled up problems.

bigger numbers, yet in your story you all have the same mental frame. If they are treating you as you would treat someone with 5$; how have you not realized you' are in a circle and not a ramp? How have you not realized ''more to lose" doesn't matter once you have something, anything valuable enough to defend? Can you just not cope with that because it would shatter the ego too much to know what we currently base status on is 'cope'?

Honor and action in your life & around the world matter, not this simple game of "I must acquire more"
They're not that special. Theyre not that good. They just have scale. When you realize this you will step all over them. You came close by having this conversation in what you describe as a "reckless" way. It wasn't reckless. It was a simple change of scope.

Scale up if you want scale. Its not how you find the meaning you are looking for in status, though
>t 3 steps from trump, take it or leave it i do not care

>> No.52876274

Thank you, this sounds genuinely helpful. Part of how I got into this is because I wanted better quality problems. I want to take more actions that align with the beliefs I have. I have touched on the scope and scale aspect but clearly not to the extent you have.

>> No.52876315

You are a faggot if you care about status. It’s really as simple as that. You are an insecure faggot.

>> No.52876321

No problem anon, I wish you the best abd I hope you find meaning

>> No.52876327

Haha you sound like a real cocksucker

>> No.52876355


>> No.52876368
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>i need le status
What are you, a woman trying to flex on your "friends"?
I'm a neet managing a $15 account and i legit feel superior to you (i am).

>> No.52876389

“There’s levels to this shit”

>> No.52876421

You are an ant because you refer to yourself as such, therefore you made it so. No one else.

To be in this state of mind is not healthy, what are you trying to achieve in doing this?

If you cannot see the first part I said for what it really means beyond it, I'm sorry but there's no means of helping your mind.

>> No.52876508

its powerful being open with a no fucks given approach isnt it? you open up a whole new plain of thinking in your mind that you didnt think existed before. Like a miner striking their pic into unclaimed ground you know that there is gold burried somewhere beneath it its just your job now of figuring out the best ways to find it and to keep honing your talent.
This is going to sound gay but my advice is to take a deep breath and look around the office again where you work at. try and see if you notice any new details with your newfound knowledge that you did not notice before. Weed is good at expanding your horizons so its good that you do this but it is not necessary in being able to think freely all the time.

going back to the miner analogy. Examine yourself. what are your goals? where are you going? where have you come from so far? what have you recently learned? this watershed moment is still fresh in your mind so when the dust settles you will get a clearer picture of what has happened and how you have changed. You will know that you have changed when you start to make decisions or interact with people in the almost total opposite way compared to how you did previously. You are growing as a human being and it is a beautiful thing to see. Out of all the places on the internet this is probably the best (an worse) place to come for advice. Godspeed and keep going

>> No.52876584

Thank you kind Anon. I keep getting the advice to understand my goals, which I did or thought I had but the new understanding has changed things.

>> No.52876592

Oh this stuff. It works. Rituals, law of attraction, vibrations. I'm a INFJ so abstract thinking and being open minded to what the universe has to offer is fun but it doesn't have much to do with actually producing anything of value at work other then predicting potential problems and getting ahead of it. If I had more time for philosophy and tried to use it to avoid answering direct questions about my job then it means my job is easy mode of delegation downwards and communication upwards. Most people aren't interested in talking about these abstract concepts so I don't bother.

Caring about status and pecking orders is pointless. You take your knowledge to the next place with a different pecking order.

>> No.52876635
File: 490 KB, 1440x587, Screenshot_20221215_004212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your miner analogy made me think ofnsoemthing about different goals and motivations at different levels. The guy who owns the mine might want to extract as much as possible from the mine - even the hard to reach gold. But the guy who is mining it for him might want to extract the easiest to reach gold the fastest. Their goals are similar and almost align, they largely reach the same end but not exactly.

This reminds me of an experience I had at work in a steel mill. I repair tundishes and get them ready for casting steel (a tundish is vessel above the caster that steel pours into before casting) well anyway my boss was telling us to make sure that all of the built up debris in the overflow spout is clear. He quizzed us why, I said because the lids will be fused to the top potentially making a safety issue when we try to pull them off with the crane, fucking up the lids, crane, etc. He said no. The issue is if it overflows upstairs in the wrong spot it could burn down the whole caster potentially killing a few guys and putting hundreds of people out of a job "I could give two fucks about the lids"

Anyway I say this to show how our goals were different but had similar results. I need to clean the spout because I dont want to fuck up the tundish and lids and make more work or a safety issue for me, he wants me to clean the spout so that I don't cause the whole plant to burn down. I'm thinking about 1 job and 45 minutes of extra work, he's thinking about potentially tens of millions of $ lost and maybe 200 people out of work. Our goals have similar results but different motivations.

>> No.52876642

Quads and OP will die trying to impress people

>> No.52878005
