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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52871107 No.52871107 [Reply] [Original]

>"Conclusions After the 2008 economic crisis, rates of suicide increased in the European and American countries studied, particularly in men and in countries with higher levels of job loss."

Well, how many are gonna do it in '23-'24 during the next major, inevitable financial collapse? Will any people we are all hoping to do it actually go through with it? I'm personally hoping for at least some very high profile ones.

>> No.52871133

Every single bitfuck will hang with ropes paid for by XRP holders.

>> No.52871164

Hey I'm all in favor of you xrp schizos as long as you don't join forces with kikes, chinks and glownigs. If you do ally with those demonic forces, it's actually you who I hope is decapitated by your own hand.

>> No.52871386

Majority of XRP holders will be hunted down like animals, XSG will live calm lives away from the hustle and bustle. People on 4chan in general don’t want to be in the spot light ever. Especially if it’s over crypto

>> No.52871427

>particularly in men
This is why the west is falling, weak men. What kind of cowards blows his brains out over cotton and linen?

>> No.52871698

Why do you think they call it a mort-gage. It literally means death pledge. The banks are not "helping" you into home ownership, they are building a market dependant on usury if most people ever want a house.

>> No.52872062

>So called because the deal dies either when the debt is paid or when payment fails. Old French mort is from Vulgar Latin *mortus "dead," from Latin mortuus, past participle of mori "to die" (from PIE root *mer- "to rub away, harm," also "to die" and forming words referring to death and to beings subject to death). The -t- was restored in Modern English based on Latin.

whoa, thanks anon you actually just confirmed my antisemtic beliefs even more. Inshallah the tribe will be ousted from Power in '23 at the end of Shmitah

>> No.52872082

We need strong millionaires not strong broke soldiers you retard

>> No.52872155

na, this is cuck-logic. I tried explaining this to someone like literally yesterday I wanna say:

Basically, old fiefdoms only got away with horrible things while the men who paid their "lord" weren't strong enough to overthrow them and establish order themselves because every human is selfish and capable of lethal violence. If we had a world of warriors instead of the world we have now, we might have more egalitarian idealism because the alternative would be an axe in the neck from your neighbor who is tired of your usurious bullshit.

>> No.52872446

A man with nothing and no one to live for, anon.

>> No.52872489

true, but unfortunately covid, everything surrounding it showed how brainwashed the average person is. It's ogre...

>> No.52872492

Someone's Dilemma (probably Prisoner's, idk I'm too tired to brain it). It serves society to be made up of warriors with self-control, but it serves any given individual to be the only strong one. The people who can support warrior-making are disincentivized to.

>> No.52872626

It's already happening nigger suicide and depression is sky rocketing by the plannedemic alone, has killed more than this so called disease. Just look at the statistics at the suicide rates increasing
Zoomers are the most depressed generation as they have 0 to aspire to, they become troons and do swallow dances on TikTok and consume only to fill the empty void that will never get filled. Most zoomers are afraid to come out of their smelly room cave and talk to others it far worse than you think. The financial collapse is gonna wipe out the remaining gen x and millennials

>> No.52872659

We'll just go rural or hide in some tax haven

>> No.52874498

im pretty well set up financially and i still contemplate suicide daily

>> No.52874519
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>> No.52874530


I do not believe the glownigger addage popular in the zeitgeist that "find a universal incentivizing goal and you can unite mankind". Simple and sad truth is might makes right at the moment and it willl soon turn to those who are right will gain the might to smite.