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52870944 No.52870944 [Reply] [Original]

So has the market crashed or is it still crashing? I want to buy more index funds but I'm afraid

>> No.52870981

I'd still rather fuck an anime girl, bros, what do. WHen is anime going to be real?

>> No.52871049

>not even panties
Come on bitch, really? What dignity are you actually preserving by using shorts instead?

>> No.52871119

If she was anime they'd be panties.

>> No.52871139

She's probably a militant feminist dyke anyway.

>> No.52871167

If she was anime she would be an understanding tomboy wannabe or submissive. She would assume stereotypes that favor the male sex drive with enough nuance to be both believable and memorable.

>> No.52871184

oh look another entitled, life-on-easy-mode whore finds a new angle to enhance her grift of the pay-pigs who support her parasitic existence. LOL. Hope she gets raped by one of those sk8ter boi frens of hers. Rolling for Nyjah.

>> No.52871200

Seeing a physically attractive girl doing such unwomanly things is fucking with my brain.

>> No.52871211

Imagine her doing a 720 on my dick, haha.

>> No.52871238

Ok can you tell me what you look like to help me imagine it though? Are you a fat faggot neckbeard retard? Or a chinless gymcel?

>> No.52871791

god shes perfect

>> No.52871793

that's a man.

>> No.52871812


>> No.52871823


>> No.52871830
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lmao at you worthless basement dwellers.
i am not even that good looking but i banged sluts like her every weekend in uni
go hang yourself.

>> No.52871850

Holy shit kek

>> No.52871852

When the normie is afraid it's time to go all-in
Spoiler: you're the normie

>> No.52871859

Give me the name

>> No.52871866
File: 46 KB, 913x181, verycringeindeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won't. Anons who don't show sauce in webms do it on purpose.

>> No.52871868
File: 1.57 MB, 498x382, OP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ man
she didn't choose how she looks any more than you did

how fucking miserable are you?
just let people do what they wanna

>> No.52871913

wtf bros i could never learn to tre flip

i could hardflip though

>> No.52871936

OP that basterd bitch

>> No.52871941

she choose not to be fat and ugly by actually eating healthy and doing sports.
something the average retard here never did

>> No.52871979

Like 95% of men on this planet wont even touch a girl like the one in the OP. Hell I don't even see anyone like that in my middle class lifestyle. If you banged them every week you're a top 1-5% human or just severely overrating your slays.

>> No.52871996

lol a woman with a nervously guilty conscience about her own depraved lifestyle wrote this. litterally kill yourself! I don't even know you and I think you should benefit the world by killing yourself.

>> No.52872004
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lol okay pay-pig white-knight, I'm sure you'll get pussy in '23, I'm just SURE of it! They can't keep denying you FOREVER can they? No, no, that just can't be. You're SUCH a good GUY!

>> No.52872018

I believe some woman are okay about 20% does that make me a redditor

>> No.52872050

One of us is saying "just relax and let people do things they want to do"
The other of us is a miserable fuck who is spreading negativity and telling someone to kill themself.

Which of us do you honestly believe the world would be better off without?
Lighten up. Breathe. Treat other people with kindness.

>> No.52872053

Not even that good. Tre on a bank and a front board. Literally baby shit lmao.
I was doing shit like this back in middle school and didn't even think it was cool enough to take vids of.
Fucking attention whore. At least bust a line.

>> No.52872086

If you didn't impregnate them who cares? Sex without procreation is a larp. You are literally live action role playing procreation by having protected sex.

>> No.52872089
File: 419 KB, 581x431, im_better_than_you_glownigger_kike_rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah, it would 100% be better with more of me and less of you kike-rat-glownigger faggot woman. With a world of Me, I'd leave the other Me's alone because I know we're all seriously unstable but otherwises peaceful and wanting to be left alone.

>> No.52872098

cya l8er boi.

>> No.52872108


>> No.52872170

Lol who gives a shit about procreation? Its all about living life to the fullest. I would rather fuck supermodels 24/7 for the rest of my life than have kids with some average broad.

>> No.52872184

But your not fucking supermodels right now and you sure as hell wont when your 60

>> No.52872189

If that's what "fills" whatever cavities you may have then by all means. For me? It's hentai

>> No.52872191

lol okay and you just lost the respect and willingness-to-work-for-your-standards-of-living of every single family man you just shit on constantly because you are an antinatalist degenerate faggot who should kill themselves publicly and film it.

>> No.52872207

Good looking escorts are cheap. Especially in poorer countries.
I'm not autistic so I need big tits and real tangible physical beauty.

>> No.52872239

Im not an anti natalist I just dont think it makes sense in the present context, our social fabric is far too detached and artificial to bring kids into it, which is what most first worlders are realizing.

>> No.52872254

It's all in the scoop. If you get those down perfectly, the flip happens on its own.

>> No.52872283

lol okay you just keep not having children and I'm going to have many and save my species and watch yours burn to the ground because of niggerkike policies. cuck and a coward, kill yourself.

>> No.52872290

I've been buying TQQQ anytime it drops below around $19 by selling puts for slightly lower. Idk if that will exercise any more, but you could set a higher price target to the same effect. Idfk whats gonna happen, and neither does anyone else, but I think we're hovering close to the bottom and I think now is a good time to start accumulating.

t. 575 shares TQQQ at an average of $19.23

>> No.52872295

Ok anon you can get started any time. How many have you made so far?

>> No.52872336

imagine getting psyoped into lowering your standard of living to produce cannon fodder for the elites

>> No.52872405

Yes anon, it is every single creature on earth that is psyoped (well yeah if you wanna get into it but that's another level) and not the people wanting to live the lifestyles of rappers and Bankbergers.

>> No.52872445

Well we are going back to stone age era (constant shitskin invasion, effective slavery via economics, declining life spans, subpar culture, etc). Its safe to say that for first worlders the best era has passed. Why not just enjoy life to the fullest?

>> No.52872611

Who said anything about protection. Pull out, live life on the edge. Or impregnate them and skip town (remember to use a fake name)

>> No.52872630

shes so beautiful sirs

>> No.52872685

god I wish more women would dress like this
the world would be a better place

t. I have fucked girls on her level and above, but they usually dress boring as hell

>> No.52872689
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>> No.52872712

bros...I'm in love

>> No.52872729
File: 172 KB, 573x509, 898k1qdimen51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfff, NO WAY!!!!!!

>> No.52872735
File: 5 KB, 250x201, 1649275322483s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black shorts
>black socks
what else BLACK does she like?

>> No.52873069
File: 330 KB, 1200x630, hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's you in the picture?

that's an empty life. don't chose the boths maximum of the scale, just be in between and have 1-2 kids.

>> No.52873111

i am unironically in the top 2% of men
over 6 feet tall, white, and make more than 100k per year
sorry you're left out but yeah it's nice up here.

only thing you can do is this: become very well read, exercise, and learn how to cook well. that's the only way you're allowed into the club. desu we all love an ugly dude that can get laid with all of the above. he brings good conversation, doesn't show off his vanity gains, and feeds everyone delicious foods. they're non threatening to us chads but at the same time they're almost like chads to us:
the uggo that gets laid because of his personality and traits. the funny thing is, he just might win from age 50 on, and us chads know we might now. thus, he is a future chad. and we all know it. thus we must learn from him, respect him, and teach him our ways, such that we may learn his.

>> No.52873134

This is why I quite skateboarding. When I saw the niggers and spica move in i knew it was all down hill

>> No.52873150

lol Same. Why are people so retarded

>> No.52873180

She pressed on something (a ziplock bag of fake diarrhea probably) inside his pants with her hands, and you can see her hands move quickly as the bag pops and the liquid comes out.

>> No.52873209

No clue. I miss it though, hanging out on the streets as a teen skating was the best

>> No.52873318


> over 6 feet tall, white, and make more than 100k per year

This gets you 35+ year old girls that have nice bodies, are dumb, and are looking to settle down. At best.