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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 1024x614, raiblocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5284960 No.5284960 [Reply] [Original]

Where my Raiblock faggots at?

This shit is my comfiest hold.

>> No.5285166
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Reporting in at ATH

>> No.5285204

Holding 11k, lambo material?

>> No.5285237
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>> No.5285249

Comfy as fk with bzc

>> No.5285303

In for a little, thinking of going deeper in. Just read the white paper, now going to read the AMA. Heard it would be technically difficult to add to an exchange for some reason, interested in hearing more about that. Also want to know more details about if IOTA is a threat or which technology is inherently better. And then the last thing would be institutional support. It doesn't seem to have much currently, but that's not necessarily a bad thing...maybe it's not necessary for it to flourish, or maybe it will come.

>> No.5285443

I'm so proud of what it's become. I remember that day on Slack where Colin seemed to be on the verge of just giving up on the project completely, yet here we are.

>> No.5285536
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>> No.5285580

Can anyone explain the voting thing to a brainlet?

Because on one hand the justification for trusting the top weighted accounts to vote 'correctly' is that they are financially motivated in the stability and success of the system, which I agree with, but if I understand correctly, rather than these decamillionaires sitting at their laptops voting on shit, they can hire 'representatives' to vote for them...but the representatives would not have that financial incentive am I wrong?

>> No.5285629

I can't do it lads. I saw a 23 BTC sell wall go up and I had to bail. there's just not enough liquidity for this kind of risk. luckily I made $500 off the dumb asses in the LTC/XRB market on bitgrail though.

>> No.5285692

Can someone spoonfeed me on this shit, what is it and why is it gonna moon

>> No.5285878

You choose whichever representative you want, you can be your own representative if you like. The top ones with the most voting power are all financially invested in the success in the project and I doubt anyone would delegate their voting share to a person or organization who is not part of the community.

You can check the reps here: https://raiblocks.net/page/representatives.php

>> No.5286101

Dude just buy and hold long term. Who cares about daily swings? Day trading is for gambling addicts.

>> No.5286277

Is this coin really tax free? Will it still be tax free and ultra fast even if it has massive adoption? Cause i remember BTC was pretty fast and low fees just a few months ago.

>> No.5286334

Lol, I think that was me, bought XRB for 9.5 LTC and lost around 500$. I'm a newfag so I didn't realise that the volume for LTC/xrb on that site is really low so the price is way higher than it would be on a proper exchange. Oh well, lesson learned, in the future I'll just transfer BTC and take the fee

>> No.5286407
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>> No.5286675

someone answer me pls

>> No.5286799

there was a few people that did it, one guy let 50 LTC go around the same price, so he lost a lot. thank you for your donation. also check the usd prices on low volume markets like that.

>> No.5286911
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>> No.5286924
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Yeah, transactions are permanently free like Iota, transactions are instant and it's infinitely more scalable than Bitcoin. Check pic related.

>> No.5286953

fucking hate how this is only on bitgrail, plus no blockfolio support.

i only have like 10

>> No.5287011

is it worth buying at 25000 sats when i already acquired 1200 XRB for half that in the dip?

>> No.5287020
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Any clue when it will drop in price?
I wanna get 100, but that shit is gonna be steep.


>> No.5287029
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please replace your disaster of a png with this

>> No.5287032

Use Delta my fellow friend. They have XRB there.
It's on Bitgrail, Mercatox, and it will probably be listed on Moonstats (https://twitter.com/moonstatscom/status/943403655935426560).).

>> No.5287042

yeah i wanna buy too but i'm a poorfag and BTC fees are killing me fuck

>> No.5287132

Thanks senpai

>> No.5287141

Raiblock faggot reportin' in

>> No.5287952

I've just read through all the AMA and I'm as confident as ever this is gonna be a big player in the near future. If you're after a coin to hold this is the one, the potential market cap ceiling is high.

>> No.5288015 [DELETED] 

i'm wondering if being free versus essentially free is even worth it when PoWhatever has to be done locally for every transaction, bottenecked at about 2 tps (4 with a gtx 1080)

>> No.5288111

We are raiders

>> No.5288319

I cannot withdraw my Rai from bitgrail to raiwallet, the withdraw is just stuck on 'pending', why is that?

>> No.5288535

The desktop wallet takes a while to sync, you can use the same wallet online and it syncs instantly. Go to the online wallet site 'raiwallet.com. Go to sign in -> Recover your wallet with your seed. Enter your seed along with your email and new password for your account. The transaction will then get recognised and will be loaded into your wallet in no time.

>> No.5288573

Make sure the url starts with https as that's the official site and not some dodgy copy.

>> No.5288846

This shit is ploughing through every sell wall in it's path. I love this coin.

>> No.5288915

>25k sat wall now gone
>next stop 28k

>> No.5289556

This coin has been mooning for days now, why is barely anyone on biz talking about it?

>> No.5289677

Guys I'm scared its climbing way too fast and the volume barely moves, not healthy at all.

>> No.5289686

because it's a death trap. there's massive whales ready to dump and barely any liquidity to rely on, and the only exchanges that have been willing to list it are borderline scam sites. it's also a very hard to list coin due to the unique tech. I bailed earlier today, I feel a whole market correction coming.

>> No.5289881

>25k sat wall now gone
>next stop 28k

Hey guys, I'm new to this.
I don't understand those terms. Could someone explain this to me?

>> No.5289970

Can someone confirm this info?

>> No.5290124

Classic FUD, there's big whales involved in literally every coin. Barely any liquidity? Use your brain.

>> No.5290151

Never take advice off /biz/ when to sell a coin, you'll fail miserably.

>> No.5290179

i should have bought more.

fuck man.

>> No.5290213

lol dont listen to pajeet. when this goes to binance, its fucking MOONING for real.

>> No.5290842

But when?

Got 1 k to drop on this but the exchanges it is on are too risky for something with such a low market cap. If it got listed or news of being listed on binance or something I'd be all in at 7k, but I just can't risk throwing away money or getting a hard correction

>> No.5290901


600mil isnt really a low market cap

>> No.5290969
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>bought 6 months ago before /biz/ caught on

I actually tried to shill it here, but people would rather jump from memes to memes

>> No.5291560

But I am already using the 'raiwallet.com', I don't even have a desktop wallet, and the transaction still says 'processing' on Bitgrail

>> No.5292084

Which one is better BitGrail or Mercatox?

>> No.5293150


>> No.5293379
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>Trying to buy Raiblocks
>My transaction are taking days


>> No.5293402

Sitting with 4988, will I make it!?

>> No.5294288

same here
fuck yeahhhhh. we're going to $10 easy

was considering selling my link to buy more at the low, but didn't go through :(

>> No.5294337

Where you buying from?

>> No.5294461

Bought from normiebase like a retard

Transaction just came through though. Time to get on board bois

>> No.5294529
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>in at 70 cents
>so fucking comfy

>> No.5294558

Is there a way you can track your profit? It's not on Blockfolio

>> No.5294572


>> No.5294620

Could replace BTC if it gets enough attention, not even kidding

>> No.5294636

There's an app called Delta that does the same thing as Blockfolio but has XRB listed

>> No.5294639

Bitgrail or Mercatox please someone tell quickly

>> No.5294649


>> No.5294669

Why tho

>> No.5294679

Well done, enjoy your lambo in a few weeks. Is there any other promising coin that you would invest in? Let's say for 6 months hodl?

>> No.5294680


It has the potential to be a $100 coin.

>> No.5294854

i use delta. better than blockfolio in so many ways.

>> No.5295044

Just bought 5000. Anyone wish this was minable? The coin distribution will always be suspect with this coin

>> No.5295045

is anyone verified on these bullshit pajeet exchanges? will you be able to cash out your gains?

>> No.5295085

Nobody cashes out on these exchanges. You convert to BTC and send elsewhere if you want out.

>> No.5295120

that's what I meant. pretty sure the limits are 0.5 BTC, yet everyone in this thread has a stack of 10-50k XRB.

>> No.5295339


>> No.5295350

god damn guyz. i cant stop looking at my DELTA.

its so nuts seeing this shit at over $5. i get legit goosebumps from looking at it.

>> No.5295545

in at 8 cents. i feel like a god :D

>> No.5295615

>try to buy some
>not on any of my exchanges
>sign up to some dodgy exchange that its listed on
>deposits disabled


how is anyone even buying this shit, let alone 600billion of it

>> No.5295634

why is this shit not in blockfolio?

>> No.5295674

Wow, welcome to lamboland. 8 figure portfolio by summer is my guess

>> No.5295860

I got in back in April or something

According to their Twitter, they're working on it.

i'm gonna need iron hands to not sell til then

>> No.5296039

I'm worried about this too. hard to buy, even harder to sell.

>> No.5296116

>Too hard to buy
That's literally a positive thing.
Take XVG - it was only available on super shit exchanges at first. Hard to buy, hard to sell, hovering around 4 sats.
Once it made it to the big exchanges, the price went ballistic but coincidentally it was already too late.

Go the fucking extra mile and buy your bags even if it's hard. By the time buying XRB is easy, the ship has already sailed.
Act now so you can say "I told you so!" in 2018

>> No.5296141

yeah, I know that. I'm most worried about this bull market turning on us though. literally every coin is at ATH, there needs to be a pull back.

>> No.5296150


pulling my hair out trying to buy this shit but it will be worth it

>> No.5296175

Nothing he said made sense.

Whales don’t give af about this coin yet, unless they see something in it and they’re accumulating

>> No.5296183

Fair point. XRB is on an ATH now, but in the meantime you can do everything you can to get BTC onto Bitgrail or whatever.
Wait for a dip and jump in, but don't go all in.

>> No.5296213

Nice is that your main holding?

My guess is that it’ll get to $458,000 eventually, but you’ll want to sell off some as it goes up

>> No.5296238

I used both. Mercatox is cheaper but the wallet won’t let you withdraw yet bc they can’t handle the traffic

BitGrail let me withdraw

>> No.5296269
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S-shaped adoption curves. Just avoid the vaporware

>> No.5296694

Relatively new to crypto, this looks pretty promising both from a technological and a financial return standpoint. Waiting for my LTC to be transferred to Bitgrail so I can convert it to XRB, looks like it could take as long as 72 hours. Will I make it in time to see decent gains for hodling?

>> No.5296816

This baby is going to $100.

>> No.5296909
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>> No.5296921

How soon do you reckon? I have no doubt on it mooning but I'm curious as to prediction around timeframe.

>> No.5297178

Can I please have a lambo?

>> No.5297199

damn. sold my 50k rais @1usd. another moon mission missed. gl boys

>> No.5297328
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You could've had $5 mil if you just waited till $100 next year..

>> No.5297384

rip. also bought digibyte at 45sats and sold at 130 literally before the epic moon mission. im in since 2016 november and didnt make it yet. not a single moon mission. fml

>> No.5297594


>> No.5297674

When majority of /biz/ talk about it then it's your signal to bail. So far it's just one thread. Once you see 5, 10 railblock threads then it's time to bail.

Nah. Mineable mean the rich will have majority of supply since poor people don't have the rigg to mine it.
Distribution is probably the best part about this coin. No ICO, No founder reward. Just regular people who want to do capcha for it resulting in lots of pajeets and poor people have this coin. And those people have weak hands.

You can't if you are a big player. If you are a small player, 0.5 btc per day is good enough.

There's only 133 million of it.

Imagine people with your mentality then no one would buy it. Other people see the potential, see it's hard to buy and still buy it and now here we are. It went like 20x past weeks.

It won't be $100 anytime soon. So best to take profit when you want. Don't be too greedy. Become 100 mean over 100 billion marketcap.

>> No.5297680

is it on online wallet or an exchange ?. If latter, you're fucking retarded

>> No.5297779

It's a decent coin on paper, lots of Reddit hype and all, but let's do some FUD.

1. We have no idea if the tech is sound, scalable, hacker proof and so on. Tons of experts and millions of USD have been dedicated to making cheap transactions work. The likelihood of some random guy solving this problem out of nowhere is kinda small.
2. Even if the tech is sound, why should this particular implementation succeed instead of, say, some fork or similar product with much better marketing (which perhaps even adds something extra, like privacy)?
3. IOTA, for example, seems to have almost the same product, plus big boys behind it.
4. No incentives for node operators, other than the value of the coin.
5. Needs beefy hardware to work with decent TPS. People talk about that lab 7000 TPS experiment, but that's not going to be a realistic figure IRL. The dev even admitted this in the AMA. It does not get any faster with more users, the bottleneck is the individual node.

>> No.5298033

You're talking out of your ass

>> No.5298240

Nice arguments.
Seriously, though, go do some reading. It's an interesting project, but it could go to shit for several reasons.

>> No.5298300

Yeah I've done my fair share of reading, been aware of it since June

>> No.5298680


Let me de-FUD a bit:

>1. We have no idea if the tech is sound, scalable, hacker proof and so on.

Based on Bitcoin, which is proven to be sound. The DAG is a reorganization that allows optimization. IOTA actually has less-tested and less-reliable technology. There's also byteball.

Nothing really new was invented in RaiBlocks - just reorganizing old, proven ideas. That reorganization allows scalability.

BTC vs RaiBlocks is kinda like SVN vs git.

> The likelihood of some random guy solving this problem out of nowhere is kinda small.

Pieces based on prior work. Architecture is genius (based on hindsight learning from BTC).

>2. Even if the tech is sound, why should this particular implementation succeed instead of, say, some fork or similar product with much better marketing (which perhaps even adds something extra, like privacy)?

Specialization. No extra cruft. Quality. It's all about decentralized, instant, free microtransactions. Ironically, making it simpler makes it easier to audit than a coin with smartcontracts.

>3. IOTA, for example, seems to have almost the same product, plus big boys behind it.

Partnerships are only good for pump and dump schemes. The actual value of a coin long term grows with usage. See BTC and XMR. Litecoin didn't grow because of partnership - it was simply undervalued.

btw, big boys want centralization and control.

>4. No incentives for node operators, other than the value of the coin.

Due to PoW done on the client side, running a node is incredibly cheap. Exchanges have enough incentives to make withdrawls and deposits fast.

>5. Needs beefy hardware to work with decent TPS.

Compared to mining hardware for other coins?

> People talk about that lab 7000 TPS experiment, but that's not going to be a realistic figure IRL.

As if 7000 TPS is a problem right now.

>> No.5298749


IOTA does not have any product at all, and is not related to raiblocks in any way.

IOTA only has a centralized Coordinator, backdoors in wallets and network-code. and lots of hype and marketing.

>> No.5298838

this is a fkn shitcoin that won't go anywhere and get dumped when it lists on exchanges. order book too thin for whales to dump atm

>> No.5299156


i asked him about this on discord, and all he said was it basically does 2 tps on the node unless you have a gtx 1080 and then it does 4 tps.

beware much of what i'm about to write may be technically mistakenm:

he said one server is running all the transactions smoothly now (im guessing with just a few people per hour buying), but didn't clarify what happens when lots of users get in... since the client is doing the pow, it'll show up on the exchange's energy bill, who would also have to build out their graphics computing infrastructure (he said would cost $175/month, but i'm guessing increases with user-count) just to handle any significant number of users who join (that's probably why bitgrail and mercatox were so shitty), and they wouldn't be able to charge a transaction fee

this is also why bitgrail and mercatox hold 5% of the XRB token dividend each, because exchanges have zero incentive to list XRB outside of trader demand (unless they charge, which would make the "free"ness of XRB irrelevant), and you'll notice we've heard very little about any major exchanges being planned

i also asked if it was technically possible to increase tps eventually but got no answers, while EOS claims millions of tps by EOY 2018 (don't know if they're planning to be a payment service/finite currency as opposed to web platform)

>> No.5299248

Post screenshots of messages

>> No.5299259

I gave 4x my 10 dollars should've put more

>> No.5299428


scroll to Today at 1:43 AM (it's 11:36 AM where i am)
that's where questions about tps and gpu's start...
maybe i didn't understand completely, but where is the incentive for an exchange to list XRB?

>> No.5299494

BTC fees when buying and selling.
ETH fees when buying and selling.
Trading fees in general.

>> No.5300213

Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.

>> No.5300437

About to pass iota in price and there's a fucking long way to go before we hit iota market cap. $100 xrb baby.

Let's see iota jump 40% you niggers.

>> No.5300478

Got in at 30 cents and boy do I feel fucking comfy

>> No.5300516

no, pajeet fuck off

>> No.5300597

There is huge incentive to list XRB. First you will get a lot of new users from your competing exchanges. Second you will get a lot of volume and volume equals money. Third you can charge for withdrawals to cover pow and node running cost.

The downside is the man hours required to support new tech. But I think it's still a good long term investment for an exchange.

>> No.5300671


>> No.5301426

It has a lot of hype and volume even being on random exchanges. Why wouldnt big exchanges want them?

>> No.5301514

Can't believe /biz/ just heard of XRB. Just lol

>> No.5301520

RaiBlocks is like IOTA, but it actually works, is not a scam and is technologically better than Bitcoin. Rai Blocks has literally 0 faults. Go name one. You can't.

>> No.5301602

Apparently its not too secure.

I dont know actually. Thats just what FUDers say. Im invested though.

>> No.5301678

$100 means $10B marketcap

>> No.5301831

Tell me how it is not secure.

>> No.5302273

he just said he didn't know dickbrain

>> No.5302953

Oh shit you are right which is totally doable. I guess $100 isn't out of question. Even

>> No.5303221
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The marketcap volume is completely wrong for raiblocks, it has increased by 30 million when only 5 million has been traded. The value is incredibly imbalanced.

>> No.5303367

Supply and demand