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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 388 KB, 1280x720, filtered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52863439 No.52863439 [Reply] [Original]

How many zoomers did this guy filter.
And he only wants people to make money and become better. Do tell me anons you did not fall for the jewish tricks again did you?

>> No.52863450

>you did not fall for the jewish tricks
I indeed didn't that's why I pirated his videos

>> No.52863451


>> No.52863897


Imagine unironically watching this scammers content

>> No.52864207
File: 859 KB, 736x1309, earthworm jim(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

him flexing that hard with his head back looks like he's poop'n

>> No.52864270

I watched it ironically
What really tipped me off is that he sells this chess course, and it's some other guy in the videos

>> No.52864282
File: 479 KB, 407x590, Thereyougo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be the single gayest picture ever posted in the history of mankind holy shit.

>> No.52864301

that's shopped

>> No.52864319

No it's fucking not you moron I've posted the full picture here and every single time you say it's shopped.
You haven't proven it's shopped because it's very clearly real you can see the womans finger holding the picture up.

>> No.52864320

It's a high quality grift considering he relies on decoy attributes to be hated. Everyone argues about his personality traits rather than the fact that he's openly milking simps with self help book ponzi schemes.
>he's always been a decent actor

>> No.52864380

I mean the physical printed picture in the electronic picture is shopped

He's a scammer but he's entertaining
I'll never give him a single cent though

>> No.52864635

cause grannies do tons of photoshopping

>> No.52866161

I heard he mostly promotes shilling him on the internet for few bucks, is there anything usefull there?

>> No.52866328

this man is selling supplements lmao

>> No.52866380

What a gay and childish 'machete'

>> No.52866421
File: 95 KB, 1098x1006, 7CB7E1E0-A302-4007-A83F-4377F2A6CFD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is ruining zoomers. Peddling the idea that relationships between men and women are inherently adversarial is a mind poison. It’s bad when blackpilled incels do it, but this guy takes it up to eleven and he has the clout to make it stick.

>> No.52866499
File: 9 KB, 236x236, b8b2d288d2044e578dc0aa65fbf032de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the "original" pic

>> No.52866502

You have to be a real piece of shit to sell normies the idea that they can all become rich and enlightened

>> No.52866522

>I've posted the full picture here

Meds now

>> No.52866561
File: 482 KB, 387x473, Fuckingshills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the same picture fucking retards.
Also that is very clearly a photoshopped image.

>> No.52866567


>> No.52866575

I like Andrew Tate because he's entertaining but his whole Muzzie larping shtick is cringe and transparent. He does have a lot of valid points but ultimately you can never trust a hustler especially as an outsider

>> No.52866596

>3 rupees have been deposited into your fiverr account Rakeem

>> No.52866609

>machete on his bed
Is this guy twelve years old mentally

>> No.52866617

Why do polcels get so triggered by tate? Is it because hes a mutt and hes become a steretypical gigachad zoomers look up to while they are seething incel chuds mad that a mutt is superior to them?

>> No.52866634

Nevermind that, the sunglasses, watch and flexing with his pencilneck is sincerely the gayest thing I've ever witnessed a man do, this jewish faggot was clearly some scrawny kikes fuck toy now he's overcompensating.

>> No.52866654

Nice try not even from /pol/ I'm an oldfaggot here and you will never beat this shit into the zeitgeist no matter how long you try kike.

I'm glad to know I single-handedly fucked your little scam much like I have other known grifters here.

>> No.52866674


kill yourself you fucking nigger

>> No.52866686

>Why do polcels get so triggered by tate?

He's criticized Christcucks

>> No.52866699


>> No.52866704

We're all aware he's a grifter you fat retard

>> No.52866721

Nope, He's a kike and was born a kike, quit equating the natural born hatred of parasitic behavior as some pathetic 4chan board behavior.
It's born and bred into every single human to hate kikes, kikes are the first race to invent scamming and they never stopped.

Pajeets unironically have more honor.

>> No.52866733

You could have lost all your savings on a cumfaggotcoin, and it would be still less retarded than buying this faggots shit

>> No.52866739

>I like him
>We know he's a scamming kike
Man you sure move goalposts quite rapidly schlomo.

>> No.52866762

No idea who that is but he's bald as fuck so that's unfortunate.

>> No.52866764

Found the jew
What color is ur bughatti

>> No.52866788

shutup retard i'm not a tate fan but you seriously have nigger tier IQ