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52865005 No.52865005 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52865031

>communism is unrealistic and wants you to die

>> No.52865039

Imagine unironically trying to create Heaven on Earth. Yeah nice 'utopia', faggot, now up against the wall. Look at the girl in this picture, she's like 18 years old. Do you listen to the wisdom of EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD WOMEN, Anon? Kill yourself.

>> No.52865044


Never, ever, on a national level

>> No.52865053

have sex

>> No.52865076

>comparing a physical system to a spiritual system
Seek Jesus and you will find God, from which all knowledge and wisdom is derived. May God bless you

>> No.52865094

just say you are owned

>> No.52865124

I am my Father's.

>> No.52865140

>Seek Jesus and you will find God, from which all knowledge and wisdom is derived
you are and NPC anon. Christianity closes your mind

>> No.52865147

>Why does a description of Utopia sound like my Utopian ideology?
I knew women were dumb, but are they really this dumb.

>> No.52865150

communism is getting starved and murdered by Jews, why the fuck would religious people want that OP?

>> No.52865156

Communism isn’t about any of those things. Communism is about worshipping niggers and homosexuals.

>> No.52865171

he’s right regarding how retarded that comparison is. Stalin = god lmao

>> No.52865177
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How does babby formed

>> No.52865185

And this is why women(pic) and fags(op) shouldn't vote.

>> No.52865199
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>omnipresent all powerful God
>Sinners sent to hell for eternity

what a retard

>> No.52865200

Learn not be an easily lead faggot communist bunker chan retard AND have sex.

>> No.52865210

so basically communism is as unrealistic as there being a christian heaven

>> No.52865216

Seek and you will find.

>> No.52865222

Young people are so fucking stupid.

>> No.52865271


>> No.52865272

Gulag Archipelago would like to have a word with you, get in the car.

>> No.52865284

Heaven is a lot like a communist country because everyone inside is dead

>> No.52865317

In communism there is (worthless) money, there is a (violent, aggressive) state, and there are classes. So?

>> No.52865338

in the commie theory the State is just a transitional phase before removing it. in practice we all know it's impossible to rule large number of humans without some central autority enforcing rules, aka a state

>> No.52865366
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Sage in every field.

>> No.52865383

>not a single counter argument, just personal attack
incels cant even refute a woman

>> No.52865401

>refute a woman
Women refute themselves. They should be in the kitchen.

>> No.52865422

have sex

>> No.52865429
File: 692 KB, 1044x548, CHAZ Garden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, you can't even explain where our food supply comes from without referencing Harry Potter or astrology.

>> No.52865449

no u.

>> No.52865457
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Define "woman", faggot.

>> No.52865463
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>communism is a fairy tale for smoothbrains
She's not wrong

>> No.52865480

and then she realized christianity is a disease on society at the same level as communism and frequently they are the communist

>> No.52865481


>> No.52865639

Noone should rule the people, people should rule themselves, so no need for state eventually. Feudalists or fashists won't get it.

>> No.52865721

Bro you will literally have God himself next door to you, why would you need money for?
Remember when Jesus was at the mountain preaching? The people there were so fulfilled to be next to God they had no need for anything else

Unrelated but also whos the faggot the keeps getting me warned by posting on my ip

>> No.52865857

Heaven would have perfect people so of course communism would work there. Why are women retarded?

>> No.52865916
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but if you die as a victim of communism then you go to heaven and then you can finally get your moneyless, stateless, classless paradise.
this is pretty much the confirmation that communism is actually effective at achieving its purpose.

>> No.52865951

Great, I’ll believe communism when carl marx can hand out unlimited food and split a river in half

>> No.52865968

Do people need food and shelter to survive in heaven?

>> No.52865993

I grew up in a church-going family, went to a private Christian school as a kid, and live in the deep south Bible belt and have never, not one single time, heard anybody describe heaven using those words - moneyless, stateless, and classless. I suppose she isnt wrong, but nobody uses those words to describe it. These lefties are literally creating things that never happened just to make a social media post. To be clear, that isn't a new phenomenon and I am not surprised, but boy is it pathetic.

>> No.52866023

what is the Kingdom of Heaven
there is a hierarchy of angels
heaven is adorned in silver(money), gold (money) and gemstones

>> No.52866044

southrons are retards
what else is new

>> No.52866118

So communists want to go back to tribalism where we live with no infrastructure? Kinda based if you ask me but too bad most commie types would die in a few weeks if they didn't have all the comforts society has gifted them

>> No.52866124

We could automate production already, but "muh one cent more in my pocket so slave away" capitalist mentality prevails

>> No.52866148

Why no infrastructure, you just build/fix by yourself. No one forces people to build roads right now, we all know they're needed in itself

>> No.52866185

in heaven those concepts dont exist. its not a communist state you low iq bitch. its the lack of any state period.

>> No.52866205

There is a KINGDOM of Heaven, the KING is JESUS CHRIST and the QUEEN is MOTHER MARY.

>> No.52866218
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Holy shit, /biz/ is starting to argue about religion and philosophy.
Is this the final sell signal?