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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52862506 No.52862506 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52862517


>> No.52862518


>> No.52862523

Obviously node operators are going to stake lmao

>> No.52862526

Absolute nothingburger

>> No.52862536
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The Deutsche Bank of telekoms. These shitcorps must be bleeding from all holes to desperately partner with the WEF token.

>> No.52862546

That is a big deal indeed. T Mobile runs a huge market share of Europe's communications. Thanks for posting.

>> No.52862549
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>> No.52862554

>haha nobody's going to stake

also fudders:
>haha obviously massive multinational corporations are going to stake

>> No.52862560

Linkies are mentally ill.

>> No.52862562

Oof this is kinda bad marines, unsteak your tokens and sell them asap!

>> No.52862575

can't both be true, retard?

>> No.52862577

Why is this news? T-systems have been running a node for ages. They will obviously stake their own Link to secure their node. lol

>> No.52862578

Only if you're mentally ill.

see >>52862554

>> No.52862583

At least they did not associate with the Linkpool cartel, which is good. Too bad Chainlink reputation is now tarnished due to their participation into this

>> No.52862657

I didnt even know T mobile was still around. Werent they like the Verizon for poor people?

>> No.52862661

your english needs improvement sanjay

>> No.52862676


>> No.52862679


this is what scammers are reduced to

>> No.52862700

>sir pls do not redeem the racism

>> No.52862701

lmao you seem like one of those "le heckin epic twitter link marinos"
fuck you faggot. It's not fud. It's been well known that T-Systems has been a node operator for some time, it's not fud to point out that they would obviously be staking. Not everything is "fudding" you fucking faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.52862702

Maybe sergay gave those coins for free and maybe whoever buys above $2 is paying for the whole show

>> No.52862722

Look at how upset you're getting.
You fuddies spent weeks spamming fud about staking, and now massive multinational corporations are participating.
Must sting a little.

>> No.52862737
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>fuck you faggot. It's not fud

>> No.52862751
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>tfw the Chainlink staking pool consists of nothing but autistic /biz/ kissless virgins and massive international corporations
I am beyond comfy

>> No.52862752

chainlink advocates ruined this board. Can smell you from a mile away. No one here is still genuinely happy or bullish on Chainlink since their last betrayals

>> No.52862760

>chainlink advocates ruined this board
Chainlink advocates like T-Mobile, Swift, Eric Schmidt, ...?

>> No.52862769
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Enhanced ignorance, I admit I can't beat it.

>> No.52862773

Nice ID, just bought more

>> No.52862788


>> No.52862815
File: 282 KB, 643x670, schmidtereeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric Schmidt is a globohomo shitman. I'd be hesitant to even mention his name anywhere.

>> No.52862822
File: 7 KB, 125x191, F95E2DCD-EB53-4903-82FB-7034484FEA76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is recycled “news”. T-Systems/Chainlink have been known about for literal years. The marketing team must be getting desperate.

>> No.52862833
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Fuddies seething on all platforms.

>> No.52862843
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Absolutely fuming kek

>> No.52862907
File: 284 KB, 640x427, 1642787975384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>staking v0.1 is a betrayal and a failure!
>also, T-Mobile is a fake partnership that will go nowhere!

also fudders:
>w-well obviously T-Mobile was going to stake in v0.1

Your dinner, sir.

>> No.52863404

Holy fucking kek I've been holding for so long.
These tweets made me geniunly happy for the first time in a long time at what comes to chainlink. Maybe I should make a twitter acc

>> No.52863562

Their stock is up like 4000% you retarded faggot

>> No.52863602
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>> No.52863688

T-Systems is not t-mobile - both are sub firms from Deutsche Telekom. T-Systems is their corporate IT devision. A lot smaller than T-mobile in Europe.

Still good stuff though.

>> No.52863717

>w-well obviously T-Mobile was going to stake in v0.1
Can you elaborate on how this is "fud"? Literally your ignorance is making me fume. Fud is is trying to cause insecurity in holders, how is the simple green-texted statement trying to achieve that in any way?

>> No.52863726

ahem, what will this do for the fucking price and when will it do it, goddamn it

>> No.52863830

We stand shoulder to shoulder with giants. As it should be.

>> No.52863852

This, kek.
You could additionally preceded it with:
>staking is never coming

I have to admit i'm enjoying very much reading this salty cope. Could you perhaps type a little more of it for us? Pretty please?

>> No.52863933

>I have to admit i'm enjoying very much reading this salty cope. Could you perhaps type a little more of it for us? Pretty please?
See >>52863717
I'm not even fudding Link. You are seriously schizophrenic. I am making a completely neutral observation which is not negative towards Link in any way. On top of that, I probably hold more Link than you so it's laughable you're acting smug to me you fucking Linklet.

>> No.52863948

you suck at gaslighting

>> No.52863989

I see you're actually trying to gaslight me.
FYI anon I am going to curse you and the other schizo anons for starting shit with an innocent poster like myself. If anything bad happens to you you can recall this thread :)

>> No.52863995

>>w-well obviously T-Mobile was going to stake in v0.1
>Can you elaborate on how this is "fud"?
The fud is pretending this is just a normal thing for massive corporations to do.

>T-Systems is not t-mobile - both are sub firms from Deutsche Telekom.
kek here comes the turbocope.

>> No.52864033
File: 433 KB, 1508x2639, chainlink backing every jewish scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another tribe's owned company i guess?

>> No.52864043

They run a huge chunk of the USA backbone now too. Not just wireless. People don't realize their acquisitions