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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52848505 No.52848505 [Reply] [Original]

Since MoM inflation is at 0.1% we’re likely to be pivoting sooner then expected. How much PRQ did you slurp at the absolute bottom to guarantee yourself a spot in the golden bull run?

>> No.52848598

i dont get why you keep shilling on here, you used up this avenue in 20-21. now all you have is fartshit and retardprotocol, anatoly is not even ceo anymore, there is no hype at all, the comunity is full of paranoid schizos that gatekeeps how the fuck will you ever gain any traction?

>> No.52848763

The token is building traction.
>building all bear with a superior product to GRT
>free Coinbase listing because they were so impressed with the technology.
> “Much more value then chainlink has” - CEO of coin metro
>binance are VC investors who will list this during the bull market.
>easy 100-1000x

>> No.52849252

t. 50 iq protocol tokens will be airdropped to your wallet upon launch

>> No.52849457

wheres omegamaker

>> No.52849473

>just a wallet bro

did they introduce another new token for you niggers to slurp? not enough scam already? kek

>> No.52849562

someone post that pepe tier list

>> No.52849881
File: 16 KB, 280x280, CCE1A895-3D03-4636-9ADC-15F51D46ECC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Anatoly?

>> No.52849918

I have 25k of this shitcoin, seems a safe bet for reasonable profits
might up it to 50k

>> No.52849971

Also have a 25k suicide stack. Only costs ~$2k at these prices. Probably won't be adding more though

>> No.52850885
File: 146 KB, 1060x1286, 747C77CE-DD96-42D7-A6DB-AA858F46DFCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think is making these threads

>> No.52851315
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>> No.52851365
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How are you literally sharing the shit-tier version of that pic faggot

>> No.52851400

Anatoly was literally never CEO

>> No.52851641

Pic still needs to be updated with all the top tier exchanges it’s been added on.

>> No.52851763

what makes you so confident, that this token is needed?

>> No.52851820

now THIS is some grade-A copium
is this the power of fartshit?

>> No.52851870
File: 166 KB, 1331x589, 32DBAB7D-1F8F-4CA7-94F0-57FDC4A37CBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m an expert on identifying needed tokens early on. Data is the new oil and this is the most superior tech to retrieve data for web3.
The best part is that this team is amazing and 3 years from now with a 100K stack you will be getting airdropped $100K worth of coins for simply getting in THIS EARLY

>> No.52851917

Do you guys even remember when link was first listed on binance. People were treating it the same way PRQ being listed on Coinbase. Nobody believed but the tech was there

>> No.52852153

ok, so how did you determine that the technique is superior to other products and that the team got what it takes to market this to the masses?
nice track record btw

>> No.52852888

Common problems seen with GRT is that it’s slow PRQ allows almost instantaneously pulls of data. PRQ provides a connectivity layer between on-chain and off-chain systems much like GRT and LINK

>> No.52852908

What’s your track record anon. If you convince me I’ll slurp.

>> No.52852954
File: 177 KB, 663x507, 6DF3049B-DCA4-4CF2-A434-594A50A46F17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’ve listened to me in the past 5 years you would be a muti millionaire.

>> No.52852995

bro why are you facing 20 years in prison?
will you be able to avoid it?

>> No.52853020

I’m aiming for probation but no negotiation or offer has been made

>> No.52853055

Also, please detail for me how you made the switch from GRT which you were shilling and PRQ which you were shitting on, to now shilling PRQ and shitting on GRT

Did you feel retarded but manned up and decided the undeniable qualities of PRQ truly crush any other competition?

Cheers, i hope you don't go to prison

Oh and btw 15.5 was likely not the bottom, we'll probably go down more in the market during december/january/february at the latest, but i'll be slurping all the way

Come march/april though, and it's go time

>> No.52853100

okay i see you try not to divulge the reason you are facing prison, i still hope you don't go to prison though

i still would've liked a small detail, to satisfy my curiosity, if you were to be so kind

if such a statement would not be an admission of guilt then i'd love to hear more about why you're on trial

anyway cheers bro, you'll be rich free or in prison either way

>> No.52853182

Appreciate your posts for the last while omega anon ill be able to buy 20k usd of prq once I get my finances sorted in 6 months time. Are you bullish on any other projects?

>> No.52853394

Sui and make it stack for easterneuro?

>> No.52853580

A deep dive analysis was done. I realized when the tokens reached identical prices that the switch was necessary. I’ve also been able to control PRQ a bit more by dumping on any spikes to keep my accumulation time period as long as possible while gaining a huge return. The goal is to have the advisor wallet sold to me at these levels which they currently are doing

>> No.52853866

how much are you accumulating?

>> No.52854662

10 million minimum

>> No.52854859

faggot owning the supply, not buying your scam shit

>> No.52855221

Token not needed.

>> No.52855428

How much PRQ is enough to escape wage slavery forever

>> No.52855755

the team is fucking retarded, they abandoned iq protocol for eth to stick it on bsc in hopes that daddy binance would list them, they abandoned ncase to focus on NFT RENTING of all fucking things in the world. ncase is now old news replaced by qredo.

and now they are making a new token, anyone that pumps any kind of money into these retards deserve to lose it, every single team decision has put them back and other competitors have shown up to take their place, parsiq want to be a jack of all trades but its just a mediocre shitcoin with no hype behind it.

and best of all they have hired a bunch of bagholders to the team, if you know anything about the community they are gatekeeping retards that ban people for the smallest amount of questions, no amount of organic hype will ever grace this token. god this piece of shit is almost as bad as katalyo was

>> No.52855784

t. bought 250k prq in 2020

>> No.52855903

ho w does qredo make ncase obsolete? i have seen your posts on the archives, but no explanation.

>> No.52855939
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>> No.52856215
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Eric my nigga why are you still coming to PRQ threads

>> No.52856720

Can omega maker refute

>> No.52856793

holy fucking cringe
can't believe you guys are still talking about this.
I hope none of you newfags fall for this, for your sake...

>> No.52856830

The fact that its being talked about on /biz/ for 3 years is bullish to me, means stubborn autists are invested

>> No.52856836

Bizspeak: oldfag trying to fud new fags while he fills his bags

>> No.52856857

this shit only goes down

>> No.52856877

Bizspeak: stfu up you blew my cover.

>> No.52856903

karma or god or allah or zoroaster will get you one day for tricking people into buying this shit

>> No.52857016

Bizspeak: new fag got dubs and isn’t following for my oldfag tricks.

On a serious note…murcko is an advisor so his support isn’t bullish. Binance listing would be ultra bullish considering past performers…

Omega maker w/ the 10M accumulation target feels like a larp

>> No.52857046

Only down? This shit gave me the best gains out of any coin I ever held, bought for 0.06-0.10 in 2020 sold a lot of it around $2.

Seeing as how they still seem relevant and building products Im trying again for the next bullrun, accumulating around 0.08-0.10 again

You seem butthurt by the coin or community or maybe PRQ jannies banned you whatever, its clouding your judgement

>> No.52857101

Haha that's so cool man. I definitely didn't buy a similar amount at around $1. hehehehahhaha

>> No.52857112
File: 1 KB, 56x56, No. 093 Haunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it seems like Omaga larp

>> No.52857642

Take some advice and dca with atleast 200K Prq. U won’t regret it

>> No.52858102

Prove you’re not larping

>> No.52858405

So do i slurp or not? Im a poorfag and wanna dump 1k into something with 100x potential.

>> No.52858625

So if I understand you correctly, you're looking to corner the supply and scampump this shitcoin. I used to hold PRQ and made a modest return on it (bought early 2021, sold in late 2021), but I sold it because of >>52855755 basically (retarded team, no progress). That said scampumps make money, arguably QNT is a useless shitcoin just like PRQ, both have some veneer of "respectability", so maybe I should slurp back my 10k stack. Basically my question is, do you REALLY think PRQ is a good product and token is needed? Or are you just in this for the pump?

>> No.52858985

Is PRQ a better buy than lik over all these days? How much more can each of their MC increase?

>> No.52859923

You mean that confused lying faggot? Archive surfers know everything. >>52850885

>> No.52859938

Faggot, tell them about your GRT shilling and remind me the one coin you shilled as Mars... jesus, what was the trip before OmegaMaker? OmegaLul.

>> No.52860017


This will video is the gateway to opening your eyes

>> No.52860041


Saw that year ago. Mostly murcko shilling. I just watched a recent one….I’m getting link 2018 vibes desu.

>> No.52860066

omegaman, what do you think of Statera. It is my fav shitcoin

>> No.52860069
File: 129 KB, 500x522, omegalulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This link is the gateway to opening your eyes.
>Buy GRT, no BUY PRQ!

Btw, how's your FLO investment going, Marslander? xD

>> No.52860081

Explain yourself omega or you forever lose credibility on this board

>> No.52860128

I’ve already discussed above why I made the switch from GRT to PRQ. GRT is a great coin that will do a 50x. PRQ is a superior coin that will do a 1000x.

Didn’t that scam shitcoin get hacked or something? Stick with the obvious coins that will make you a return like PRQ and to a lesser extent GRT

>> No.52860206

It’s a piece of dog shit. You got scammed by pajeets.

>> No.52860226

Switching from one coin to a superior coin respectable.

The mars shill is Pajeet tier and unwarranted.

>> No.52860765

What price will you be starting to sell your PRQ at?
Final price target?

>> No.52860800

Probably around $15

>> No.52860802 [DELETED] 

And how will you sell your funds from prison? if you get convicted lol

>> No.52860809

That’s a pretty fair price, and how will you sell your funds from prison? if you get convicted lol

>> No.52860813

Sell signal

>> No.52860851

I’ll pay for a phone to be dropped to me in prison via drone. It’s pretty common from what I’ve heard

>> No.52860895

I accumulated 550k im all in

When do you expect us to be back above a dollar?

>> No.52860926

Well the advisor is stopping his selling in january if i recall correctly. Or is that in april?

>> No.52860927

imagine binance being a VC and don't even have it listed on their exchange

>> No.52861026
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>> No.52861319

Sometime next year we should briefly be near or above $1 if all things go right

>> No.52861406

>> “Much more value then chainlink has” - CEO of coin metro
Lmao. He also said, when questioned about Chainlink in an AMA: "I haven't looked at Chainlink in over four years, but I don't think it's needed, and chains will just make their own oracles."

>> No.52861488

he’s right

>> No.52861604


that WAS true 1-2 years ago, anatoly is no longer even working on parsiq, he is in name but he is ceo at blockvis also they abandoned all monitoring work to work on nft renting and iq protocol, when everyone called them out on it they where screaming that nft renting was the future.

they abnadoned ncase to work on nft renting. the team is a bunch of delusional retards. lots of people bought prq and kda due to lynx, but the prq team/teams goals of 2 years ago is not the same prq of today.

remember the evan cheng disasterclass lmao, they where hyping up "we got evan cheng from facebook as an advisor and investor" and implied that they where going to be used by facebook only for him to never speak or make any apperances during his time there and in the end he joins mysten labs. also that polish retard that ran rampant in the telegram and was hyping things up, saying that he talked to the team all the time and great things where coming soon just wait, that also lead to a bunch of scornful people, yes they can process in real time but they threw it all away to focus on nft renting and gay shit, the team is lead by fucking retards! tldr: lynx video is no longer relevant

>> No.52861651

What would be the catalyst?

>> No.52861656

That is correct that the lynx video is no longer up to date, but i’d argue (after watching the last two AMA’s with Tom on youtube) that the utility of the token and future of the project is even more bullish than described in the lynx video, due to data lakes functionality and actual demand for the project

Are you still buying PRQ?
Would you agree or disagree that the peoject is bullish based on new developments, and if you disagree then why?

>> No.52861705
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i just dont trust the team to deliver at all, the amount of stumbling they have done the last years is staggering, i have not kept up with them at all since they announced their new token, also locking themselves to the bsc shitchain and lying to investors that they where also launching on eth where not helpful.

i will never be bullish no matter what tech they have or not when the same retards are in charge as before

so no, im not buying any more prq, i will buy some if it dips to 2.5 cents and sell at 8 cents. otherwise im not touching it, there are countless of other projects out there that has better communication, hype and teams.

also norm mcdonald called the top of parsiq before everyone else years ago

>> No.52861784

I fucking love Norm MacDonald from the bottom of my heart, i actually watch him daily on youtube, holy shit lmao

Having said that,
>i have not kept up with them at all since they announced their new token
This tells me you’re not necessarily in a trustable position of assessment regarding PRQ
The new tokenomics are good, with the data lakes implementation and onboarding of clients, also with binance listing on the way, this seems like the best bet in crypto Especially with the marketcap so low.
I am, of course, open change my mind by listening to further criticism about PRQ, if you have it. But it seems you need to get up to date with the developments before you can do that criticism. Either way, needs some direct criticism of current developments

Anyway, what other “countless projects out there that has better communication, hype and teams” do you see? With a marketcap so low, token utility and onboarding of clients, and a binance listing on the way? What is better than PRQ?

>> No.52862083

answer this nigga’s question bro

>> No.52862808


>> No.52862858

There is literally zero demand for Parsiq. Their product has existed for 3? years now. Nobody is using it. They can't even get people to use it for free. Bagholders cry and the team placates them by forever saying that the NEXT iteration of Parsiq will have all the right features and finally allow the product to get adopted. That is what they said about Tsunami. That was months ago and absolutely nothing has changed.

They are allowing scamtier 100k market cap shitcoins use Parsiq for free, in exchange for promotional services like tweets and AMAs. Three fucking years and not one serious player. Not one. They promised years ago to make a usage dashboard but they abandoned that because there is no usage to see. The staking APY on IQ protocol is like 0.001% for the entire year because nobody is renting PRQ tokens. They kept saying APY increase is right around the corner with more users but it never came.

IQ Protocol was also a complete dud. They have made zero progress on it for the entire year. Mostly because it was a stupid fucking idea. The entire NFT sector is down 99% in terms of traffic. Nobody wants to buy, let alone rent the fucking things. Ever. Not to mention, ethereum devs pushed an update that lets people rent NFTs for free on the native chain. No third party service needed. Fungible token renting was also a fail. They promised hundreds of millions of TVL and dozens of projects by end of 2022. Just absolute conmen

Not only is the team incompetent but even if they executed perfectly they'd still be on the verge of bankruptcy. Crypto is not used for anything and nobody needs data. It's not the new oil. Even big chains like Cardano or Avax or Hashgraph are only collecting a few hundred dollars worth of revenue per day. The Graph is used by every major dapp and they generate even less. There's no money in this shit outside of gambling.

>> No.52862893

Go to bed Eric its late in muttland

>> No.52863465

That is an interesting perspective, but can you refute my arguments here though? >>52861784

>> No.52863565

You’re a clown. The entire stock market is forward thinking. That’s why every major macro bottom happened before a recession even started. They aren’t looking at the profits now but the future profits and cash flow atleast several years into the future. Why do you think Tesla was already the biggest car brand while be unprofitable

>> No.52863819

Yo btw do you mean $15 as in the price you start selling at or the final price you expect this to go next bull? How high you reckon will this go?

>> No.52864378

Advisor is almost done dumping thank god.

Wallet address: 0x4974a3e4c0f8c9cc5235c0ae7a15b6ec688aa421

>> No.52864417

What is the make it stack, how long do we have to accumulate.

>> No.52864437

No idea but we’ll wake up one day and this will be up 200% and accumulation will be done forever

>> No.52864499

whats the name of the song hes playing on his piano at the end? or is it improv?

>> No.52864564

What is your stance on Kleros?

>> No.52864658

what piano song is he playing at the end?

>> No.52865376

You didn't make any arguments that I didn't address

>> No.52865786

Yes i did, data lakes implementation of PRQ functionality, actually competing with the demand for GRT but from a much lower marketcap, and an imminent binance listing.

Refute these, and don’t give me the “there’s no demand” bullshit, cause if there were no demand then GRT would have nothing, and that is not the case

>> No.52865798

Can you answer this bro? >>52863819

>> No.52865946

You are making unfalsifiable claims. What the fuck does imminent binance listing mean? We have heard this for over 2 years now. There is no point at which bagholders will stop calling it "imminent", and there is no evidence that would definitively prove that binance will never list Parsiq, so you are making a claim that cannot be refuted. Very jewish.

You keep saying data lake over and over. It's a buzzword. I doubt you can even explain the significance. But here is a fact. The staking APY is less than 0.1% which is a direct reflection of the demand for the service.

I don't think you realize that comparing yourself to GRT is not the flex you think it is. Do you know how to check epoch rewards? The Graph generates less than $100 per day of query fees. That is for a billion dollar project that services all the largest projects. They are failing miserably. Because the only usecase in this market is gambling.

Now imagine Parsiq. A centralized data provider that is used by a few handful of projects, mostly for free, most of which are scams, and most of which have zero active users. They are so so fucked.

>> No.52866039

Please stop saying it makes less then $100 a day since they are 99% still operating in the hosted/free service. Be forward thinking you clown

>> No.52866062

please please PLEASE BUY MY BAGS

>> No.52866117
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>> No.52866316

This thread reeks of curry
Omegafag can't is full of larp amd even if he wasnt why would i want to buy a bag of a coin you are lapping about buying so much of the supply from?

>> No.52866367

That is what is needed. Do you not remember the top chainlink holders buying at 17 cents and holding. The order book dried up and forced everyone to hit the ask

>> No.52866878

OP might have to post picture of his hand at this point.

>> No.52867117

We need flags

>> No.52867175

Sure I’ll even post my 2 2022 Shelby gt500 mustangs I bought with my gains. Bought 1 red and 1 blue for which mood I’m feeling for the day. I should be getting them next week

>> No.52867744

My man why aren’t you answering my question, damn, i don’t think it’s such an encumbering question >>52865798

>> No.52867822 [DELETED] 

GRT generates 2.6k usd daily, you utter faggot, and the adoption accelerates even in this complete bear market
You are a flaming faggot for only repeating that there’s no demand. There is, and it’s getting bigger.

Imagine saying there’s no buyers to buy from amazon when the dot com bubble burst
Kys retard, you can’t muster up any worthwhile argument

>> No.52867873

Yes GRT generates 2.6k usd monthly, you utter faggot, and the adoption accelerates even in this complete bear market
You are a flaming faggot for only repeating that there’s no demand. There is, and it’s getting bigger.

Imagine saying there’s no buyers to buy from amazon when the dot com bubble burst
Kys retard, you can’t muster up any worthwhile argument

>> No.52867918

$15 next bull run. But truth of the matter is. If you buy a make it stack that’s all you’ll need for retirement when you turn 65 (assuming you’re in your 20s) also this is not financial advice

>> No.52868994

They have a South American team, this is all you need to know about this project, anon.

>> No.52869021

Cheers mate

>> No.52869034

>retirement when you turn 65 (assuming you’re in your 20s)
Or I can just work my normal job and achieve the same thing.

>> No.52869294

>There is, and it’s getting bigger

Show us. Should be easy lol

>> No.52869509

Or you can buy 100K right now and never have to invest again

>> No.52869798
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I was a poorfag (still am) when i first boughted prq for $2 a pop and managed to get 500 fartshits lol
Now I have a 15k stacc, am i gonna make it omega anon ?
I can most likely accumulate to 100k if the bear market stays like this for another 9 months
Do you think the bullrun will begin like every other halfing timeline, so in 2024 ?
Thoughts on KDA, RLC, AVAX ? Or are you the type of person to allocate everything to a single altcoin and gg gl

>> No.52870499

Lol bro this whole thread including the OP post is financial advice, ridiculous to say this is not financial advice at this point

>> No.52870523

We're going to $1 in 2023. Tough luck chud

>> No.52871460

This and they still aren’t buying baka

>> No.52872039

The quickest way to send the bagholding shills running for the hills is to ask for proof of adoption. Still waiting for a reply after all that shit talk lmao

>> No.52873839

a "make it" stack costs 8K USD
you can buy a suicide stack of chainlink for that price(which is verifiable as a blue chip now and isn't a gamble like parsiq is)
or .5 btc
or 6 eth
or 8k rlc
or 60xmr

>> No.52874809

>2.6k usd monthly

Closer to $20k monthly. Next year, expect up to 350x that figure.

>> No.52874983


>> No.52875295

>GRT is slow
That hasn't been the case for a long while now.

Is Omega the FLO shill? Never mind plaguing GRT threads for months to push his FLO bags, said shill was notorious among oldfags for shilling it to capitalize on its volatile low-liquidity pumps and dumps. Wouldn't wish such a character even on Parsnips.

The original value prop - mempool analysis and smart triggers based on such - was a pretty cool concept. Not sure how defensible it was, but Parsiq's subsequent ventures into more saturated/competitive areas with such a small and poorly funded team, never mind being centralized as a service, does not bode well for the project's long-term prospects. Spread thin, small fish, big lake. I'd say PRQ's community here needs more research-minded autists to scrutinize it from a business standpoint, though past instances have been particularly eviscerating.

>> No.52875447
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So in your mind what would a make it stack of prq be then?

>> No.52875522

Couldn't say without access to the protocol's financial history. It's a SaaS product rather than a proper onchain protocol so I don't think the data is even public.

>> No.52876086

What’s your source? I’m using token terminal earnings dashboard to com up with the 2.6k figure

>> No.52876781

100K is make it

>> No.52876906

Token terminal has a mistake somewhere because the revenue figure it's providing is inconsistent with the activity in the contract it's explicitly using as a datasource.

An anon's graph-billing repl chart, E&N's dollar-weighted billing subgraph, the Web3 Index, the Graph's explorer and Messari's quarterly report when dollar price is factored in, and Graphdash all suggest significantly higher fee revenue.

>> No.52876922

Note that I'm also taking into consideration the fact that the $72k spike in the numbers yesterday was a migration data fluke. All in all, $15-17k/mo seems to be the norm right now.

>> No.52878641 [DELETED] 

Thank you. What so you ultimately think of PRQ, is it a goos buy if the team manages to deliver the data lakes and client promises? You make pretty good points in your 3rd reply here >>52875295 but ultimately how deep would you go in holding this, and if not that deep than what do you think is better than PRQ (bearing in mind prq has low market cap, binance listing, utility of the token)

>> No.52878649 [DELETED] 

Thank you. What so you ultimately think of PRQ, is it a good buy if the team manages to deliver the data lakes and client promises? You make pretty good points in your 3rd reply here >>52875295 but ultimately how deep would you go in holding this, and if not that deep than what do you think is better than PRQ (bearing in mind prq has low market cap, binance listing, utility of the token)?

>> No.52878776

Thank you, that makes sense
What do you ultimately think of PRQ, is it a good buy if the team manages to deliver the data lakes and client promises? You make pretty good points in your 3rd reply here >>52875295 but ultimately how deep would you go in holding this, and if not that deep than what do you think is better than PRQ (bearing in mind prq has low market cap, binance listing, utility of the token, but on the downside it's a more centralized service and tries to win as a small fish in a saturated/competitive space)?

>> No.52879078
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>need a 10x to get back my initial investment
it's over

>> No.52879365

I mean if prq goes back to its ATH it would do 30x so you're set kek