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52858727 No.52858727 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no it’s not looking good for the crypto Twitter niggers who not only committed fraud, but TELLING THE ENTIRE WORLD YOU COMMITTED WIRE FRAUD LMAO.

>> No.52858739
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>> No.52858746

If I withdraw anything over 500k I’m just running. Idk how Sam didn’t get away. Dude is fucking retarded. Hell you can hide in Mexico with 50k.

>> No.52858747
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>> No.52858755
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>> No.52858797

Notice how they wont touch any of the tether that the weasel minted. Nor will tether ever undergo an official audit of reserves.

>> No.52858881



Normies get what they fucking deserve.

>> No.52859217

What does it mean though to get KYC’d?

>> No.52859235

I don't know why he went anywhere near this. It was going to be an obvious political circus later. What a fuckin autistic idiot.

>> No.52859244

It's not illegal to withdraw your funds. Withdraws were processed in the order they arrived as per SBF.

>> No.52859253

>he doesn't know we live in post-judiciary chaos yet
Anon, I...

>> No.52859261

Means Kill Your Celf

>> No.52859262

He committed identity fraud in order to withdraw his funds kek. He’s absolutely fucked.

>> No.52859270

God this is so amazing. It doesn't even feel real. Scammers finally getting what they deserve

>> No.52859280

"know your customer" basically the exchange having your ID and bank account information to prove who you are to use their services

>> No.52859351

Wow so they really did have a plan to return the stolen funds.

>> No.52859352

So not only is he broke, he’s going to fucking jail too? Currency of the future right here.

Was he anyone in particular or just an average trader?

>> No.52859389

>Ever going near (((FTX))) in the first place
Any and every crypto 'influencer' or 'personality' who did so should be permanently discredited right?
That kike was obviously crooked and only retards fell for his grift

>> No.52859491
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>they will go after everyone that got to withdraw money using a Bahamian KYC
Yeah, and Bill Clinton just won the Game of The Year award.

>Idk how Sam didn’t get away.
Threats were everywhere. Pilots paid by the glowniggers and other alphabet boys could just land their plane on the US soil and he will definitely get epsteined. He was (still is) smart and did the right thing. Do Kwon on the other hand, he wasn't a US citizen so the US can't do shit about him but he's also smart enough not to get caught by his fellow alphabet gooks and flew to Siberia/Russia where both the US and Korea can't reach his ass.

No, he's definitely not going to Fox Hill. lol best the Bahamian authorities can do is a house arrest until shit dies down, get a huge bailout and leave the Bahamas to somewhere else safer. Putting rich people in prison is merely a dream such as you becoming a billionaire with crypto. lol

>> No.52859628

Just one of many absolute insufferable faggots on crypto Twitter. I hope they get him and he rots. Cannot stand scumbags like him.

>> No.52859689
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>No, he's definitely not going to Fox Hill.

>> No.52859726

When you starve for attention and share every shit. Imagine returning your own money because you didn't do the rules lmao

>> No.52859746
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>Sam is smart

>> No.52860326

He blocked me on twitter for liking a tweet exposing him buying others' funds at 90% commision

>> No.52860705

He’s one of the most petty, retarded faggots among the cohort of CT morons.

>> No.52860714

I told him to enjoy prison and he blocked me kek

>> No.52860935
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>> No.52860955

T. Midwit. Dude could have been in hiding 6 months before SHTF. You don’t become insolvent over night. Jew just got greedy.

>> No.52860961

We got him boys.

>> No.52861337

topkek its truly over for that nigger

>> No.52861987

Kill Your Customer
You have to show your ID to own crypto but Tether or the Fed doesn't even have to submit to an audit to print money.

>> No.52862024

>probably used kyc information of someone else
>apparently did the same thing with multiple accounts
>likely some Bahamian nigger ids since most other withdrawals were closed
How exactly will they catch him?

>> No.52862029

is it wire fraud if he only used wifi?

>> No.52862236

Yeah im actually satisfied shit is happening, I thought all this would be swept under the rug as usual

>> No.52862353

Extremely easily seeing his assets go to different accounts then out to bahamanian accounts.

His money is going back + the loss of whatever he paid the guys for kyc lol.

>> No.52862428

I just cannot fathom what the fuck this dude was thinking posting all this shit on Twitter.

>> No.52862443

There's a video on Facebook of fox hill and shit looks rough as fuck, they are going to throw Sam around the cells like a used dog toy.

If you can convert this to WebM that would be great

Src fb.com /bnewsmabey/videos/362292010924634/