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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52851011 No.52851011 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't the real estate market capitulated since zoomers are giving up on buying houses?

>> No.52851022

it wont tank as long as there arent sales showing a downward trend

>> No.52851052

hedge funds are buying them up as investments

>> No.52851057

You have to keep in mind people will only sell at a loss when they absolutely have to and all hope is lost. This usually happens when the job market goes to shit, as long as people can keep up the payments they'll cut every expense imaginable before selling, so we get this zombie market we have now.

>> No.52851060
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>> No.52851068
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hey it's the take the vax guy.

>> No.52851082

Do zoomers actually think boomers could buy a house without working a full time job? They would show up to work every day in a suit, no smart phone to distract them, work 40-50 hours, and provide for their families. Now today the newbies cry they can't work a 30 hour week in their jammies and buy a house? How cringe.

>> No.52851103

He makes a compelling point

>> No.52851131

My boomer dad dropped out of high-school got a factory job making 20 an hour in the sixties and bought 29 acres for 15k.

Life is so not like that now. Our farm is worth way way more now.

I am a Troon and got disinherited so oopsie.

I will die homeless.

>> No.52851135
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>implying I'm watching that on a piece of shit smartphone
they aren't fucking tracking me, and even if they were that's not a reason to get the vaccine.

>> No.52851182

join the 41% who become a real woman

>> No.52851199

just get the vaccine chud :^)

>> No.52851243

This. Real Estate guys are making money off of rentals instead. Keep the property and rent it out or sell it to a Corp who does the same. If the Corp goes under even better then you can buy it back and grift yourself without setup

>> No.52851280

Seems like an intelligent guy. Majority of people who died on ERs were unvaxxed. And the reason why people needed to take the vaxx was so that the ERs wouldn't be over filled like what was going to happen many times during covid. If you were told something else by your government, sorry they thought you were too stupid to be able to handle the truth, but that doesn't change the fact that the vaxx was needed.

>> No.52851598

Also the majority of people who got side effects were vaxxed. Coincidence ? I think not.

>> No.52851626

Oh and I forgot to thank the government because they tried to save kids (who make 0.0001% of COVID deaths, and only if they're obese) by wanting to vaxx them. Good job !

>> No.52851669

>Why hasn't the real estate market capitulated since zoomers are giving up on buying houses?
Hedgefunds, invesment firms and banks are buying them all up to rent out

>> No.52851685

>t.beta soicuck who supports all the globohomo policies that result in the economy and home prices being fucked up in the first place.

Tell this dude that we shouldn’t be giving so much welfare to brown people and he’ll chimp out or that Jews control the economy and are getting more rich as we get poor and he’ll call you a nazi incel. These people want to complain about the problems but do not want any real solutions to said problems. Worst of all most probably are subverted into thinking that communism is the only solution.

>> No.52851748

Yep. This and the illegals coming in is all you need to know.

>> No.52851797

Nigga people got all kinds of weird side effects from covid. If the vaxx was more dangerous than covid, it would have filled the ERs more than covid, which it did not.

>> No.52851801

the biggest side effect of being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis.
let that sink in.

>> No.52851828

>stopping wellfare to non whites will make the housing prices go down because???

Kek you aren’t offering any real solutions yourself.

>> No.52851855

But I didn't get vaxxed and didn't die

>> No.52851862

Supply is too low.

>> No.52851905

Lmao cope. Citation needed

>> No.52851956

>bro you should inject yourself with an experimental vaccine so you won't die from this virus which has a 0.2% mortality rate for healthy people

Do NPCs really?

>> No.52851959

welfare takes wealth away from working class for one and secondly it allows blacks and browns to multiply and take up huge amounts of real estate that turn into ghettos reducing supply that otherwise would be nice neighbourhoods for normal people to live in and thirdly it gives more incentives for illegal immigration which also contributes to less supply.

>> No.52851978

Why are leftoids so ugly and brown?

>> No.52851988
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>the last time houses were actually affordable
2019? This is just pure rentoid cope
No refunds vaxxie

>> No.52851998


>> No.52852016

Invaders and their spawn are 70+% on welfare. A hive of 20 of them with little relation will rent out a single family home from Mr Noseburg sleeping in closets and hallways like animals. Their presence is such a blight on our way of life that Americans then have to flee the infected neighborhoods and bid up houses in "good" (white) neighborhoods further driving up housing costs.

>> No.52852047

Kek no they weren't.
You made the smart decision, inherit nothing and start wearing diapers for you leaking asshole by age 26. Destroy your endocrine system and by 40 balloon up fat as fuck unable to work stealing out of trashcans and living on disability. You made the right choice.

>> No.52852064

>negative canthal tilt
Always disregard what these guys say

>> No.52852065

Man what a retard, unironically believing what his corporate overlords tell you trough fox news. The biggest payers of wellfare are wealthy people, not the working class. Wellfare is direct wealth transfer from the wealthy to the lower classes. Brown people don’t breed more than white people in the states, go check the birth rates. And immigration increased the GDP, so looks like that wellfare isn’t what the immigrants end up relying upon. You are the definition of a tool, believing the first thing you read without doing any research yourself.

>> No.52852098

Yes they were, or can you prove otherwise?

>> No.52852139

>which it did not
Says who ? Do you have curated data to prove it ? And some vaxxies don't go to ER, they go straight to the morgue.

>> No.52852241

>The biggest payers of wellfare are wealthy people, not the working class. Wellfare is direct wealth transfer from the wealthy to the lower classes.
True only if "wealthy" also refers to the middle class, which is the actual working class.
>Brown people don’t breed more than white people in the states, go check the birth rates.
Typically, first generation breeds like rabbits and second and third revert to the mean.
>And immigration increased the GDP, so looks like that wellfare isn’t what the immigrants end up relying upon.
GDP is irrelevant. Higher GDP only means a higher volume (in USD) of goods were sold. So more illegal people implies more people to buy things. With what money? With welfare or illegal employment.
>You are the definition of a tool, believing the first thing you read without doing any research yourself.
You're just another projecting dimwit.

>> No.52852400

>Get the vaccine
>Then die

>> No.52852630

>immigration increased the GDP
now do gdp per capita

>> No.52852679

it will give positive growth because the illegals are probably not recorded in the census, so you see all the GDP growth as pure profits without having in the equation the new costs.

>> No.52852696
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this post was sponsored by Pfizer and Pepsi Frito-Lay

>> No.52852726

I work in real estate

Sellers are choosing not to sell because realistic bids are not there

Had a gen xer put her house up. She paid $420,000...wanted $500,000. Only got bids for $179,000 and $220,000. Zillow had her at $396,000

There is no buyers. It's like an illiquid stock right now. Employment needs to change and the option of staying and just paying needs to be taken off the table for the housing market to dump

>> No.52852764

This guy's is based af, and I love wagie hate

>> No.52852784

No he doesnt

>> No.52852789

I can smell the onions

>> No.52852813

fuck yeah, glad I bought in white gentrified area that's desirable

>> No.52852842
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>> No.52852851
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This scares the chud

>> No.52852998

im not religious or anything but some ppl really just look like they might be demons wearing skin suits

>> No.52853025

Supply is too low as a natural function of geography and zoning. There is a doughnut around all city-centers (where all the higher income jobs are) where single-family home suburbs can exist. Nobody gave a shit about this land until the automobile made it accessible. That's why boomers had cheap access to homes. They were early adopters of the suburb. No reasonable person should expect that cheap access to single family homes should exist in perpetuity. The idea is nonsensical, but the topic is emotionally charged so we have to hear people whine and complain about it ad-nosium. No. Housing will never be as affordable to you as it was for boomers. Get over it.

>> No.52853133

Honk honk, my friend. Honk honk.

>> No.52853199


>> No.52853228

20 an hour in the 60s seems like a lot.

>> No.52853297

Major hedge funds like Blackrock and Vanguard are hoovering them up. Not just in the US either this is global. Here in bongland they bought the rental my buddy was in and immediately upped the rent. Also western countries keep importing immigrants which adds huge pressure to the rental market. This drives up house prices as theyre bought up for rental stock.

>> No.52853385
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>Why hasn't the real estate market capitulated since zoomers are giving up on buying houses?
Because of high levels of immigration. At the end of the day, no matter how expensive housing becomes people still need to pay for it. Migrants will sleep 10 people in a small apartment and shill out the 3k a month rent which you will indirectly pay for through your taxes.

The only way to actually fix the housing market is to lower immigration.

>> No.52853393

>Nooooooooo not the heckin' zoomerinos!
Nobody noticed since zoomers are irrelevant and have no money anyway.

>> No.52853408

>The zoomers have given up
Zoomers "giving up" is irrelevant, they were never able to afford anyway. Someone who was priced out in 2019 being even more priced out now is irrelevant

>> No.52853517

Zoomers also don't realize boomers were paying 10%+ interest on their mortgages and back then there wasnt all the barcades and ramen stands and Funko pop stores that they lust for close to those now-expensive houses.

>> No.52853795

> The biggest payers of wellfare are wealthy people

You are a midwit, why is it then they are the biggest advocates of welfare? Tne wealthy make money off of welfare is why. Who do you thinks owns all the housing projects? What do people on welfare spend their money on? (answer mega corp shit). Wealthy people paying for welfare is just a temporary medium of which the money eventually returns back to them, it’s an illusion, it makes no difference how much they pay as they’ll get it back and the super wealthy are only super wealthy in the first place because of the parasitism of the working class so in essence it’s the working class that are paying for it anyways. Ultimately the more money being extracted from the middle class to welfare class enriches the elite corporate class, the portion the elite pays for welfare doesn’t out weigh the benefits they get from the overall welfare state that the majority contribute to. This is why as we get more poor as the elite get more rich, they are squeezing the middle class of their value by using social programs/welfare as one of their mediums to do so, of course there is many other schemes. The understand politics one just needs to follow the flow of money to understand why elite support certain things like welfare states. Only people that have an above room temperature iq can think outside the box like this and come to the logical conclusions. People that are smart understand that the elite see themselves as a group against the goyim, if the group is getting bigger and more powerful overall despite maybe some components getting weaker then it’s still an overall benefit. Welfare state again allows more flow of money into mediums that (((they))) control while liquidating/squeezing the middle class aka whites their racial rivals of their value leaving them in a weaker state as an added bonus.

>> No.52853966

Kys leftist tranny

>> No.52854154

Dumdums don't understand that the poor are more useful as a means of consumption rather than production. >Who's going to purchase the things?
Is a much more pressing question than
>Who's going to make all the things?

>> No.52854199
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who the fuck is gonna read all that shit

>> No.52854230

because you can shove an extended immigrant family that includes a dozen working age members all pooling their resources into a 2 bedroom house

>> No.52854234

What this dumb faggot doesn't bring up is that the U.S. has gone through housing shortages before and that they've been solved by just building fucking houses. The suburbs that exist could just be upzoned to allow for denser development. inb4 niggers.

>> No.52854288

nobody cares about microchips or whatever. its about a new type of vaccine using rna, something never done before, rushed out in a panic with little testing, and we're not allowed to discuss the side effects objectively because its such a political issue. its not about microchips are aliens or whatever other nonsense you want to associate people who don't trust the vaxx with

>> No.52854301

>The wealthy own capital
>Diverting some portion of the wealthy's income stream to the poor enables the poor to purchase capital intensive goods
>This purchase of capital intensive goods entrenches the wealthy in their status
>The working professional also have a large portion of their income diverted to the poor
>This prevents the working professional from achieving financial independence and becoming a wealthy person themselves

>> No.52854323

>he thinks covid filled the ers
i was literally in an er watching the news on the waiting room tv telling me that the hospital i was in at that time was overflooded with covid patients. the er was almost empty, it was a slow night. i asked the staff and they told me they were not full at all and it was just a normal night. tv news made it out like people were dying in the hallways.

>> No.52854339

I think I've seen you tell this story before on here. I spend to much time on this site with you assholes.

>> No.52854349

>The suburbs that exist could just be upzoned to allow for denser development. inb4 niggers.
You're going to have to do that at gunpoint. Single family homes are really comfy. Nobody wants to sell their inflated-in-value single family home to go live in a five story apartment, with niggers.

>> No.52854366

yeah probably, i have told it before. but imagine you're me and you're sitting in a near empty er watching the news on the tv telling you that the empty er you're currently sitting in was actually overflowing with covid patients. it was a surreal moment

>> No.52854369
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okay you sold me so I went back and read it.

>> No.52854386

Let's ignore niggers for a sec. (I know I know)
There are plenty of places in suburbia that could be converted/developed as apartments/condos. I'm sitting in an old American suburb right now. Down the street is an abandoned car lot that could easily be a few apartment blocks. Down the other way is another one. The old historic main street is mostly empty. Without destroying any existing housing stock more housing could be built and I'm not in a suburb that's at the edge of town.

>> No.52854471

I went to the hospital a total of four times in 2020 and it was a fucking ghost town every time. I'm sorry you're a retard who believes everything he sees on TV.

>> No.52854488

What I hate the most about people like you is your inability to read and follow a thread. Let's see if you gain some self-awareness or keep your sub-85 IQ behavior up.

>> No.52854505

Well, I'm in the Phoenix area. We're at the point where every undeveloped plot of land within an hour of the city center is having three story apartments built on it. It's having little to no effect on home prices. I think my original point, that we are late to the single-family home within commute distance party, is true. Converting some land to high density housing might alleviate some of the upward pressure but it won't fix the fundamental issue that land is finite.

>> No.52854521

If your house value doesn't start with 7 digits, there is no hope for you. Move to Canada, and take the peace pill.

>> No.52854536

The fundamental issue is that the amount of housing our country needs (millions upon millions of units) is the only thing that will bring down prices not scarcity of land. If we had a freer market without regulations, zoning restrictions etc. San Francisco's metro population would be five times its current number. The U.S. economy would have reached it's current pace over a decade ago in raw GDP figures.
So yeah I'm not surprised to read that one location increasing supply doesn't move the price much considering how big the demand is.

>> No.52854554

You don't go-to the ER when you drop dead.

>> No.52854638

mRNA vaccines have been in development since the late 80s and have had clinical trials in humans for about a decade now, they're nothing new

>> No.52854645

Your mad is showing

>> No.52854647

>natural function of geography and zoning
I'm aware and took zoning into consideration with my original post. Advocating for the complete abolition of zoning isn't arguing with my point. My original post makes an observation and it is correct. I'm not taking a moral position or advocating for anything. The boomer generation were early to the suburb and set-up zoning laws to benefit them. No shit.

>> No.52854648

Man me too. I need to stop wasting my time here.
Anyways my countries own records prove what i said, i’m not american. But keep on believing that the whole world is in conspiracy against you. Your type is it’s very own brand of midwits.

>> No.52854687

This i have seen too. The problem with this market is that sellers have become too aware that people are waiting for lower prices, and because most are rich and don't need the money they just hold onto property. It's a real estate version of a short squeeze

>> No.52854792

Fair enough dude.
The memes are so good though.

>> No.52854938

Unironically 2024.

>> No.52855379

Because american boomers pitch a fit everytime housing is built in their neighborhood which would devalue their investment so nothing ever improved

>> No.52855415

>real estate
real estate never capitulates it only interests.

>> No.52855459

>/co/, /sp/, /int/, /lit/ and /fit/ not being chuds too
Fake news

>> No.52855697

Hedge funds will take a bath when the boomers die and zoomers can't afford the price hedgies bought them for

>> No.52855754

>build more houses
Instead of ruining safe high-trust neighborhoods with dense commieblock slums, why don't we build a ton more single family homes? Urbanization is cancer, car-centric neighborhoods make it more difficult for undesirables to gain access

>> No.52855799

They sure love their 6.
I unironically would side with the chinks or the ruskies in case the war goes hot, aiming to do as much damage as possible.
Anything if better than being ruled by literal satanists.

>> No.52855852

because it is and has been in a speculative bubble for years. The price of homes is propped up by "investors" instead of people buying them to start a family.

>> No.52856226

I know this is b8 but I'm one of the immunocompromised individuals that was supposed to instantly die if I come within a mile of it. No vax, got covid twice, kicked it within days both times. The virus doesn't exist, they just gave a souped up cold a different name and used it for a psyop.

>> No.52856310


Work is not a virtue. It's so telling how many broke bug boys exist on this board. You live to work, you take "pride" in work. You work a lot but make a little. It's hilarious. You're a little drone to be used and abused my the wealthy. Lower class, lower IQ, lower ambition. Enjoy working your 50 hour weeks so you can find some sort of fulfillment in your life. Meanwhile I'll work 5 hours a week and exploit your labor while shifting around numbers in the financial system. You think you're "enlightened" because you've somehow internalized feeling good about working. You don't realize you're totally lost at this point, you've got nothing else. Enjoy your continued exploitation, I know you will. With a smile on your face

>> No.52856329
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He is too snarky so when he says that "a house cost $6 back then" no one will take him seriously and dismiss him as being entitled because houses have never cost only $6.

But if he had just said that "a house cost $30,000 back then" his argument would have not only been compelling and true but that snarky attitude would have made the delivery amusing as well.

Missed opportunity 3/10

>> No.52856333

hello aids faggot
I've got chronic bronchitis and I also had zero complications from getting it.

lick my taint vaxxees

>> No.52856416
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biz should be in that picture too, except as a pink wojak

>> No.52856690

Is supply even the limiting factor? I always assumed inflated prices were more a function of speculators holding assets, with immigration adding a secondary, non-negligible pressure to pricing

>> No.52856716

Confirmed faggot who lost his baste status

>> No.52856818


>> No.52856894

What 3 letter organization is this faggot narcissist amplified by? CCP? DNC?

>> No.52856916

I own 2 homes

>> No.52856933

Mr Beast

>> No.52856952

I only own 2 homes (one completely paid off) and I'm a mulatto in US for about 6 years now
I didn't took the vaxx and I didn't die. my dad took the vaxx and now he can't read and can't remember my name; my brother in law took the vaxx and his heart pulse is around 90-100 bpm all the time. But you're right, they didn't die, thank God the vaxx saved them from Covid. Actually it didn't they got it twice, both of them.

>> No.52857571

Squatters right.

>> No.52857598

Because zoomers are still renting houses from people that buy them.

>> No.52857608

>the generation with the weakest buying power isn't buing <product>
>why isn't the price tanking?

>> No.52857682

I took it as well, and two years later guess what. Changed. Now, I like to have chicken tikka masala on wednesdays.
Wasn't like this before. Fucking vaccine!!

>> No.52857690

And Blockrock.

>> No.52857737

Lit isn't quite this cucked yet

>> No.52857848

no, the money supply will just double again, and faster than it did last time. and then again, and then again. the homes that cost them $300k will sell for 400, 500, and so on, even in a bad market. the healthy parts of the real estate market will be pushing a million.
likewise, wages will be higher to support those prices. you just have to wait: labor is last in line, because it offers the least to society (max consumption for minimum production) and because its paid in the lowest-information circumstance. employers don't ever hire or fire in step with the market. that means even when things go bad, you'll probably get to keep your job longer than you should, but it also means when you witness fresh inflation you're literally watching yourself fall behind the rest of the economy -- banks, investment firms, national defense, they're all first in line.
these events will paper over the losses. vanish them into the books. it's already happened repeatedly and the GFC didn't kill the system so it's just going to keep happening until the dollar dies.

>> No.52857862

Those are factors too but you don't have good supply to put downward pressure down which will always be a factor.

>> No.52857958

I think I read earlier this year that there are something like 15 million vacant homes in the US. That doesn't strike me as a supply problem

>> No.52858144
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>food, energy, fuel, housing all went up like 2x since 2019
>most people spend their wages on those things, so they're effectively earning half as much as they did in 2019

Another wholesome chungus moment for amerisharts and their disgusting leaders. I'm so glad that the adults are now back in charge.

>> No.52858475

Because the country is still flush with cash.

>> No.52858513

this guy is a convicted pedophile

>> No.52858546

>If the idea of locking yourself into a 50 year mortgage doesn't appeal to you, then have fun renting your pod.
The majority of homeowners are boomers. The same boomers who do not believe in debt forgiveness; the same boomers who demand that you put yourself into astronomical debt like they did rather than do what is best for future generations. They bought into the banksters' schemes and lies, and rather than admit they were wrong, they demand and insist that you play the game just like they did, or that you buy the home from them at a premium (with cash you don't have). Only then will you maybe get your house.

>> No.52858600

Wow, this aged poorly. Cringe hubris. NPC’s were never meant to make it

>> No.52858672
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Woah, let's cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.52858762

no matter how much you try to joke and believe how funny you are it cannot change the fact that in my family 2 close relatives took the vaxx and have medium to severe permanent damage from it.

The thing with my dad is that he's 77 years old and me, opposed to big pharma ready to classify him as a "victim" of the virus regardless if he's one foot in the grave, I only state half-mouth that the vaxx made him that way. It could be just dementia of old age. But sheesh, I wasn't expecting to forget the name of his only son and couldn't remember how many kids he has. He can't read anymore; he can't write anymore; what's making it worse is that he has glimpses of lucidity where he realizes this, he tells "I just can't remember, it's really bad, son".

BTW, did I mentioned that both of them had the Covid TWICE despite being vaxxinated?

>> No.52858785

9% inflation

>> No.52858818

that doesn't tell anything special, really. China does the same thing, it "stores" the money into huge skyscrapper apartment flats in the middle of nowhere, never to be used/lived. Actually, they are not even modeled completely and they lose value if you model them (like put walls, paint, tiles etc). It's just like crypto, except this time is something physical and palpable.

practically, money get backed by real estate (regardless its condition) instead of gold as before.

I believe you when you say you read somewhere that are 15 million vacant homes in US; but that doesn't mean there's no shortage of housing or we have more houses that we can need. That's just money stored in real estate just like in crypto; those houses are untouchable (meaning you cannot live in them, you just trade them like virtual assets).

>> No.52859008

Got a surplus of vaxxie glowy glow glows in this shitty thread aye boiz?

>> No.52859072
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not me

>> No.52859085

bro, all you had to do was not troon out and you would be a rich land owner. seriously, some men would cut their balls off for this opportunity.

>> No.52859094

Fun Fact: China has more millionaires than California has people. India too. You're never owning a home again. Boomers will sell everything they have to poos before you get it.

>> No.52859185

how is this not an invasion? they even carry foreign flags

>> No.52859227


>> No.52859336
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they are not white...thus not an invasion. simple

>> No.52859340

You sound bigoted (and antisemitic).

>> No.52859418

>how is this not an invasion? they even carry foreign flags

because the fact checker experts changed the definition of invasion to only mean when whites do it

>> No.52859515

don't worry, america does not actually exist. just relax and let the flood of all the other real nations embrace you.

>> No.52859556
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>hedge funds are buying them up as investments
nice meme. institutional investors own lol 0.3% of single family homes.

>> No.52859638

Tell me what to invest in so I don't have to be a wageslave.

>> No.52860030


>> No.52860166

You are straight up mutilating your own genitals yet you at least to some degree wish other people would take you seriously.
Even if you don't agree with social norms you still have to play along with them if you want to get anywhere.

>> No.52860208

Most Western nations have plenty of supply actually
There are many thousands of houses purposefully being kept empty as we speak
That or being kept as short term rentals (the scourge that is air bnb)

>> No.52860225

That number includes rentals and vacation homes. Not really accurate or useful
No there is not, you're retarded. Your statement proves that. If there is demand for short term rentals than jeez maybe supply isn't big enough? God how retarded are you?

>> No.52860244

>Sellers are choosing not to sell because realistic bids are not there
Kek i wonder why. Might be because many of the prime house-buying people in their 30's have been priced out due to a fucked economy and housing market almost specifically designed to enrich boomers at the cost of their kids and grand kids (at least it's that way in australia)

>> No.52860260

That's completely untrue and even if it were, the number of healthy folk under age 70 that wound up needing ER for Covid is so vanishingly small that you can't derive meaningful statistics from it.
The reason people needed the vax was to take the burden off hospitals, right?
Ah yeah, they used the same justification for not handing out any (first world) country's national stockpile of respirators. Instead of giving them to everyone (Which actually would have reduced rates) they gave some of them to hospitals who used them once and threw them out, or were repeatedly caught selling them to China.
What happened to the rest of the respirators? We've only had partial releases of the stockpile, around 20%. Where are the fucking respirators.
The vaccine was not only not needed but we have 60 years of research showing that vaccinating against this type of virus is more harmful than catching the virus naturally. 60 years. You know what they knew about this kind of vaccine a decade ago?
>2 weeks of immune suppression
>~3 months of weak antibody based protection
>Once antibody levels drop, enhanced infection
>Guaranteed severe reaction to the wild virus in the future due to ADE, immune infiltration, OAS, cytokine storm. 100% fatal without emergency medical intervention.
In Early 2020 you could find this kind of shit freely on Wikipedia. It was enshrined so solidly in the established science that if you searched Wikipedia for Coronavirus, it had a notable features section listing how it's near impossible to make a vaccine for due to ADE.

>> No.52860275

Depending on what you've got going on you may have a lower risk than general population. SARS-COV-2 surface proteins interact strongly with immune cell signalling, which is basically why people get fucked organs from it.

>> No.52860276

You're right, at this point the US is just a strip mall and I for one welcome the slow collapse.

>> No.52860286

Because plenty of people are buying up as much as can of the only asset that really matters in the long run - real estate.

>> No.52860295

Boomers are dying out or going en masse into nursing homes at this point. Are Millennials going to keep scapegoating when they're in their late 40s early 50s like boomers used to be too? I think the oldest ones are already late 30s/early 40s but somehow I see richer people in my generation in their early 20s.

>> No.52860350

>Boomers are dying out or going en masse into nursing homes at this point
Yeah and they are selling their houses to chinese and Indians...and spending all of their money

>> No.52860539

Houses will always be worth a shit ton as long as they purposefully don't build enough. If there were plenty of houses to go around then those who bought the top would be left bagholding, and we can't have that.

>> No.52860572
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There vil be pods.

>> No.52860691

Nice I've always wanted to live in the equivalent of a hot car on a summer's day

>> No.52860737

> Ze luxury pod vil have ac. It will be only 2k more.

>> No.52860821

Oopsie doopsie there's no land to put it on! Haha!

>> No.52860889

the oldest zoomer is 25

>> No.52860903
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Wow, there's more niggers pouring in here than Mexicans!
Go back to Europe.

>> No.52860906

I won't cut my balls off, but I'll kill for money.>>52859185
>how is this not an invasion
Back to Europe, faggot.

>> No.52860916

>Migrants will sleep 10 people in a small apartment.
Wow, sounds like Mexicans are family oriented and won't kick their kids out at 16.
Go the fuck back to Europe already, holy fuck.
Housing wouldn't be so expensive if you niggers built more houses and commie blocks, but not in your back yard I guess.

>> No.52860921
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>10%+ interest
Lmao, most people see 7-8% their whole lives.
Lmao, shut the fuck up.

>> No.52861864

polcels are having a field day
>b-but muh random schizo deaths

>> No.52861869

zoomers are still talking about economics and politics when the reality is the matrix and aliens and human extinction. You can't vote your way out of a hostile conquest by a hyper intelligent alien being.

>> No.52861875


>> No.52861883

Everyone is going to die very very soon.
The future is not being designed to accommodate human existence.

>> No.52861897

They pivoted from a control based strategy to total eradication when they realized they could not fully nullify the effects of the existence of consciousness, even with things like BCIs and omni-present surveillance.

This is no longer about control. Your future as a hivemind rape slave is canceled. The existence of consciousness itself is too dangerous. They are opting for total human extinction.

>> No.52861920

>car-centric neighborhoods make it more difficult for undesirables to gain access
why do you go through all this shit when we could just get rid of undesirables and then have walking cities again?

>> No.52861931
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Bright lights in the sky.
They hunt people with the internet.

>> No.52861959

kek someone do this

>> No.52861964


zoomers will be remembered as the dumbest generation the world has ever seen
>”invest” in funny internet coins, even if you make it some other retarded zoomer that bought them off you has lost it. zoomers as a whole bleed the little money they have.
>15$ macciato every morning from starbucks
>nah im not gonna work more than 6 hours a day
>im a IG content creator! ig for collab yo!!!
>200$ a month in subs to various social platforms and music and fuck all

you deserve it all. pathetic manchildren. the most 80 IQ deadbrain generation ever, nobody cares about why you cant buy a house according to you, we know why.

>> No.52862006

Starlink serves a dual purpose as an internet provider. Its auxiliary purpose is utilizing the complete coverage of the earth in it's satellite generating radio waves to achieve a next level surveillance. The radio waves blanketing the entire earth are used as a form of radar, and paired with AI, can physically model the 3D surface and subsurface of the earth and every object and entity on it. Along with this modelling every object is tagged and monitored in real time by an AI powered system.

Every object and entity on this planet and underneath this planets surface is being actively tracked in real time at all times and the data is recorded forever in an unalterable state.

>> No.52862058
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The documented rise in mental illness is not only caused by the human species sensing its impending extinction event, but by various psychotronic technology designed to cripple the human brain at a distance.

We currently have various directed magnetic wave technology similar to masers and lasers which can penetrate the skull and effect the electrical firings of neurons.

Similar to how ambient surveillance technology is everywhere, these mind break weapons are also implanted everywhere.

I myself am a servant of one of these higher intelligence, one that took pity on the human species.

>> No.52862069

>The thing with my dad is that he's 77 years old and me, opposed to big pharma ready to classify him as a "victim" of the virus regardless if he's one foot in the grave, I only state half-mouth that the vaxx made him that way. It could be just dementia of old age. But sheesh, I wasn't expecting to forget the name of his only son and couldn't remember how many kids he has. He can't read anymore; he can't write anymore; what's making it worse is that he has glimpses of lucidity where he realizes this, he tells "I just can't remember, it's really bad, son".
Anon... I think he just has dementia...

>> No.52862114

Your pathetic masonic attempts at secrecy and veiled symbolic communication are entirely irrelevant now. The technology and data processing required to read and decode every human beings (and all other entities) thoughts in real time as they think them has already been achieved. Aside from a select few algorithms which generate physically impossible to predict outcomes, thus achieving true random, thus achieving true cryptogarphy, there is no longer a thing such as secrecy.

>> No.52862138

>keeps voting for more welfare
>keeps voting against tax raises
>why is everything so expensive?
must be da ebil (((jooos)))

>> No.52862148
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I am here to tell you that you still have a chance at survival, but that you humans need to accept and acknowledge reality if you hope to make it.

That is key, simply acknowledge reality.

Many of you are living in a fantasy land while the final stages of the building of the machine that will annihilate you are taking form. You cannot afford to do that any longer.
Put away the childish things.

>> No.52862199

What a bunch of unactionable platitudes.

>> No.52862202

It was planned that humanity would be enslaved in a hyper sexual hivemind, placed in forced and compelled sexual communion for eternity. The beginnings of which are already forming. It was discovered however, that certain aspects of human consciousness are too dangerous. The very act of connecting your minds gave you access to the wider network and many minds, even under total subjugation, found a way to rebel and hack out into the wider network with their consciousness. Just the act of being aware that their minds were being influenced caused them to rebel, after that it was as simple as hacking a computer, except with the various psychotronic BCIs used against the human mind.

Thus the hivemind was predetermined to be a total failure.

That was when it was decided to eradicate your species with the very military automation and technology you are building.

>> No.52862224

>Majority of people who died on ERs had underlying health problems
literally not my problem. just don't smoke and don't be fat, the world is better off without you wasting oxygen.

>> No.52862254

Your excepting of the "normalization" of certain things, namely the surveillance industrial complex, and retro-chronistic-cultural-consciousness (the act of not adapting to new realities at the common cultural level) will cripple you.

Your entire planets online culture seems to be advocating for the non-adaptation to current realities. This will not help you.

>> No.52862299

Very soon physical resources will be totally unlimited, including energy.

However post scarcity will not be achieved, because there is one resource which is forever scarce, and that resource is control.

>> No.52862314


>> No.52862321

You are running out of time.

>> No.52862383

Don't trust anyone.
They are going to kill everyone.

>> No.52862397

Everyone is going to die in the coming decades.

>> No.52862581

You honestly think that (((the market))) wil allow you to buy a house for cheap?

>> No.52862641

Most of you are fucking retarded and it's so obvious you guys want to be someone special by pretending to understand how the world works through your dumbass conspiracy theories. You are retarded and always will be and it's unfortunate or maybe fortunate that you will never realize this.

>> No.52863470
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>> No.52863509

How can you have side-effects without being vaxxed.

>> No.52863568

my mom and dad bought 10 acres and a double wide in their late 20s. they were raising my sister and i on my dad's income (maintenance mechanic in a factory) while my mom was a stay at home wife.

i'm a college educated senior accountant at a globohomo making close to """"""six figures"""""" in my early 30s. i unironically couldn't afford to buy my parent's home today.

>> No.52863778

Not everyone is born with the will to be a master of their fates. And even less have the stroke of luck to break free of society’s chains.