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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52854921 No.52854921 [Reply] [Original]

Is /ourguy/ going to be okay bros? Fuck...

>> No.52854961
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Ayy yo, white boi. You dat bro has all dem effereums and shieeet. finna get me sum of dat. come here now fr fr

>> No.52854971

somebody please set up a charity that only accepts FTT tokens plzzz we need to save our innocent jewish nasal prodigy from MIT!!!

>> No.52854978

Bahamian here, not he's not going to be okay. Our thugs are not friendly.

>> No.52854985

that man literally has tits

>> No.52854987

trips will declare whether he will drop the soap

>> No.52854990
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He bout ta get Epsteined!

>> No.52854991


>> No.52855013

Would be great to install webcam there, so I can wank

>> No.52855019

they can leave the cameras on this time and nobody will ask questions

>> No.52855074
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He's gonna troon out in prison like frosty.

>> No.52855088

That IS a woman.

>> No.52855096

basically no. bears lose.

>> No.52855107
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When the /o/ name fag was arrested. Neckbeard to troon. Maybe we will get a crypto jewess out of this?

>> No.52855114

Crafting the Suicide narrative it would seem.

>> No.52855165

I hope he gets raped by bbc every night

>> No.52855172

Its for bankman to suck on

>> No.52855192

hes a jew, poor guy cant even get the nazi gangs to help him in the pen

Giganiggas waiting him

>> No.52855224

lol not Nazi gangs in Bahamian prison anyway, he's gonna have a hell of a time.

>> No.52855253

>he doesn't know what a piggy lap party is

>> No.52855264

That is Thomas Schultz.

>> No.52855267

He's a flight risk so of course it was denied. The jew knows a lot of people in high places and so does his parents.

>> No.52855278

he wont be sent to serve time in the US?

>> No.52855291

it's just somewhere to keep him until extradited

>> No.52855303

OOF! - Just reading about the prison.
> Then you have to worry about who sleeping next to you because at any point you could wind up someone’s girlfriend or have to do what a woman does. You could end up getting hold down and raped. When we complain about someone raping us they laugh at us and don’t do anything. All kind of men got AIDS from getting raped in there.”

>> No.52855344

He's got long hair and a fat ass too. Holy fuck lol. lmao.

>> No.52855345
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hes not our guy you dumb kike and he never will be

>> No.52855432

its an old bahamian tradition called pin the weasel

>> No.52855713

I have a friend that did 6 months in prison. He told me that they don’t feed you a lot, so your gonna lose weight. You do NOT want to be the skinniest guy in jail because then your chances of guys taking advantage of you increase hugely. So you need to buy extra food from the commissary. He didn’t have anyone on the outside who would get him money, so what he’d do is on Wednesday’s, everyone would get out their secret stashes of cigarettes and smoke them in the courtyard. He’d go around and collect the cigarette butts and then sell them to the other prisoners throughout the week to get more food. He also said within the first week or two, you might get approached in the showers by the another guy to see if your up for it. He said it’s vital to let them know that the only way he’s getting to you is if your cold (dead).

>> No.52855720

he will, if he doesn't rope first. Fox Hill prison is no somewhere a pampered rich Jew boy can survive long term.

>> No.52855908
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>(((our))) (((guy)))

>> No.52855923

>can you post the GOOD meme? Cannot find it

>> No.52855966

The state of his arsehole

>> No.52855971
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>> No.52856017
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>> No.52856026

Oof... Imagine what a drop in living standards this is for Sam.
He can't even eat that prison slop or defend himself, he's a vegan with noodle arms and a nasal voice lmao

>> No.52856034
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>> No.52856060

That’s a woman

>> No.52856061

Imagine Sam's prison polycule

>> No.52856087

Fellow Bahamian here. I GUARANTEE YOU he's not gonna be held anywhere near another prisoner unsupervised. Dude is arguably the most high-profile prisoner we've had in the past several decades, and you think Brave Davis is gonna risk him getting hurt/killed under his watch? It's bad enough that this FTX stuff all happened under his party's time in power
Other than the general prison conditions which are known to be pretty bad, Sam will be fine

>> No.52856128

I though you were a tax haven. who do you have high crime rates?

>> No.52856162

I was just reading about that prison. Wow.


>> No.52856161

So was Epstein. Oooops.

>> No.52856199

Most of our murders are gang members and criminals killing each other, a smaller percentage is domestic violence related
Honestly as long as you're in any Bahamas island besides New Providence (Nassau), your chances of getting murdered or assaulted by a random person is very low especially if you're not a local. Even armed robberies are uncommon outside of Nassau, but things like stealings and house breakings do happen every now and then

>> No.52856220


>> No.52856228
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roll to find out what will happen to Sam
I'm gonna roll for the nigger to rape his butthole

>> No.52856230

The soap will be dropped. He’s getting tiddy fucked tonight

>> No.52856235

They're going to kill him. Like Jeffery Epstein. SBF knows too much.

>> No.52856241

If Sam's getting Epstein'd then it will happen post-extradition. The backlash would be too severe for us if it happened over here

>> No.52856262

They definitely did not kill Epstein lmao, that jew is free as a bird and alive and well

>> No.52856276

Unironically kneepads season for Sammy boy

>> No.52856275

Being in 24 hour lockdown is the worst possibility, I would rather have to fight niggers personally

>> No.52856283

how can a bahamas prison be bad? i thought all the black people there were chill potheads. or am i thinking of jamacia and cool runnings?

>> No.52856285

He doesn't know shit. Like Madoff he's going to be put through the wringer for robbing other kikes.

>> No.52856289
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, E7A82C07-07FB-4356-972A-9E983EB7D85F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m surprised he’s not being immediately extradited

>> No.52856290

I think you're just thinking of cool runnings. Jamaica's a shithole

>> No.52856294

don't know anything about the Bahamas but this makes the most sense.
I doubt they will just throw him in like if he were a common prisoner, they know he would end up dead in a week after being brutally raped and tortured.
This woke jew is about to have a brutal reality check anyways.

>> No.52856297

Not if you are autistic

>> No.52856307

jamaican people are violent as fuck

>> No.52856317

he had so long to escape fucking retard

>> No.52856320

Like many pantywaists, if he ever gets released he will reinvent himself as a prison reform activist. His sheltered life is about to come to an abrupt end.

>> No.52856323

Thanks Bahamas bro

>> No.52856324

I've done a mere 48 hours in the hole and it was WAY worse than I expected

>> No.52856346

What are the chances that he turns his life around and becomes a good person?

>> No.52856362
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epstien isn't dead!!!
I GOT IT RIGHT HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h58Vdj1FDhk
the reddit fags sent drones to his place when he was 'suicided'/'arrested'

>> No.52856369

What cameras?

>> No.52856389

Are you the Tua d rider from /sp/?

>> No.52856393

that's basically the NEET lifestyle, minus internet

>> No.52856413

hollywood has misled me? :(

>> No.52856505

plus nigger hairs woven into your clothes and all over your cell, with no option to clean it. the nigger hairs is the worst part.
at least he won't be cold in the bahamas though

>> No.52856527


>> No.52856566
File: 120 KB, 558x352, Screenshot 2022-12-13 191644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SBF will get justice..

>> No.52856568

soon when sbf is disappeared...
>who let mossad out

>> No.52856586
File: 27 KB, 615x384, Donna-Vasyli-being-led-to-court.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, they probably will give him special treatment, the only other prisoner I could think of that was similar to him and sent to Fox Hill is Donna Vasyli from out Old Fort Bay that murdered her multimillionaire husband a few years back. There are definitely way more eyes watching this guy though.

>> No.52856736

I actually went to highschool with one of the guys that sang that song lol.

>> No.52857884

Maybe if Jews turn all their money over to whites tomorrow to apologize for their many crimes against God and Man.

>> No.52858052
File: 79 KB, 795x900, 432A8733-3C7D-43EE-B477-7FF8E44FB26B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he’s not, don’t be ridiculous…

>> No.52858097

>SBF, 30, protested, telling Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt he couldn't go to jail because he is vegan and 'depressed.'

>> No.52858107

bad news. Sam committed suicide when the guard went to pee. Came back and sam shot himself in the back of the head. So sad.

>> No.52859530

You aint lived until you've suckled the prison milk from a Bahaniggers tittes

>> No.52859800

why he stablished himself in the bahamas? usually they use some place witout extradition to usa, is he retarded? he really felt above the law.

>> No.52859976

The soap will be dropped into his anus.

>> No.52859999

I'm a little naive when it comes to this whole "vegan" thing, but wouldn't you go to vegan hell if you swallowed a big fat load of BBC semen? Sperm are technically amphibians, no different than a tadpole. How are they allowing him to stay in jail there when he's clearly going to have to break his ethical contract? This is so fucked up, basically a Soviet style clown court. I'm praying for SBF.

>> No.52860029
File: 48 KB, 576x1024, e4022de6dc73ceb62ae66d9990abe9d1bbc2c2d1_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technically amphibians
its just science dudes

>> No.52860143

so which one is it bros, is Sam a secret liberal elite who is going to get away with everything just like /pol/ predicted? Or is he simply an idiot who ran an insolvent exchange and all of your claims about insiders one again are shown to be nonsense?

>> No.52860394


Why not both?

>> No.52860996


So hes gonna be put in maximum security/solitary confinement?

>> No.52861053

>Soft body retard who scammed bigger retards and was too retarded to prepare a proper exit scam to bug out
He literally is /biz/ if it made it big.

>> No.52861071

Fuck off and die kike rat

>> No.52861497


>> No.52861598

You motherfucking Bahamians better fucking protect him and give him 24/7 personal security in prison or it will be over for you cocksuckers! We ain't playin!

>> No.52861643

Wealthy people can just buy protection from both guards and cons in jails like this. He’s also a high profile case, so they won’t risk him being out and about with general population. Unless the governor lost money in the collapse….

>> No.52861701

I hope so much he gets raped by niggers

>> No.52861730

he's getting epsteined, DNC is not giving you your money back

>> No.52861746

It would solve A LOT of people problems if he disappeared.

>> No.52861758


why does everything run by niggers eventually devolves into anarchy and primitive tribal skirmishes ?

Why doesn't the US just invade and genocide all the (((bahamians))) which are just slave niggers brought from Angola

>> No.52861800

>killed in prison

>> No.52861811

I wanna live, bros

>> No.52861839

Wow, can you guys stop being so freaking mean to this poor kid? SBF may have made some mistakes and ended up getting arrested for fraud in the Bahamas, but come on, he's just a kid. He's not some mastermind criminal who intentionally set out to scam people.

Let's remember that everyone makes mistakes, especially when they're young and still learning about the world. SBF may have been naive and didn't fully understand the consequences of his actions, but that doesn't make him a bad person.

And seriously, all of this hatred and negativity towards him is just projecting your own insecurities and maybe even some hidden antisemitism. Leave the kid alone and let him learn from his mistakes. We all deserve a second chance.

>> No.52861856
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>Fukk ID
Kek. So when's the DVD coming out?

>> No.52862095

>take the fox pill go to fox hill

>> No.52862123

>Wow, can you guys stop being so freaking mean to this poor kid?

He's 30 year old kike.

>> No.52862140

>He's not some mastermind criminal who intentionally set out to scam people.
He precisely set out to scam people, customer funds had been going to Alameda from the beginning.

>> No.52862276

yo why they blur this nigga's nipples smfh

>> No.52862393
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>> No.52863230

Bro, cool it with the antisemitism. Sometimes things just happen and no one’s to blame.