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52854412 No.52854412 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Hedera (ticker: HBAR) underperforming?

>> No.52854527

Led by a Ghoul.
Literal cheerleader running PR.
Mance is bald.
Boomers trying to get one last scam before they exit their careers.
Literally a Fedcoin that anyone who understands crypto sees its glow.
Transactions are costed too low to ever make money (without delusional adoption).

And last but not least:
I have nearly 300K hbar and Satan put me on the earth to suffer.

>> No.52854928

this post glows

>> No.52854929

It's a literal scam

>> No.52854954
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, C819E6F1-0D59-4031-ADD5-B08F533D60F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because picrel is cucking it

>> No.52854962

nice FUD
just for that im buying more HBAR right now

>> No.52854968

holy shit, the matic faggot actually typed something real for once

>> No.52855000
File: 134 KB, 1024x894, 3343BEE7-FC93-4030-AD0E-4819391C6F10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngtmi (unironically)

>Hedera: shit NFT marketplace
>Polygon: one of the most valuable and active NFT market places (more than 5 million Reddit NFTs already minted)

>Hedera: shit DeFi space (27 million in DeFi TVL)
>Polygon: 4th highest DeFi TVL (more than a billion)

>Hedera: zero dApps
>Polygon: 53,000 dApps

>Hedera: no major partnerships
>Polygon: partnerships with fortune 100 companies

>> No.52855027
File: 272 KB, 1073x1394, DC116C85-F4E2-4E46-BDFC-93879F5A1DDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe harder

>> No.52855102
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>> No.52855127
File: 243 KB, 1644x1805, hbar cuck rent free .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Hedera (ticker: HBAR) underperforming?
Because Hedera failed to gain any actual useable adoption in 4 years and HBAR baggies are now stuck holding useless tokens of a ghostchain and all they can do is parrot how they have the best tech and obsess over chains which are actually being used like Solana/Polygon/FTM etc. Hedera is literally Betamax from 50 years ago kek

>> No.52855203

Underperforming? Isn't it still above 0? That means it's overperforming

>> No.52855225

Because it is a dag. Dags are shit

>> No.52855260

What are your guys price predictions for HBAR in 2023?

>> No.52855412
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but dr. sneedy wrote a paper which i skimmed through, it has equations and shit

>> No.52855477

Well there's still 27B left in uncirculated coins, so at minimum -60% from here. But in a decade we will get back to $.50!

>> No.52855515

When are we planning on raping hashbros? I think EOY 2025 my hopium supply will be empty of we don't pump

>> No.52855934
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>> No.52855982

Picrel is Unironically a based take.

>> No.52855988

hbar is a scam
solana is a scam
polygon is a scam

polygon is next. have fun with eleventybillion shitdapps when your coin is at .0001 USD

>> No.52856046

wait, there are still people holding this garbage? lol

>> No.52856148

yes, plenty of jeets hold hbar, solana and ploygon.
there's over a billion streetshitters, you know

>> No.52856157

The complex math equations don’t actually mean anything, they just put them in the white paper to make the white papers look like they are much more sophisticated to trick retail into buying

>> No.52856341

I like where your head is at anon but for $8.43 HBAR would have to surpass the market cap of ETH in the next year

>> No.52856395

ETH doesn't have 1 real life usecase other than shitcoin gambling and swapping. It needs an L2 to scale which also have 0 usecases...

The tortoise wins in the end.

>> No.52856433

Very true. Do you think it’s possible in the next 2 years for an enterprise case to role out? Genuine question

>> No.52856902

Atma.io was supposed to integrate with Hedera already so if within the next 2 years we still don't have any enterprise use cases it's time to jump ship. I suspect at the latest we'll have atma by Q2 2023

>> No.52856983

Ethereum is the consensus layer for application-specific side chains like Polygon and Arbitrum. This is the future and you will cope.

>> No.52857493

If in 2 years no enterprise cases are live it means crypto is dead lol...

TPS went as high like 8k in November during council meetings, it seems more like switch waiting to be turned on. Once one case goes itll go up and stay up forever.

>> No.52857505

Nah the future is a chan that acts as its own consesus layer whilst allowing others to utilize its same consensus layer.

That us the future and you will cope.

>> No.52858329

its pretty much over for hedera that still has no significant utilities, while on the other hand polygon is will be powering nike, ebay, reddit, instagram, flipkart, and mercedes' web3 journey

>> No.52858787

Atma is already running at full capacity.

>> No.52858993

It’s not. Just look at the tps for the network.

>> No.52859480
File: 63 KB, 320x292, 1629839049105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Atma at full capacity, anon.