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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52851807 No.52851807 [Reply] [Original]

>you vill live in ze pod

>> No.52851920

Funny how a crypto parasite is criticizing "the pods" considering you worship the simulation and your dream is to one day plug into matrix into your blockchain or whatever in the cold unfeeling hands of machines.

>> No.52851936

Shit. If you don't have to pay rent on the space I might take something like this.

>> No.52851970

Is this a tree house for my kids?

>> No.52852013

>not a single mention about crypto anywhere, not even remotely
are you okay?

>> No.52852023

How big is it?

>> No.52852045

He needs to blame someone but lacks the moral character to blame the people he voted for.

>> No.52852051

Nobody told me the pods would have cool designs on the outside, sign me up

>> No.52852060

a couple of these on my 20 acre woodland property might be pretty cozy.

>> No.52852067

Manufactured homes give you more space at a lower cost per foot. The problem isn't the structure, it's the land that gets you.

>> No.52852126

Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.52852140

I would love to live in an affordable pod, but the reality is the laws are designed to make affordable housing illegal.

>> No.52852146

mmm pokéball pods you say?
GoyimGang™ all aboard!!!

>> No.52852159

>only 24000

>> No.52852183

None of us would be crypto parasites in the first place if we lived in a society that met all our physical, spiritual, and emotional needs, we’d be more then happy to contribute honest work to such a society but alas we live in a Jewish hellhole globohomo so why the fuck would we give a shit about it and contribute to it? Being a crypto parasite neet in such an immoral society is actually a virtue, anything to hasten the collapse

>> No.52852193

>only 24000
This makes one of the most expensive sqm in the industry, go fuck yourself, seriously.

>> No.52852218

? This is biz. Finance is the glorification of the simulation and slavery. Whether or not crypto is involved makes little difference. I only mentioned crypto specifically because it the "purest" finance asset the most cancerous and parasitic one, jacked up finance on steroids

>> No.52852269
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this'll never be deployed in the real world until they can stack them up vertically like God's anal beads

>> No.52852270

>Whether or not crypto is involved makes little difference
It clearly does when you specifically mention crypto not 'finance' as a whole so I'll ask again: are you okay?

>> No.52852275

>meet our needs
Except "niggers, gays, kikes, females and poor useless eaters"

>To each according to need, from each according to ability

Watching nazis in the wild sure is an experience. You "people" are such an entertaining mess of confusion and contradictions. It is like you understand there is cancer "somewhere" in this dystopian Hellhole world we live in but somehow still manage to just go apeshit ultra schizo mode instead of reading a simple book on material analysis

>> No.52852279

Just build an A-Frame cabin. It's cheaper and has more space. Plus you don't look like a eunuch.

>> No.52852291

that's every "cheap innovative tech solution" startups have come up with in the last decade

>> No.52852318

now you're starting to get it

>> No.52852336

Why are you parasites always nitpicking the most reduntant and miniscule things?

I explained but you are obviously illiterate
>I only mentioned crypto specifically because it the "purest" finance asset the most cancerous and parasitic one, jacked up finance on steroids

Crypto is finance. This is biz and it deals almost exclusively with crypto. Would it make you feel better if i just typed "finance"? Nothing in my original reply would change. How are you so braindead. Why do you carry on just kys 4chan parasite

>> No.52852342
File: 124 KB, 827x1130, 1628997505917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching nazis in the wild sure is an experience. You "people" are such an entertaining mess of confusion and contradictions. It is like you understand there is cancer "somewhere" in this dystopian Hellhole world we live in but somehow still manage to just go apeshit ultra schizo mode instead of reading a simple book on material analysis

>> No.52852348

>Crypto is finance
Crypto is gambling. Everyone here knows this, even the ones who support it.

>> No.52852363

Dear WEF, JIDF, or any other glownigger agencies
Please give your glowies more training and don't hire retards like this that self destruct at the first hint of critique.

>> No.52852369
File: 6 KB, 210x240, sooooooi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto is finance. This is biz and it deals almost exclusively with crypto. Would it make you feel better if i just typed "finance"? Nothing in my original reply would change. How are you so braindead. Why do you carry on just kys 4chan parasite

>> No.52852372

Finance is gambling too with the exception ruling/owning class is the house and the whole globe are the players but sure great distinction dude

>> No.52852383

>mention crypto for no reason
>"why did you mention crypto for no reason?"
are you okay or not? just tell us

>> No.52852408

WEF hired a bunch of twitter types to influence online forums earlier this year

>> No.52852453

Losing everything in finance happens once in a lifetime. Crypto is once every week.

>> No.52852586

still gonna buy them up and rent them out at a markup and eventually sell them for 2x their worth, (not) sorry rentoid normoid femoid leftoid rightoid fagoids

>> No.52852655

You misunderstand. Youve already lost everything from stuff, and you are now playing with your physical body and every cycle you lose part of your body(and it happens every day not just "once in a lifetime". Your body is the "chips" in the casino of capitalism. Finance is EVERYTHING. Not just the stock market. EVERYTHING has been commodified and bought and sold 2 or 3 times already. Including land, water, food and shelter and yes animals and people too(even unborn children are being bought and sold as we speak)

>> No.52852709

Yeah. I was thinking connecting a bunch of them with person sized tubes and making a backyard space station
>24k not 2.4k

>> No.52852730

when the strawman inherits all your mental illnesses

>> No.52852749

I don't understand why you guys are being like this right now you havent even tried living in a pod so you have no fucking clue if you would like it or not

>> No.52852765

link??? I'm gonna buy one right now before the normies catch on and the price goes up kek

>> No.52852778

You sounds like a nigger talking about Whites.

>> No.52852867
File: 134 KB, 880x409, Kennedia - 5 Beds · 3 Baths · 1706 SqFt for 107k USD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24k for a one room pod where you don't have a bath, the kitchen is just a stove on the living room and you sleep on the couch because you don't have a dedicated bedroom
What's the point? You can get prefabricated houses in the US already and they're actually nice places to live.

I also don't get the obsession about cheaper housing, what else are you gonna spend your money on instead of a nice place to live? More plastic toys when you're 35?

>> No.52852897

Word of advice: Log off and get fresh air you fuckin weirdo.

>> No.52852926
File: 54 KB, 930x750, 74ea3537-c137-4d06-9d07-5a5f1b72711e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I make it I'm buying one of these pods and painting it to look like the pods in dragon ball z

>> No.52852940

Housing was never really the problem, the problem is everyone wanting to live in the same place

>> No.52852958

24 thousand kek why would I not just sleep in my car

>> No.52852957

>I also don't get the obsession about cheaper housing, what else are you gonna spend your money on instead of a nice place to live?
Another way for millennial left wingers to outsource their moral responsibility
>should we help out the homeless, who are largely not homeless due to poverty but because they're mentally ill drug addicts, by actually instating social programs to care for the insane and keep drugs out of their reach?
>NAH BRO it's cuz they can't be affording houses n sheeit, make houses cheaper and also give out clean needles and decriminalize possession!
Makes more sense when you realize most leftists are barely functioning, mentally ill drug addicts themselves

>> No.52853305
File: 31 KB, 600x485, 1658314949697455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can they add legs to my pod so I don't have too leave it? I think it might be nice too just sit in the pod while it walks me through nature. sorta like watching a nature documentary.

>> No.52853345

They told you that would own nothing. That includes the pod.

>> No.52853401



>> No.52853484
File: 926 KB, 2046x1972, 1611342523515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is soon.

>> No.52853495

I guess it won't be how /pol/ imagines the great reset. It won't turn into a barren wasteland a la mad max. You will own nothing but have to rent everything,

>> No.52853550

Honestly beats paying $1300 a month for a moldy studio

>> No.52853728

>Tests are underway to see if the pods protect against frostbite

>> No.52853781

>be homeless
>shit inside the pod

>> No.52853829

Imagine the face of the homeless when he wakes up gasping for air only to realize that the night before it snowed half a meter, and now he can't open the door, and will probably suffocate in the next few minutes.

>> No.52855482

There will be no collapse lol. We're already in the first phases of neo-feudalism. Will be nice times for rich bizraeli's really.

>> No.52855523

Inly elites will have kids in the future, homosex is more sensible for the goy.

>> No.52857926

Good explanation.

>> No.52858495
File: 459 KB, 1200x900, pondering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52859381

Bootlicking simp for the Jewish globohomo

>> No.52859397

It’s the linkers who wanted sergay to succeed. I hope they enjoy the bug and pod

>> No.52859450

THIS. People are so delusional.
The times create the people and times are created by the greater history of people that came way before you. It's not my fault shit is the way it is, and also crypto is just cool fuck you.

The pod think could only work if they were in walkable cities though. Society would need to be rebuilt for that. Nobody fucking wants to spend too much time in a tiny ass pod that's just depressing.

>> No.52859481 [DELETED] 

>everyone I talk to on this anonymous imageboard is the same nazi


>> No.52859498

why the fuck are they spheres? rectangles would be cheaper to produce, stackable, and be more spacious on the inside...what a stupid fucking idea...can you even imagine? a SPHERE? don't make me laugh........

>> No.52859531

High level post
If you think the biometric security grid will be a "nice life" for freethinking people just because you have more shekels then you truly are a midwit.

>> No.52859544
File: 145 KB, 1125x1180, B576E4B7-D0EC-4EC6-A3D7-F57F5FB603C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i vill NOT live in ze pod
>i vill NOT eat ze bugz
>i vill NOT verk for free
>i vill NOT die alone
>i VILL make it

>> No.52859572

>you vill live in ze laineyball

>> No.52859645

There were multiple commie revolutions in the world, why not go there? Are you stupid?

>> No.52859967

lmao stfu fag

>> No.52860520
File: 361 KB, 850x1082, sample_6539e387aafda19f78c1402cac03779c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will live in ze pod
You will be pacified
You will submit

>> No.52860783

/pol/cel who has jews living in his head rent free, go outside and touch some grass faggot

>> No.52860852


>> No.52860904

The pods are coming sooner than most e expect. By 2025 it will be more common than not to hear of people living with these arrangements

>> No.52860964
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>> No.52860980

Might even become a fashionable new trend. Tiny houses were too for a while. And the pod fits the downsizing, save energy, save everything, best not even exist and breathe type political fashion too.

>> No.52860999

>Might even become a fashionable new trend.
They're going to try and turn it into a status symbol but it won't work because women on all levels of society are ruthlessly craven and competitive with one another and they will always want more. No bitch is going to be happy in a "pod" if one of her girlfriends has a nice large two story house.

>> No.52861009

Or if her girlfriends live in the 'special' pods. Those will cost 100k. kek. We'll see.

>> No.52862263

I bought a 70m2 apartment for 24000€.

>> No.52862322

yeah like in Jurrassic Park except you get stuck in a ditch and raped by packs of homeless.

>> No.52862338

I AM NOT going into the pokéball.

>> No.52862341

the rent will be automatically withheld from your monthly UBI. All unspent credits of your CBDC allowance will become invalid at the end of the month. Go to our app for a list of pre-approved and participating ESG consumer products and grocery shops!

>> No.52862356

Enjoy living in a pod and eating bugs
> "The pods"
Why the quotations? Nigger they are literally pods.

>> No.52862374

I like the shiny metal one on the right, it would depend on the interior. Most of you are losers anyway who only need a place to set up a PC and a toilet to shit in. You don’t need a shitload of space.

>> No.52862390

Imagine using a toilet instead of collecting your pee pee poo poo

>> No.52862391

you can cry about it as much as you want, it won't get any of us to give a single cent to your welfare
start working instead of calling other parasites

>> No.52862402

>all the upvotes "This." replies to this retarded post
way to absolve yourself you fucking castrated mongoloids
>the world is so terrible wahhhh I can't self actualize because da joos ;-;
what a fucking bitchfest for terminally online jeets and other subhumans
probably a networth of 6 figures between you lot, if that

>> No.52862420

Exactly. Nobody on /biz/ is going to raise a trad family on a 40 acre property eith a McMansion on it. Reality is that you just need a desk for your PC, a bucket to shit in, and McDonalds wrappers to jizz into. Everything else you claim to need is you just lying to yourselves.

>> No.52862514


>> No.52862599

japan already did this decades ago

>> No.52863377
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>a sphere
what a wonderful waste of floor space

>> No.52863395

Since when does society have to give you any of that shit, zoomer. Holy shit this is fucking retardeeeeddd. We are unironically fucked considering this parasitic mentality infests all zooms

>> No.52863434

I was happy to not have read you in a while.
Please anon, post less.