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52850225 No.52850225 [Reply] [Original]

How does one snap out of a loser/poorfag mentality? asking for a friend...

>> No.52850252

break the loop, habits are what make you. that's it/

>> No.52850422

No matter how much money you make or how many useless toys you buy you will never be happy because you will have internalized the ideology of self hate and inadequacy and your soul will be tainted. You already exhibit symptoms of this cancer in your post. This is the foundamental principle of our cancer society. Living beings are considered worthless parasites and are required constantly and never endingly to "repent" for the sin of existing. It will never be enough because simply put; YOU are not enough.

This cancer is reproduced daily with never ending neoliberal propaganda beamed directly into your brain since the moment you were born. "Personal responsibility, pull bootstraps, grindset mentallity" and ultra individualism are necessary ideologies to be internalized by the masses for the functions of capitalism.

Also when i say cancer i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally; capitalism shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

You are demanded to become a sadomasochist relishing in violence directed first and foremost towards yourself and then towards everyone and everything else and unless you comply with that you will be directly or indirectly executed. Lying, cheating, stealing, conflict, slavery and war are behaviors highly incentivized and encouraged under capitalism

>> No.52850439

by getting rich

>> No.52850460

most important (tell this your friend): have the balls to ask yourself and not send a frend to do whay you dont have the balls for

>> No.52850497

read this. you're welcome.

>> No.52850708
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this but its a good thing

>> No.52851202

I dont care if you are a masochist who longs to be dominated and enslaved but calling it "good" is a stretch. At best it is neutral and it most definitely shouldnt be how our society functions

>> No.52851324

except its just how society works, period. you described human behaviour pre-history, in the bronze ages, antiquity, middle ages, and now. it's human behaviour, not necessarily exhibited by all but most and specifically those more likely at the top. communist attempts to get rid of capitalism always result in a similar "violent" system coming into place, because guess what, stalin, kruschev, xi and various party members all are the equivalent of similar power positions in western societies, they just adapted to THEIR circumstances

>> No.52851361

>snap out
You work out, make it a routine, drown yourself in your work, focus on money and focus on yourself.
Stay busy. Boredom will kill your progress
Confidence will come eventually

>> No.52851385

>worthless bugman mentality
>le it's already over for you, don't bother trying
Go back bugman!

>> No.52851405
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Simple make money and stop being a frog posting /pol/tard loser.

>> No.52851470

I am literally saying the opposite, claiming that living beings have already "made" it and are inherently valueable and important and anyone who calls for you to enact in self harm and injury is doing it out of his own self interest

But its ok bro keep deepthroating that boot and pulling on those bootstraps! In just 1, 2 or 200 years you will make it! Braindead parasites all of you, you will reach 80 yo and still be waiting for your life to start

>> No.52851514

>the absolute state of tranny memes

>> No.52851571

Wow sorry I didn't catch that mr bug! Thank you for clarifying that your distraught rant into the void harping on the pointlessness of effort in life was intended to be read with a positive spin!
I especially like the subtle between the lines notes of "changing it" via violence I can only assume. Carry on then Mr bug!
We can't all be successful and happy, there of course has to be people like you who project their deeply ingrained failures and attempt to convince others to embrace their own.
>you will reach 80 yo and still be waiting for your life to start
Even if that were the case, I'd prefer it to your fate, laying on your shit stained couch and ripping bong hits in between handfuls of doritos

Ah, the grass feels good today my friend.

>> No.52851576
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>Everything I don't like is le tranny.
Rent free.

>> No.52851602

"MuH HumAn NaTurE"

Rightoids grow tiring. It is so tiring hearing the same braindead "arguments" for 30 years straight. I dont care anymore. It doesnt matter anyways whether the masses rebel or if buissness continues as usual the status quo will be eliminated one way or another. The only added benefit of a revolution is that maybe we can salvage the biosphere and the continued existence of our species. Either way parasites like you perish, mother Earth will heal and life will continue and flourish as usual.

>> No.52851646

Funny how you tall about projection because it is my theory that rightoids worship slavery and subjugation and the idea that living beings are "worthless" in need of repentance for the sin of existing because it stems from their deep insecurity as they consider THEMSELVES worthless and project this ideology to the world obsessing over "degenerates, worthless eaters, subhumans, niggers, females, kikes" or whoever

>> No.52851648
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you're such a massive faggot I'm not even gonna bother
>Verification not required.

>> No.52851952

OK, so what about this? If you feel like shit lift some weights or go for a run. Give it a few weeks, maybe you won't lose inches off your waist or gain inches on your biceps but you'll find yourself running longer or lifting heavier and doing more reps.

Oh wait, bwahahahaha this is inconceivable for the commiebug. You'd rather sit and moan about le ebil cabitalism rather than make yourself stronger and better. Maybe you can juice on roids like faggots like Jack Murphy or Hassin, losers who can't do real work.

Don't listen to the commiebug ruining your thread. Lift, run, do anything that gets your heart racing. It will naturally release endorphins and dopamine and make you feel good. As for breaking poor I don't really know. Maybe move in with mom and dad for a bit to build up wealth? Ignore societyshitters they're just jealous that you get free tendies from mom (maybe consider lemon grilled chicken for something healthier).

>> No.52853295

Me on the right

>> No.52853324


Stop caring about money and look for meaning in nature, family and friends.

>> No.52853383

>Stop trying to get rich quick, and realize that anything worth achieving takes time
>Make small but noticable changes, rather than massive leaps that will likely not last (swap out a food item rather than completely changing diet, invest in small quantities rather than betting your savings, etc).
>Surround yourself with people who you want to be like, but not yes men, don't be afraid of criticism but realize some may try to out you down as well.
>know when you can't do something yourself, and reach out to more experienced people to learn how to do things.

You can make it anon. 1% better a week.

>> No.52853725
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What do you mean by loser/poorfag mentality? With a clearer picture maybe we can help more specifically. What's going on, anon?

>> No.52853783

dont stop doing stuff