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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52844597 No.52844597 [Reply] [Original]

Ahem…still not bankrupt and audited, come and join us binnance brothers where your money will be safe

>> No.52844767

then why has it still never recovered from its crash? in fact its dumping right now.

>> No.52844798

They are still bankrupt, you fell for a trick lmao. They disclose all their massive loans. They have massive expenses they are contractually obligated to pay every year (nice stadium faggots), they claim barely being 102% overcollat meaning they have fuck all in money to keep them afloat. Ensogo ran away with every customers money when Kris failed to save that company with an intentional and fraudulent business model intended to extract customer funds through ridiculous contracts and file bankruptcy later.

>> No.52844805

They didnt*

>> No.52844809

all of crypto is a ponzi

>> No.52845220

An audit implies they posted assets and liabilities not assets and trust us bro.

>> No.52845263

Or you know I could just keep my coins in a wallet I control the keys to because I'm not fucking retarded

>> No.52845400
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> Everything is FUD
> All of CEOs previous scams were mistakes
> We don't give a fuck that CRO price is headed to zero, every leg down is a buying opportunity
> We don't give a fuck that APY has been slashed to nothing
> We don't give a fuck that Netflix and Spotifiy perks are ending
> We don't care that Crypto.com has the worst spreads among exchanges when buying
> We don't care that Crypto.com has largest fees when transferring out
> A $0.50, we bought more CRO because it was super cheap
> At $0.35, we kept buying more CRO because it was free money
> At $0.15 we bought more CRO because it was a fucking firesale, this was how you get rich
> At $0.06, we're comfy as fuck because we know we're hitting $0.10 EOY

>> No.52845410

because the token has nothing to do with user funds

>> No.52846391
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>> No.52846466

There will be blood.

>> No.52847090

The fucking guys in Qatar probably own this shit and they’re looking for something to swap for the oil in the next coming years. My guess is they’re pushing this crypto thing a lot with advertisements everywhere because that’s where they see there wealth moving too after oil becomes next to non existent

>> No.52848372

> I want to swap oil for a dead shitcoin scam
said nobody ever. crypto is full of retards

>> No.52849723


>> No.52851909
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Still liquid
How about you go try and withdraw from Binance and see if you have been locked out too
The massive amount of binance shills FUDing CRO is just great
Just letting you know I bought in at 6 cents BEFORE the BULL and sold that stadium up in the 80 cent range

>> No.52852516
File: 448 KB, 672x609, Screenshot 2022-11-09 9.43.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only retards have their funds in exchanges whether it be binance, coinbase or whatever.
> I bought in at 6 cents BEFORE the BULL
sure you did. every retard claims they timed the pump and dump just right. fact is that retards who used CDC locked their shit for long periods of time to get Netflix and CRO scam rewards and never got a chance to cash out at ATHs. So you are shilling your bags and defending CDC forever. KCUKED by KRIS