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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 219 KB, 662x661, 1670897981571394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52842077 No.52842077 [Reply] [Original]

I am very bad because covid, i need hope.

>> No.52842098
File: 282 KB, 785x785, 25 cent shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a BAT bagholder. $25 isn't completely out of the question for this shitcoin.

>> No.52842110

>Christcuck begging for help

Maybe you should pray harder to your magic Jew sky daddy

>> No.52842115


>> No.52842158


>> No.52842166
File: 3.40 MB, 1271x1888, 34ACDA4E-C0D3-4524-81D7-15C686731F16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have taken the vaxx, Bible thumping anti vaxxer

>> No.52842195

Please HELP me ;_;

>> No.52842370
File: 464 KB, 487x900, IMG_20221208_131226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it about 3 months, but Eternal Cash
Team doxed with weekly video AMA's. Holding let's you share profits from multiple sources including a licensed casino (accepting fiat soon), eternal domains (first web3 platform on BSC, use beer.bsc for a discount on domain mint), eternalnfts, and extendswap. Lots.of good shit still coming too.
>200k MC, buy on PancakeV1 or extendswap.
100x is fud.

>> No.52842385

>I need a 100x PLEASE
Buy literally anything under 10M mcap and wait for the next bull market which should start in a year and a half or so.

>> No.52842387
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can't think of any good options

>> No.52842537

then you better keep an eye on BitDAO that's using the largest DAO directed treasury to fund innovative projects and bring the next 100x to the market

>> No.52842560

Vela.exchange $dxp is honestly the best chance in crypto for a 100x in 2023

>> No.52843250


>> No.52843275

It won’t 100x, but there’s a storm brewing around BSV and getting at least a small bag before the 19th wouldn’t be completely retarded. I can realistically see a 5x tops from it.

>> No.52843318

Reminder that Yeshua bar Yosef is a false prophet.

>> No.52843363


>> No.52844394

GME if you want a 1,000X

>> No.52844705 [DELETED] 

>I need a 100x PLEASE
Mid cap and low cap privacy focused tokens could be your best bet. With so much regulations coming into the space, privacy solutions coils paly a very key role going forward.

>> No.52844716
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Radiant RXD

>> No.52844821

>I need a 100x PLEASE
mid caps and low caps privacy focused tokens are your best bet. With so much regulations coming into the crypto space, privacy solutions could play a key role going forward.

>> No.52845003
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You are about getting -100x. Stay safe>>52842077
on your stablecoins and farm for rewards through SpoolFi or Aave.

>> No.52845052
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Summerfag, don't be conned by some of those proposed concepts that often turn out to be vaporware, Only low caps that kept building will make it through the bears. To produce such great runs you need something from the payment platform. They're delivering

>> No.52845169


Christ is King

>> No.52845262

That was about 2000 years ago. BTC is king here

>> No.52845302

My brother in Christ may you pull through

>> No.52845387

I've Aave I'm sure is going to be huge for the Metis ecosystem. HOPE, Is an amazing buy, with the potential to do more, and Xpress stands out when it comes to real-life utilities. They are used for booking travel

>> No.52845392

Just swing a 1x one hundred times

>> No.52845405
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Only after the world

>> No.52845657
File: 540 KB, 564x559, Dr Statera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statera. Get in before Concentrated Liquidity Pools go live.

>> No.52845734

You want to fly with no wings, anon. You can flap your arms as hard as you want, it won't work, unless you're on the Moon.
If you have no knowledge of rugpulls and risk, you'll just get fleeced for what little money you have. See: Celsius users, BSC shitcoin casino, all the dumb shit that gets shilled on here, like Kaspa nowadays, etc. Nobody can reliably give you a x100, because if others know, they'll jump on the opportunity themselves, and else, they're lying.
Look at this shit.

>> No.52846155

Henlo. Buy kyspa scam ser. Jew is satoshi.

Dog bat 50b


>> No.52846932

>I need a 100x PLEASE
just wait for more dump

Definitely not lunc, I don't trust anything related to LUNA, I'd say you bet on something profitable like Rfox or Ride that just launched it's cloudbreaker NFTs

>> No.52847513

Unironically NGMI. Hope your christmas is merry though.

>> No.52847983

It's already a big cap but for SPOOL, still mid cap with limited supply for the yield aggregator platform. Bagging that one for bigger gains soon.

>> No.52848233
File: 160 KB, 1742x1005, eternal_domains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bearish on the first web3 domain site on bsc

>> No.52848606

Not needed

>> No.52848846
File: 132 KB, 600x338, eternal_domains_working_site.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternal Cash way better, same mechanics as STA, backed by working products.

>> No.52848883
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Fucked up my gif lmao

>> No.52848975

>makes claim
>no proof

>> No.52849039

Jasmy could literally 100x right now and it would still be below its high from last Fall

>> No.52849104
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>bad because covid
Only if you believe it exists. Buy HEEL (Good Dog), don't be a retard just do it.

>> No.52849249
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Absolutely crucial.

>> No.52849833
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This post best post learn to cope fiction worshippers.

>> No.52850175

Maybe you should get on loop and scrt, they are the best projects on the cosmos ecosystem atm, a 20x is possible in no time.

>> No.52851138


>> No.52852316

Can we really see $25 for BAT anytime soon?

>> No.52852391

I know scrt as one of the best privacy project, but I never heard about loop, is it a new project, and what are they up to?

>> No.52852447

It takes smartness to make that a reality

>> No.52852567

I heard spool is one of the best defi project so far, but I'm not sure of their staking rewards

>> No.52852634
File: 7 KB, 241x209, ggsggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, scrt is cool, loop is just a new project on juno network, aiming to bring more utility to nfts via staking, and other features.

>> No.52852659

If God was real then we wouldn't have child rape and men thinking they are women. There is 0 proof of God, and so much proof to the contrary.

>> No.52852969
File: 2 KB, 125x68, 1649398346876s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sylo may be a good deal
>decentralized communication plus P2P options.

>> No.52853003

No bruv I had high hopes but it’s over and there’s nothing we can do anymore

>> No.52853136

'covid' isn't real and you are a lost hope and a retard for thinking otherwise.

>> No.52853160

I held that shit for a year and even tried the app. It's a load of shit. Only invest if you like losing money.

>> No.52855279

BASED, how the fuck is biz so jewish wtf?

>> No.52855749

they added an M in front of everything and rewrote history
Christ was Kang 1000 years ago, maybe even a little less

>> No.52856163

What makes you think privacy projects aren't building. You just need to broaden your knowledge by doing more research to see how projects like Dero, Railgun are making it seamless making anon txns

>> No.52856203

>If God good why bad?
Free will.

>> No.52856374

the countries arent even remotely one to one, and yes, organized religion is obviously more important in a less developed life.

>> No.52856920

what are your plays anon?

thoughts on LOAN and XPR?

>> No.52856932

Have you tried turning yourself off and back on again?

>> No.52857153
File: 268 KB, 500x500, Truebit - Lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the bullshit, Truebit $TRU, Ethereum devs are foudners, white paper co-authored by Vitalik, roll out this month in EU, DYOR

>> No.52858532


>> No.52860281

Do you think Christ used the nail holes in his hands and feet to jerk off his disciples? He could take on 6 cocks at once using those holes, his mouth, and pooper. He'd scream CUM UNTO ME as a torrential downpour of jizz covered his once sacred body

>> No.52860312

shitty reddit moons and whatever the latest dog coin is will be more likely to hit $25 than this disgusting token. Gamblers NGMI.

>> No.52860700

Kek. What you need are tokens with real utilities, like payment solutions for example, or one building a bank on the metaverse. Think on it.

>> No.52860710

>mid caps and low caps
Based. Add a little passive income to it just like the one on Xpress. Sleep with your eyes closed.

>> No.52860898

Modular wallet om arbitrum. But I'm researching so hold still

>> No.52860981
File: 6 KB, 274x184, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just need to broaden your knowledge by doing more research
Research too me to projects that support payment gateways. I see the next trend on that especially cryptoxpress. I'm slurping.

>> No.52861008

these new pow chains get dumped on hard by miners, you're basically signing up to be the first round of exit liq for them.

>> No.52861029
File: 10 KB, 318x158, DevProtocol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Jesus we trust

>> No.52861745

>dumped on by miners
as opposed to CEOs, VCs, ICO baggies, preminers and airdrop holders? kek weak fud my guy.

>> No.52861754

NGMI. Also op anon, get LUNC.

>> No.52862294

ask jeesus lol


>> No.52862900

there are a lot of xrp attachments with cbdcs. more like a herald. LOAN cross-defi functionalities are similar to ORE, reducing the complexity of defi and blockchain complexity

>> No.52862946

privacy is a requisite for payment solutions. wall streets wouldn't want their transactions written on the wall

>> No.52862988

real yield are the best form of passive income.

>> No.52863419

MC is over 1M dum dum

>> No.52863877
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>> No.52863920

What does that mean for price? I’m a retard and I’m not talking about xrp but xpr (proton chain). That being said what are ur thoughts on xrp as well?

>> No.52863953

looks dead bruh what's the deal here? Items not updated in roadmap as far back as March.

Redpill me

>> No.52863984

Ok, and? Maybe try expressing complete ideas?

>> No.52864157

on a lookout, seems promising

>> No.52864570
File: 50 KB, 388x364, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then buy icp nigger

>> No.52864684

Free will and God are mutually exclusive