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52842327 No.52842327 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52842341

I am sorry i made mistakes. CZ won what more do you incels what?

>> No.52842345

that's just fox news hysteria to bait boomers and get them whipped into a frenzy
do not fall for it

>> No.52842351

and justly deserved, he ruined lives. He literally had a money printing machine and fucked it up. Literally all he had to do was just sit back and collect trading fees he would be set for life. Fucking greedy fuck.

>> No.52842355

He jewed other Jews right? made sense that they want blood.

>> No.52842372


>> No.52842383
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Yeah. They'll go easy on him but he'll get some beating for going a bit too far. Everyone in club gets 10 percent and getting too greedy has its punishment. CZ and winklebrads know this and are still safu. Ignore CZ fud.

>> No.52842394

I want my foreskin back. NOW!

>> No.52842396

poor kid

>> No.52842397

Southern District of NY.. the most disgusting corrupt office in the country.. they're trying to protect their bosses.. so interesting they'd arrest him before he talks to Congress.. why not wait a day? they're already going to let him off.. there is a two tiered system of justice in this country. one for you, and one for [them].. there will be no fair application of the law. nor will there be prosecutors who are true to their oath.. there is only corruption. each of you expects this, and you also condone it.. that's why they rub it in your face..

>> No.52842403

I bet they fuck each other.

>> No.52842415

>if he gets convicted
Unfortunately, as a member of gods chosen, that “if” is more like a never.

>> No.52842418
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>> No.52842419

Damn why all this hate? The kid made a mistake AND apologized, y'all just racist.

>> No.52842428

and that's a good thing!

>> No.52842429

ok jew

>> No.52842434

He'll get to rape kids with Epstein on some island after the show trial is over.

>> No.52842451

Can't be racist towards white people :)

>> No.52842488

hes innocent free my mans

>> No.52842493
File: 195 KB, 1200x850, ft-Inside-Sam-Bankman-Frieds-300M-Bahamian-fiefdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steal billions of dollars
>not charged for a month
>don't flee to a non extradition country
what was he thinking? pic related are the yachts he could have sailed away on near his penthouse. He really was over confident derp who thought he could play the system even after getting caught.

>> No.52842499

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

>> No.52842510


>> No.52842532


>> No.52842561

imagine not going all in on crypto right now

>> No.52842583

fuck off back to /tv/ with the plebbitors, faggots.

>> No.52842585

He SAID he was sorry

>> No.52842593

Just in time to not testify!

>> No.52842613

2 stanford profressors raised this kike piece of shit jewish fucking parasites i hope hell exists so they can get ass raped for 10000000 years

>> No.52842625

Right after I'm done skullfucking your cheap whore mother faggot

>> No.52842630

Hes a good kid, just made a mistake you know. Boys will be boys. Give him a break.

>> No.52842633
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>> No.52842644
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>> No.52842655

For what tho

Fractional reserve banking? Being overexposed in an asset? Nigga there are 90000 firms doin that exact shit with fiat

>> No.52842663

Sbf learns the power of bbc.

>> No.52842672


>> No.52842675

american movies are so overrated, blech

>> No.52842683
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>> No.52842721
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>> No.52842735
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I'm still not convinced he'll be punished. Cool it with the anti-semitism.

>> No.52842739

This is all theatre, he is going to get a slap on the wrist and go to a luxury “prison” for a couple of years and be let out. No way Jews would let of of their own in a federal prison for black men to rape them

>> No.52842768

>don't flee to a non extradition country
But what country could that be
Even Israel would extradict him because hes such a special case
So the only option i see is Ukraine maybe

>> No.52842770

Satan's chosen. FTFY

>> No.52842786

Look at them frontal lobe chads

>> No.52842794


Israel has strict non extradition for jews after ww2 kek. Even if they are high profile.

>> No.52842798
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>> No.52843003

You'd think Fox would understand that magic beans are unregulated. They keep the meme alive.

>> No.52843012

don't flatter yourself cupcake, you are right there with the boomer ignorance

>> No.52843013

>Even Israel would extradite him
lmfao. Go do some reading.

>> No.52843046

that feeling when the weasel pins you

>> No.52843088

Fucking moron didn't go to Israel. They only extradite goyim there. He deserves to be convicted for being too stupid to do that alone.

>> No.52843091

>go to Isreal
>can't get convicted
>die of old age at 120 years old after a fulfilling life
He'd be a dumbass if he doesn't bail there.

>> No.52843173

Because he genuinely didn't think he'll be convicted of any wrongdoing.
People carelessly misplace $10bn of customer deposits all the time, literally no reason to suspect anything shady.

>> No.52843191

i wont be happy unless he gets multiple reincarnated life sentences. I want his jew ass to come back in another life and still be in jail.

>> No.52843271

I genuinely believe he's just a fucking retard. It seems as if he was running his multibillion dollar exchange the same way someone might run a small business. I don't believe he genuinely tried to grift his customers. That's not to say I don't think he should go to jail for a long time, he clearly misappropriated customer funds and was doing fraudulent shit, but I'm tired of seeing these fags on twitter acting like he's some mastermind that stole $8b for himself.

>> No.52843294

Dubai arrested and extradited hushpuppi

>> No.52843331

He's fried check'em

>> No.52843351

One of the more ridiculous AI Gen images I've seen yet.

>> No.52843367
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was /sci/ right all along?

>Head circumference and brain size in autism spectrum disorder
>Head circumference was significantly larger in autistic compared to control individuals.
>Prevalence rates for macrocephaly and brain overgrowth in autism, confirm the variation of abnormal brain growth with age,
>and support the inclusion of this endoPHENOTYPE in multi-biomarker diagnostic panels for clinical use.

>> No.52843390

headline hyperbole but it would be funny af to see sfb’s reaction when the feds first try to squeeze him

>> No.52843432
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>> No.52843457


>> No.52843461

I don't know. I have noticed a lot of autists have underdeveloped frontal lobes, but maybe that is more ADHD than anything else?
Myself I have a giant head and a large cranium. I have a very high spatial IQ otherwise I think I'm of average intelligence.

>> No.52843480

He's already been arrested.

>> No.52843517
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I will sell your foreskin back to you for one hundred million dollars

>> No.52843529


>> No.52843620

the jew genes kicked in

>> No.52843746

a third option is, he still was retarded and did it on purpose, maliciously. could have been thinking the house of cards would collapse long after or not at all, or be able to sustain the grift. he wouldn't have had to be a criminal mastermind to try to fuck people over. even a fourth option still- he could have been justifying in his own mind his (obviously self-serving) "altruism" and "philanthropy" and thinking it would balance out morally anything shady he was doing.

>> No.52843756

As expected I told my wife the first day FTX went insolvent. He didn’t donate enough… lmao

>> No.52843810

As soon as he gets out he's going to pick up billions, so he needs LIFE.

>> No.52843959

He inadvertently scammed other jews from the fallout of his scheme, pretty sure even Israel wouldn't let him off lightly.

>> No.52843962

life aint so simple. if it is try to do that lol

>> No.52844361

big IF

>> No.52844391


>> No.52844417

i'd feel bad for him if he didn't rob so many broke ass people

>> No.52844424

>Two tier justice system
Lol you're right. You think you'd be allowed to tell Congress when you wanted to testify or not? Lol

>> No.52844425


I feel for all the poor people and the people who lost everything and committed suicide.
That fat kike should be held accountable for all those deaths.

>> No.52844450

100% one of Joe Biden's outgoing pardons

>> No.52844457 [DELETED] 

inb4 he commits suicide

>> No.52844464

inb4 "suicide"

>> No.52844475

How about 80 billion dollars. Where is the money!

>> No.52844479
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did our girl cut a deal with the pigs?

>> No.52844481

free daily orgies for life what's not to like?

>> No.52844487

7) N

>> No.52844491

This is known as the Kings Contract. The elite/smarter/stronger do not have a right to abuse the more vulnerable of society (the weaker/dumber/poorer) just because they can or to enrich themselves. Even the rich need plumbers. This is the social contract.

>> No.52844499

he is a jew who lived life on tutorial mode since birth due to family wealth and connections
of course his survival instincts are basically at 0, people like that are hardly aware of the concept of consequences

just look at his social media blunders after the incident, all he had to do was shut his mouth and go incognito as advised by lawyers
some sort of god complex with this race of people

>> No.52844544

was this the bit connect of the bull run?

>> No.52844546

i don't know either, it varies a lot and autism is a kinda vague diagnosis that can coincide with other things like ADHD, some are tards and some are smart etc. i went to a school full of autists and some of the students had huge ayylmao heads.

>> No.52844552

>if convicted

>> No.52844568

btw i was mostly just referencing the meme


>> No.52844739

Get the fuck out of here he admitted his political opinions regarding wokeness and all the sjw shit was a grift, the whole fucking thing was a grift to the point where retards like you are still running damage control for him FOR FREE. He didn't just steal billions but also free labor from retards like you, you dumb motherfucker.

>> No.52844796

Sorry its out of your hands and in the hands and face of old black women

>> No.52844812
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seethe more faggot
he is a true /biz/raeli unlike you

>> No.52844813


The total eradication of you and your disgusting, subhuman "chosen people"

>> No.52844861

>sail off into the sunset
sail off where retard? every ship needs to dock at a port eventually they would have just arrested him there. Also if he tried to flee that would make it look even more suspicious and they would have just sent a chopper or boats or something to intercept him. he should have tried to cut a deal with some south american non extradition government for safety with the money he had left rather than tweeting one word letters from his account every day

>> No.52844889
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>> No.52844891

y'all missed the part where the weasel rolled on him, she was spotted leaving an FBI Office in brooklyn today.

>> No.52844902

Yeah stealing money is nigger shit, a true /biz/raelie earns it and has no reason for anyone to take it away from him or risk life in prison for it. Kill yourself

>> No.52844934
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how new are you faggot?
we created the bitcoin meme to sell it to the system
not our fault if you are retarded and fell for our scam

>> No.52845000

Why are people want him to be in jail? If he is in jail, he will never pay you guys money

>> No.52845015

Get a load of this self grandiose nigger. Let me guess you invented bitcoin? This is just pathetic.

>> No.52845033

The kid said he was sorry, you antisemitic fucks, the ADL will hear about this!!

>> No.52845060

>photo of Latino gang
>niggerspeak greentext

>> No.52845159

/biz/ doesn't know shit

>> No.52845172

he's fucking evil. I can't believe he wanted to crash tether. he needs to be punched in the face

>> No.52845208

>I genuinely believe he's just a fucking retard.
but but that cant be it, he attended mit as well as his group of cronies.

>> No.52845225

>Ukraine maybe
Kek ukraine would extradict him too. They arent some meme rogue state like you want them to be. Its only China, Iran, Venezuela, Bolivia maybe and Iran. Those were his choices.
Israel extradites now. They changed the law after that other case.

>> No.52845227

>but but that cant be it, he attended mit as well as his group of cronies.
>prestigious schools
They were connected lmao.

>> No.52845230

>could be
We could all be dead if Joe pressed the button.

>> No.52845242

I really thought he had got away with it.

>> No.52845247

Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si

>> No.52845261

I didn't lose any money and i know he wont be serving time. Although he probably should.

>> No.52845266

He will never go to a high security prison. It will be like shkreli, a "not that bad" experience.

>> No.52845352
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>Ukraine maybe
what are you stupid.
the obvious answer is Russia

>> No.52845367

>scheduled to stify in front of congress tomorrow

>> No.52845393

I heard he was looking to go but denied entrance

>> No.52845936

they're going to madoff him

>> No.52845950

Nah they figure out a way to get him prisonor swapped to Israel for some wbna tranny in a few weeks after being convicted

>> No.52845958
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Public execution for gambling away all the monies.

>> No.52845985

>scheduled to stify in front of congress
I guess they won't be seeing his stiffy in congress afterall

>> No.52846006

I hate them so much it's unreal

>> No.52846022


>Immigrating to Ukraine, a war torn country with a budget comprised of American help and loans by 80%, just like Afghanistan during Ghani's reign.

Some of you Westerners are truly retarded. NGMI.

>> No.52846037

>IF convicted
so a nothingburger then

>> No.52846088

he's going to have his lunch as a free man isn't he

>> No.52846106


here's the complaint

>> No.52846113 [DELETED] 

Do Kwon is currently hiding in Serbia

>> No.52846120

>He really was over confident derp who thought he could play the system even after getting caught.

Or he really didnt commit crimes as such. Just genuine mistakes.

>> No.52846127

>Fractional reserve banking? Being overexposed in an asset? Nigga there are 90000 firms doin that exact shit with fiat

Yeah I'm not a fan but I don't believe he intentionally defrauded anyone.

>> No.52846143
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lmao even

>> No.52846156
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what a nice young man who never intended to defraud anyone

>> No.52846160
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>what more do you incels what?

>> No.52846169
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the death penalty

>> No.52846191

he could still facetime them from jail

getting arrested isnt an excuse to not show up

>> No.52846202
File: 117 KB, 666x711, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, these aren't standard features on exchange accounts?

>> No.52846209
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>oh haha, i just accidentally hid a few billion dollars worth of "loans"

>> No.52846210


>> No.52846212

There's no country on Earth that will keep you safe if you steal billions lmao

>> No.52846263

>A true /biz/raeli goes to prison for life
When are you starting your sentence? Maybe do it McAfee style and kill yourself too?

>> No.52846269

Sic Semper Judaeus

>> No.52846282
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>> No.52846289
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>> No.52846324


>> No.52846895

Atleast now he got arrested.
There are inspiring CEOs like SanjaKon and Beniamin Mincu achieving great things in the crypto space.
He deserves to be behind bars