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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52839584 No.52839584 [Reply] [Original]

How am I even supposed to buy a house? I should have about $30k USD saved by April, but then all I can buy with that down payment is a fucking 1 room box. I'm tired of living at home at 25.

>> No.52839618

You are supposed to find a wagecuck position where you'll slave away 8 hours per day every single day for the next 40 years and therefore be eligible to get in debt to """buy a house""" and then just slave away your entire life for the chance of maybe owning that same house. Enjoy.

>> No.52839624

What do you need a house for? A pod is all you need.

>> No.52839754

I'm wageslaving now but at least I work from home
I want space for all my toys :(

>> No.52839762

How do you only have $30k saved at 25 while living with your parents?

>> No.52839776

what a shitty plan
is this in europoor or somwthing?

>> No.52839816
File: 70 KB, 1024x856, 1652631911929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived at home so long, my family moved out, and my cousins and his friends moved in.

Grandfathered into a quad

>> No.52839973

I just graduated last summer, been working my current job for a little over a year now. Finally have car and school paid off.
No joke this is a condo in Illinois.

>> No.52839982

just buy a headset and live in zuckerbergs metaverse

>> No.52839994

Lol move somewhere else or you're ngmi

>> No.52840036

Don't want to leave limited family :(

>> No.52840395

My plan is to try to rent a room out for like $1000/month to some friends to try and recoup some for the mortgage

>> No.52840774

that's an apartment not a house

>> No.52841457

>supposed to

>> No.52841500

>living at home to 25
>only 30k saved
Sounds like your fault unless your parents are charging you full rent.

>> No.52841503

Buy the box. Srs

>> No.52841510
File: 8 KB, 372x361, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, you need more?

>> No.52842899

I've only been out of school for about of year and used the time to pay off school and my car

>> No.52843079

Buy the box. Rent it out to a Chinese or Mexican family. Save up more money. Buy another box. Rent it out. Repeat. Live in a van until you become uber-jewed slumlord rich. Buy mansion. Rent it out to Jews. Repeat.

>> No.52843095

Take the homeless pill.

>> No.52843151
File: 1.23 MB, 735x1195, fuck off city dwelling faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move out of the city you stupid fuck. Oh wait... Never mind. Stay there. Your kind isn't welcome.

>> No.52843179

I live in the suburbs. I'm also white.

>> No.52843196

>all I can buy with that down payment is a fucking 1 room box
where the fuck do you live? I can't even buy that.

>> No.52843227


>abandoned shacks in the wasteland are cheap

well no shit

>> No.52843229
File: 11 KB, 321x297, verification not required.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Stay there you worthless faggot. Your kind isn't welcome in the country.

>> No.52843242

You have a problem with getting your hands dirty during a work shift? Sounds about right for city dweller. Too bad there weren't any black persons within 300 miles to complain about to give you a reasonable excuse. You just outed yourself as a through and through city cuck.

>> No.52843388

your 25, no kids, job, 30k in the bank. live at home.

plan to get a house when your 30. take the next 5 years and travel, you need experiences not toys, no need to move anywhere, you can visit places a week at a time. That will slowly errode your current family dependence and replace it with the desire to create your own family. I know this basket weaving forum is too edgey to promote family, but its what your tired of, and what you want to build. You wouldn't want to leave if you were plowing good puss. You want to find a decent girl that wants to take care of you and your future children, and you won't find that at home and you can't be flexible and choosy if you buy a cheap home in the suburbs full of retirees and failed marriages, all the good girls are in cities chasing dreams, and you can visit a different city every week, learn about meaningful shit, whore around with a condom on, and choose the best girl to fill your new home when your ready to settle.

>> No.52843437

Bullet dodged, I don't want to live in whatever backwater boonies you reside in with your fucking welfare ass. I live in a nice area, shame on me for wanting to stay here.
Thank you for good advice. maybe I'll just stay home and live off my parents for a bit longer

>> No.52844452

>I'll just stay home and live off my parents for a bit longer
Worthless slob. Do your parents a favor. kys